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Abstract / Design of Plutarch

This is meant to be a long-form stream-of-thought description of the design of Plutarch and the reasoning behind it.

Plutarch is at its core an eDSL framework. The goal is to have some way of defining embedded definitions in Haskell that you can then introspect, translating them into executable forms if so needed. The type of the embedded definition should notably declare its language. Does it use arbitrary polymorphism? Does it use integers? Does it use IO? Does it use non-linear functions? Given these in the type, we should then be able to compose embedded definitions, resulting in a new type that is morally the intersection of the constituents.

The core challenges are the following:

We call the embedded definition a term. We call the act of transforming a term into something usable interpretation. It is also possible to do a partial interpretation, where only part of the language of the term is removed and possibly transformed into something else. For example, you can transform a term that uses the lambda calculus into a term that uses the SKI calculus, without affecting the other parts of the term.

Given this, it should be possible to write programs in Haskell for whatever platform you target. It would be possible to make an interpreter for a term in the simply typed lambda calculus that turns it into C code, a la Compiling to Categories.

How do we achieve such a design?

Design decisions

Avoiding duplication of top-level definitions

In Haskell-land:

f :: A -> B

g :: (A, A) -> (B, B)
g (x, x) = (f x, f x)

The above when compiled by GHC does not duplicate f. In an eDSL, this would naively be duplicated as g references the AST of f in its definition, not its name. This is a fundamental challenge of eDSLs in Haskell. One possible solution is to refrain from referencing definitions directly, rather referencing their names, then at the top-level map names to definitions. This is quite manual.

The approach taken by Plutarch is to hoist embedded closed terms to the top-level and deduplicate them. This can be done by hashing the terms and using stable names. Without using stable names, f would still be hashed twice. In a large enough program, the interpretation (not the output) would be inefficient due to the large amount of processing done on duplicated top-level terms, even though they are deduplicated later. The approach taken in Plutarch 1 is to embed the processing of the terms in the definition of the term itself, which is possible since there is only one possible interpretation. If we are to allow arbitrary interpretations, the way to avoid this is to use stable names to detect equivalent thunks to deduplicate the processing of the term in addition to the term itself.

Preserving type information

Assume we are targetting a typed output format, for example, we are generating C code and we need to know the sizes of the types involved. Given a term, often we can infer the types involved, but to ensure that we always have type information, the concept of type information must be made explicit. In general, to interpret a term of type a, we must also have the type information for type a.

Supporting custom (proper Haskell-level) data types

The goal is to be able to define data types the same way you do it in Haskell.

This is still in-progress and is harder in the new design. The old design was using a HKD-like construction, but this is no longer possible since each subterm would have a different type, meaning that you can not use the same (functor-y) application for each subterm. Seemingly a solution is to associate an index with each application, but this seems horribly complex.

Possible solutions are using TH-magic to define the data types, or having a magic SOP-like type and using newtypes over it, with optics to operate over it.

Ergonomic syntax

Combinators and overloaded record dot

This is the approach uses in Plutarch 1. Application turns from f x into f # x, abstraction from \x y z -> w into plam \x y z -> w, construction from A x to pcon $ A x, A $ B x into pcon $ A $$ B x, matching from case x of A y -> z into pmatch x \case A y -> z, and record access stays the same.

This seems usable to a large extent, but this doesn't work well with for example view-patterns, nor nested pattern matching.

To a large extent it seems possible to aleviate this with optics.

proc-notation / Arrow syntax

It should be possible to use Arrow notation to write terms, using a plugin like overloaded. It would be best if the plugin could somehow supported qualified proc-notation, such that you can choose the functions used for the desugaring. The type classes predefined in overloaded are not generic enough, as you can't assign them arbitrary types. If they were, you'd run into the problem of type inference struggling, hence why explicitly noting the "language" you're working with seems to be the solution a la qualified do-notation.

You could possibly integrate the plugin into GHC itself as it's not Plutarch-specific.

Converting Haskell definitions into terms using Template Haskell

This is similar to what [plutus-tx][plutus-tx] from the Cardano ecosystem does. It is not clear (to me, Las) when a plugin is needed. If you use the GHC Core from the definition, you would turn it into a term of a language that mimics GHC Core. If you can somehow operate on the AST directly, without including quoting the definition, you could interpret it in arbitrary languages constrained by what Haskell features it uses.

