Choose managed storage over unmanaged storage
Know differences between Premium and Standard storage (disks)
Different storage access tiers: premium, hot (standard), cool, archive
design a storage provisioning strategy
Go through Azure portal, create storage account and see what options are available during the account creation
Storage (as most resources in Azure) can be alos provisioned via ARM templates, calling directly RESTful API or using 3rd party tools like Terraform or Pulumi
design storage access strategy
identify storage requirements
- US & EU: 2 PB
- UK & other: 500 TB
Thruput: 20k RW/s (read and writes per second)
Networking speed (inbound)
- US: 20 Gbps local storage, 10 Gbps global storage
- Other: 10 Gbps local storage, 5 Gbps global storage
Networking speed (outbound) V1
- US: 30 Gbps local storage, 20 Gbps global storage
- Other: 15 Gbps local storage, 10 Gbps global storage
Networking speed (outbound) V2
- all: global and local 50 Gbps
- 250 storage accounts per subscription per region
recommend a storage solution
Storage account
- Standard: Uses HDD, cheapest, charge by usage, supports cool and hot tiers
- Premium: SSD, low latency, supports only hot tier
Unmanaged disks
Managed disks
- High availabiliy: 99.999%
- Disk types: Ultra SSD, Premium SSD, Standard SSD, Standard HDD
High Durability mechanism
- Local Redundant Storage or Zone Redundant Storage: 3 copies of a file
- Globally Redundant Storage: 6 copies of a file
recommend storage management tools
Azure portal
PowerShell via Cloud Shell or installed as Powershell Module on Windows or Linux (requires PowerShell Core)
Use Azure CLI with bash/zsh. Use
az intractive
command to get autocompletion and command line help. Azure CLI can be installed on Windows (including WSL) and of course Linux
Plularsight - Design a Compute Strategy for Microsoft Azure
design a compute provisioning strategy
Automate provisioning and de-provisioning of compute resources by using Infrastructure as Code (Terraform or ARM templates)
VMs can also have extensions installed as well as using Azre Blueprints and init scripts to install components at startup
design a secure compute strategy
- There are several tools available for securing compute resources and managing access to them in Azure such as
- RBAC to manage access and rights
- Azure Policies
- Tagging resources for better organization
- Azure Blueprints
- Resources locking
- There are several tools available for securing compute resources and managing access to them in Azure such as
determine appropriate compute technologies
design an Azure HPC environment
identify compute requirements
recommend management tools for compute
Azure portal
PowerShell via Cloud Shell or installed as Powershell Module on Windows or Linux (requires PowerShell Core)
Use Azure CLI with bash/zsh. Use
az intractive
command to get autocompletion and command line help. Azure CLI can be installed on Windows (including WSL) and of course Linux
If you have previously passed AZ-300 exam, you should be able to easily pass any networking related questions as most of the AZ-300 conntent is about VNEts and VMs. Separate repo with learning notes preparing for AZ-300 exam here
design a network provisioning strategy
Go through Azure portal, create VNET, Virtual GateWay or other virtual network components and see what options are available during the creation
Virtual networking components (as most resources in Azure) can be alos provisioned via ARM templates, calling directly RESTful API or using 3rd party tools like Terraform or Pulumi
design a network security strategy
Use Network Security Groups and create Inbound and Outbound traffic rules to govern traffic from and into your VNET
Use Appication Security Group to create and manage network security on an application level
Limit access to resources by placing them on VNEt and useing Virtual Network service endpoints to allow access only from predefined Azure services
Change Azure default routing rules by creating Route Table
determine appropriate network connectivity technologies
Iterating throught options, details are in the AZ-300 repo.
Virtual network peering
VPN (site-to-site, point-to-site)
Application Gateway
identify networking requirements
recommend network management tools
Azure portal
- Use Network Watcher to visualize VNets and connectivity between them. Network Watcher can also be used to troubleshoot networking issues
PowerShell via Cloud Shell or installed as Powershell Module on Windows or Linux (requires PowerShell Core)
Use Azure CLI with bash/zsh. Use
az intractive
command to get autocompletion and command line help. Azure CLI can be installed on Windows (including WSL) and of course Linux
recommend network security solutions
Reuse network security groups
Follow Principle of least priviledge
Use Application Gateway with WAF
Take adventage of Just-in-Time VM Access to open SSH and RDP ports only when needed
- design for alert notifications
- design an alert and metrics strategy