These are the basic rules for Developers & Maintainers of The PixelDust Project.
- Maintainers must behave properly & be friendly with other members, They must not troll, insult, use hate words, do personal attacks or any action that is unacceptable towards the creation of a positive environment.
- The sources of the device being used must be open for forking, inspection etc. Maintainers may host their trees at Pixeldust Devices github organization. If not, they must provide a link to their Device sources on their support thread.
- Maintainers must not release modded builds officially, Official builds must not contain anything more or less than what ROM source provides at that moment.
- The device must not have any outside dependencies. All dependencies must be open sourced and ready to be fork with proper commit history.
- Builds should be tested before public release.
- Maintainers must provide changelogs for each build.