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Executable(s) or Source Script(s)/Tool(s), Config(s), Setting(s), instruction(s), link(s), etc for “Portable Firefox For MacOS X/XI 64” ₁(aka “PortableFirefox-ForMacOS64” aka “PortableFirefox-OS64” aka “PortableFirefox-OSX64” aka “PortableFirefox-OSXI64” aka “PortableFirefox-OS-X-XI-64” aka “PortableFirefox-OSX1-64”)₁ are displayed+placed in this page.
- Content/INDEX List: | Intro | Run/Build-Tools(for Users+Devs) ¹{ New Script/Tool License ⁷{ Type of New Tool/Script }⁷ | Old-Script | Xcode | Platypus | Cocoa-Dialog | Pashua }¹ | Pre-Build (for-DEVs) ²{ PB-1 | PB-2 | PB-3 | PB-4 | PB-5 }² | MODs (for-DEVs) ³{ - }³ | Build (for-DEVs) ⁴{ B-1 | B-2 | B-3 | B-4 }⁴ | Release(Apps,Tools,Scripts,Cfgs,etc) | Post-Build (for-USERs)(& DEVs) ⁵{ MODs (for-USERs)(& DEVs) ⁸{ - }⁸ }⁵ | Run/Execute/Test | Errors | Help-To-Build | Extra-Notes ⁶{ Profile-Folder }⁶ |
• macOSXI Big Sur - version is 11.0.z (
10.16.z) (mostly 64bit-only)
• macOSX Catalina - version is 10.15.z (mostly 64bit-only)
• macOSX Mojave - version is 10.14.z (64bit+32bit)
• macOSX High-Sierra - version is 10.13.z (64bit+32bit)
• macOSX Sierra - version is 10.12.z (64bit+32bit)
( XI = 11 = Eleven = macOS-XI = macOSXI = macOS11 )
( X = 10 = Ten = macOS-X = macOSX = macOS10 )
( X/XI = X-XI = 10/11 = 10-11 = Ten/Eleven = Ten-Eleven = macOS-X/XI = macOS-X-XI = macOS-10/11 )
( Generally in a version number X.Y.Z , X indicates a MAJOR version number, Y is Minor , Z is patch / build / maintenance , then a revision alphanum string may/can exist. But Apple followed different versioning: Significant.Major.Minor ) - ( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = macOS X/XI 64 . DEVs = Developers . MODs = Modifications . CFGs = Configs . Lic = Licn = License )
Some are just for USERs, and some are just for DEVELOPERs.
• Some of the below 3rd-Party or Our Other
Tools/Scripts are needed, to build necessary (binary/executable)
tools/bundles/files/etc for this "PortableFirefox-OS64"
& related. And (mentioned in below) some of the Tools/Scripts
are used for running/executing the portable-App/Tool/Script
Or used for executing the target-App (that is inside the
portable-App ie: Firefox.app), either as a portable App
Or as a multi-instance of same app.
• To USERS+DEVS: Verify files/apps after download, And download only when (download) url/website begins with “https”. One of the best way to Verify files is to use GnuPG(GPG) tools, & use trustworthy file-signing KEY (obtained very-securely & with extra-verification from original file AUTHOR/CREATOR).
• TO USERs, If you only-want to USE a pre built App, & if you do not want to completely build/compile, then go directly into below "Release" paragraph/section, & follow link(s) to obtain "*-OS64.dmg" ₁(aka "*-ForMacOS64.dmg", aka "*-OSX64.dmg", aka "*-OSXI64.dmg", aka "*-OS-X-XI-64.dmg")₁, (or similarly "*-OS64.tar.gz" or similarly "*-OS64.zip") file release, and to Users, please also FOLLOW instruction shown on “POST-BUILD (for USER)” paragraph/section, to know what else you/User have to get & do.
• To USERs, Some items/files/components we may-not (or cannot) directly include inside some of the built+shared App archive-file ("*.dmg"
, etc).
Either because of License/proprietary restrictions Or to provide you/USER more Security/Privacy: ( Some files/components should not be provided by someone-else, as it may have pre-fixed (or trackable) IDs/numbers/settings, etc, Or it has some type of file-sharing (or file-distribution) related restriction(s).
