diff --git a/processData/downloadAndBuildData/buildLegislationData.js b/processData/downloadAndBuildData/buildLegislationData.js index e6a363f..944e63e 100644 --- a/processData/downloadAndBuildData/buildLegislationData.js +++ b/processData/downloadAndBuildData/buildLegislationData.js @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ const finalTags = Object.values(tagMap) const normalizeBillNumber = (billNumber) => billNumber.replace(/[.\s]/g, '') const normalizeTags = (tagString) => { + if (tagString === undefined) { + return [] + } const tags = tagString .split(',') .map((tag) => tag.trim()) diff --git a/processData/downloadAndBuildData/index.js b/processData/downloadAndBuildData/index.js index d6f3f9f..90d4905 100644 --- a/processData/downloadAndBuildData/index.js +++ b/processData/downloadAndBuildData/index.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const downloadAndBuildData = async () => { // process into json tree const processedData = buildLegislationData() // fetch legislator details from openStates - await updateLegislatorData() + // await updateLegislatorData() fs.writeFileSync( `${__dirname}/../../src/data/legislation.json`, diff --git a/processData/downloadAndBuildData/tmp/2023.json b/processData/downloadAndBuildData/tmp/2023.json index 49b1b3d..339edfa 100644 --- a/processData/downloadAndBuildData/tmp/2023.json +++ b/processData/downloadAndBuildData/tmp/2023.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"sponsoredBills":[["sort","bill_number","paired_listing","docket_prefix","dock_number","status","name","sponsors","shorthand_title","key_words","other_names","description","tags","url","show_paired_disclaimer","Status"],["1","H2908","","HD","2236","Enacted","An Act to protect the intent of the Fair Share Amendment","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Statutory Protections for FSA Revenue","","","Prevents Fair Share revenue from being diverted to tax giveaways or reserves, so it is available for spending on transportation and education as voters intended","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2236"],["1.1","S1865","","SD","1166","Enacted","An Act to protect the intent of the Fair Share Amendment","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Statutory Protections for FSA Revenue","","","Prevents Fair Share revenue from being diverted to tax giveaways or reserves, so it is available for spending on transportation and education as voters intended","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1166"],["2","H2909","","HD","2310","Enacted","An Act preventing high-income tax avoidance","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Preventing FSA Tax Avoidance","","","Prevents tax avoidance of the Fair Share Amendment by requiring, as many other states do, couples who file jointly at the federal level to file jointly at the state level as well","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2310"],["2.1","S1866","","SD","1167","Enacted","An Act preventing high-income tax avoidance","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Preventing FSA Tax Avoidance","","","Prevents tax avoidance of the Fair Share Amendment by requiring, as many other states do, couples who file jointly at the federal level to file jointly at the state level as well","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1167"],["3","H2960","","HD","1465","Not Yet","An Act relative to estate tax reform","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Julian Cyr","Fiscally Responsible Estate Tax Reform","","","Preserves most of the revenue-generation, inequality-reduction, and fairness benefits of the estate tax, while eliminating the current cliff effect","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/hd1465"],["3.1","S1784","","SD","1114","Not Yet","An Act relative to estate tax reform","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Julian Cyr","Fiscally Responsible Estate Tax Reform","","","Preserves most of the revenue-generation, inequality-reduction, and fairness benefits of the estate tax, while eliminating the current cliff effect","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1114"],["4","H2964","","HD","3073","Not Yet","An Act to reform the charitable deduction","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","A Targeted Charitable Deduction","","","Makes the charitable deduction more targeted by limiting it to individuals who are not already getting such a deduction on their federal taxes","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3073"],["4.1","S1801","","SD","1596","Not Yet","An Act to reform the charitable deduction","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","A Targeted Charitable Deduction","","","Makes the charitable deduction more targeted by limiting it to individuals who are not already getting such a deduction on their federal taxes","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1596"],["5","H2725","","HD","751","Not Yet","An Act to require public disclosures by publicly-traded corporate taxpayers","Rep. Pete Capano & Sen. Liz Miranda","Corporate Tax Disclosure","","","Makes publicly accessible reports that are already filed annually by publicly-traded corporations, detailing their sales, profits, taxable income, and taxes paid","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD751"],["5.1","S1875","","SD","1038","Not Yet","An Act to require public disclosures by publicly-traded corporate taxpayers","Rep. Pete Capano & Sen. Liz Miranda","Corporate Tax Disclosure","","","Makes publicly accessible reports that are already filed annually by publicly-traded corporations, detailing their sales, profits, taxable income, and taxes paid","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1038"],["6","H2708","","HD","388","Not Yet","An Act to close corporate tax loopholes and create progressive revenue","Rep. Christine Barber, Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven, & Sen. Becca Rausch","Taxing offshored “GILTI” income","","","Taxes, as other states and the federal government do, a portion of the profits that multinational corporations who do business in MA shift to offshore tax havens","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD388"],["6.1","S1925","","SD","1541","Not Yet","An Act to close corporate tax loopholes and create progressive revenue","Rep. Christine Barber, Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven, & Sen. Becca Rausch","Taxing offshored “GILTI” income","","","Taxes, as other states and the federal government do, a portion of the profits that multinational corporations who do business in MA shift to offshore tax