Install the library via composer as usual. If you are not using Composer we assume that you have a very good reason to do so and know what you are doing.
composer install phauthentic/validator
You can use the factory that is included, but it is recommended to implement your own to set up all your rules in the rules collection.
use Phauthentic\Validator\Rule\Between;
use Phauthentic\Validator\Rule\NotEmpty;
use Phauthentic\Validator\ValidatorFactory;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$data = [
'project' => [
'id' => null,
'name' => 'gs',
'tasks' => [
['title' => ''],
['title' => 'test'],
['title' => ''],
$validator = (new ValidatorFactory())->createValidator();
$ruleBuilder = $validator->getFieldBuilder();
$ruleBuilder->add('', NotEmpty::NAME);
$ruleBuilder->add('', Between::NAME, [3,10]);
$ruleBuilder->add('project.tasks.*.title', NotEmpty::NAME);
$result = $validator->validate($data);