Releases: Pocket/pocket-ios
Releases · Pocket/pocket-ios
What's Changed
- Bump to Release 8.5.0 by @Gio2018 in #953
- chore(deps): early february dependency update by @bassrock in #951
- feat(stickers): adding in some more fun Pocket stickers by @bassrock in #955
- fix(color): ensuring the sticker background matches the system by @bassrock in #956
- Shared With You by @Gio2018 in #954
- chore(xcode): updating to xcode 15.3 by @bassrock in #959
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 2a3244c from develop by @pocket-ci in #958
- Shared With You - Support url + SharedWithYou Analytics by @Gio2018 in #957
- Fix release not building after updating CI to Xcode 15.3 by @Gio2018 in #960
- UI tests - fix some fixtures and update button identifiers by @Gio2018 in #961
- Highlights - Fix crash on highlighting a list item by @Gio2018 in #962
- Share: update shortUrl on demand, if needed, when sharing an url by @Gio2018 in #963
Full Changelog: release/v8.4.0...release/v8.5.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- bump release to 8.4.0 by @Gio2018 in #931
- Highlights - Highlights filter and highlights list with share and delete in article view by @Gio2018 in #926
- Highlights - Extend feature flag and use amber color for quotes by @Gio2018 in #932
- Highlights - Add image captions to the patchable text by @Gio2018 in #933
- Highlights - add badges to saves/archive list by @Gio2018 in #934
- Fix highlight color in light mode by @Gio2018 in #935
- Reader: update links format to match the text color and keep the underline by @Gio2018 in #936
- Smartling translations are updated for commit 409eb74 from develop by @pocket-ci in #938
- chore(deps): updating deps for Jan 2024 by @bassrock in #941
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 7fee044 from develop by @pocket-ci in #939
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 2529b45 from develop by @pocket-ci in #943
- chore(ci): updating xcode to 15.2 by @bassrock in #942
- Add Highlights by @Gio2018 in #937
- feat(upgrades): adding in upgrade handling logic by @bassrock in #945
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 2f380c4 from develop by @pocket-ci in #944
- Show premium upsell if free users try to add more than three highlights by @Gio2018 in #946
- Highlights: improve logic to save highlights by @Gio2018 in #948
- Remove highlights feature flag by @Gio2018 in #949
- Highlights: add premium upsell viewed analytics event by @Gio2018 in #950
- chore(deps): update dependency braze-inc/braze-swift-sdk to v7.6.0 by @renovate in #947
- Highlights - fix bug that could prevent applying an highlight in certain conditions by @Gio2018 in #952
Full Changelog: release/v8.3.0...release/v8.4.0
What's Changed
- bump release to 8.3.0 by @Gio2018 in #911
- deps(dec2023): updating dependencies by @bassrock in #912
- Update Bitrise to Xcode 15.1 by @Gio2018 in #913
- fix(stickers): adding an empty file for codesigning by @bassrock in #916
- fix(tags): updating tags pageinfo mock by @bassrock in #918
- Highlights: display existing highlights by @Gio2018 in #915
- feat(spotlight): adding in a deeplinks for spotlight by @bassrock in #917
- chore(deps): updating dependencies for dec 2023 by @bassrock in #919
- Add missing version to DiffMatchPatch framework by @Gio2018 in #920
- Fix erroneous alert in premium status view by @Gio2018 in #922
- Highlights - sort patches by @Gio2018 in #923
- Highlights - Add support for highlights list in article view by @Gio2018 in #924
- Apollo update + Highlights fix by @Gio2018 in #925
- Tags View: fix some issues by @Gio2018 in #927
- Highlights - Feature flag by @Gio2018 in #928
- Login: merge Login and Signup buttons into Continue by @Gio2018 in #929
- fix(analytics): adding in a way to get mac analytics by @bassrock in #930
Full Changelog: release/v8.2.0...release/v8.3.0
What's Changed
- fix: do not log graphql error prematurely by @dskuza in #870
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 7812836 from develop by @pocket-ci in #871