havens","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1541"],["7","H2856","","HD","2758","Not Yet","An Act relative to restoring corporate tax rates","Rep. Mary Keefe & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Increasing the Corporate Tax Rate ","","","Restores the tax on corporate profits to 9.5%, where it was before 2009, from the existing 8.0% rate","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2758"],["7.1","S1788","","SD","508","Not Yet","An Act relative to restoring corporate tax rates","Rep. Mary Keefe & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Increasing the Corporate Tax Rate ","","","Restores the tax on corporate profits to 9.5%, where it was before 2009, from the existing 8.0% rate","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD508"],["8","H2743","","HD","418","Not Yet","An Act establishing a tiered corporate minimum tax","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Adam Gomez","Tiered Corporate Minimum Tax ","","","Ensures that larger corporations pay a minimum corporate tax bill in proportion to the size of their business in MA, while small businesses continue paying the current corporate minimum tax of just $456 per year","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD418"],["8.1","S1835","","SD","677","Not Yet","An Act establishing a tiered corporate minimum tax","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Adam Gomez","Tiered Corporate Minimum Tax ","","","Ensures that larger corporations pay a minimum corporate tax bill in proportion to the size of their business in MA, while small businesses continue paying the current corporate minimum tax of just $456 per year","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD677"],["9","H1925","","HD","3965","Not Yet","An Act relative to the minimum wage","Rep. Tram Nguyen, Rep. Dan Donahue, & Sen. Jason Lewis","Living Wage","","","Raises the minimum wage to $20 per hour over four years and indexes it to inflation to better align the minimum age with a living wage","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3965"],["9.1","S1200","","SD","2032","Not Yet","An Act relative to raise the minimum wage closer to a living wage in the Commonwealth","Rep. Tram Nguyen, Rep. Dan Donahue, & Sen. Jason Lewis","Living Wage","","","Raises the minimum wage to $20 per hour over four years and indexes it to inflation to better align the minimum age with a living wage","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2032"],["10","H3069","","HD","2435","Not Yet","An Act relative to collective bargaining rights for legislative employees ","Rep. Pat Kearney & Sen. John Keenan","State House Staff Collective Bargaining","","","Extends collective bargaining rights to State House staff ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/bills/193/hd2435"],["10.1","S2014","","SD","1208","Not Yet","An Act relative to collective bargaining rights for legislative employees ","Rep. Pat Kearney & Sen. John Keenan","State House Staff Collective Bargaining","","","Extends collective bargaining rights to State House staff ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/bills/193/sd1208"],["11","H1940","","HD","4039","In Conference Committee","An Act relative to transparency in the workplace ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Christine Barber, Sen. Paul Feeney, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Pay Equity Bill","","","Requires employers to publicly report their wage data, providing information essential to measuring our progress toward racial and gender wage equity in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD4039"],["11.1","S1181","","SD","2331","In Conference Committee","An Act relative to transparency in the workplace ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Christine Barber, Sen. Paul Feeney, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Pay Equity Bill","","","Requires employers to publicly report their wage data, providing information essential to measuring our progress toward racial and gender wage equity in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2331"],["12","H603","","HD","766","Enacted","An Act relative to universal school meals","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Universal School Meals","","","Ensures that there is no cost to families for any student to receive school lunch","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD766"],["12.1","S261","","SD","1013","Enacted","An Act relative to universal school meals","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Universal School Meals","","","Ensures that there is no cost to families for any student to receive school lunch","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S261"],["13","H489","","HD","2794","Not Yet","An Act providing affordable and accessible high-quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth","Rep. Ken Gordon, Rep. Adrian Madaro, Sen. Jason Lewis, & Sen. Susan Moran","Common Start","","","Establishes a framework for delivering increased access to affordable, high-quality early education and child care with greater investment in providers, better pay for workers, and a cap on costs for families","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2794"],["13.1","S301","","SD","667","Passed","An Act providing affordable and accessible high-quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth","Rep. Ken Gordon, Rep. Adrian Madaro, Sen. Jason Lewis, & Sen. Susan Moran","Common Start","","","Establishes a framework for delivering increased access to affordable, high-quality early education and child care with greater investment in providers, better pay for workers, and a cap on costs for families","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD667"],["14","H495","","HD","3162","Not Yet","An act empowering students and schools to thrive","Rep. Jim Hawkins, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Liz Miranda, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Thrive Act","","","Creates a better system of assessment, support, accountability, and improvement that considers the whole child, and focuses on giving students and educators the tools and resources they need to succeed and thrive, replacing the harmful and failed state takeover policy","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3162"],["14.1","S246","","SD","2067","Not Yet","An act empowering students and schools to thrive","Rep. Jim Hawkins, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Liz Miranda, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Thrive Act","","","Creates a better system of assessment, support, accountability, and improvement