diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c969d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+name: Bug report
+about: Create a report to help us improve
+title: "[BUG]-"
+labels: bug
+assignees: ''
+**Describe the bug**
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+Include a stack trace of the exception if possible.
+Paste stack trace here
+**To Reproduce**
+Steps to reproduce the behavior:
+1. Go to '...'
+2. Click on '....'
+3. Scroll down to '....'
+4. See error
+**Expected behavior**
+A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
+**Additional context**
+Add any other context about the problem here.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/essentials-plugin-request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/essentials-plugin-request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bee158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/essentials-plugin-request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+name: Essentials Plugin Request
+about: Request an Essentials Plugin
+title: "[REQUEST] - "
+labels: plugin request
+assignees: ''
+** Describe the Plugin **
+What do you want the plugin to do? Is it for a specific device? If it's for a specific device, include the manufacturer and model, along with links to API documentation if available.
+** Does it need to be available in SIMPL Windows? **
+If it does, describe the functionality that should be exposed to SIMPL Windows via EISC. This may include an example join map, or other way of documenting the layout of the EISC.
+** Additional Features or functionality **
+Describe additional features or functionality that this plugin should have.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a854e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: Feature request
+about: Suggest an idea for this project
+title: "[FEATURE]-"
+labels: enhancement
+assignees: ''
+**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
+A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
+If this is a request for support for a new device or type, be as specific as possible and include any pertinent manufacturer and model information.
+**Describe the solution you'd like**
+A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
+**Describe alternatives you've considered**
+A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
+**Additional context**
+Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
diff --git a/.github/scripts/GenerateVersionNumber.ps1 b/.github/scripts/GenerateVersionNumber.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5a3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/GenerateVersionNumber.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+$latestVersions = $(git tag --merged origin/main)
+$latestVersion = [version]"0.0.0"
+Foreach ($version in $latestVersions) {
+ Write-Host $version
+ try {
+ if (([version]$version) -ge $latestVersion) {
+ $latestVersion = $version
+ Write-Host "Setting latest version to: $latestVersion"
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Host "Unable to convert $($version). Skipping"
+ continue;
+ }
+$newVersion = [version]$latestVersion
+$phase = ""
+$newVersionString = ""
+switch -regex ($Env:GITHUB_REF) {
+ '^refs\/heads\/main*.' {
+ $newVersionString = "{0}.{1}.{2}" -f $newVersion.Major, $newVersion.Minor, $newVersion.Build
+ }
+ '^refs\/heads\/feature\/*.' {
+ $phase = 'alpha'
+ $newVersionString = "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}" -f $newVersion.Major, $newVersion.Minor, ($newVersion.Build + 1), $phase, $Env:GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
+ }
+ '^refs\/heads\/release\/*.' {
+ $splitRef = $Env:GITHUB_REF -split "/"
+ $version = [version]($splitRef[-1] -replace "v", "")
+ $phase = 'rc'
+ $newVersionString = "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}" -f $version.Major, $version.Minor, $version.Build, $phase, $Env:GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
+ }
+ '^refs\/heads\/dev*.' {
+ $phase = 'beta'
+ $newVersionString = "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}" -f $newVersion.Major, $newVersion.Minor, ($newVersion.Build + 1), $phase, $Env:GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
+ }
+ '^refs\/heads\/hotfix\/*.' {
+ $phase = 'hotfix'
+ $newVersionString = "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}" -f $newVersion.Major, $newVersion.Minor, ($newVersion.Build + 1), $phase, $Env:GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
+ }
+Write-Output $newVersionString
diff --git a/.github/scripts/UpdateAssemblyVersion.ps1 b/.github/scripts/UpdateAssemblyVersion.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e52b31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/UpdateAssemblyVersion.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+function Update-SourceVersion {
+ Param ([string]$Version)
+ #$fullVersion = $Version
+ $baseVersion = [regex]::Match($Version, "(\d+.\d+.\d+).*").captures.groups[1].value
+ $NewAssemblyVersion = ‘AssemblyVersion("‘ + $baseVersion + ‘.*")’
+ Write-Output "AssemblyVersion = $NewAssemblyVersion"
+ $NewAssemblyInformationalVersion = ‘AssemblyInformationalVersion("‘ + $Version + ‘")’
+ Write-Output "AssemblyInformationalVersion = $NewAssemblyInformationalVersion"
+ foreach ($o in $input) {
+ Write-output $o.FullName
+ $TmpFile = $o.FullName + “.tmp”
+ get-content $o.FullName |
+ ForEach-Object {
+ $_ -replace ‘AssemblyVersion\(".*"\)’, $NewAssemblyVersion } |
+ ForEach-Object {
+ $_ -replace ‘AssemblyInformationalVersion\(".*"\)’, $NewAssemblyInformationalVersion
+ } > $TmpFile
+ move-item $TmpFile $o.FullName -force
+ }
+function Update-AllAssemblyInfoFiles ( $version ) {
+ foreach ($file in “AssemblyInfo.cs”, “AssemblyInfo.vb” ) {
+ get-childitem -Path $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE -recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $file } | Update-SourceVersion $version ;
+ }
+# validate arguments
+$r = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($args[0], "\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*");
+if ($r.Success) {
+ Write-Output "Updating Assembly Version to $args ...";
+ Update-AllAssemblyInfoFiles $args[0];
+else {
+ Write-Output ” “;
+ Write-Output “Error: Input version does not match x.y.z format!”
+ Write-Output ” “;
+ Write-Output "Unable to apply version to AssemblyInfo.cs files";
diff --git a/.github/scripts/ZipBuildOutput.ps1 b/.github/scripts/ZipBuildOutput.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca4a9a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/scripts/ZipBuildOutput.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Uncomment these for local testing
+# $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE = "C:\Working Directories\PD\essentials"
+# $Env:SOLUTION_FILE = "PepperDashEssentials"
+# $Env:VERSION = "0.0.0-buildType-test"
+# Sets the root directory for the operation
+$destination = "$($Env:GITHUB_HOME)\output"
+New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path ($destination)
+Get-ChildItem ($destination)
+$exclusions = @(git submodule foreach --quiet 'echo $name')
+# Trying to get any .json schema files (not currently working)
+# Gets any files with the listed extensions.
+Get-ChildItem -recurse -Path "$($Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE)" -include "*.cplz" | ForEach-Object {
+ $allowed = $true;
+ # Exclude any files in submodules
+ foreach ($exclude in $exclusions) {
+ if ((Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent).contains("$($exclude)")) {
+ $allowed = $false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($allowed) {
+ Write-Host "allowing $($_)"
+ $_;
+ }
+} | Copy-Item -Destination ($destination) -Force
+Write-Host "Getting matching files..."