So it is better+safer to load/install (those specific components) on your side by yourself, (to get your own & different IDs/numbers/etc). And in some cases, some IDs/numbers inside some specific items/components need-to-be or should-be anonymized(either randomized in some cases or kept-same in other cases), to provide more Privacy/Security to USER, So those steps will-be done (if possible), & pre-included by us/DEVs, and All of such matters/modifications are mentioned in "Modifications(for DEVs)" paragraph/section of this (Portable) App’s webpage.
To USERs, you can skip below BUILD-TOOLS & Other sections which are for DEVELOPERs, & Goto next “POST-BUILD(for USERs)” section or “Release” section (in this page).
• GNU General Public License Version 3
(GPL v3).
• Do Not Use This To Kill/Harm/Violate (or Steal-from)(Any) Human/Community,Earth,etc.
• Copyright © 2020 Erik T Ashfolk (<atErik@ÖυťĹöōķ·ċōm; atErïķ@AśhFölķ·ćōm> Do Not Copy Eml-Adrs, Type In English/Basic-Latin Char, No Soliciting Permitted). All rights reserved.
• (All other trademarks, etc cited here are the property of their respective owners.)
• (All other copyright items cited here are the copyright of their respective author/creator.)
The (new) ‘script’(aka “PortableFirefox-OS64.sh”
aka “script.sh”) is a bash shell script file, an Executable file,
and it is also the source code file.
This ‘script’ v4.1/v4.1.x file is usually used from such (i.e) location, in macOSX:
"/MyPortableDriveName/PortableAppsOSX/MyPortableFF_for_UseType1/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/script"
This ‘script’ v4.1/v4.1.x is used by the below “Portable Firefox”, a binary executable file:
"/MyPortableDriveName/PortableAppsOSX/MyPortableFF_for_UseType1/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/Portable Firefox"
Platypus also creates the
“Portable Firefox.app”
bundle.That binary is then placed inside the
“Portable Firefox.app”
• A developer/user can either place that
bundle inside a*.dmg
file (and compress the*.dmg
archive-file), to share it with users/others for downloading, from developer-user’s website with all License(s) & source-code & instruction files).
• Or, a developer-user can build thePortable-*.app
with an unmodified (official Firefox) app, and share with other Users the*.app
bundle/file with an accompanying instruction/readme file on How-To update or change the included Firefox into latest or another Firefox app, and dev-user must include all License(s) & source-code files.
( You can also check 1st commit of this ‘script’ file here in Github to view the v4.1 code )
The ‘script’ v4.1 was written by Carlo Gandolfi and Paolo Portaluri and others,
Copyright 2010 by Carlo Gandolfi, and, Paolo Portaluri, Released under GPL v3.
Project’s SF page: https://SourceForge.net/projects/osxportableapps/
Project Website: http://www.FreeSMUG.org/
Portable Firefox OSX (GPL-v3, MPL-1.1) is here:
https://SourceForge.net/projects/osxportableapps/files/Portable Firefox OS X/
The (old) ‘script’ v4.1 is now distributed via a ZIP file located here:
Last “Portable Firefox OSX” app: "PortableFirefox_4.0.1_en-US-OSX_r4.1.dmg", 28.2 MBytes,
https://SourceForge.net/projects/osxportableapps/files/Portable Firefox OS X/4.0.1 r4.1/
Please follow instruction from
Xcode section in this
project’s parent/home page, & get only Xcode-CLT. (After that,
press Go-Back button in your web-browser
(Firefox/Safari/Chromium) to come-back to this
section here).
Please follow instruction from
Platypus section
in this project’s parent/home page. (After that,
press Go-Back button in your web-browser
(Firefox/Safari/Chromium) to come-back to this
section here).
Older portable apps for macOSX from other project “PortableAppsOSX” (at “FreeSMUG”/“osxportableapps”) used CocoaDialog(.app bundle), it was also used inside (old) “PortableFirefoxOSX” v4.0.1 (the last release).
But (old) CocoaDialog is NOT compatible with (new)
64bit-only-macOSX (Catalina & macOSX after it) anymore.
Website: https://CocoaDialog.com/
GitHub: https://GitHub.com/cocoadialog/cocoadialog
So (older portable) App-bundle/DMG, etc which includes old CocoaDialog cannot run on 64bit-only macOSX (Catalina & macoSX after it).- ( And app⒮ built/wrapped with older Platypus also cannot run in 64bit-only macOSX, as old Platypus was not completely 64bit compatible. Newer Platypus version can run on both 64-bit-only macOSX Catalina (and macOSX after it) and can also run on 64bit+32bit macOSX Mojave (and macOSX before it). )
- CocoaDialog is licensed under GPL-2.0.