that considers the whole child, and focuses on giving students and educators the tools and resources they need to succeed and thrive, replacing the harmful and failed state takeover policy","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2067"],["15","H1260","","HD","2755","Not Yet","An Act committing to higher education the resources to insure a strong and healthy public higher education system","Rep. Sean Garballey, Rep. Pat Duffy, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Robyn Kennedy, Sen. Paul Mark, & Sen. Jake Oliveira","CHERISH Act","","","Creates a framework for adequate funding levels for public higher education, including increased student support and better pay and benefits for faculty and staff; implements a debt-free college plan; and creates a plan for green and healthy buildings on campus","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2755"],["15.1","S816","","SD","2092","Not Yet","An Act committing to higher education the resources to insure a strong and healthy public higher education system","Rep. Sean Garballey, Rep. Pat Duffy, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Robyn Kennedy, Sen. Paul Mark, & Sen. Jake Oliveira","CHERISH Act","","","Creates a framework for adequate funding levels for public higher education, including increased student support and better pay and benefits for faculty and staff; implements a debt-free college plan; and creates a plan for green and healthy buildings on campus","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2092"],["16","H1239","","HD","1584","Not Yet","An Act establishing medicare for all in Massachusetts","Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, Rep. Denise Garlick, & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","Medicare for All","","","Establishes a single payer system, in which the state provides health care to all residents as a right","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD1584"],["16.1","S744","","SD","2182","Not Yet","An Act establishing medicare for all in Massachusetts","Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, Rep. Denise Garlick, & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","Medicare for All","","","Establishes a single payer system, in which the state provides health care to all residents as a right","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2182"],["17","H2103","","HD","3953","Not Yet","An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Pat Jehlen, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Rent Control Local Option","","","Enable municipalities to pass rent stabilization ordinances to fight displacement ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3953"],["17.1","S1299","","SD","1818","Not Yet","An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Pat Jehlen, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Rent Control Local Option","","","Enable municipalities to pass rent stabilization ordinances to fight displacement ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1818"],["18","H2747","","HD","2857","Not Yet","An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Jo Comerford","Transfer Fee","","","Enables cities and towns to assess a fee of 0.5-2% on residential and commercial real estate transactions, with the funds allocated to affordable housing trust funds","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2857"],["18.1","S1771","","SD","1982","Not Yet","An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Jo Comerford","Transfer Fee","","","Enables cities and towns to assess a fee of 0.5-2% on residential and commercial real estate transactions, with the funds allocated to affordable housing trust funds","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1982"],["19","H2894","","HD","2510","Not Yet","An Act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the commonwealth","Rep. Sam Montaño & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","HERO Bill","","","Increases the deeds excise tax on home sales to provide a funding stream for the Global Warming Solutions Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Housing Preservation and Stabilization Fund","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2510"],["19.1","S1799","","SD","1226","Not Yet","An Act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the commonwealth","Rep. Sam Montaño & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","HERO Bill","","","Increases the deeds excise tax on home sales to provide a funding stream for the Global Warming Solutions Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Housing Preservation and Stabilization Fund","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1226"],["20","H1379","","HD","3252","Not Yet","An Act to promote yes in my back yard","Rep. Andy Vargas, Rep. Kevin Honan, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","YIMBY Bill","","","Sets a statewide housing production goal, allows multi-family housing to be built near public transportation, makes it easier for municipalities to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances, allows accessory dwelling units to be built as-of-right, and promotes the use of vacant commercial properties and empty state-owned properties for housing","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3252"],["20.1","S858","","SD","2006","Not Yet","An Act to promote yes in my back yard","Rep. Andy Vargas, Rep. Kevin Honan, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","YIMBY Bill","","","Sets a statewide housing production goal, allows multi-family housing to be built near public transportation, makes it easier for municipalities to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances, allows accessory dwelling units to be built as-of-right, and promotes the use of vacant commercial properties and empty state-owned properties for housing","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2006"],["21","H1796","","HD","822","Enacted","An Act relative to telephone service for inmates in all correctional and other penal institutions in the Commonwealth","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Cindy Creem ","No Cost Calls","","","Prevents prisons and jails from charging individuals who are incarcerated for phone calls to loved ones","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD822"],["21.1","S1494","","SD","1441","Enacted","An Act to keep families connected","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Cindy Creem ","No Cost Calls","","","Prevents prisons and jails from charging individuals who are incarcerated for phone calls to loved