+# Get any files from the output folder that match the following extensions
+Get-ChildItem -Path $destination | Where-Object {($_.Extension -eq ".clz") -or ($_.Extension -eq ".cpz" -or ($_.Extension -eq ".cplz"))} | ForEach-Object {
+ # Replace the extensions with dll and xml and create an array
+ $filenames = @($($_ -replace "cpz|clz|cplz", "dll"), $($_ -replace "cpz|clz|cplz", "xml"))
+ Write-Host "Filenames:"
+ Write-Host $filenames
+ if ($filenames.length -gt 0) {
+ # Attempt to get the files and return them to the output directory
+ Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$($Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE)" -include $filenames | Copy-Item -Destination ($destination) -Force
+ }
+Get-ChildItem -Path $destination\*.cplz | Rename-Item -NewName { "$($_.BaseName)-$($Env:VERSION)$($_.Extension)" }
+Compress-Archive -Path $destination -DestinationPath "$($Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE)\$($Env:SOLUTION_FILE)-$($Env:VERSION).zip" -Force
+Write-Host "Output Contents post Zip"
+Get-ChildItem -Path $destination
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-betabuilds-caller.yml b/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-betabuilds-caller.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ca618c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-betabuilds-caller.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+name: Beta Build
+ push:
+ branches-ignore:
+ - "main"
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ branch:
+ description: 'Branch to build'
+ required: true
+ type: string
+ call-workflow:
+ uses: PepperDash/workflow-templates/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-builds.yml@main
+ secrets: inherit
+ with:
+ branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}
+ default-branch: "main"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-releasebuilds-caller.yml b/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-releasebuilds-caller.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a3374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-releasebuilds-caller.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name: Release Build
+ release:
+ types:
+ - released
+ branches:
+ - "main"
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ branch:
+ description: 'Branch to build'
+ required: true
+ type: string
+ call-workflow:
+ uses: PepperDash/workflow-templates/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-builds.yml@main
+ secrets: inherit
+ with:
+ branch: "main"
+ default-branch: "main"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GetPackages.BAT b/GetPackages.BAT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6def3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GetPackages.BAT
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@Echo ON
+nuget install .\packages.config -OutputDirectory .\packages -excludeVersion
diff --git a/packages.config b/packages.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0df495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages.config
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Bridge/ColorlightZ6JoinMap.cs b/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Bridge/ColorlightZ6JoinMap.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec0a19..0000000
--- a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Bridge/ColorlightZ6JoinMap.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-using PepperDash.Essentials.Core;
-namespace PepperDash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6.Bridge
- public class ColorlightZ6JoinMap : JoinMapBaseAdvanced
- {
- [JoinName("brightness")] public JoinDataComplete Brightness =
- new JoinDataComplete(new JoinData {JoinNumber = 1, JoinSpan = 1},
- new JoinMetadata
- {
- Label = "Brightness control",
- JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
- JoinType = eJoinType.Analog
- });
- [JoinName("preset")] public JoinDataComplete Preset =
- new JoinDataComplete(new JoinData {JoinNumber = 2, JoinSpan = 1},
- new JoinMetadata
- {
- Label = "Preset Recall",
- JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
- JoinType = eJoinType.Analog
- });
- [JoinName("showOn")] public JoinDataComplete ShowOn =
- new JoinDataComplete(new JoinData {JoinNumber = 1, JoinSpan = 1},
- new JoinMetadata
- {
- Label = "Show On",
- JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
- JoinType = eJoinType.Digital
- });
- [JoinName("showOff")] public JoinDataComplete ShowOff =
- new JoinDataComplete(new JoinData {JoinNumber = 1, JoinSpan = 1},
- new JoinMetadata
- {
- Label = "Show Off",
- JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
- JoinType = eJoinType.Digital
- });
- public ColorlightZ6JoinMap(uint joinStart) : base(joinStart, typeof (ColorlightZ6JoinMap))
- {
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/ColorlightZ6Controller.cs b/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/ColorlightZ6Controller.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b4385b..0000000
--- a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/ColorlightZ6Controller.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Linq;
-using Crestron.SimplSharp;
-using Crestron.SimplSharpPro.CrestronThread;
-using Crestron.SimplSharpPro.DeviceSupport;
-using PepperDash.Core;
-using PepperDash.Essentials.Core;
-using PepperDash.Essentials.Core.Bridges;
-using PepperDash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6;
-using PepperDash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6.Bridge;
-namespace Pepperdash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6
- public class ColorlightZ6Controller:EssentialsBridgeableDevice
- {
- private Thread _queueProcess;
- private readonly CrestronQueue _myQueue = new CrestronQueue(100);
- private CTimer _heartbeatTimer;
- private const long HeartbeatTime = 1000;
- private readonly ushort _id;
- public IBasicCommunication Communications { get; private set; }
- public ColorlightZ6Controller(string key, string name, IBasicCommunication comm, ColorlightZ6Properties config):base(key, name)
- {
- Communications = comm;
- var socket = Communications as ISocketStatus;
- if (socket != null)
- {
- socket.ConnectionChange += SocketOnConnectionChange;
- }
- Communications.BytesReceived += CommunicationsOnBytesReceived;
- _id = config.Id;
- Debug.Console(0,this, "Creating Colorlight Z6 controller with id {0}", _id);
- }
- private void CommunicationsOnBytesReceived(object sender, GenericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs genericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs)
- {
- Debug.Console(0,this,"Device Response: {0}", BitConverter.ToString(genericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs.Bytes));
- _myQueue.Enqueue(genericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs.Bytes);
- if (_queueProcess == null || _queueProcess.ThreadState == Thread.eThreadStates.ThreadFinished) return;
- _queueProcess = new Thread(ProcessQueue, null);
- }
- private object ProcessQueue(object obj)
- {
- while (!_myQueue.IsEmpty)
- {
- var myResponse = _myQueue.Dequeue();
- Debug.Console(2, this, "response: {0}", myResponse);
- }
- return null;
- }
- public override bool CustomActivate()
- {
- Debug.Console(0, this, "Activating Colorlight Z6 {0}", _id);
- Communications.Connect();
- return true;
- }
- private void SocketOnConnectionChange(object sender, GenericSocketStatusChageEventArgs genericSocketStatusChageEventArgs)
- {
- if (genericSocketStatusChageEventArgs.Client.IsConnected)
- {
- if (_heartbeatTimer == null)
- {
- _heartbeatTimer = new CTimer(SendHeartbeat,null, 0, HeartbeatTime);
- }
- return;
- }
- _heartbeatTimer.Stop();
- _heartbeatTimer.Dispose();
- _heartbeatTimer = null;
- }
- private void SendHeartbeat(object o)
- {
- Communications.SendBytes(new byte[]{0x99, 0x99, 0x04, 0x00});
- }
- public override void LinkToApi(BasicTriList trilist, uint joinStart, string joinMapKey, EiscApiAdvanced bridge)
- {
- Debug.Console(0, this, "Connecting to SIMPL Bridge with joinStart {0}", joinStart);
- var joinMap = new ColorlightZ6JoinMap(joinStart);
- if (bridge != null)