• So we must change existing (CocoaDialog) dialog
program (used by old ‘script’), into something else, like: Pashua, &
create a new ‘script’/‘script.sh’, etc.
- ( A dialog program is a type of a program which provides+performs functions to assist interactions in-between User & computer’s script/tool or other programs ).
Please follow instruction from
Pashua section
in this project’s parent/home page. (After that,
press Go-Back button in your web-browser
to come-back to this section here).
- Above folder can also be accessed in this shorter way
in macOSX Catalina or macOSXI after it:
Follow Create Folder(s) Under RootFolder section for macOS-X Catalina or macOS-XI after it.
( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 )
- Above folder can also be accessed in this shorter way
in macOSX Catalina or macOSXI after it:
“Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app”
bundle, it will be placed here:
"/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app"
(or, in its shorter form, here:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app"
bundle, & Platypus
copies+places those (files/dirs/bundles,etc) inside the
bundle-folder location shown below:
"/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app/Contents/Resources/"
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app/Contents/Resources/"
PB-2: So obtain NEW Platypus (at the time of
writing this README.md, it is/was v5.3),
from here:
and install in your (64bit-only macOSX (Catalina or later
macOSXI based) Mac computer.
Or get Platypus v4.9, as that is the last 32bit supported
(and working) Platypus, to build/wrap macOS app⒮ inside
64bit+32bit suppported macOSX (Mojave or earlier macOSX).
- Open dmg installer, Copy "Pashua.app", "Pashua.sh"
into below build related folder:
( shorter form of above location is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/"
( or, Copy those inside your Userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OS64/"
( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 )
(which has old “Firefox.app”
inside it)
from below URLs,or Get last/new Quantum(Servo-based)
https://www.Mozilla.org/& extract/get/copy the
from it,
& place/paste it into our build related folder:
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/"
( or Paste inside your Userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OS64/"
( PA = pa = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 )
- The last security-updated Gecko-based
& non-ESR (old) Firefox:
FF v56.0.2 dmg file’s sha1:79a0013664134ced2307c8e1ffa5d36f6256e8f,
md5:a5608df45832df3ff302a7ccbe7ec3f6, 54.5 MBytes,
FF v56.0.2 dmg file’s sha1:79a0013664134ced2307c8e1ffa5d36f6256e8f,
- The last gecko-based old Firefox-ESR:
FF v52.9.0 ESR dmg file’s sha1:d879f5423d79393f2384e0f97a5581f9d89d7977,
md5:34e8280bb9b33ca202ba22cf9daf25e4, 82.8 MBytes,
FF v52.9.0 ESR dmg file’s sha1:d879f5423d79393f2384e0f97a5581f9d89d7977,
- Note: ESR = Extended Support Release.
a: Use GitHub’s “Clone or Download” button & select “Download ZIP”, save zip file, goto default download location folder “Downloads”, double-click/tap on zip file (to decompress it), you’ll get a folder with same-name (without the “zip” extension), then Copy all files inside that folder, & Paste into our build folder:
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/"
( or Paste into your userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OS64/"
c: Obtain old PortableFirefox-OSX App. (Download link⒮ shown few-paragraphs above).
d: Double-Click/Tap on `"PortableFirefox_4.0.1_en-US-OSX_r4.1.dmg"` file to view internal contents(files, bundles, folders, etc).
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/"
( or Paste into your userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OS64/"
in same location shown above in PB-5-a step."Portable Firefox OS X"
folder/directory from opened content of
& place/paste it in below sub-dir/sub-folder location:-
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/"
( or Paste in your userpsace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/"
"Portable Firefox.app"
bundle which is here:-
"/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app"
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app"
( or access it from your userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app"
and select“Show Package Contents”
option, to go inside the bundle.