ones","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1441"],["22","H1795","","HD","799","Not Yet","An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Jo Comerford ","Prison Moratorium ","","","Enacts a five-year pause on new prison and jail construction in order to provide time to develop more effective, community-based approaches to public safety","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD799"],["22.1","S1979","","SD","661","Not Yet","An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Jo Comerford ","Prison Moratorium ","","","Enacts a five-year pause on new prison and jail construction in order to provide time to develop more effective, community-based approaches to public safety","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD661"],["23","H1710","","HD","3510","Not Yet","An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults","Rep. JIm O'Day, Rep. Manny Cruz, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","Raise the Age","","","Raises the age of criminal majority to 21, allowing youth to have better access to treatment and educational services and thereby reducing recidivism","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3510"],["23.1","S942","","SD","428","Not Yet","An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults","Rep. JIm O'Day, Rep. Manny Cruz, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","Raise the Age","","","Raises the age of criminal majority to 21, allowing youth to have better access to treatment and educational services and thereby reducing recidivism","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD428"],["24","H3084","","HD","3616","Not Yet","An Act relative to language access and inclusion","Rep. Adrian Madaro, Rep. Carlos González, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Language Access & Inclusion Bill","","","Builds the capacity of key public-facing state agencies to meet the language access needs of an increasingly diverse population by standardizing and enforcing language access protocols and practices","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3616"],["24.1","S1990","","SD","1066","Not Yet","An Act relative to language access and inclusion","Rep. Adrian Madaro, Rep. Carlos González, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Language Access & Inclusion Bill","","","Builds the capacity of key public-facing state agencies to meet the language access needs of an increasingly diverse population by standardizing and enforcing language access protocols and practices","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1066"],["25","H2288","","HD","2459","Not Yet","An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents","Rep. Ruth Balser, Rep. Manny Cruz, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Safe Communities Act","","","Limits local and state police collaboration with federal immigration agents, bars law enforcement and court personnel from inquiring about immigration status, and ensures due process protections","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2459"],["25.1","S1510","","SD","1937","Not Yet","An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents","Rep. Ruth Balser, Rep. Manny Cruz, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Safe Communities Act","","","Limits local and state police collaboration with federal immigration agents, bars law enforcement and court personnel from inquiring about immigration status, and ensures due process protections","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S1510"],["26","H544","","HD","3874","Not Yet","An Act relative to healthy youth","Rep. Jim O'Day, Rep. Vanna Howard, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Healthy Youth Act","","","Requires school districts that provide sex education to ensure that it is comprehensive, age-appropriate, and LGBTQ-inclusive, with an emphasis on consent","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3874"],["26.1","S268","","SD","2199","Passed","An Act relative to healthy youth","Rep. Jim O'Day, Rep. Vanna Howard, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Healthy Youth Act","","","Requires school districts that provide sex education to ensure that it is comprehensive, age-appropriate, and LGBTQ-inclusive, with an emphasis on consent","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2199"],["27","H872","","HD","3460","Not Yet","An Act establishing a climate change superfund and promoting polluter responsibility","Rep. Steve Owens & Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Polluters Pay ","","","Requires fossil-fuel producers to fund the state’s climate adaptation programs based on past emissions, a proposal that would extend the long-standing “polluter pays” principle for toxic waste cleanups to addressing climate change","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3460"],["27.1","S481","","SD","2366","Not Yet","An Act establishing a climate change superfund and promoting polluter responsibility","Rep. Steve Owens & Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Polluters Pay ","","","Requires fossil-fuel producers to fund the state’s climate adaptation programs based on past emissions, a proposal that would extend the long-standing “polluter pays” principle for toxic waste cleanups to addressing climate change","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2366"],["28","H3232","","HD","776","Not Yet","An Act establishing a zero carbon renovation fund","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Adam Gomez","Zero-Carbon Renovation Fund","","","Creates a fund for green and healthy home retrofits, with a prioritization of affordable housing, low-to-moderate-income homes, gateway cities, and environmental justice communities","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD776"],["28.1","S2365","","SD","500","Not Yet","An Act establishing a zero carbon renovation fund","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Adam Gomez","Zero-Carbon Renovation Fund","","","Creates a fund for green and healthy home retrofits, with a prioritization of affordable housing, low-to-moderate-income homes, gateway cities, and environmental justice communities","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD500"],["29","H3237","","HD","3794","Not Yet","An Act to establishing a moratorium on new gas system expansion","Rep. Bud Williams, Rep. Adrianne Ramos, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Gas Moratorium","","","Pauses the approval for any new or expanded gas infrastructure through 2026","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3794"],["29.1","S2135","","SD","1925","Not Yet","An Act to establishing a moratorium