In either case, there is the question of how to handle uses of external definitions in the definition. If they are accessible, they could be translated into a term too. For external definitions that are not INLINABLE, this is impossible. Rather than using external Haskell definitions, it seems feasible to interpret terms as Haskell definitions, use that in the definition, then the TH code could "uninterpret" the term in the definition trivially, and reference it directly.

Overloaded application / lambda abstractions

This would allow you to write terms in a "direct" style. However, it seems this would be problematic wrt. type inference. Perhaps something like "qualified application/abstraction" would fit, but what about when you want to embed Haskell-level applications? Perhaps something like idiom brackets would fit better.

Supporting embedding other languages

Given example languages as the following:

data Arith :: Language where
  Add :: t (Expr a) -> t (Expr a) -> Arith t (Expr a)
  Lit :: Int -> Arith t (Expr PInt)

data HasArith :: Language where
  HasArith :: t a -> Arith t a

We wish for HasArith to somehow support in its child node the Arith language in addition to the existing languages.

We need not only this, but the ability to arbitrarily control how term are annotated with languages, the ability to remove them, concatenate them, and so on.

Through this, we can model linearly-captured variables for use in linear lambda abstractions.


type Term :: [Language] -> Tag -> Type

The fundamental data type of importance. The Term is not specialised to expressions, or any specific type of AST node, instead it recognises that there are many types of AST nodes beyond expressions. Not all languages are varants of the lambda calculus. There are pure expressions, impure expressions, linearity, effects, variables, type information, and more. Each of these can be represented as a tag. The tag can be thought of as a filter on the constructors possible, the constructors of each constituent language. Each index in the stack of languages is meaningful and distinct. Languages can be expansible and contractible. To be expansible means to be addible unconditionally to the stack. To be contractible means to be collapsible with another member of itself in the stack. Both of these represent powers and freedoms that linearly bound variables do not have. Necessarily, each member of the language stack is distinct and not necessarily unique. We can have two instances of the same language, and explicitly choose which to use. If contractible, we can interpret one in terms of the other (or equivalently, the opposite way around). If expansible, we can pretend we use it when we don't. This is similar to the structural rules of weakening and contraction. Indeed, the stack of languages is itself linear. The languages are akin to the types of the stack members in this eDSL at the type-level, each of which declares whether it supports weakening and contraction. Notably, exchange is always supported. In fact, we can arbitrarily reorder the members of the stack as fit.

Using a (constructor of a) language, morally similar to sending an effect in an effect system, always appends an instance of the language to the stack. Constructors have AST nodes as arguments, each of which has their own (not necessarily unique) language stack. This is denoted by a list of stacks in the type of the constructor. When "sent", the list is flattened, collapsing it into one stack, but we retain the structure as run-time information to later reconstruct. Each embedded AST node can be of an arbitrary language stack, enabling embedding variables as languages. Indeed, linearly bound variables form their own incontractible inexpansible language of variables. Linear lambdas prepend such a language to the language stack of the body.

Given such a system, how do we interpret it? What is the meaning of a term of a specific language stack? How do interpret only part of the term, transforming the languages in the stack? Can we, for example, turn HOAS into explicitly bound variables without disturbing the other parts? How do we share the work done on multiple appearances of the same node in the AST? How do we recover the graph from the tree, while still enabling arbitrary interpretations?

The trick is to first notice that expansibility and contractibility isn't inherent. They can be emulated as constructors of the language. Then, because of linearity, interpretation becomes trivial: Given a language l in a list of languages ls, a term Term ls tag possibly holds a node of language l. The interpretation function will be morally run only once (exceptions apply); it will map a node of language l to a node of language l'.

What about interpreting multiple languages at once? There is no such thing as a "multi-language node", so we necessarily always handle a specific root language. However, the node contains nested languages, some of which may be of interest. We take this to the limit, and say that we can interpret Term ls tag into Term ls' tag, with Interpret ls ls', a list of interpreters, one for each l & l' in ls & ls'. Each interpreter must additionally map the nested languages from ls to ls' too. A node can contain multiple subnodes, and nodes of different subsets of ls. For each subnode, we choose a single interpretation function from Interpret ls ls', which transforms the node and its nested nodes/languages. If the node did not contain some language, then it will not transform it either.

How do we recover the simple functionality of folding over a contractible language? Contractibility itself represents a node, hence the interpreter will in that case recurse without delegating the recursion elsewhere.