--channel=private --action=upgradeDb
-php modules/autoupgrade/cli-upgrade.php --dir=admin-dev --channel=private --action=upgradeDb
-The minimal store context will be loaded, and SQL requests will be triggered.
-SQL requests that encountered an error will be displayed on the log with additional details which can help you understand, fix the issue then re-execute the request manually on your database. In some cases, you may need to restore your database backup and start over.
-If successful, a command will be given to run the next step, but can be safely ignored as you did not trigger the whole upgrade process from the module.
-#### Execution log
-INFO - === Step upgradeDb
-INFO - Cleaning file cache
-INFO - Running opcache_reset
-INFO - Initializing required environment constants
-INFO - Checking version validity
-INFO - Checking connection to database
-INFO - Disabling all non native modules
-INFO - Updating database data and structure
- [WARNING] SQL 8.0.0
- 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_tab` ADD route_name VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'route_name'
-INFO - Running generic queries
-INFO - Database upgrade OK
-INFO - Upgrading languages
-INFO - Regenerating htaccess
-INFO - Cleaning XML files
-INFO - Keeping overrides in place
-INFO - Keeping current theme
-INFO - Cleaning file cache
-INFO - Running opcache_reset
-INFO - Database upgrade completed
-INFO - Database upgraded. Now upgrading your Addons modules...
-INFO - Restart requested. Please run the following command to continue your upgrade:
-### Cleanup
-Before going further, a few things should now be cleaned.
-- The `install` folder, used to run the database upgrades, is not needed anymore and can be safely deleted.
-- When opening your shop (in the front or back office) on your browser, you may see some visual issues. This can be due to your old assets being still served by a cache.
-Reload them by force-refreshing the page (press ctrl+R on Windows / Linux or cmd+R on Mac OS) or clearing your browser’s cache.
-### Modules upgrade
-Your modules files have been upgraded during the file copy, however many of them may require additional changes on the database. Please check the module page in your Back Office to see if upgrades are waiting to be run.
-Go to your administration panel and login. You will notice the version displayed has changed on the login page. Then in the menu, click on the module page to reach your catalog.
-On PrestaShop >= 1.7, this page can be found in the Improve >> Modules page, under the tab "Updates":
-{{< figure src="../img/image38.png" >}}
-## Support service
-Doing an upgrade by yourself can be risky. If you feel uncomfortable with doing it on your own, you can find support on [prestashop-project.org](https://www.prestashop-project.org/support/).
-Basically, the process and the result will be the same. The existing data on the shop will be kept, as well as your module and your current theme.
-Many agencies and freelancers in your area may also provide this kind of service.
-More information about support: [PrestaShop project support page](https://www.prestashop-project.org/support/)
diff --git a/basics/keeping-up-to-date/use-autoupgrade-module.md b/basics/keeping-up-to-date/use-autoupgrade-module.md
index 546ab3a4c0..235f78cd91 100644
--- a/basics/keeping-up-to-date/use-autoupgrade-module.md
+++ b/basics/keeping-up-to-date/use-autoupgrade-module.md
@@ -1,58 +1,7 @@
-menuTitle: Use the Update Assistant
-title: How to use the Update Assistant
-weight: 40
-# How to upgrade PrestaShop using the Update Assistant
-Also known as the "Autoupgrade module" or the "1-click upgrade module", PrestaShop Update Assistant aims to automatize the upgrade process.
-It is available from your shop administration panel. It executes the [upgrade process]({{< ref "/9/basics/keeping-up-to-date/upgrade.md" >}}) automatically, and is available for almost all versions of PrestaShop.
-{{% notice note %}}
-The same note as above, in order to have this module working you must have set in `/app/config/parameters.php` database account with full privileges.
-{{% /notice %}}
-{{% notice note %}}
-Since version 4.15, only upgrades from PS 1.7.x to PS 8.y versions are supported by the module.
-If you upgrade from a version older than 1.7, please use a previous version of this module (v4.14.3 and less) and refer to [previous major version upgrade guide]({{< ref "/1.7/basics/keeping-up-to-date/_index.md" >}}).
-{{% /notice %}}
-## Download / Installation
-- Download the latest release from GitHub https://github.com/PrestaShop/autoupgrade/releases
-Then, import your module archive on the modules page. To do so, you can find the button “Upload a module” (PrestaShop >= 1.7.x) at the top right of the page. Clicking on it will open a form that will allow you to upload your module zip.
-{{< figure src="../img/image70.png" >}}
-- From the administration panel
-{{< figure src="../img/image33.png" >}}
-## Usage
-The configuration page of the module displays some checks and the options available for an upgrade.
-{{< figure src="../img/image61.png" >}}
-The first configuration lets you choose what kind of upgrade you want to run. It is always recommended to stick with the minor / major branches of the options, as they use some additional information provided by PrestaShop (md5 checksum, core files to delete...).
-{{< figure src="../img/image30.png" >}}
-It is always recommended to let the module make its own backup, because it will allow it to immediately run a rollback if something goes wrong during the upgrade.
-However, if you are confident in the backup you have made and are ready to rollback manually in case of trouble, you can disable the backup step.
-{{< figure src="../img/image26.png" >}}
-Finally, the last options customizing the upgrade process let you keep any changes you have done to the default theme, mails etc.
-{{< figure src="../img/image62.png" >}}
-If the configuration chosen and the self-checks are valid, a button “Upgrade Now” will be available. Clicking immediately start the upgrade.
-Note the interface may be unfriendly to you, but it displays as much information as possible to let you know what happened in case of trouble. Let the process run until the message “Upgrade successful” appears.
-If an error is found, you will be given the choice to rollback.
+# this page is redirected so it has no content
+layout: redirect
+redirect: /9/basics/keeping-up-to-date/update
+ list: never
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/faq/upgrade.md b/faq/upgrade.md
index 17412784ab..0e01bdabab 100644
--- a/faq/upgrade.md
+++ b/faq/upgrade.md
@@ -40,5 +40,3 @@ In order to find out what exactly went wrong, you need to check the upgrade proc
**A:** In PrestaShop, `PS_VERSION_DB` is a constant that holds the current version number of your PrestaShop database schema. The main purpose of `PS_VERSION_DB` is to keep track of the database schema's version history. When you upgrade a shop, the database schema is modified to match the structure of the new version (e.g. add or remove tables, columns, or relationships).
Before upgrading PrestaShop, the upgrade module relies on this constant to ensure that the current version matches the database schema. If the values don't match, it would be a sign of potential issues with the database structure or data which could lead to unforeseen consequences during the upgrade process.
-To resolve this issue, run the database upgrade step as explained in [the upgrade page]({{< ref "/9/basics/keeping-up-to-date/upgrade#database-upgrade" >}}).