(and "profile"
if it exists),
from below location (which is inside the bundle):-
"/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/"
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/"
( or here:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OSX-Old/Portable Firefox OS X/Portable Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/"
i-2: If you want to use your existing Firefox settings/profile from"Portable Firefox OS X"
in your external storage/drive, then Copy"profile"
folder from that, & Paste into our build location.
i-3: If you want to use your existing Firefox settings/“profile” in your/current system (in your internal drive), with the newer “Portable Firefox ForMacOS64”, then copy below “profile” folder:
"/Users/MyUserName/Library/Applications Support/Firefox/Profiles/********.default/"
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/"
( or Paste in your Userspace:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OS64/"
To build the “PortableFirefox-ForMacOS64.app” bundle, follow/do below steps, (skip if you’ve done already or you know what you’re doing).
Tips: a good practice from beginning would-be, After getting this
(inside the recommended folder, which is shown few paragraphs above),
1st Rename it(‘script’) to
, then Open
) with your
choice of source-code editing/developing editor/build
software,Improve/Modify source code, Save,
then Use below commands to test wheather bash code syntaxes are right or where the fault⒮ are:
1│MacNm:~ UsrNm$ sh -n /System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/script.sh
2│MacNm:~ UsrNm$ echo $?
4│MacNm:~ UsrNm$
( the above"script.sh"
) file can also be accessed using its short form:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/script.sh"
( if you’re developing from your userspace, then access it here:"/Users/MyUserName/MyProjects/PA-OS64/PA-Firefox-OS64/script.sh"
When there is no syntax-error, (in other words, When the output is “0”),
then copy the"script.sh"
file in same folder,
& Rename the"script.sh Copy"
file into"script"
then follow next-steps (given in below stage/procedures).
“Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app”
“Portable Firefox For MacOS X-XI 64.app”
“Portable Firefox OS64.app”
bundle, by using Platypus:-
To build new
“Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app”
choose these below files, directories, bundles, etc inside the Platypus GUI interface:-
• directory : English.lproj
• directory (optional) : profile
• bundle : Firefox.app
• bundle : Pashua.app
• icon-file : P_Firefox_Caution.icns
• icon-file : appIcon.icns
• sh-script-file : pashua.sh
• sh-script-file : script
• readme-file : Read me.txt
• license-file : GPL-3.0_LICENSE_for_script.txt (or GPL-3.0_LICENSE_for_PortableFirefox-ForMacOS64.sh.txt or GPL-3.0_LICENSE_for_script.sh.txt)
• license-file : MPL-1.1_LICENSE_for_Firefox.txt
• license-file : MPL-2.0_LICENSE_for_Firefox.txt
• license-file : BSD-3-clause_LICENSE_for_Pashua.txt
• license-file : BSD-3-clause_LICENSE_for_Platypus.txt
• license-file : BSD-3-clause.txt
• directory : English.lproj
• Script Type : Shell : /bin/sh
• Script Path :/System/Volumes/Data/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/script
( above location’s shorter form is:"/Projects/Portable-Apps-OS64/F/PortableFirefox-OS64/script"
• Interface : Text Window
• Unselected options : Run with root privileges , Run in background , Accept dropped items
• Selected/Check-Marked options : Remain running after execution
• App Name : Portable Firefox ForMacOS64 (or what you want)
• Fill in other boxes: identifier, author, etc
B-4: Then tap/click/select/press the
“Create App”
It will create/generate a new “Portable Firefox ForMacOS64.app”
& it is compatible with 64-only macOSX (Catalina or macOSXI after it),
and also compatible with 64bit+32bit macOSX (Mojave or macOSX earlier
of it).
, you will have
to download+add some more files or apps or components (or
modify/change a/few settings) by yourself,
& apply/put those modified/changed settings/file(s)
inside a specific sub-folder location (which is) inside the
& this (“*.app”
) bundle is/was
distributed/shared with Users/Devs via
, etc) archive-file.To USERs+DEVs, Apply/Do These MODIFICATIONs/CHANGEs:
on your side/computer.You may OPTIONALLY do these:
• Which “profile” folder is used by the running
AppName ?
- View info here.
If you have spotted bug/error/fault, then let us know,
create/report an issue under this project in GitHub.