- Smartling translations are completed for commit db1cc95 from develop by @pocket-ci in #866
- Smartling translations are completed for commit c90b7c1 from develop by @pocket-ci in #873
- docs: fix misformatted markdown header in by @marcin-kozinski in #874
- Add localized description to unknown sentry errors by @CMasterson in #872
- chore(apollo): updating apollo from 1.2.0 to 1.6.1 by @bassrock in #876
- fix(xcode): moving to xcode15 by @bassrock in #877
- feat(collections): update fonts to use sans-serif [MOSOIOS-52] by @cyndichin in #875
- fix(tests): updating tests by @bassrock in #878
- fix(tests): add corpusItem field to updated-list fixture for PullToRefreshTests by @cyndichin in #881
- fix(tests): remove home web view tests by @cyndichin in #882
- fix(tests): update corpus item for ReportARecommendationTests by @cyndichin in #880
- fix(tests): reader tests and share an item tests by @cyndichin in #883
- fix(tests): fix sign out and search tests by @cyndichin in #884
- Fix some UI tests by @Gio2018 in #879
- Upgrade CI machine by @Gio2018 in #885
- feat(listen): add listen support to an individual item [INXT-1362] by @dskuza in #886
- fix(tests): disable failing tests by @Gio2018 in #887
- Bump version to 8.2.0 by @Gio2018 in #888
- Update Bitrise.yml and .gitignore files by @Gio2018 in #890
- CI: replace release build with debug build in PR checks pipeline by @Gio2018 in #891
- CI: cleanup workflows and introduce key based caching for SPM by @Gio2018 in #893
- chore(deps): update to apollo-ios 1.7.0 by @bassrock in #894
- chore(deps): updating snowplow to 5.6.0 by @bassrock in #896
- chore(deps): update braze to 7.1.0 by @bassrock in #895
- fix(auth): updating auth race condition test by @bassrock in #898
- chore(deps): batch of dependency updates for 11/01/2023 by @bassrock in #897
- feature(braze): track deployment type by @nzeltzer in #769
- feat(listen): use offline delegation for offline tts by @dskuza in #899
- feat(listen): add support for disabling online TTS by @dskuza in #900
- Premium Reader Settings by @Gio2018 in #892
- feat: lift article load limit to 10,000 items by @nzeltzer in #901
- feat(search): add support for premium search experiment by feature flag by @dskuza in #903
- feat(tests): re-eneble disabled reader settings ui test by @Gio2018 in #902
- Premium Settings - Reset to defaults for free users and premium upsell subtitle by @Gio2018 in #905
- UI Tests - Rearrange test plans by @Gio2018 in #906
- feat(listen): add support for dark mode by @dskuza in #907
- Add Universal Links support by @Gio2018 in #908
- feat(stickers): add in pocket stickers by @bassrock in #910
New Contributors
- @marcin-kozinski made their first contribution in #874
Full Changelog: release/v8.1.0.25674...release/v8.2.0
v8.2.0 (Offline TTS)
release/v8.2.0-offline-tts feat(listen): use offline delegation for offline tts
What's Changed
- Cherry Pick Release v8.0.8 into develop and other fixes by @Gio2018 in #853
- Smartling translations are completed for commit b783db7 from develop by @pocket-ci in #851
- Widgets - Add analytics event for opening recent saves or recommendations from a widget by @Gio2018 in #854
- feat(syndication): add indicator for syndicated articles by @cyndichin in #855
- fix(syndication): add syndicated icon to collections stories by @cyndichin in #858
- fix(extension): improve performance in text appearance by @cyndichin in #856
- Migration - avoid refreshing on migration errors when users are logged out by @Gio2018 in #857
- project: add pocket url type by @dskuza in #859
- fix(strings): remove translations for collections + saves by @cyndichin in #860
- fix(saveto): fall back to attempting public.url items as Data by @dskuza in #861
- Move the sink to recieve on the main thread, so the following navigat… by @CMasterson in #863
- Smartling translations are updated for commit 411a37f from develop by @pocket-ci in #862
- fix(sync): log out on 403 by @dskuza in #865
- fix(copy): update empty recent searches message by @cyndichin in #864
