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Micro-libraries for reading and writing genomic sequence data in various formats.


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Read and write from various bioinformatics sequence formats, currently BED, GFF3 (and GTF, and GVF), FASTA, UCSC chain (genome alignment), and pre-MAKEPED (pedigree). VCF readers and writers are currently at instead.

This project has moderately high test coverage and is quite usable. However, it's incomplete, so subsequent versions may break backwards-compatibility.

Build instructions

The project is not currently on Maven Central. To JAR all subprojects, run gradle jarAll. To build a single subproject, run gradle :xxx:jar, where xxx is the name of the subproject (for example, gradle :gff:jar).

You can also run tests with gradle :xxx:test and compile (without JARing) using gradle :xxx:build. Note that running gradle :xxx:gff will only run tests for gff, core.


// Store GFF3 (or GVF, or GTF) features into a list
List<Gff3Feature> features = new Gff3Parser().collectAll(inputFile);
features.get(0).getType(); // the parser unescaped this string

// Now write the lines:
new Gff3Writer().writeToFile(outputFile); 
// The writer percent-encodes GFF3 fields as necessary
// From a BED file, get distinct chromosome names that start with "chr", in parallel
Files.lines(file).map(new BedParser())
     .filter(chr -> chr.startsWith("chr"))
// You can also use new BedParser().parseAll(file)
// From a pre-MAKEPED file, who are Harry Johnson's children?
Pedigree pedigree = new PedigreeParser.Builder().build().apply(Files.lines(file));
NavigableSet<Individual> children = pedigree.getFamily("Johnsons")
                                            .find("Harry Johnson")
// Traverse through a family pedigree in topological order
Pedigree pedigree = new PedigreeParser.Builder().build().apply(Files.lines(file));
Stream<Individual> = pedigree.getFamily("Johnsons")
// "Lift over" coordinates using a UCSC chain file
// Filter out those that couldn't be lifted over
GenomeChain chain = new GenomeChainParser().apply(Files.lines(hg19ToGrch38ChainFile));
List<Locus> liftedOver = lociList.parallelStream()
// You can also use new GenomeChainParser().parse(hg19ToGrch38ChainFile)
// Read FASTA bases with a buffered random-access reader
RandomAccessFastaStream stream = new RandomAccessFastaStream.Builder(file)
char base ="gene_1", 58523);
// Suppose you have a 2GB FASTA file and a method smithWaterman that returns AlignmentResults
// Align each sequence and get the top 10 results, in parallel
try (FastaSequenceReader reader = new FastaSequenceReader.Builder(file).allowComments().build()) {
    List<AlignmentResult> topScores =
        .peek(sequence ->"Read {}", sequence.getHeader())
        .map(sequence -> smithWaterman(sequence.getSequence(), reference))
        .sorted() // assuming AlignmentResult implements Comparable

Guiding principles

  1. Where possible, a parser is a Function<String, R> or Function<Stream<String>, R>, and writer is a Function<R, String> or Function<R, Stream<String>>. Java 8 Streams are therefore expected to be used.
  2. Null values are generally banned from public methods in favor of Optional. See for more information.
  3. Most operations are thread-safe. Thread safety is annotated using javax.annotation.concurrent.
  4. Top-level data classes are immutable, as annotated by or javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable.
  5. The builder pattern is used for non-trivial classes. Each builder has a copy constructor.
  6. Links to specifications are provided. Any interpretation used for an ambiguous specification is documented.
  7. Parsing and writing is moderately strict. Severe violations throw a BadDataFormatException, and milder violations are logged as warnings using SLF4J. Not every aspect of a specification is validated.
  8. For specification-mandated escape sequences, encoding and decoding is automatic.
  9. Coordinates are always 0-based, even for 1-based formats. This is to ensure consistency as well as arithmetic simplicity.


Micro-libraries for reading and writing genomic sequence data in various formats.







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