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File metadata and controls

161 lines (118 loc) · 5.14 KB


A small library to make working with the Shared folder in playdate easier

Cross-Game Data

There's a pdShared global that has tools for checking for cross-game ownership and sharing data between games:

-- Creates a shared data file at /Shared/.meta/com.example.mygame.json
-- Check if another game has any shared data:
-- Get the shared data of another game:
-- Get a list of all shared games:

Custom Directories

If you want to save more complicated data, like themes, music, etc. you can use custom directories in the Shared folder:

import "pdShared"

-- Creates /Shared/Data/com.example.mygame/ (if it doesn't exist)
local shared = playdate.file.shared("Data")
print("Shared path: " .. shared:getPath())

-- Create a json file at /Shared/Data/com.example.mygame/test.json
shared.datastore.write({foo="bar"}, "test")
-- Print out the file

-- Creates /Shared/Data/My Game/ (if it doesn't exist)
local shared_custom = playdate.file.shared("Data", "My Game")
-- Create a json file at /Shared/Data/My Game/test.json
shared_custom.datastore.write({foo="bar"}, "test")

To add saved data to another game, create the shared directory with the game's bundle id:

local your_shared = playdate.file.shared("Data", "com.example.yourgame")
your_shared.datastore.write({foo="bar"}, "test")


Most of the functions match the playdate file/datastore API but operate relative to the Shared folder.


Returns the sanitized bundle id of the game, which removes any user.1234. prefix in the case of sideloaded games. If id is not provided playdate.metadata.bundleID is used.


Checks if a game (or this game)'s data is present in the /Shared/.meta folder.

if pdShared.gameExists("com.example.yourgame") then
    print("Game data exists")


Returns a list of all games that have shared data in the /Shared/.meta folder.

Supported games
  • Pomo Post - com.gammagames.pomodoro
  • What the Taiji?! - net.marquiskurt.what-the-taiji
  • XTRIS - com.fletchmakes.xtris


Shares data with other games. The data is saved in the /Shared/.meta folder with the current project's bundle id as the filename. The function saves the game's metadata (from pd.metadata) with a data key if the optional data argument is provided. An easy way to use it is to share your data when the game terminates:

function playdate.gameWillTerminate()

An example com.gammagames.pomodoro.json that has shared data:

	"data": {
	"description":"Delivery in 25 minutes or less!",
	"name":"Pomo Post",


Loads the shared data of another game, or this game if not used. Returns the shared data key as the first value and the entire table as the second.

local shared_data, shared_metadata = pdShared.loadData("com.example.yourgame")

playdate.file.shared([id], [prefix])

  • id (string) - The optional id of the game. Defaults to a sanitized bundle id of the game.
  • prefix (string) - The optional path to the Shared folder. Defaults to nothing and places your game's folder in the root of /Shared.

playdate.file.shared.gameExists(id, [prefix])

Checks if a game's data is present in the Shared folder. The prefix is optional and defaults to nothing.

-- Checks for the existence of /Shared/com.example.mygame
if shared.gameExists("com.example.mygame") then
    print("Game data exists")
-- Checks for the existence of /Shared/Achievements/com.example.mygame
if playdate.file.shared.gameExists("com.example.mygame", "Achievements") then
    print("Game data exists")


Returns the path to the Shared folder.


The following functions match their signatures from the SDK, but operate on files in the Shared folder:

  • shared:open(path, [mode])
  • shared:listFiles(path, [showhidden])
  • shared:exists(path)
  • shared:isdir(path)
  • shared:mkdir(path)
  • shared:delete(path, [recursive])
  • shared:getSize(path)
  • shared:getType(path)
  • shared:modTime(path)
  • shared:rename(path, newPath)


All functions match the signatures from the SDK, but operate on files in the Shared folder:

  • shared.datastore.write(table, [filename], [pretty_print])
  • shared.datastore.delete([filename])
  • shared.datastore.writeImage(image, path)
  • shared.datastore.readImage(path)