- {
- bridge.AddJoinMap(Key, joinMap);
- }
- var customJoins = JoinMapHelper.TryGetJoinMapAdvancedForDevice(joinMapKey);
- if (customJoins != null)
- {
- joinMap.SetCustomJoinData(customJoins);
- }
- Debug.Console(1, "Linking to Trilist '{0}'", trilist.ID.ToString("X"));
- Debug.Console(0, "Linking to Bridge Type {0}", GetType().Name);
- trilist.SetUShortSigAction(joinMap.Brightness.JoinNumber, SetBrightness);
- trilist.SetUShortSigAction(joinMap.Preset.JoinNumber, RecallPreset);
- trilist.SetBoolSigAction(joinMap.ShowOn.JoinNumber, SetShowOn);
- trilist.SetBoolSigAction(joinMap.ShowOff.JoinNumber, SetShowOff);
- }
- public void SetBrightness(ushort brightness)
- {
- var brightnessPercent = (float) Math.Round(brightness/65535.0f,1);
- Debug.Console(0,this,"Brightness Level {0} Percent {1}", brightness, brightnessPercent * 100);
- var brightnessBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(brightnessPercent);
- var commandBase = new byte[]
- {
- 0x21, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
- };
- var command = commandBase.Concat(brightnessBytes).ToArray();
- Debug.Console(0, this, "Brightness Command {0}", BitConverter.ToString(command));
- Communications.SendBytes(command);
- }
- public void RecallPreset(ushort preset)
- {
- var command = new byte[]
- {
- 0x74, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) preset
- };
- Debug.Console(0, this, "Preset Command {0}", BitConverter.ToString(command));
- Communications.SendBytes(command);
- }
- public void SetShowOn(bool notUsed)
- {
- var command = new byte[]
- {
- 0x11, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01
- };
- Communications.SendBytes(command);
- }
- public void SetShowOff(bool notUsed)
- {
- var command = new byte[]
- {
- 0x11, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
- };
- Communications.SendBytes(command);
- }
- }
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.projectinfo b/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.projectinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index c7c829c..0000000
Binary files a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.projectinfo and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.sln b/src/ColorlightZ6.sln
similarity index 78%
rename from pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.sln
rename to src/ColorlightZ6.sln
index 702ba59..ae11888 100644
--- a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.sln
+++ b/src/ColorlightZ6.sln
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
-Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi", "pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi\pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.csproj", "{8F8B7548-7AE3-4899-9B3B-5877767F4984}"
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "epi-colorlight-Z6", "epi-colorlight-Z6.csproj", "{8F8B7548-7AE3-4899-9B3B-5877767F4984}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
diff --git a/src/ColorlightZ6BridgeJoinMap.cs b/src/ColorlightZ6BridgeJoinMap.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8778cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ColorlightZ6BridgeJoinMap.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+using PepperDash.Essentials.Core;
+namespace ColorlightZ6
+ public class ColorlightZ6JoinMap : JoinMapBaseAdvanced
+ {
+ [JoinName("Brightness")] public JoinDataComplete Brightness =
+ new JoinDataComplete(
+ new JoinData
+ {
+ JoinNumber = 1,
+ JoinSpan = 1
+ },
+ new JoinMetadata
+ {
+ Description = "Brightness control",
+ JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
+ JoinType = eJoinType.Analog
+ });
+ [JoinName("Preset")] public JoinDataComplete Preset =
+ new JoinDataComplete(
+ new JoinData
+ {
+ JoinNumber = 2,
+ JoinSpan = 1
+ },
+ new JoinMetadata
+ {
+ Description = "Preset Recall",
+ JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
+ JoinType = eJoinType.Analog
+ });
+ [JoinName("ShowOn")] public JoinDataComplete ShowOn =
+ new JoinDataComplete(
+ new JoinData
+ {
+ JoinNumber = 1,
+ JoinSpan = 1
+ },
+ new JoinMetadata
+ {
+ Description = "Show On",
+ JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
+ JoinType = eJoinType.Digital
+ });
+ [JoinName("ShowOff")] public JoinDataComplete ShowOff =
+ new JoinDataComplete(
+ new JoinData
+ {
+ JoinNumber = 1,
+ JoinSpan = 1
+ },
+ new JoinMetadata
+ {
+ Description = "Show Off",
+ JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.FromSIMPL,
+ JoinType = eJoinType.Digital
+ });
+ [JoinName("Name")]
+ public JoinDataComplete DeviceName = new JoinDataComplete(
+ new JoinData
+ {
+ JoinNumber = 1,
+ JoinSpan = 1
+ },
+ new JoinMetadata
+ {
+ Description = "Device Name",
+ JoinCapabilities = eJoinCapabilities.ToSIMPL,
+ JoinType = eJoinType.Serial
+ });
+ public ColorlightZ6JoinMap(uint joinStart)
+ : base(joinStart, typeof (ColorlightZ6JoinMap))
+ {
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ColorlightZ6Controller.cs b/src/ColorlightZ6Controller.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2fc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ColorlightZ6Controller.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using Crestron.SimplSharp;
+using Crestron.SimplSharpPro.CrestronThread;
+using Crestron.SimplSharpPro.DeviceSupport;
+using PepperDash.Core;
+using PepperDash.Essentials.Core;
+using PepperDash.Essentials.Core.Bridges;
+namespace ColorlightZ6
+ public class ColorlightZ6Controller : EssentialsBridgeableDevice
+ {
+ private Thread _queueProcess;
+ private readonly CrestronQueue _myQueue = new CrestronQueue(100);
+ private CTimer _heartbeatTimer;
+ private const long HeartbeatTime = 1000;
+ private readonly ushort _id;
+ public IBasicCommunication Communications { get; private set; }
+ public ColorlightZ6Controller(string key, string name, IBasicCommunication comm, ColorlightZ6Properties config)
+ : base(key, name)
+ {
+ Communications = comm;
+ var socket = Communications as ISocketStatus;
+ if (socket != null)
+ {
+ socket.ConnectionChange += SocketOnConnectionChange;
+ }
+ Communications.BytesReceived += CommunicationsOnBytesReceived;
+ _id = config.Id;
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Creating Colorlight Z6 controller with id {0}", _id);
+ }
+ private void CommunicationsOnBytesReceived(object sender, GenericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs genericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs)
+ {
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Device Response: {0}", BitConverter.ToString(genericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs.Bytes));
+ _myQueue.Enqueue(genericCommMethodReceiveBytesArgs.Bytes);
+ if (_queueProcess == null || _queueProcess.ThreadState == Thread.eThreadStates.ThreadFinished) return;
+ _queueProcess = new Thread(ProcessQueue, null);
+ }
+ private object ProcessQueue(object obj)
+ {
+ while (!_myQueue.IsEmpty)
+ {
+ var myResponse = _myQueue.Dequeue();
+ Debug.Console(2, this, "response: {0}", myResponse);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public override bool CustomActivate()
+ {
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Activating Colorlight Z6 {0}", _id);
+ Communications.Connect();
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void SocketOnConnectionChange(object sender, GenericSocketStatusChageEventArgs genericSocketStatusChageEventArgs)
+ {
+ if (genericSocketStatusChageEventArgs.Client.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (_heartbeatTimer == null)
+ {
+ _heartbeatTimer = new CTimer(SendHeartbeat, null, 0, HeartbeatTime);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ _heartbeatTimer.Stop();
+ _heartbeatTimer.Dispose();
+ _heartbeatTimer = null;
+ }
+ private void SendHeartbeat(object o)
+ {
+ Communications.SendBytes(new byte[] { 0x99, 0x99, 0x04, 0x00 });
+ }
+ public override void LinkToApi(BasicTriList trilist, uint joinStart, string joinMapKey, EiscApiAdvanced bridge)
+ {
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Connecting to SIMPL Bridge with joinStart {0}", joinStart);
+ var joinMap = new ColorlightZ6JoinMap(joinStart);
+ if (bridge != null)
+ {
