- node 22 (#97) (thanks @rom1504)
- Bump mocha from 10.8.2 to 11.0.1 (#96) (thanks @dependabot[bot])
- Add command gh workflow allowing to use release command in comments (#93) (thanks @rom1504)
- Update to node 18.0.0 (#92) (thanks @rom1504)
- Add bedrock server download support (#51) (thanks @u9g)
- Fix publish.yml
- Fix etag not md5 on all downloads (@u9g)
- Kill process when shutdown takes too long (@IceTank)
- Throw on too old java version
- Don't use broken native transport (Thanks @nickelpro)
- Allow explicitly picking a java executable
- Use node-fetch instead of request
- update dependencies
- make the server depend on its parent process (thanks @imharvol)
- run the server in detached mode to avoid closing it by accident when doing ctrl+c on the main script
- stop printing . to the console for wrap server
- increase ram default in wrap server
- standardjs
- use new non-aws client and server download urls (thanks @lluiscab) : required >= mc 1.13
- fix yggdrasil dependency
- bump dependencies
- add params for mc <=1.6
- handle userProperties (necessary for 1.8) in wrap client
- implement path based promise queue for downloading to avoid downloading 2 times the same path
- remove duplicate libs
- fix some bugs for initial download of the client
- fix wrap client arg processing
- add launcher_download class that act like the launcher downloader
- implement client wrap
- add runMinecraft bin
- add option to not override config files in wrap server
- write empty arrays in json list files instead of nothing, needed since 17w18b
- use 'close' instead of 'exit' event for quitServer : might cause less problems
- improve the cli interface
- can now download the client
- improve default done regex to support both spigot and vanilla
- add OPTIONS parameter to specify the ram usage and the done string to check for spigot support
- go back to using mkdirp, which doesn't have any problem after all
- batch.concurrency(1) fixes the bug
- use fs.mkdir instead of mkdirp, should fix the bug
- fix the dir existence checking
- check the created path is actually created in wrap_server.js
- check with a md5 hash that the file downloaded is correct, doesn't download it if the destination file is already the correct file
- create empty banned-players.json, banned-ips.json, ops.json, whitelist.json to avoid errors
- fix writeServer
- don't stop the server if there's nothing to stop
- some cleanup of wrap
- change default properties to something more default
- add wrap.writeServer(line)
- separate stopping the server and deleting its files
- add downloadMinecraft to bin
- download and wrap functionality (mostly imported from mineflayer and node-minecraft-protocol)