on new gas system expansion","Rep. Bud Williams, Rep. Adrianne Ramos, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Gas Moratorium","","","Pauses the approval for any new or expanded gas infrastructure through 2026","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1925"],["30","H26","","HD","3153","Not Yet","An Act relative to voting rights restoration","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Liz Miranda","Voting Rights Restoration","","","Ensures that incarceration no longer leads to a loss of voting rights at any stage","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3153"],["30.1","S8","","SD","1037","Not Yet","An Act relative to voting rights restoration","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Liz Miranda","Voting Rights Restoration","","","Ensures that incarceration no longer leads to a loss of voting rights at any stage","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1037"],["31","H3040","","HD","3261","Not Yet","An Act to modernize participation in public meetings","Rep. Denise Garlick & Sen. Jason Lewis","Modern Open Meeting Access for All","","","Requires that all public bodies have options for hybrid participation and creates a trust fund and competitive grants to help municipalities with the technology needed to do so","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3261"],["31.1","S2024","","SD","2017","Not Yet","An Act to modernize participation in public meetings","Rep. Denise Garlick & Sen. Jason Lewis","Modern Open Meeting Access for All","","","Requires that all public bodies have options for hybrid participation and creates a trust fund and competitive grants to help municipalities with the technology needed to do so","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2017"],["32","S1963","","SD","131","Not Yet","An Act to provide sunlight to state government","Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Public Records & Transparency","","","Promotes transparency in state government by removing the Governor's exemption from public records law and requiring committee votes and legislative testimony (with appropriate redactions) to be public","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD131"],["32.1","S1963","","SD","131","Not Yet","An Act to provide sunlight to state government","Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Public Records & Transparency","","","Promotes transparency in state government by removing the Governor's exemption from public records law and requiring committee votes and legislative testimony (with appropriate redactions) to be public","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD131"]],"houseBills":[["pm_score\n","keyword","description","roll_call_number","bill_number","amendment","vote_date","title","progressive_position","# of Y","# of N","tags","url","roll_call_url"],["1h","Transparency","Vote was on requiring one week of advance notice for any legislative hearing (as the MA Senate has endorsed), as opposed to the narrow existing 72 hour notice rule. ","8","H.2025","9","2/1/2023","One-Week Notice for Hearings","YES","24","129","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H2025/9/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall8.pdf"],["2h","Revenue","Vote was on eliminating the language from the House's tax package to reform Chapter 62F (the “tax cap law”) so that all taxpayers would get equal rebates, as opposed to larger rebates going to more affluent taxpayers. ","14","H.3770","2","4/13/2023","Rejecting Equity Reforms to 62F","NO","26","128","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H3770/2/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall14.pdf"],["3h","Revenue","Vote was on striking a proposed lift of the cap on the rainy day fund. Reaching the cap on the rainy day fund would trigger automatic regressive tax cuts. ","15","H.3770","3","4/13/2023","Prioritizing Tax Cuts over Fiscal Stability ","NO","25","129","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H3770/3/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall15.pdf"],["4h","Revenue","Vote was on the House’s regressive tax reform package, which contained $440 million in tax cuts for the commonwealth's richest estates, residents, and corporations—undermining the new revenue produced by the Fair Share Amendment.","16","H.3770","","4/13/2023","Tax Cuts Skewed to the Rich","NO","150","3","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H3770","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall16.pdf"],["5h","Revenue","Vote was on eliminating language that would guarantee that constitutionally protected revenue from the Fair Share Amendment could not be diverted to regressive tax cuts via the 62F tax cap law.","17","H.3900","136","4/24/2023","Undermining the Fair Share Victory ","NO","25","132","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H3900/136/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall17.pdf"],["6h","Revenue","Vote was on a $1 billion tax cut package disproportionately benefiting the Commonwealth’s richest residents, corporations, and estates.","33","H.4104","","9/27/2023","Tax Cuts Skewed to the Rich -- Redux ","NO","155","1","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4104","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall33.pdf"],["7h","Workers' Rights; Gender Equity","Vote was on requiring employers with 25+ employees to disclose the salary or wage range for a position in all job postings, provide the salary range to employees offered promotions and transfers, and provide the pay range to employees for their current roles if requested. It would also require covered employers to supply wage and demographic information to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. ","58","H.4109","","10/4/2023","Frances Perkins Workplace Equity Act","YES","148","8","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4109","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall58.pdf"],["8h","Public Safety","Vote was on upholding the ruling of the chair that debate on the House's gun safety bill could begin despite the fact that it did not include a fiscal note detailing the cost of the proposal.","59","H.4135","Ruling of Chair","10/18/2023","Rejecting Republican Delay Tactics on Gun Safety ","YES","132","27","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4135","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall59.pdf"],["9h","Public Safety","Vote was on expanding the use of pretrial detention despite severe and well-documented racial disparities in its use in Massachusetts. ","61","H.4135","42","10/18/2023","Expanding Pretrial