A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks taken during the shift.
Name | Type | Tags | Description |
id |
string | undefined |
Optional | The UUID for this object. Constraints: Maximum Length: 255 |
employeeId |
string | undefined |
Optional | The ID of the employee this shift belongs to. DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Use team_member_id instead. |
locationId |
string | undefined |
Optional | The ID of the location this shift occurred at. The location should be based on where the employee clocked in. |
timezone |
string | undefined |
Optional | The read-only convenience value that is calculated from the location based on the location_id . Format: the IANA timezone database identifier for thelocation timezone. |
startAt |
string |
Required | RFC 3339; shifted to the location timezone + offset. Precision up to the minute is respected; seconds are truncated. Constraints: Minimum Length: 1 |
endAt |
string | undefined |
Optional | RFC 3339; shifted to the timezone + offset. Precision up to the minute is respected; seconds are truncated. |
wage |
ShiftWage | undefined |
Optional | The hourly wage rate used to compensate an employee for this shift. |
breaks |
Break[] | undefined |
Optional | A list of all the paid or unpaid breaks that were taken during this shift. |
status |
string | undefined |
Optional | Enumerates the possible status of a Shift . |
version |
number | undefined |
Optional | Used for resolving concurrency issues. The request fails if the version provided does not match the server version at the time of the request. If not provided, Square executes a blind write; potentially overwriting data from another write. |
createdAt |
string | undefined |
Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format; presented in UTC. |
updatedAt |
string | undefined |
Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format; presented in UTC. |
teamMemberId |
string | undefined |
Optional | The ID of the team member this shift belongs to. Replaced employee_id at version "2020-08-26". |
"id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"location_id": null,
"timezone": null,
"start_at": "start_at2",
"end_at": null,
"wage": null,
"breaks": null,
"status": null,
"version": null,
"team_member_id": null