Drug property prediction (DP) aims to predict molecule properties such as toxicity and side effects, which is a significant task in drug discovery.
- Supported models: MolCLR, GraphMVP, MoMu, MolFM and DeepEIK. This is a continuing effort and we are working on further growing the list.
- Supported datasets: 8 classification datasets i.e. BBBP, Tox21, ToxCast, SIDER, ClinTox, MUV, HIV and BACE of MoleculeNet.
- Supported split: random split, scaffold split and random-scaffold split;
- Supproted evaluation: ROC-AUC.
Download MoleculeNet datasets here, unzip the file, and put the dataset fold under datasets/dp/
. You can use the following commands from within OpenBioMed/
wget http://snap.stanford.edu/gnn-pretrain/data/chem_dataset.zip
unzip chem_dataset.zip
mkdir -p datasets/dp
mv dataset datasets/dp/moleculenet
rm chem_dataset.zip
After downloading and unzipping, you should remove all the processed/
directories of 8 datasets in the dataset/
folder. Otherwise you will get the following error:
RuntimeError: The 'data' object was created by an older version of PyG. If this error occurred while loading an already existing dataset, remove the 'processed/' directory in the dataset's root folder and try again.
To reproduce DeepEIK, you should install PubMedBERT (uncased) from huggingface and put the checkpoint under ckpts/text_ckpts/
To reproduce or finetune MolCLR, MoMu and GraphMVP used their trained checkpoints, you can download the checkpoints from:
MolCLR: https://github.com/yuyangw/MolCLR
MoMu: https://github.com/ddz16/MoleculePrediction
GraphMVP: https://github.com/chao1224/GraphMVP
You will need to rename and put the checkpoints at the following paths.
# MolCLR
# Momu
# GraphMVP
You can run scripts using bash under scripts/aidd/dp/
├── train_molclr.sh # running MolCLR on 8 datasets of moleculenet
├── train_graphmvp.sh # running GraphMVP on 8 datasets of moleculenet
├── train_momu.sh # running MoMu on 8 datasets of moleculenet
├── train_molfm.sh # running MolFM on 8 datasets of moleculenet
└── train_deepeik.sh # running DeepEIK on 8 datasets of moleculenet
bash scripts/aidd/dp/train_molfm.sh cuda:0 # switch to your on cuda device or cpu
You can also modify the scripts or directly use the following command:
python open_biomed/tasks/mol_task/dp.py \
[--device DEVICE] \ # gpu device id
[--mode MODE] \ # training mode, train: train-test
[--config_path CONFIG_PATH] \ # configuration file, see configs/dp/ for more details
[--dataset DATASET] \ # datasets name, support MoleculeNet now
[--dataset_path DATASET_PATH] \ # path to the datasets
[--dataset_name DATASET_NAME] \ # name of the dataset
[--init_checkpoint INIT_CHECKPOINT] \ # checkpoint path used for efficient validation
[--param_key PARAM_KEY] \ # key of the checkpoint dict that contains model parameters
[--output_path OUTPUT_PATH] \ # save checkpoint path used for training
[--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] \ # number of workers when loading data
[--patience PATIENCE] \ # number of tolerant epochs for early-stopping
[--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] \ # weight decay, default is 1e-5
[--lr LR] \ # learning rate, default is 1e-3
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] \ # batch size, default is 128
[--epochs EPOCHS] \ # number of training epochs
[--logging_steps LOGGING_STEPS] \ # steps for printing training information
[--seed SEED] # random seed
[--dropout DROPOUT] # The dropout ratio of dp model