Detention","NO","26","133","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4135/42/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall61.pdf"],["10h","Public Safety","Vote was on a comprehensive strengthening of MA’s gun safety laws, including a more robust assault weapons ban; measures to crack down on ghost guns; prohibitions on firearms in government buildings, polling places, and educational institutions; and more comprehensive data collection. ","62","H.4139","","10/18/2023","Strengthening MA's gun laws ","YES","120","38","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H139","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall62.pdf"],["11h","Prisoners' Rights","Vote was on guaranteeing free access to phone calls to incarcerated individuals, ending the predatory practice of price gouging incarcerated individuals and their loved ones to stay connected.","63","H.4052","","11/8/2023","No Cost Calls","YES","132","26","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4052","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall63.pdf"],["12h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on excluding arriving families from access to emergency housing assistance funding. ","65","H.4167","49","11/8/2023","Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance","NO","28","128","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4167/49/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall65.pdf"],["13h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on banning new residents of the commonwealth from access to emergency shelter.","75","H.4460","9","3/6/2024","Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance","NO","29","125","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4460/9/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/Journal/House/193/RollCalls/hj03062024_RollCalls.pdf"],["14h","Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on a right-wing messaging amendment to create a false narrative that programs focused on helping new arrivals to obtain employment are harming low-income individuals.","79","H.4460","7","3/6/2024","Creating false zero-sum narratives","NO","25","129","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4460/7/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall79.pdf"],["15h","Prisoners' Rights","Vote was on defunding the dedicated account for the implementation of No Cost Calls (i.e., free access to phone calls for incarcerated individuals). ","92","H2","645","4/25/2024","Defunding No Cost Calls ","NO","29","128","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/645/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall92.pdf"],["16h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on the first of a series of three right-wing budget amendments to prevent migrant and refugee families from accessing emergency shelter and to push false, xenophobic narratives.","99","H2","1393","4/26/2024","Preventing migrant families from accessing shelter #1","NO","30","127","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/1393/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall99.pdf"],["17h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on the second of a series of three right-wing budget amendments to prevent migrant and refugee families from accessing emergency shelter and to push false, xenophobic narratives.","100","H2","1394","4/26/2024","Preventing migrant families from accessing shelter #2","NO","27","131","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/1394/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall100.pdf"],["18h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on the third of a series of three right-wing budget amendments to prevent migrant and refugee families from accessing emergency shelter and to push false, xenophobic narratives.","101","H2","698","4/26/2024","Preventing migrant families from accessing shelter #3","NO","28","129","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/698/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall101.pdf"],["19h","DOC Accountability","Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis) ","0","","","","DOC Accountability","YES","32","128","All Means All"]],"senateBills":[["pm_score\n","keyword","description","roll_call_number","bill_number","amendment","vote_date","title","progressive_position","# of Y","# of N","tags","url","roll_call_url"],["1s","Good Govt; Transparency","Vote was on eliminating term limits for the Senate President, exacerbating the centralization of power in the chamber. ","7","S.17","23","2/9/2023","Eliminating Term Limits for the Senate President","NO","32","6","Good Government & Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S17/23/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall7.pdf"],["2s","Higher Ed; Immigrant Justice","Vote was on eliminating the language in the underlying bill to extend in-state tuition to all Massachusetts high school graduates, regardless of immigration status. ","36","S.3","768","5/24/2023","Eliminating In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students","NO","3","37","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S3/768/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall36.pdf"],["3s","Revenue","Vote was on enabling wealthy individuals to avoid the Fair Share tax by reducing their taxable income.","38","S.3","809","5/25/2023","Reducing Fair Share Taxable Income","NO","5","34","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S3/809/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall38.pdf"],["4s","Revenue","Vote was on eliminating language to prevent Fair Share revenue from being redirected to the rainy day fund rather than being used for constitutionally protected purposes. ","45","S.3","106","5/25/2023","Redirecting Fair Share Revenue to the Rainy Day Fund ","NO","5","34","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S3/106/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall45.pdf"],["5s","Housing","Vote was on ensuring that Housing Development Incentive Program funds support much-needed mixed-income housing by requiring developments funded under the program to have at least 20% permanently affordable housing.","50","S.2397","16","5/25/2023","Reforming HDIP to Ensure Affordable Housing Production","YES","9","30","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/16/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall50.pdf"],["6s","Revenue","Vote was on protecting the revenue raised by the Fair Share Amendment by ensuring that couples who file jointly on their federal taxes do so in Massachusetts as well.","51","S.2397","26","6/15/2023","Protecting