+ bridge.AddJoinMap(Key, joinMap);
+ }
+ var customJoins = JoinMapHelper.TryGetJoinMapAdvancedForDevice(joinMapKey);
+ if (customJoins != null)
+ {
+ joinMap.SetCustomJoinData(customJoins);
+ }
+ Debug.Console(1, "Linking to Trilist '{0}'", trilist.ID.ToString("X"));
+ Debug.Console(0, "Linking to Bridge Type {0}", GetType().Name);
+ trilist.SetUShortSigAction(joinMap.Brightness.JoinNumber, SetBrightness);
+ trilist.SetUShortSigAction(joinMap.Preset.JoinNumber, RecallPreset);
+ trilist.SetBoolSigAction(joinMap.ShowOn.JoinNumber, SetShowOn);
+ trilist.SetBoolSigAction(joinMap.ShowOff.JoinNumber, SetShowOff);
+ }
+ public void SetBrightness(ushort brightness)
+ {
+ var brightnessPercent = (float)Math.Round(brightness / 65535.0f, 1);
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Brightness Level {0} Percent {1}", brightness, brightnessPercent * 100);
+ var brightnessBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(brightnessPercent);
+ var commandBase = new byte[]
+ {
+ 0x21, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ var command = commandBase.Concat(brightnessBytes).ToArray();
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Brightness Command {0}", BitConverter.ToString(command));
+ Communications.SendBytes(command);
+ }
+ public void RecallPreset(ushort preset)
+ {
+ var command = new byte[]
+ {
+ 0x74, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) preset
+ };
+ Debug.Console(0, this, "Preset Command {0}", BitConverter.ToString(command));
+ Communications.SendBytes(command);
+ }
+ public void SetShowOn(bool notUsed)
+ {
+ var command = new byte[]
+ {
+ 0x11, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01
+ };
+ Communications.SendBytes(command);
+ }
+ public void SetShowOff(bool notUsed)
+ {
+ var command = new byte[]
+ {
+ 0x11, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) (_id >> 8), (byte) (_id & 0xFF), 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+ };
+ Communications.SendBytes(command);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/PluginFactory.cs b/src/ColorlightZ6Factory.cs
similarity index 54%
rename from pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/PluginFactory.cs
rename to src/ColorlightZ6Factory.cs
index dde6c51..f737513 100644
--- a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/PluginFactory.cs
+++ b/src/ColorlightZ6Factory.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PepperDash.Core;
-using Pepperdash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6;
using PepperDash.Essentials.Core;
using PepperDash.Essentials.Core.Config;
-namespace PepperDash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6
+namespace ColorlightZ6
public class PluginFactory: EssentialsPluginDeviceFactory
@@ -19,14 +18,21 @@ public PluginFactory()
public override EssentialsDevice BuildDevice(DeviceConfig dc)
- Debug.Console(0, "Creating Colorlight Z6 controller...");
- var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
+ Debug.Console(1, "[{0}] Factory Attempting to create new device from type: {1}", dc.Key, dc.Type);
var config = dc.Properties.ToObject();
- var device = new ColorlightZ6Controller(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, config);
- return device;
+ if (config == null)
+ {
+ Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory: failed to read properties config for {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var comm = CommFactory.CreateCommForDevice(dc);
+ if(comm != null) return new ColorlightZ6Controller(dc.Key, dc.Name, comm, config);
+ Debug.Console(0, "[{0}] Factory Notice: No control object present for device {1}", dc.Key, dc.Name);
+ return null;
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/ColorlightZ6Properties.cs b/src/ColorlightZ6PropertiesConfig.cs
similarity index 56%
rename from pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/ColorlightZ6Properties.cs
rename to src/ColorlightZ6PropertiesConfig.cs
index 75ab43c..960c9a8 100644
--- a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/ColorlightZ6Properties.cs
+++ b/src/ColorlightZ6PropertiesConfig.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-using PepperDash.Core;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using PepperDash.Core;
-namespace PepperDash.Essentials.Generic.ColorlightZ6
+namespace ColorlightZ6
public class ColorlightZ6Properties
+ [JsonProperty("control")]
public ControlPropertiesConfig Control { get; set; }
+ [JsonProperty("id")]
public ushort Id { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
rename to src/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Properties/ControlSystem.cfg b/src/Properties/ControlSystem.cfg
similarity index 100%
rename from pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/Properties/ControlSystem.cfg
rename to src/Properties/ControlSystem.cfg
diff --git a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.csproj b/src/epi-colorlight-Z6.csproj
similarity index 86%
rename from pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.csproj
rename to src/epi-colorlight-Z6.csproj
index 1f4100b..8cd175b 100644
--- a/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi/pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi.csproj
+++ b/src/epi-colorlight-Z6.csproj
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
- pepperdash_generic_colorlightZ6_epi
- pepperdash-generic-colorlightZ6-epi
+ ColorlightZ6
+ PepperDash.Essentials.Plugin.Colorlight.Z6
@@ -46,14 +46,18 @@
+ False
+ ..\packages\PepperDashEssentials\lib\net35\Essentials Devices Common.dll
- ..\..\submodule\essentials-builds\PepperDash_Core.dll
+ ..\packages\PepperDashEssentials\lib\net35\PepperDash_Core.dll
- ..\..\submodule\essentials-builds\PepperDash_Essentials_Core.dll
+ ..\packages\PepperDashEssentials\lib\net35\PepperDash_Essentials_Core.dll
@@ -83,10 +87,10 @@
diff --git a/submodule/essentials-builds b/submodule/essentials-builds
deleted file mode 160000
index 39b4d07..0000000
--- a/submodule/essentials-builds
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 39b4d07afdd86136600e5cc0c30c00a1e5400c6e
diff --git a/submodules/Essentials Devices Common.cplz b/submodules/Essentials Devices Common.cplz
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e205cd..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/Essentials Devices Common.cplz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/Essentials Devices Common.dll b/submodules/Essentials Devices Common.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index bb87f57..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/Essentials Devices Common.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/Essentials_DM.cplz b/submodules/Essentials_DM.cplz
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f6ad6..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/Essentials_DM.cplz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDashEssentials.cpz b/submodules/PepperDashEssentials.cpz
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d7082..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/PepperDashEssentials.cpz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDashEssentials.dll b/submodules/PepperDashEssentials.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1a256..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/PepperDashEssentials.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDash_Core.clz b/submodules/PepperDash_Core.clz
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ffceb..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/PepperDash_Core.clz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDash_Core.dll b/submodules/PepperDash_Core.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 308d3a6..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/PepperDash_Core.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDash_Core.xml b/submodules/PepperDash_Core.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f11a3..0000000
--- a/submodules/PepperDash_Core.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3656 +0,0 @@
- PepperDash_Core
- The core event and status-bearing class that most if not all device and connectors can derive from.
