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COViRondelle2021 station

Station Python application for COViRondelle2021

  • Communicates with robot using ROS
  • Communicates with frontend using websockets


Using Docker prevents having to install the needed dependencies on the system. For testing purposes, it's really simpler.

Otherwise, here are some links for UNIX-based OS :


With Docker :

docker build -t station .

Without Docker :

pip install -r requirements.txt


With Docker :

docker run station

Without Docker :


With Docker Compose, from project's root : Connect after launching Docker-Compose (covirondelle2021_station_1 is the name of running station container, can vary, use docker ps to find container name)

docker exec -it covirondelle2021_station_1 /bin/bash


Before contributing to the project, please read our contribution guide.

Create new ros package (If you forget a dependency you should create a new package with the good dependencies and copy the source code instead of trying to modify CMakeLists.txt and package.xml)

cd /root/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg <package-name> std_msgs rospy <other-dependencies>

Check code style of a single file

pylint module/

Check code style of a module

pylint module

Run single test file within a module

pytest module/tests/

Run all test files within a module

pytest module

ROS isn't suited for unit testing. To test individual handlers that subscribe or publish thing, the best strategy is to start the chain of commands and mock the required nodes. For instance, this is how we test "ready" and "start_cycle" topics reception :

Terminal 1

docker-compose up
# Open frontend in browser

Terminal 2

docker exec -it covirondelle2021_station_1 /bin/bash

Terminal 3

docker exec -it covirondelle2021_station_1 /bin/bash
cd src/websockets
python3 main

Terminal 4

docker exec -it covirondelle2021_station_1 /bin/bash
cd src/controller
python main

Terminal 5

docker exec -it covirondelle2021_station_1 /bin/bash
cd src/controller

Then, you can print in the required handler that the topic was received. You can also test "start_cycle" reception by pressing the button in the frontend, which will be handled by the websocket and will publish the correct topic.