IMPORTANT: Code to be Maintain later Variable, File, Folder MUST NOT contain
MUST NOT exist the hyphen-
good: user, product, ...
or: userArray, userList, userCollection, ... (the return data types)
bad: users, products, ...
bad: customer-report
Use Eslint Typescript format suggestion
Use Prettier
Use Husky
File and Component names need to be identical.
good: folder: Header, file: Header.tsx
bads: header, headerComponent, header-component
- Export to ES6
Export components at end of file
// Filename: userlogin.ts
export const UserLoginNew = () => {};
- Good
// Filename: UserLogin.tsx
const UserLogin = () => {};
export default UserLogin;
- Use
- Must not begin with a digit
- Must not contain special characters
good: LoginSideBar, LoginHeader
bad: user, Login-Header, Login_Header
- Use
- Must not begin with a digit
- Must not contain special characters
- Good
PageHeader.tsx, UserLoginForm.tsx;
- Bad
page - header.tsx, user - login - form.tsx;
- Use
- Must not begin with a digit
- Must not contain special characters
render() {
return <span className="menu navigation-menu">Menu</span>
- Naming:
"handle" + TriggerEvent
.- exp: handleClick
IMPORTANT: Use arrow function for 'this' to be in correct context
Must not begin with a digit
Must not contain special characters
<UserLogin userName="John Doe" />
- Bad
<UserLogin user_name="John Doe" />
Alway use
close tag if don't have children -
<Foo className="stuff" /> // only have />
- Bad
<Foo className="stuff"></Foo> //this have </Foo>
If component have many prop, put
close tag on the new line -
<Foo className="stuff" id="uniqueId" dataAttribute="moreStuff" />
- Bad
<Foo className="stuff" id="uniqueId" dataAttribute="moreStuff" />
- Use
// demo Type
export type UserType = {
userId: string;
userName: string;
// demo Interface
export interface User {
userId: string;
userName: string;
// demo REACT
interface UseUserLoginProps {
username: string
interface UseUserLoginReturn {
data: gì đó
const useUserLogin = ({username, password}: UseUserLoginProps): UseUserLoginReturn => {
return // ví dụ
- Use
export enum USER_ROLE {
- Good
const getUser = () => {
// logic
- Bad
function getUser() {
// logic
- Bad
const hookQueryConfig = () => {
- Good
const useQueryConfig = () => {
- Use
- Must start with a verb
- Must not begin with a digit.
- Must not contain special characters
- Good:
function getUser() {}
- Bad
function get_user() {}
function get-user() {}
- After each function update need to update the version
- Just write full lowercase, use Upper case only for
* check if a number is a prime
* @param {number} num - number need to check
* @returns {Boolean} - true or false
* @example isPrime(5)
* @description
* this function check whether a number is a prime number. return false if the input is not a integer
* @author hoangnn
* @version 0.0.1
function isPrime(num: number): Boolean {
// Logic
// ...
- Import theo thứ tự: utils, styles, fonts, contexts, hooks, components, pages
import { lazy, Suspense, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import '@styles/index.scss'
import ThemeStyles from '@styles/theme'
import { SidebarProvider } from '@contexts/sidebarContext'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'
import { ThemeContextType, useTheme } from '@contexts/themeContext
import { Route, Routes, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import { useWindowSize } from 'react-use'
import Loader from '@components/Loader'
import AppBar from '@layout/AppBar'
import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify'
const Login = lazy(() => import('@pages/Login'))
JSON property must follow the snake_case to distinguish it from Class properties
- Good
"entity_property": "value"
- Bad
"entityProperty": "value"
- Exp
"status": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"user_id": "123",
"user_name": "John Doe"
Variable names can contain alphabets and numeric digits.
They cannot contain spaces and special characters, except the underscore (_) and the dollar ($) sign.
Variable names cannot begin with a digit.
const userName = "JohnDoe";
- Bad
const 1_userName = "JohnDoe";