diff --git a/team.html b/team.html
index 493e6a26..6c6a37a4 100644
--- a/team.html
+++ b/team.html
@@ -1,187 +1,113 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
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     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
     <title>Team Contributors</title>
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+        /* Animation for the header */
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+            font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif;
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     <!-- Header Include -->
@@ -189,101 +115,72 @@
         <a href="index.html"><button class="home-btn">Back to Home</button></a>
-    <!-- Sidebar Include -->
-    <aside>
-        <!-- Include your sidebar here -->
-    </aside>
-    <!-- Navbar Include -->
         <section class="team">
             <div class="team-top" id="slide">
-                <div class="heading-contributors"><h2>Meet our awesome contributors 💙</h2></div>
-                <div class="team-members">
+                <div class="heading-contributors">
+                    <h2>Meet our awesome contributors 💙</h2>
+                </div>
+                <div class="team-members" id="team-members">
                     <!-- Team members' data will be dynamically populated here -->
+                <p id="error-message" style="color: red; display: none;">Failed to load contributors. Please try again later.</p>
-    <!-- Footer Include -->
-        <!-- Include your footer here -->
+        <!-- Footer Content Here -->
-        const ownerName = "PriyaGhosal";
-const repoName = "BuddyTrail";
-const apiURL = `https://api.github.com/repos/${ownerName}/${repoName}/contributors`;
-    .then((response) => response.json())
-    .then((contributors) => {
-        const teamMembersDiv = document.querySelector(".team-members");
-        contributors.forEach((contributor) => {
-            const contributorDiv = document.createElement("div");
-            contributorDiv.classList.add("team-member");
-            const boxPanelSection = document.createElement("section");
-            boxPanelSection.classList.add("box-panel");
-            const widgetContainer = document.createElement("div");
-            widgetContainer.classList.add("widget-container");
-            const flipBox = document.createElement("div");
-            flipBox.classList.add("flip-box", "common-flip-style");
-            const boxFront = document.createElement("div");
-            boxFront.classList.add("box-front", "common-box-style");
-            const boxContentWrapperFront = document.createElement("div");
-            boxContentWrapperFront.classList.add("box-content-wrapper");
-            const contributorImageFront = document.createElement("img");
-            contributorImageFront.src = contributor.avatar_url;
-            contributorImageFront.alt = contributor.login;
-            boxContentWrapperFront.appendChild(contributorImageFront);
-            boxFront.appendChild(boxContentWrapperFront);
-            const boxBack = document.createElement("div");
-            boxBack.classList.add("box-back", "common-box-style", "box-bgi-effect");
-            const boxContentWrapperBack = document.createElement("div");
-            boxContentWrapperBack.classList.add("box-content-wrapper");
-            const boxContentBack = document.createElement("div");
-            boxContentBack.classList.add("box-content");
-            const contributorNameBack = document.createElement("h1");
-            contributorNameBack.textContent = "Hello there!";
-            const contributorRoleBack = document.createElement("h1");
-            contributorRoleBack.innerHTML = `I am the <strong>${contributor.login}</strong>.`;
-            const contributorCommitsBack = document.createElement("h1");
-            contributorCommitsBack.textContent = `Commits: ${contributor.contributions}`;
-            boxContentBack.appendChild(contributorNameBack);
-            boxContentBack.appendChild(contributorRoleBack);
-            boxContentBack.appendChild(contributorCommitsBack);
-            boxContentWrapperBack.appendChild(boxContentBack);
-            boxBack.appendChild(boxContentWrapperBack);
-            flipBox.appendChild(boxFront);
-            flipBox.appendChild(boxBack);
-            widgetContainer.appendChild(flipBox);
-            boxPanelSection.appendChild(widgetContainer);
-            contributorDiv.appendChild(boxPanelSection);
-            const contributorLink = document.createElement("a");
-            contributorLink.href = contributor.html_url;
-            contributorLink.target = "_blank";
-            const contributorName = document.createElement("p");
-            contributorName.textContent = contributor.login;
-            const contributorRole = document.createElement("p");
-            contributorRole.textContent = "Commits: " + contributor.contributions;
-            contributorDiv.appendChild(contributorLink);
-            teamMembersDiv.appendChild(contributorDiv);
-        });
-    })
-    .catch((error) => {
-        console.error("Error fetching contributors:", error);
-    });
+        // Get owner and repo from query params (e.g., ?owner=PriyaGhosal&repo=BuddyTrail)
+        const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
+        const ownerName = urlParams.get('owner') || "PriyaGhosal"; // Fallback to default owner
+        const repoName = urlParams.get('repo') || "BuddyTrail"; // Fallback to default repo
+        const apiURL = `https://api.github.com/repos/${ownerName}/${repoName}/contributors`;
+        fetch(apiURL)
+            .then((response) => {
+                if (!response.ok) {
+                    throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
+                }
+                return response.json();
+            })
+            .then((contributors) => {
+                const teamMembersDiv = document.getElementById("team-members");
+                contributors.forEach((contributor) => {
+                    const contributorDiv = document.createElement("div");
+                    contributorDiv.classList.add("team-member");
+                    const contributorImage = document.createElement("img");
+                    contributorImage.src = contributor.avatar_url;
+                    contributorImage.alt = `${contributor.login}'s avatar`;
+                    const contributorName = document.createElement("p");
+                    contributorName.textContent = contributor.login;
+                    const contributorCommits = document.createElement("p");
+                    contributorCommits.textContent = `Commits: ${contributor.contributions}`;
+                    const contributorLink = document.createElement("a");
+                    contributorLink.href = contributor.html_url;
+                    contributorLink.target = "_blank";
+                    contributorLink.appendChild(contributorDiv);
+                    contributorDiv.appendChild(contributorImage);
+                    contributorDiv.appendChild(contributorName);
+                    contributorDiv.appendChild(contributorCommits);
+                    teamMembersDiv.appendChild(contributorDiv);
+                });
+            })
+            .catch((error) => {
+                document.getElementById("error-message").style.display = "block";
+                console.error("Error fetching contributors:", error);
+            });