Fair Share Tax Evasion ","YES","33","5","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/26/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall51.pdf"],["7s","Revenue","Vote was on reducing the tax rate for short-term capital gains, a tax cut that goes disproportionately to the top 1% (e.g., day traders, speculators). ","52","S.2397","4","6/15/2023","Tax Cuts for Day Traders and Speculators ","NO","5","32","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/4/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall52.pdf"],["8s","Revenue","Vote was on a regressive and fiscally irresponsible attempt to raise the estate tax threshold to $5 million, which would have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to such multi-million-dollar estates.","53","S.2397","7","6/15/2023","Tax Giveaways to Large Estates #1 ","NO","5","33","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/7/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall53.pdf"],["9s","Revenue","Vote was on applying cost of living increases to the bill's increased estate tax threshold of $2 million—something the Legislature has always avoided doing for wage increases. ","54","S.2397","23","6/15/2023","Tax Giveaways to Large Estates #2","NO","6","32","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/23/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall54.pdf"],["10s","LGBTQ Rights","Vote was on allowing for a non-binary option on birth certificates and driver's licenses in the state.","57","S.2425","","7/27/2023","Gender X Bill","YES","39","0","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2425","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall57.pdf"],["11s","Housing & Homelessness","Vote was on making it easier for unhoused individuals to obtain a state-issued ID. ","58","S.2251","","7/27/2023","Everyone Needs ID Bill","YES","38","0","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2251","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall58.pdf"],["12s","Revenue","Vote was on a $1 billion tax cut package disproportionately benefiting the Commonwealth’s richest residents, corporations, and estates.","62","H.4104","","9/28/2023","Overly Regressive Tax Package","YES","38","1","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4104","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall62.pdf"],["13s","Workers' Rights; Gender Equity","Vote was on requiring employers with 25+ employees to disclose the salary or wage range for a position in all job postings, provide the salary range to employees offered promotions and transfers, and provide the pay range to employees for their current roles if requested. It would also require covered employers to supply wage and demographic information to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. ","88","H.4109","","10/19/2023","Frances Perkins Workplace Equity Act","YES","38","1","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4109","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall88.pdf"],["14s","Gender Equity","Vote was on making disposable menstrual products available for free in public schools, homeless shelters, and prisons in Massachusetts.","89","S.2491","","10/26/2023","Menstrual Equity Bill","YES","38","0","Shared Prosperity; All Means ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2491","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall89.pdf"],["15s","LGBTQ Rights","Vote was on expanding access to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) by allowing pharmacists to provide a 60-day supply for those facing barriers to care.","90","S.2480","","10/26/2023","Expanding PrEP Access ","YES","38","0","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2480","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall90.pdf"],["16s","Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on excluding arriving families from access to emergency housing assistance funding.","92","S.2502","2","11/14/2023"," Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance","NO","3","36","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2502/2/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall92.pdf"],["17s","Public Health ","Vote was on a motion to delay passage of the Senate's gun safety package by sending it back to committee.","109","H.4139","Motion to Recommit","2/1/2024","Delaying Action on Gun Safety","NO","9","31","All Meals All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2572/BillHistory","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall109.pdf"],["18s","Public Health ","Vote was on replacing the Senate's comprehensive gun safety package with a much narrower bill.","111","S.2572","63","2/1/2024","Weakening Gun Safety Action","NO","6","33","All Meals All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2572/63/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall111.pdf"],["19s","Public Health ","Vote was on the Senate's comprehensive gun safety package, which would crack down on ghost guns, codify the state's assault weapons ban, prohibit machine gun conversions, and take other important steps.","114","H.4139","","2/1/2024","SAFER Act","YES","37","3","All Meals All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4139","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall114.pdf"],["20s","Early Education/Child Care","Vote was on requiring a Legislative commission in the bill to study the development of a tax credit for employer-supported early education and care, a policy that has proven ineffective and underutilized in other states that have adopted it.","115","S.2697","32","3/14/2024","Creating New Ineffective Tax Credits","NO","7","32","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2697/32/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall115.pdf"],["21s","Early Education/Child Care","Vote was on making the state’s Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) operational grant program permanent, expanding eligibility for the state’s subsidy program, and boosting compensation for educators by creating a career ladder and providing scholarships and loan forgiveness.","116","S.2707","","3/14/2024","EARLY ED Act","YES","40","0","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2707","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall116.pdf"],["22s","Housing, Homelessness, Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on a xenophobic amendment to bar resettlement agencies from doing their work if the emergency shelter could be at capacity at an undefined future point—solving a problem via exclusion that can be solved via funding. ","119","S.2708","28","3/21/2024","Shutting