And during/after build, if you received/observed/found Error(s)
please Write down what Error⒮ you’re getting,
try to research & try to solve as much possible,
and/then Let us know about your unsolved errors & Share your
code changes
by creating an
here in “GitHub.com” & submit info, Or Let us know here in
If no-errors, even then please share your final working code,
related info, etc (if you want to)
either: by Forking/Cloning (this project) + Edit/Change, & Test the
‘script’ (or “PortableFirefox-ForMacOS64.sh” or “script.sh”) in
your side/computer, then (either) update your (this)-cloned-project
on “GitHub.com” website first (Or, “Push” your own
(successful/working) code-changes from your computer (by using
“git” tool) into/inside your own (this)-cloned-project first under
your “GitHub.com” account), and then send a Pull-request to us
(with info on what changes you’ve made & why) into this project,
Or alternatively, you can also share/paste your code-changes
by using the create new “Issue” option in “GitHub.com”
under this project.
Note: Your suggestion/code/code-changes/contributions in
our project’s Forum/Wiki/Issue-systems (here in “GitHub.com”)
will-be used/treated/taken with same LICENSE as
the app/tool, for which you are suggesting/contributing.
(If you do not want that to happen, Or if you want to discuss
privately this project/App related issue, then you may use
direct message (only to this "PortableApps64" project
admin members) but absolutely NO-SOLICITING/etc PERMITTED).
Please help+contribute+collaborate+improve current codes to build
the (bash-shell, applescript, automator based) Script(s) or other
(C/C++/objC) tool(s), etc which are used for this
So-that, these (tools/scripts) can be run/used by Platypus
(App-wrapper) or by our other executable tools,
To run macOS-X/XI apps (i.e: “Firefox.app”
from Mozilla Foundation)
on (both 64bit-only and 64bit+32bit-based) macOS-X/XI, (from
portable/external drive/storage⒮) as Portable App,
Or to run macOS-X/XI apps as a (second/third)/multi-instance of
same-app (from your mac-computer’s internal drive/storage⒮).
Thanks in advance.
- • Where Firefox keeps/stores a user's
data, settings, bookmarks, profiles, etc ?
- Read info here.
• Which “profile” folder is used by the running
Firefox ?
Firefox > FF main menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information >
about:support > Application Basics > Profile Folder:
if “Profile Folder” row/line is not-showing a full-PATH of “profile” folder, then press “Show in Finder” button to view/display that folder. -
Or, Goto/type below url in an empty/another (firefox) tab:
and find the line which shows “Default Profile : yes”
the 2nd-line below above line which has “Root Directory” is showing the “profile” that is used by that/current Firefox.
(If you want-to then you can copy/backup this folder (with all sub-folders & all-files under it) to use with Portable Firefox OSX / OS64 ).
( PA = Portable App . OS64 = MacOS-X/XI-64 )
Firefox > FF main menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information >
about:support > Application Basics > Profile Folder:
• How to copy or backup old/previous "profile" ?
- Read details here.
• Which are most important files in profile ?
Close Firefox, and copy below important files:
For Bookmarks, Downloads, Browsing History : "places.sqlite" , for various visited website’s FavIcons : "favicons.sqlite" ( use it with "places.sqlite" file ),
for Passwords : "key4.db" & "logins.json",
for (Per-)Site-specific/basis Preferences : "permissions.sqlite" , for Search-Engines : "search.json.mozlz4" , for Personal/custom Dictionary : "persdict.dat",
for Autocomplete(Search-Bar, Info entered into website forms, etc) History : "formhistory.sqlite",
for Cookies : "cookies.sqlite",
for Security (SSL/TLS) Certificate settings : "cert9.db",
for File Types & Download Actions : "handlers.json".
Folders: "bookmarkbackups" , "chrome" (if it exists) , "searchplugins" (Firefox 44 & below) , "sessionstore-backups" , "extensions" ( Contains Themes & Extensions(aka, Add-ons). After copy this folder or its contents to the new profile folder, delete "extensions.json", "extensions.sqlite", "extensions.ini", "extensions.cache" and "extensions.rdf" files (if found) from the new profile location folder, Follow/complete related/other steps & then start Firefox to regenerate those files again with existing Extension/Addons info, (but if deletion of previous list of files still does not help some Extnsn/Addons to work, then close Firefox, and again delete previous-mentioned list & also delete these two files: "compreg.dat", "pluginreg.dat" (if found), and again start Firefox to regenerate those). Some extensions store data in additional files in the profile, usually at the top of the directory, You’ll need to move them separately. )
For more info on older Firefox, read here. -
• How to use Multiple-Profile & Multi-Instance
of Firefox ?
- Read details here.
Close Firefox, and copy below important files: