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File metadata and controls

31 lines (27 loc) · 2.27 KB


  • When deleting the Kubeflow deployment, some mutatingwebhookconfigurations resources are cluster-wide resources and may not be removed as their owner is not the KfDef instance. To remove them, run following:

     kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations admission-webhook-mutating-webhook-configuration
     kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations
     kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations istio-sidecar-injector
     kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations katib-mutating-webhook-config
     kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations mutating-webhook-configurations
     kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations cache-webhook-kubeflow
  • If you don't see any sample pipeline or receive Failed to establish a new connection messages. It's because IBM Cloud NFS storage might be taking too long to provision which makes the storage and backend microservices timed out. In this case, you have to run the below commands to restart the pods.

     # Replace kubeflow with the KFP namespace
     kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow}
     kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}')
     kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline-persistenceagent | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}')
     kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline-ui | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}')
     kubectl delete pod -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE:-kubeflow} -l app=ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow | grep ml-pipeline | awk '{print $1;exit}')

    Then you can redeploy the bootstrapper to properly populate the default assets. Remember to insert the IBM Github Token if you want to retrieve any asset within IBM Github.

     vim bootstrapper/bootstrap.yaml # Insert the IBM Github Token
     kubectl delete -f bootstrapper/bootstrap.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
     kubectl apply -f bootstrapper/bootstrap.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
  • Additional troubleshooting on IBM Cloud is available at the wiki page.