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The entry point to the PELUX Yocto/OE build system is the pelux-manifests repository. It contains the information on the layers that are used for different flavours of the project build.
OSS layers:
- poky - Poky Build Tool and Metadata
- meta-openembedded - Collection of OpenEmbedded layers
- meta-ivi - Layer for InVehicle Infotainment software
- meta-swupdate - Recipes to support deployment of Yocto's images based on swupdate project
- meta-virtualization - Layer enabling hypervisor, virtualization tool stack, and cloud support
- meta-qt5 - Vendor branches of
- meta-boot2qt - Layer for Boot2Qt
- meta-arp - Layer providing BSP for Automotive Reference Platform
- meta-intel - Layer containing Intel hardware support metadata
- meta-raspberrypi - Hardware specific BSP overlay for the RaspberryPi device
Layers maintained by the PELUX project:
- meta-pelux - Contains the reference integration platform and the PELUX image recipes.
- meta-bistro - Adds IVI specific components and additions to relevant OSS components.
- meta-template - Contains template recipes and components that can be used as examples when starting your own R&D work.
The Development Handbook contains most of the documentation around how to use PELUX and how to set up a new project.
The SoftwareContainer is a framework to manage and contain applications created and vetted by third party developers in an automotive setting. A launcher (e.g. a UI) sends a signal to the SoftwareContainer to start a new Container. It can then configure the Container using a documented JSON format and can launch processes inside the Container. This can then be used to isolate applications from each other and make sure they are not interfering and to limit/manage resources available to the applications.
As a reference UI, PELUX integrates components from Qt Automotive Suite which is part of the Qt Project. It is a collection of software components and tools to enable development of In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems. The vital components used in PELUX can be found below.
The QtApplicationManager provides the infrastructure for modern multi-process IVI architectures using Wayland composition and input event handling, while at the same time having the option to scale down to single-process setups for mid-range product variants, or for convenient native development on host platforms without Wayland. The Qt Application Manager supports you with app lifecycle management and isolating and securing apps.
QtIVI provides additional APIs commonly needed in automotive IVI or cluster systems. The APIs serve as a common interface between the QML frontend and middleware services. Since those APIs, however, differ slightly from project to project, a particular emphasis is put on easy extensibility/adaptability. QtIVI supports development by providing infrastructure for having multiple backends (e.g. simulation and the real hardware). In addition, while using standard Qt logging methods, a GENIVI® DLT adapter is used in case the DLT logging backend is present on the system.
Neptune 3 UI is the Qt Automotive Suite reference UI implementation designed for an IVI system.