- feat(sync): always enable listen by @dskuza in #868
- Saves - fix erroneous publisher by @Gio2018 in #867
- First Launch - clear session before the session is handled by @Gio2018 in #869
Full Changelog: release/v8.0.8.25578...release/v8.1.0.25674
What's Changed
- Add new color for Darkmode URLs in Reader by @CMasterson in #833
- Loading View - Replace spinner with shapes animation by @Gio2018 in #836
- project: bump version to v8.0.7 by @dskuza in #838
- fix(tags): update tags logic in shared extension by @cyndichin in #834
- feat(saveto): log out from share extension on 401 by @dskuza in #840
- Widget Update services - remove Core Data logic from async operations by @Gio2018 in #842
- Widget Deeplinks Setup by @CMasterson in #839
- Universal links - Add links to Widget Rows by @Gio2018 in #843
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 96a1a69 from develop by @pocket-ci in #835
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 4d7c8ed from develop by @pocket-ci in #837
- feat: cards display in iPad by @cyndichin in #841
- Universal Links - Add navigation to an article selected from a widget by @Gio2018 in #846
- feat(sync): reset persistent container on load error by @dskuza in #848
- project: bump version to v8.1.0 by @dskuza in #849
- fix(leaks): by @Gio2018 in #850
Full Changelog: release/v8.0.6.25431...release/v8.0.8.25578
What's Changed
- feat(logging) Log breadcrumb when a user signs in or out by @CMasterson in #784
- IN-650 Record user progress when viewing an article in Reader. by @CMasterson in #783
- Item Widgets: fix vertical thumbnail size by @Gio2018 in #785
- IN-650 Add Syndicated articles to progress recording by @CMasterson in #789
- fix(Sentry) Change a log to a breadcrumb by @CMasterson in #787
- project: bump version to v8.0.6 by @dskuza in #788
- fix(layout): adjust iPad layout to use two hero cards by @cyndichin in #786
- Update Fastfile by @nzeltzer in #794
- project: update team and remove references to alpha neue by @dskuza in #795
- refactor(sync): update SavedItem and Item URLs to String types by @dskuza in #753
- refactor(extension): move array extension to SharedPocketKit by @cyndichin in #793
- project: update release signing identity by @dskuza in #796
- Revert "project: update release signing identity" by @dskuza in #797
- feat(settings): add original view toggle by @cyndichin in #790
- ci: update bitrise signing by @dskuza in #800
- feat(collections): update queries for collections by @cyndichin in #798
- feat: add url via manual input by @CMasterson in #773
- feat(migration): force user migration after app transfer by @dskuza in #772
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 77e0a48 from develop by @pocket-ci in #801
- Unified Home by @Gio2018 in #799
- refactor: offload end-of-feed animation loading to background thread by @dskuza in #803
- Unified Home - Update Analytics by @Gio2018 in #805
- refactor(sync): replace usage of remoteID with (given)URL by @dskuza in #815
- refactor(feature-flags): check assignment from in-memory cache by @dskuza in #822
- project: update snowplow dependency by @dskuza in #830
- feat(sync): log out user on 401 GraphQL response by @dskuza in #827
- feat(collections): add native collections feature by @cyndichin in #806
- In 1597 Sharing PDF links to Pocket by @CMasterson in #832
Full Changelog: release/v8.0.5.25060...release/v8.0.6.25431
What's Changed
- In 1482 - App Badge Not Displaying by @CMasterson in #768
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 5e1b5a6 from develop by @pocket-ci in #778
- feat(killswitch) Add and enable featureflags for a Reader killswitch by @CMasterson in #780
- Widgets: Recent Saves and Recommendations Widgets (aka Item Widgets) by @Gio2018 in #735
- project: bump version to v8.0.5 by @dskuza in #781
- fix(readableWidth) Fix readable width changing .compact views by @CMasterson in #774
- Smartling translations are completed for commit 87faaed from develop by @pocket-ci in #782
Full Changelog: release/v8.0.4.25010...release/v8.0.5.25060