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feat: Get-WebSocket ( Fixes #2 )
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James Brundage committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 0a13568 commit 2b77c37
Showing 1 changed file with 217 additions and 0 deletions.
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions Commands/Get-WebSocket.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
function Get-WebSocket {
WebSockets in PowerShell.
Get-WebSocket allows you to connect to a websocket and handle the output.
# Create a WebSocket job that connects to a WebSocket and outputs the results.
Get-WebSocket -WebSocketUri "wss://localhost:9669"
# Get is the default verb, so we can just say WebSocket.
websocket wss://
websocket -Tail |
Foreach-Object {
$in = $_
if ($in.commit.record.text -match '[\p{IsHighSurrogates}\p{IsLowSurrogates}]+') {
# The Uri of the WebSocket to connect to.

# A ScriptBlock that will handle the output of the WebSocket.

# Any variables to declare in the WebSocket job.
$Variable = @{},

# The name of the WebSocket job.

# The script to run when the WebSocket job starts.
$InitializationScript = {},

# The buffer size. Defaults to 16kb.
$BufferSize = 16kb,

# The ScriptBlock to run after connection to a websocket.
# This can be useful for making any initial requests.

# The ScriptBlock to run when an error occurs.

# The ScriptBlock to run when the WebSocket job outputs an object.

# The Scriptblock to run when the WebSocket job produces a warning.

# If set, will tail the output of the WebSocket job, outputting results continuously instead of outputting a websocket job.

# The maximum time to wait for a connection to be established.
# By default, this is 7 seconds.
$ConnectionTimeout = '00:00:07',

# The Runspace where the handler should run.
# Runspaces allow you to limit the scope of the handler.

# The RunspacePool where the handler should run.
# RunspacePools allow you to limit the scope of the handler to a pool of runspaces.

begin {
$SocketJob = {

foreach ($keyValue in $variable.GetEnumerator()) {
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($keyValue.Key, $keyValue.Value)

if ((-not $WebSocketUri) -or $webSocket) {
throw "No WebSocketUri"

if (-not $WebSocketUri.Scheme) {
$WebSocketUri = [uri]"wss://$WebSocketUri"

if (-not $BufferSize) {
$BufferSize = 16kb

$CT = [Threading.CancellationToken]::None

if (-not $webSocket) {
$ws = [Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket]::new()
$null = $ws.ConnectAsync($WebSocketUri, $CT).Wait()
} else {
$ws = $WebSocket

$Variable.WebSocket = $ws

while ($true) {
if ($ws.State -ne 'Open') {break }
$Buf = [byte[]]::new($BufferSize)
$Seg = [ArraySegment[byte]]::new($Buf)
$null = $ws.ReceiveAsync($Seg, $CT).Wait()
$JS = $OutputEncoding.GetString($Buf, 0, $Buf.Count)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($JS)) { continue }
try {
$webSocketMessage = ConvertFrom-Json $JS
if ($handler) {
$psCmd =
if ($runspace.LanguageMode -eq 'NoLanguage' -or
$runspacePool.InitialSessionState.LanguageMode -eq 'NoLanguage') {
} elseif ($Runspace -or $RunspacePool) {
if ($psCmd) {
if ($Runspace) {
$psCmd.Runspace = $Runspace
} elseif ($RunspacePool) {
$psCmd.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
} else {
$webSocketMessage | . $handler

} else {
} catch {
Write-Error $_

process {
foreach ($keyValuePair in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
$Variable[$keyValuePair.Key] = $keyValuePair.Value
$webSocketJob =
if ($WebSocketUri) {
if (-not $name) {
$Name = $WebSocketUri

Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $SocketJob -Name $Name -InitializationScript $InitializationScript -ArgumentList $Variable
} elseif ($WebSocket) {
if (-not $name) {
$name = "websocket"
Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $SocketJob -Name $Name -InitializationScript $InitializationScript -ArgumentList $Variable

$subscriptionSplat = @{
EventName = 'DataAdded'
MessageData = $webSocketJob
SupportEvent = $true
$eventSubscriptions = @(
if ($OnOutput) {
Register-ObjectEvent @subscriptionSplat -InputObject $webSocketJob.Output -Action $OnOutput
if ($OnError) {
Register-ObjectEvent @subscriptionSplat -InputObject $webSocketJob.Error -Action $OnError
if ($OnWarning) {
Register-ObjectEvent @subscriptionSplat -InputObject $webSocketJob.Warning -Action $OnWarning
if ($eventSubscriptions) {
$variable['EventSubscriptions'] = $eventSubscriptions

$webSocketConnectTimeout = [DateTime]::Now + $ConnectionTimeout
while (-not $variable['WebSocket'] -and
([DateTime]::Now -lt $webSocketConnectTimeout)) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 0

foreach ($keyValuePair in $Variable.GetEnumerator()) {
[psnoteproperty]::new($keyValuePair.Key, $keyValuePair.Value), $true
$webSocketJob.pstypenames.insert(0, 'WebSocketJob')
if ($Watch) {
do {
$webSocketJob | Receive-Job
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (
7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 | Get-Random
} while ($webSocketJob.State -in 'Running','NotStarted')
} else {

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