- Named Keyed device interface. Forces the devie to have a Unique Key and a name.
- Unique key interface to require a unique key for the class
- Unique Key
- Isn't it obvious :)
- Base constructor for all Devices.
- Gets this device ready to be used in the system. Runs any added pre-activation items, and
- all post-activation at end. Classes needing additional logic to
- run should override CustomActivate()
- Called in between Pre and PostActivationActions when Activate() is called.
- Override to provide addtitional setup when calling activation. Overriding classes
- do not need to call base.CustomActivate()
- true if device activated successfully.
- Call to deactivate device - unlink events, etc. Overriding classes do not
- need to call base.Deactivate()
- Helper method to check object for bool value false and fire an Action method
- Should be of type bool, others will be ignored
- Action to be run when o is false
- Unique Key
- Name of the devie
- A bandaid client that monitors whether the server is reachable
- Timer to operate the bandaid monitor client in a loop.
- constructor S+ Does not accept a key. Use initialze with key to set the debug key on this device. If using with + make sure to set all properties manually.
- constructor with debug key set at instantiation. Make sure to set all properties before listening.
- Contstructor that sets all properties by calling the initialize method with a config object.
- Disconnects all clients and stops the server
- Initialize Key for device using client name from SIMPL+. Called on Listen from SIMPL+
- Start listening on the specified port
- Stop Listeneing
- Disconnects Client
- Disconnect All Clients
- Broadcast text from server to all connected clients
- Not sure this is useful in library, maybe Pro??
- Secure Server Socket Status Changed Callback
- Secure TCP Client Connected to Secure Server Callback
- Secure Received Data Async Callback
- Private Event Handler method to handle the closing of connections when the program stops
- Starts the monitor client cycle. Timed wait, then call RunMonitorClient
- On monitor connect, restart the operation
- If the client hangs, add to counter and maybe fire the choke event
- Event for Receiving text
- Event for client connection socket status change
- Event for Server State Change
- For a server with a pre shared key, this will fire after the communication is established and the key exchange is complete. If no shared key, this will fire
- after connection is successful. Use this event to know when the client is ready for communication to avoid stepping on shared key.
- A band aid event to notify user that the server has choked.
- 3 by default
- Text representation of the Socket Status enum values for the server
- Bool showing if socket is connected
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Bool showing if socket is connected
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Number of clients currently connected.
- Port Server should listen on
- S+ helper for Port
- Bool to show whether the server requires a preshared key. Must be set the same in the client, and if true shared keys must be identical on server/client
- S+ helper for requires shared key bool
- SharedKey is sent for varification to the server. Shared key can be any text (255 char limit in SIMPL+ Module), but must match the Shared Key on the Server module.
- If SharedKey changes while server is listening or clients are connected, disconnect and stop listening will be called
- Heartbeat Required bool sets whether server disconnects client if heartbeat is not received
- S+ Helper for Heartbeat Required
- Milliseconds before server expects another heartbeat. Set by property HeartbeatRequiredIntervalInSeconds which is driven from S+
- Simpl+ Heartbeat Analog value in seconds
- String to Match for heartbeat. If null or empty any string will reset heartbeat timer
- Defaults to 2000
- Private flag to note that the server has stopped intentionally
- Constants
- Generic boolean change
- Generic Ushort change
- Response Code Ushort change
- Generic String chagne
- Response string change
- Error string change
- An embedded JsonToSimpl master object.
- SIMPL+ can only execute the default constructor. If you have variables that require initialization, please
- use an Initialize method
- After save operation on JSON master happens, send it to server
- Constructor
- Initialize method
- Retrieve password by index
- Password validation method
- Builds the user entered passwrod string, will attempt to validate the user entered
- password against the selected password when the length of the 2 are equal
- Clears the user entered password and resets the LEDs
- Protected boolean change event handler
- Protected ushort change event handler
- Protected string change event handler
- If password changes while selected change event will be notifed and update the client
- Password selected
- Password selected key
- Used to build the password entered by the user
- Boolean event
- Ushort event
- String event
- Privates *
- SIMPL+ default constructor.
- Sets up class - overriding methods should always call this.
- Adds a child "module" to this master
- Called from the child to add changed or new values for saving
- Events *
- Mirrors the Unique ID for now.
- Merely for use in debug messages
- This will be prepended to all paths to allow path swapping or for more organized
- sub-paths
- This is added to the end of all paths
- Enables debugging output to the console. Certain error messages will be logged to the
- system's error log regardless of this setting
- Ushort helper for Debug property
- Privates *
- SIMPL+ default constructor.
- Read, evaluate and udpate status
- Sets the filepath as well as registers this with the Global.Masters list
- Represents a device that uses basic connection
- An incoming communication stream
- For IBasicCommunication classes that have SocketStatus. GenericSshClient,
- GenericTcpIpClient
- Queue to temporarily store received messages with the source IP and Port info
- Constructor for S+. Make sure to set key, address, port, and buffersize using init method
- Call from S+ to initialize values
- Enables the UDP Server
- Disabled the UDP Server
- Recursive method to receive data
- This method gets spooled up in its own thread an protected by a CCriticalSection to prevent multiple threads from running concurrently.
- It will dequeue items as they are enqueued automatically.
- General send method
- This event will fire when a message is dequeued that includes the source IP and Port info if needed to determine the source of the received data.
- Address of server
- Port on server
- Another damn S+ helper because S+ seems to treat large port nums as signed ints
- which screws up things
- Indicates that the UDP Server is enabled
- Defaults to 2000
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- Defaults to 32768
- Typical constructor.
- S+ Constructor - Must set all properties before calling Connect
- Just to help S+ set the key
- Handles closing this up when the program shuts down
- Connect to the server, using the provided properties.
- Disconnect the clients and put away it's resources.
- Kills the stream, cleans up the client and sets it to null
- Anything to do with reestablishing connection on failures
- Kills the stream
- Handles the keyboard interactive authentication, should it be required.
- Handler for data receive on ShellStream. Passes data across to queue for line parsing.
- Error event handler for client events - disconnect, etc. Will forward those events via ConnectionChange
- event
- Helper for ConnectionChange event
- Sends text to the server
- Sends Bytes to the server
- Event that fires when data is received. Delivers args with byte array
- Event that fires when data is received. Delivered as text.
- Event when the connection status changes.
- Address of server
- Port on server
- Username for server
- And... Password for server. That was worth documenting!
- True when the server is connected - when status == 2.
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Contains the familiar Simpl analog status values. This drives the ConnectionChange event
- and IsConnected with be true when this == 2.
- Determines whether client will attempt reconnection on failure. Default is true
- Will be set and unset by connect and disconnect only
- S+ helper for AutoReconnect
- Millisecond value, determines the timeout period in between reconnect attempts.
- Set to 5000 by default
- Fired when connection changes
- S+ Constructor
- EventArgs class
- Connection State
- The Client
- Connection State
- Connection Status represented as a ushort
- The client
- Socket Status as represented by
- Privates *
- SIMPL+ default constructor.
- Loads in JSON and triggers evaluation on all children
- Loads JSON into JsonObject, but does not trigger evaluation by children
- Adds a file master. If the master's key or filename is equivalent to any existing
- master, this will fail
- New master to add
- Gets a master by its key. Case-insensitive
- Not in use
- Not in use
- Generic RESTful communication class
- Constructor
- Generic RESTful submit request
- Private HTTP submit request
- Private HTTPS submit request
- Private method to encode username and password to Base64 string
- authorization
- Protected method to handle boolean change events
- Protected mehtod to handle ushort change events
- Protected method to handle string change events
- Boolean event handler
- Ushort event handler
- String event handler
- Tcp Server Config object with properties for a tcp server with shared key and heartbeat capabilities
- Uique key
- Max Clients that the server will allow to connect.
- Bool value for secure. Currently not implemented in TCP sockets as they are not dynamic
- Port for the server to listen on
- Require a shared key that both server and client negotiate. If negotiation fails server disconnects the client
- The shared key that must match on the server and client
- Require a heartbeat on the client/server connection that will cause the server/client to disconnect if the heartbeat is not received.
- heartbeats do not raise received events.
- The interval in seconds for the heartbeat from the client. If not received client is disconnected
- HeartbeatString that will be checked against the message received. defaults to heartbeat if no string is provided.
- Client buffer size. See Crestron help. defaults to 2000 if not greater than 2000
- Receive Queue size must be greater than 20 or defaults to 20
- Stores the state of the request
- Waithandle for main thread.
- Defaults to Environment.NewLine;
- This is something of a band-aid callback. If the client times out during the connection process, because the server
- is stuck, this will fire. It is intended to be used by the Server class monitor client, to help
- keep a watch on the server and reset it if necessary.
- Semaphore on connect method
- Flag Set only when the disconnect method is called.
- private Timer for auto reconnect
- Used to force disconnection on a dead connect attempt
- Internal secure client
- Queue lock
- Queue to temporarily store received messages with the source IP and Port info. Defaults to size 20. Use constructor or set queue size property before
- calling initialize.
- Contstructor that sets all properties by calling the initialize method with a config object.
- Just to help S+ set the key
- Initialize called by the constructor that accepts a client config object. Can be called later to reset properties of client.
- Handles closing this up when the program shuts down
- Connect Method. Will return if already connected. Will write errors if missing address, port, or unique key/name.
- Internal call to close up client. ALWAYS use this when disconnecting.
- ff
- Called from Connect failure or Socket Status change if
- auto reconnect and socket disconnected (Not disconnected by user)
- Receive callback
- This method gets spooled up in its own thread an protected by a CCriticalSection to prevent multiple threads from running concurrently.
- It will dequeue items as they are enqueued automatically.
- General send method
- SocketStatusChange Callback
- Helper for ConnectionChange event
- Helper to fire ClientReadyForCommunications event
- Event for Receiving text. Once subscribed to this event the receive callback will start a thread that dequeues the messages and invokes the event on a new thread.
- It is not recommended to use both the TextReceived event and the TextReceivedQueueInvoke event.
- For a client with a pre shared key, this will fire after the communication is established and the key exchange is complete. If you require
- a key and subscribe to the socket change event and try to send data on a connection the data sent will interfere with the key exchange and disconnect.
- Address of server
- Port on server
- S+ helper
- Bool to show whether the server requires a preshared key. This is used in the DynamicTCPServer class
- S+ helper for requires shared key bool
- SharedKey is sent for varification to the server. Shared key can be any text (255 char limit in SIMPL+ Module), but must match the Shared Key on the Server module
- flag to show the client is waiting for the server to send the shared key
- Defaults to 2000
- Bool showing if socket is connected
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Bool showing if socket is ready for communication after shared key exchange
- S+ helper for IsReadyForCommunication
- Client socket status Read only
- Contains the familiar Simpl analog status values. This drives the ConnectionChange event
- and IsConnected would be true when this == 2.
- Status text shows the message associated with socket status
- bool to track if auto reconnect should be set on the socket
- S+ helper for AutoReconnect
- Milliseconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. Defaults to 5000
- Milliseconds before server expects another heartbeat. Set by property HeartbeatRequiredIntervalInSeconds which is driven from S+
- Simpl+ Heartbeat Analog value in seconds
- Receive Queue size. Defaults to 20. Will set to 20 if QueueSize property is less than 20. Use constructor or set queue size property before
- calling initialize.
- Band aid delegate for choked server
- Creates or gets a debug context
- Do not use. For S+ access.
- Used to save memory when shutting down
- Callback for console command
- Sets the debug level
- Valid values 0 (no debug), 1 (critical), 2 (all messages)
- Prints message to console if current debug level is equal to or higher than the level of this message.
- Uses CrestronConsole.PrintLine.
- Console format string
- Object parameters
- Appends a device Key to the beginning of a message
- Writes the memory object after timeout
- Writes the memory - use SaveMemoryOnTimeout
- Helper to get the file path for this app's debug memory
- Describes the folder location where a given program stores it's debug level memory. By default, the
- file written will be named appNdebug where N is 1-10.
- This is something of a band-aid callback. If the client times out during the connection process, because the server
- is stuck, this will fire. It is intended to be used by the Server class monitor client, to help
- keep a watch on the server and reset it if necessary.
- Semaphore on connect method
- Flag Set only when the disconnect method is called.
- private Timer for auto reconnect
- Used to force disconnection on a dead connect attempt
- Internal secure client
- Just to help S+ set the key
- Handles closing this up when the program shuts down
- Connect Method. Will return if already connected. Will write errors if missing address, port, or unique key/name.
- Internal call to close up client. ALWAYS use this when disconnecting.
