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96 lines (83 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (83 loc) · 3.31 KB

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NuGet PM> dotnet tool install --global psdb

psdb help

Meta data replacement

the generator will replace [SCHEMA] [ENTITY] [CONTEXT] by their respective context



will create your configuration file

      --config                    Is optional (default <psdb.json>).
      --version                   Is optional (default <core>).
      --engine                    Is optional (default <SqlServer>). (other option is MySql)
      --context-name              Is optional.
      --connection-string         Is optional.
      --output-dir                Is optional.
      --output-file               Is optional.
      --namespace                 Is optional.
      --connection-string-name    Is optional.

here is how the options looks like

  // for EF6 suffix of the fluent
  "FluentConfigurationClassSuffix": "FluentConfiguration", 
  // base class to inherit
  "ContextBaseClassName": "System.Data.Entity.DbContext",
  // the name of the connection string to generate for EF6
  "ConnectionStringName": null,
  // excluded tables 
  "ExcludedTables": [
    "dbo.sysdiagrams" // example we are exlcuding diagrams table.
  // included tables (using this will only generate tables in this list.)
  "IncludedTables": [],
  // namespace to use during generation supports meta data replacement read higher, if you missed that information
  "Namespace": null,
  // the context class name
  "ContextName": null,
  // the connection string to use to parse the database schema
  "ConnectionString": null,
  // the output directory
  "OutputDir": null,
  // should we clean the output directory before generating (watch out with this.)
  "CleanOutputDir": false,
  // should the generator create method for your sequences
  "GenerateContextSequenceMethods": false,
  // set this if you want all the code generated in a single file (ONLY FILE name, ex: all.generated.cs)
  "OutputSingleFileName": null,
  // should it generate interfaces for your entities
  "GenerateInterfaces": false,
  // suffix name for the interfaces of your pocos
  "InterfaceNameSuffix": null
  // should it generate interfaces for the models of your entity
  "GenerateModelsInterfaces": false,
  // should it generate models
  "GenerateModels": false,
  // should the models property all be nullables.
  "GenerateModelPropertyAsNullable": false,
  // the suffix of your model class name
  "ModelSuffix": "Base",
  // the suffix of the interface name for generated model
  "ModelInterfaceSuffix": "",
  // the inheritance of generated models, supports meta data replacements
  "ModelInheritances": [],
  // included schemas if set only tables in included schema will be generated
  "IncludedSchemas": [],
  // excluded schema, if set will ignore certain schemas.
  "ExcludedSchemas": []


will generate the code

      --config                    Is optional (default <psdb.json>).