4.0.0 (2020-06-16)
- export PolyResponse from the correct path (75c967d)
- export ST wrapper because of missing event in IST wrapper (d737fa8)
- export ST wrappers (40560bb)
- remove duplicate events (d7e6057)
- remove duplicated function (7a2eb52)
- remove wrong sintax format (dc1524e)
- rename poly response file (100fee2)
- revert dependency versions back to a working state (2ee0357)
- update contract artifacts to latest version (c79750e)
- dependencies: dependencies updated (f208f0b)
- usdtieredsto: tiered sto allows set any stablecoin we want (7adb896)
- wrapper: add APLCRVC wrapper to our components suite (973e9eb)
- modify built code (39b36ee)
- support multiple versions (6ca6721)
- usdtieredsto: Contract is now available to be pegged with other fiat currency. Configure function is now accepting the contract address of the stable coins, the addresses of the custom oracles and the symbol of the denominated currency.
- abi wrappers are now exported per version and with version names
4.0.0-beta.10 (2020-06-16)
- update contract artifacts to latest version (c79750e)
4.0.0-beta.9 (2019-11-14)
- usdtieredsto: tiered sto allows set any stablecoin we want (7adb896)
- usdtieredsto: Contract is now available to be pegged with other fiat currency. Configure function is now accepting the contract address of the stable coins, the addresses of the custom oracles and the symbol of the denominated currency.
4.0.0-beta.8 (2019-09-26)
- dependencies: dependencies updated (f208f0b)
4.0.0-beta.7 (2019-09-26)
- revert dependency versions back to a working state (2ee0357)
4.0.0-beta.6 (2019-09-25)
- export ST wrapper because of missing event in IST wrapper (d737fa8)
4.0.0-beta.5 (2019-09-25)
- remove wrong sintax format (dc1524e)
- wrapper: add APLCRVC wrapper to our components suite (973e9eb)
4.0.0-beta.4 (2019-09-11)
- add npm automation (90da398)
- add npm automation (cea1669)
- add npm automation (8611da7)
- add npm automation (415ae33)
- add npm automation (a30d37e)
4.0.0-beta.1 (2019-09-10)
- export PolyResponse from the correct path (75c967d)
- export ST wrappers (40560bb)
- remove duplicate events (d7e6057)
- remove duplicated function (7a2eb52)
- rename poly response file (100fee2)
- abi wrappers are now exported per version and with version names