- ff
- Called from Connect failure or Socket Status change if
- auto reconnect and socket disconnected (Not disconnected by user)
- Receive callback
- General send method
- SocketStatusChange Callback
- Helper for ConnectionChange event
- Helper to fire ClientReadyForCommunications event
- For a client with a pre shared key, this will fire after the communication is established and the key exchange is complete. If you require
- a key and subscribe to the socket change event and try to send data on a connection the data sent will interfere with the key exchange and disconnect.
- Address of server
- Port on server
- S+ helper
- Bool to show whether the server requires a preshared key. This is used in the DynamicTCPServer class
- S+ helper for requires shared key bool
- SharedKey is sent for varification to the server. Shared key can be any text (255 char limit in SIMPL+ Module), but must match the Shared Key on the Server module
- flag to show the client is waiting for the server to send the shared key
- Defaults to 2000
- Bool showing if socket is connected
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Bool showing if socket is ready for communication after shared key exchange
- S+ helper for IsReadyForCommunication
- Client socket status Read only
- Contains the familiar Simpl analog status values. This drives the ConnectionChange event
- and IsConnected would be true when this == 2.
- Status text shows the message associated with socket status
- bool to track if auto reconnect should be set on the socket
- S+ helper for AutoReconnect
- Milliseconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. Defaults to 5000
- Band aid delegate for choked server
- Constants
- Generic boolean value change constant
- Evaluated boolean change constant
- Update busy change const
- Password is valid change constant
- Password LED change constant
- Generic ushort value change constant
- Password count
- Password selecte index change constant
- Password length
- Generic string value change constant
- Call this before doing anything else
- Set the JPath to evaluate for a given bool out index.
- Set the JPath for a ushort out index.
- Set the JPath for a string output index.
- Evalutates all outputs with defined paths. called by S+ when paths are ready to process
- and by Master when file is read.
- Processes a bool property, converting to bool, firing off a BoolChange event
- Processes the given path.
- JPath formatted path to the desired property
- The string value of the property, or a default value if it
- doesn't exist
- This will return false in the case that EvaulateAllOnJsonChange
- is false and the path does not evaluate to a property in the incoming JSON.
- Called from Master to read inputs and update their values in master JObject
- Callback should hit one of the following four methods
- Called during Process(...) to get the path to a given property. By default,
- returns PathPrefix+path+PathSuffix. Override to change the way path is built.
- Use a callback to reduce task switch/threading
- This will be prepended to all paths to allow path swapping or for more organized
- sub-paths
- This is added to the end of all paths
- Device class
- Constructor
- Initialize method
- BoolChange event handler helper
- UshrtChange event handler helper
- StringChange event handler helper
- ObjectChange event handler helper
- JSON config key property
- JSON config name property
- JSON config type property
- JSON config properties
- Bool change event handler
- Ushort change event handler
- String change event handler
- Object change event handler
- Background class that manages debug features for sockets
- Sets up the backing class. Adds console commands for S#Pro programs
- Helper for socket list, to show types
- Processor info class
- Constructor
- Ethernet info class
- Constructor
- Control subnet info class
- Constructor
- Program info class
- Constructor
- For newer >=2.4.1 array lookups.
- Provides the path append for GetFullPath
- Constants for Simpl modules
- S+ values delegate
- S+ values wrapper
- S+ types enum
- Reads the config file, checks if it needs a merge, merges and saves, then returns the merged Object.
- JObject of config file
- Merges the contents of a base and a delta array, matching the entries on a top-level property
- given by propertyName. Returns a merge of them. Items in the delta array that do not have
- a matched item in base array will not be merged. Non keyed system items will replace the template items.
- Helper for using with JTokens. Converts to JObject
- Merge o2 onto o1
- Server listen lock
- Queue lock
- Queue to temporarily store received messages with the source IP and Port info. Defaults to size 20. Use constructor or set queue size property before
- calling initialize.
- A bandaid client that monitors whether the server is reachable
- Timer to operate the bandaid monitor client in a loop.
- constructor S+ Does not accept a key. Use initialze with key to set the debug key on this device. If using with + make sure to set all properties manually.
- constructor with debug key set at instantiation. Make sure to set all properties before listening.
- Contstructor that sets all properties by calling the initialize method with a config object. This does set Queue size.
- Disconnects all clients and stops the server
- Initialize Key for device using client name from SIMPL+. Called on Listen from SIMPL+
- Start listening on the specified port
- Stop Listeneing
- Disconnects Client
- Disconnect All Clients
- Broadcast text from server to all connected clients
- Not sure this is useful in library, maybe Pro??
- Secure Server Socket Status Changed Callback
- Secure TCP Client Connected to Secure Server Callback
- Secure Received Data Async Callback
- This method gets spooled up in its own thread an protected by a CCriticalSection to prevent multiple threads from running concurrently.
- It will dequeue items as they are enqueued automatically.
- Private Event Handler method to handle the closing of connections when the program stops
- Starts the monitor client cycle. Timed wait, then call RunMonitorClient
- On monitor connect, restart the operation
- If the client hangs, add to counter and maybe fire the choke event
- Event for Receiving text
- Event for Receiving text. Once subscribed to this event the receive callback will start a thread that dequeues the messages and invokes the event on a new thread.
- It is not recommended to use both the TextReceived event and the TextReceivedQueueInvoke event.
- Event for client connection socket status change
- Event for Server State Change
- For a server with a pre shared key, this will fire after the communication is established and the key exchange is complete. If no shared key, this will fire
- after connection is successful. Use this event to know when the client is ready for communication to avoid stepping on shared key.
- A band aid event to notify user that the server has choked.
- Receive Queue size. Defaults to 20. Will set to 20 if QueueSize property is less than 20. Use constructor or set queue size property before
- calling initialize.
- 3 by default
- Text representation of the Socket Status enum values for the server
- Bool showing if socket is connected
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Bool showing if socket is connected
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Max number of clients this server will allow for connection. Crestron max is 64. This number should be less than 65
- Number of clients currently connected.
- Port Server should listen on
- S+ helper for Port
- Bool to show whether the server requires a preshared key. Must be set the same in the client, and if true shared keys must be identical on server/client
- S+ helper for requires shared key bool
- SharedKey is sent for varification to the server. Shared key can be any text (255 char limit in SIMPL+ Module), but must match the Shared Key on the Server module.
- If SharedKey changes while server is listening or clients are connected, disconnect and stop listening will be called
- Heartbeat Required bool sets whether server disconnects client if heartbeat is not received
- S+ Helper for Heartbeat Required
- Milliseconds before server expects another heartbeat. Set by property HeartbeatRequiredIntervalInSeconds which is driven from S+
- Simpl+ Heartbeat Analog value in seconds
- String to Match for heartbeat. If null or empty any string will reset heartbeat timer
- Defaults to 2000
- Private flag to note that the server has stopped intentionally
- This delegate defines handler for IBasicCommunication status changes
- Device firing the status change
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- System Info class
- Constructor
- Gets the current processor info
- Gets the current ethernet info
- Gets the current control subnet info
- Gets the program info by index
- Gets the processor uptime and passes it to S+
- Gets the program uptime, by index, and passes it to S+
- Sends command to console, passes response back using string change event
- private method to parse console messages
- Protected boolean change event handler
- Protected string change event handler
- Protected processor config change event handler
- Ethernet change event handler
- Control Subnet change event handler
- Program change event handler
- JSON password configuration
- Constructor
- Password object configured password
- Gets a level or creates it if not existing
- The level of debug messages to print
- Property to tell the program not to intitialize when it boots, if desired
- Describes the folder location where a given program stores it's debug level memory. By default, the
- file written will be named appNdebug where N is 1-10.
- The name of the file containing the current debug settings.
- When true, the IncludedExcludedKeys dict will contain keys to include.
- When false (default), IncludedExcludedKeys will contain keys to exclude.
- Used to save memory when shutting down
- Callback for console command
- Callback for console command
- Callback for console command
- Sets the debug level
- Valid values 0 (no debug), 1 (critical), 2 (all messages)
- Sets the flag to prevent application starting on next boot
- Prints message to console if current debug level is equal to or higher than the level of this message.
- Uses CrestronConsole.PrintLine.
- Console format string
- Object parameters
- Logs to Console when at-level, and all messages to error log, including device key
- Logs to Console when at-level, and all messages to error log
- Logs to both console and the custom user log (not the built-in error log). If appdebug level is set at
- or above the level provided, then the output will be written to both console and the log. Otherwise
- it will only be written to the log.
- Logs to both console and the custom user log (not the built-in error log). If appdebug level is set at
- or above the level provided, then the output will be written to both console and the log. Otherwise
- it will only be written to the log.
- String.format string
- Parameters for substitution in the format string.
- Prints to log and error log
- Writes the memory object after timeout
- Writes the memory - use SaveMemoryOnTimeout
- Helper to get the file path for this app's debug memory
- Crestron Control Methods for a comm object
- Public dictionary of known passwords
- Private dictionary, used when passwords are updated
- Timer used to wait until password changes have stopped before updating the dictionary
- Timer length
- Constructor
- Initialize password manager
- Updates password stored in the dictonary
- CTimer callback function
- Method to change the default timer value, (default 5000ms/5s)
- Helper method for debugging to see what passwords are in the lists
- Protected boolean change event handler
- Protected ushort change event handler
- Protected string change event handler
- Protected password change event handler
- Boolean event
- Ushort event
- String event
- Event to notify clients of an updated password at the specified index (uint)
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- Stupid S+ Constructor
- For Simpl+
- True when the preset is found
- S+ helper for stupid S+
- A class to handle basic TCP/IP communications with a server
- Set only when the disconnect method is called.
- Constructor
- Constructor
- Default constructor for S+
- Just to help S+ set the key
- Handles closing this up when the program shuts down
- Attempts to connect to the server
- Attempts to disconnect the client
- Does the actual disconnect business
- Callback method for connection attempt
- Disconnects, waits and attemtps to connect again
- Recieves incoming data
- General send method
- This is useful from console and...?
- Sends Bytes to the server
- Socket Status Change Handler
- Fires when data is received from the server and returns it as a Byte array
- Fires when data is received from the server and returns it as text
- Address of server
- Port on server
- Another damn S+ helper because S+ seems to treat large port nums as signed ints
- which screws up things
- Defaults to 2000
- The actual client class
- True if connected to the server
- S+ helper for IsConnected
- Status of the socket
- Contains the familiar Simpl analog status values. This drives the ConnectionChange event
- and IsConnected with be true when this == 2.
- Status of the socket
- Connection failure reason
- If true, enables AutoConnect
- S+ helper for AutoReconnect
- Milliseconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. Defaults to 5000
- Configuration properties for TCP/SSH Connections
- Address to connect to
- Port to connect to
- Username credential
- Passord credential
- Defaults to 32768
- Defaults to true
- Defaults to 5000ms
- Bool change event args
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- Boolean state property
- Boolean ushort value property
- Boolean change event args type
- Boolean change event args index
- Ushort change event args
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- Ushort change event args integer value
- Ushort change event args type
- Ushort change event args index
- String change event args
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- String change event args value
- String change event args type
- string change event args index
- Client config object for TCP client with server that inherits from TcpSshPropertiesConfig and adds properties for shared key and heartbeat
- TcpSsh Properties
- Bool value for secure. Currently not implemented in TCP sockets as they are not dynamic
- Require a shared key that both server and client negotiate. If negotiation fails server disconnects the client
- The shared key that must match on the server and client
- Require a heartbeat on the client/server connection that will cause the server/client to disconnect if the heartbeat is not received.
- heartbeats do not raise received events.
- The interval in seconds for the heartbeat from the client. If not received client is disconnected
- HeartbeatString that will be checked against the message received. defaults to heartbeat if no string is provided.
- Receive Queue size must be greater than 20 or defaults to 20
- Privates *
- SIMPL+ default constructor.
- Read, evaluate and udpate status
- Returns the FileInfo object for a given path, with possible wildcards
- Sets the filepath as well as registers this with the Global.Masters list
- Device communication parameter class
- Constructor
- Device TCP/SSH properties class
- Constructor
- Device control class
- Constructor
- Device properties class
- Constructor
- Root device class
- Constants for simpl modules
- Json object evaluated constant
- Json object changed constant
- Default constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- Device change event args object
- Device change event args type
- Device change event args index
- For Simpl+
- True when user is found
- For stupid S+
- Constants
- Processor Change Event Args Class
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor
- Ethernet Change Event Args Class
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- Control Subnet Chage Event Args Class
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- Program Change Event Args Class
- Constructor
- Constructor overload
- Constructor overload
- Defines the string event handler for line events on the gather
- Attaches to IBasicCommunication as a text gather
- For receive buffer
- Delimiter, like it says!
- Fires up a gather, given a IBasicCommunicaion port and char for de
- Disconnects this gather from the Port's TextReceived event. This will not fire LineReceived
- after the this call.
- Handler for raw data coming from port
- Deconstructor. Disconnects from port TextReceived events.
- Event that fires when a line is received from the IBasicCommunication source.
- The event merely contains the text, not an EventArgs type class.
- The communication port that this gathers on
- Default false. If true, the delimiter will be included in the line output
- events
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDash_Essentials_Core.cplz b/submodules/PepperDash_Essentials_Core.cplz
deleted file mode 100644
index f598f0f..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/PepperDash_Essentials_Core.cplz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/submodules/PepperDash_Essentials_Core.dll b/submodules/PepperDash_Essentials_Core.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b88635..0000000
Binary files a/submodules/PepperDash_Essentials_Core.dll and /dev/null differ