✗ This script does not produce reproducible output (yet!).
To ensure no accidental local changes are included, run:
$ contrib/make_clean
To create the source tarball (with the libsecp library included):
$ contrib/make_linux_sdist
Alternatively, you may use a docker with all required dependencies installed:
$ contrib/build-linux/srcdist_docker/build.sh
and a.zip
file of Electrum ABC will be placed in thedist/
✓ This binary is reproducible: you should be able to generate binaries that match the official releases (i.e. with the same sha256 hash).
To create a deterministic Linux AppImage (standalone bundle):
$ contrib/make_clean $ git checkout COMMIT_OR_TAG $ contrib/build-linux/appimage/build.sh
is a git commit or branch or tag (egmaster
, etc). Themake_clean
command can be omitted for testing purposes. -
The built stand-alone Linux program will be placed in
. -
The above requires docker. See appimage/README.md.