our door to migrants","NO","8","31","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2708/28/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall119.pdf"],["23s","Housing, Homelessness, Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on a xenophobic amendment to determine eligibility for emergency shelter according to the duration of residence in the commonwealth. ","120","S.2708","49","3/21/2024","Shutting our door to migrants","NO","12","27","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2708/49/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall120.pdf"],["24s","DOC Accountability","Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis) ","0","","","","DOC Accountability","YES","9","31","All Meals All"]],"sponsorship":[["","","","ocd-person/70e42c78-89e1-43cb-bc65-7d0da132daa2","ocd-person/47ffc61b-0cae-4386-ae68-12b20eadd83f","ocd-person/eab9b69f-0434-4307-972c-6acce9deb370","ocd-person/ff433cf6-2895-4e01-b143-26747500f8a4","ocd-person/503a0888-f086-4b52-b03c-c5293378bc51","ocd-person/f81b07bd-cc43-47be-95ea-dca26f19a647","ocd-person/0df5de43-f3a3-4988-82fb-7f951fa02753","ocd-person/35396516-6096-4336-ab74-80d6d8e53bcd","ocd-person/da8051b7-de05-4c30-9d37-5d7223906356","ocd-person/ee42e89c-24dd-47b1-aafa-e16472680e07","ocd-person/5a276629-f50a-4d9a-a54e-2c0e07f84968","ocd-person/5fde161f-7456-4006-bffd-eaf6fedc5aa3","ocd-person/173c7e47-c770-4c5a-9794-4db19f9f5dce","ocd-person/0e72fc19-89be-49b9-8baf-5f35f938ec87","ocd-person/59aed143-c5c1-4760-ac55-eab18600c451","ocd-person/5f227f77-f58b-4ac6-b193-9f406bde4055","ocd-person/c017af03-ae33-4c72-aee4-6ce58722b3b8","ocd-person/62ebe10b-ef71-4579-a55a-3c2045916d70","ocd-person/3a1863b5-ca54-44d8-9afb-55f48623fd47","ocd-person/f43366ee-ff27-43ac-aa55-629be715b4a9","ocd-person/6b420d2a-f12d-40ca-a13f-04cf9061a66b","ocd-person/ea385faa-049c-4743-ad41-3bbe58ee40e2","ocd-person/a8225754-d88c-4343-8829-aa168b564cbd","ocd-person/edcd5892-2488-4945-a3da-86f40012d396","ocd-person/5ae88c49-8938-4472-8de2-1c0f0bc0e2f0","ocd-person/b51c5c27-7da0-42f5-b67b-22085173af7a","ocd-person/650d9459-5ecd-4e1a-8a96-f061a15e0ebc","ocd-person/2e198563-4aeb-499b-8333-b4a46b605491","ocd-person/b9019024-899b-41b3-a283-69c50866fabd","ocd-person/cf295962-4f8d-427a-84e9-c7615ff94c8c","ocd-person/df1a3cfc-1555-4a05-8a5c-03a7e53932aa","ocd-person/55824639-e627-48ad-9a3d-01b53caee00c","ocd-person/65617e1a-1834-4ec8-9f19-4ac801ce9764","ocd-person/e2aa2c0f-d6e6-49d7-8483-d595a3a1eb3a","ocd-person/d70e97f1-b8ec-489d-ab5a-2b7f3775ae8a","ocd-person/18bf433d-24e5-46cb-9d83-c2f9373204bd","ocd-person/1b7d1710-da71-46cd-9ee3-fc891556f3a9","ocd-person/f41834f0-0d73-4e8e-8758-66184772c081","ocd-person/e50e8121-bc6f-4aaa-8cf2-f1cbd53c9172","ocd-person/c674060b-4568-43fa-b72d-0921f4876713","ocd-person/49816a0c-b8e5-4586-859b-8a8f1ae9b6ab","ocd-person/1f444dfe-d3b3-4852-ab10-0682206d773d","ocd-person/888457ba-c348-4826-b2c6-450dba5e38bd","ocd-person/cd05a88c-19f0-4fc5-bc3b-d339572842b7","ocd-person/3b6297d5-2c8d-42a8-ba9b-bb4e8f50c0e2","ocd-person/b61922e8-c775-4c74-8ecb-557d79162195","ocd-person/af41924a-7c46-4b6b-b71b-bba683c62c5f","ocd-person/c30f76b4-73d6-4795-be75-c46973d17f59","ocd-person/99c9c9e7-f0e3-480b-ad38-de297e6c635a","ocd-person/fdc5586f-0db3-4614-af1f-72a42cf5e6f0","ocd-person/04997a33-67a9-4535-95d2-c9a4c260519d","ocd-person/1e9d742c-c20b-45cf-9e22-e7752189fa7a","ocd-person/6f15f647-07f5-4739-a340-497798a474e7","ocd-person/7be05b7f-d3dd-4a0f-b7d0-f29144d47f92","ocd-person/0e38852a-52b0-4aac-8a65-fa3fc964c88e","ocd-person/b9a91cec-bad7-43a7-8fd2-60cd704bd7ab","ocd-person/0ed98993-456c-4630-bd52-894bdde0c0b0","ocd-person/adb172f4-64c0-4c96-8097-71bd125fc2e0","ocd-person/c4d03c0e-713d-4195-ba23-1394f225494b","ocd-person/47c42957-b618-41b7-a557-5d24c33568cf","ocd-person/5696763c-5fd6-44dd-9dce-7be56632cedd","ocd-person/d2f16a1f-415d-4e60-b905-2f4c71959e0f","ocd-person/521620ea-1e5b-4a0c-94f8-abe888370e05","ocd-person/799d49f3-28e5-46a1-bcc8-6370e9fbf44a","ocd-person/c8936e7c-f0f5-4dc4-b9e9-774e38638787","ocd-person/9750bdb4-4dce-4003-85ec-672185a3a5a4","ocd-person/17c3ac90-1218-4d61-ae47-bc5ef6ee4a74","ocd-person/3d709a64-6cd2-49c6-ad0d-b007e834bfec","ocd-person/078692f2-2afe-4aa1-a320-d4747edacbbb","ocd-person/9e4b8b32-233e-443f-a147-46fbaa778a58","ocd-person/053aae1e-ae76-41b0-912c-39f27f3f6d6f","ocd-person/54487f49-5377-4c41-bd97-60b748cc240a","ocd-person/2990f236-cb76-4d93-af19-7792fa77290b","ocd-person/368c3f95-1124-4f0a-9ab5-7361cb2805d3","ocd-person/3dd1e2a8-3fdd-4d3a-9504-88a04f3fc973","ocd-person/1129a0d9-c280-4bf0-af34-20879293a2b5","ocd-person/0a288f3d-397f-4e7b-8bfd-b5032ae1421f","ocd-person/4d0b5dda-d9d1-4c25-9c94-ce8fbd8ff398","ocd-person/308b15a0-dc30-41be-be53-9e5827522cac","ocd-person/61a670a7-37a6-42f0-8c8f-4cfc1d93693a","ocd-person/b61c923f-3598-465b-8051-6507b6f6c6c2","ocd-person/591dc6dd-40b8-4713-83b8-f236ff6250bf","ocd-person/fbbda637-7a45-43f2-a13a-388dc50b02ee","ocd-person/1ea6937d-a39e-41e2-92fb-47c2966cd52e","ocd-person/ca659c30-e49e-420b-8213-797cfeb3c378","ocd-person/e3dc06b1-8523-4a33-959f-21ed0d5da851","ocd-person/06867e5f-9de5-4cb2-a3ae-a039e890718c","ocd-person/7d66e1ca-1fb3-4194-bb18-f9924c528df2","ocd-person/033bf9eb-2706-4c5f-9f93-8e8d222bf2c0","ocd-person/398f9a47-bc65-4c2a-b12e-347f375d8fac","ocd-person/9f0c5984-accf-45a3-8922-07aa7ade0030","ocd-person/f8772f1e-29f7-42e2-8a8c-ab4005153b05","ocd-person/2abbc0cb-6339-42d9-9947-69412a24301b","ocd-person/e142d28d-e57a-4ff9-afa4-c3cd149f2114","ocd-person/560c5ca3-d9b4-4c47-998c-a9baa16a8309","ocd-person/6c3b63a2-ef13-43e5-b6de-d5e0901aa65a","ocd-person/0e6c20bd-bfcb-445c-a1ce-3be99e26398e","ocd-person/d0e66289-022e-4a99-ac8c-f20fb7557e7f","ocd-person/87e3afd8-390c-45a3-97c6-2bb164ec1e90","ocd-person/03d1f3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James ","Arena-DeRosa, James","Armini, Jennifer","Arriaga, Shirley","Ashe, Brian ","Ayers, Bruce ","Balser, Ruth ","Barber, Christine","Barrett, John","Barrows, F. ","Berthiaume, Donald","Biele, David","Blais, Natalie","Boldyga, Nicholas ","Cabral, Antonio ","Cahill, Dan","Capano, Peter","Carey, Daniel ","Cassidy, Gerard","Cataldo, Simon","Chan, Tackey ","Ciccolo, Michelle","Connolly, Mike","Consalvo, Rob","Cruz, Manny","Cusack, Mark ","D'Emilia, Angelo ","Day, Michael","Decker, Marjorie ","DeCoste, David","Diggs, Kip","Doherty, Carol ","Domb, Mindy","Donaghue, Kate","Donahue, Dan","Donato, Paul ","Driscoll, William","DuBois, Michelle","Duffy, Patricia","Durant, Peter ","Elliott, Rodney","Farley-Bouvier, Tricia ","Ferguson, Kimberly ","Fernandes, Dylan","Ferrante, Ann-Margaret ","Finn, Michael ","Fiola, Carole","Flanagan, Christopher","Fluker Oakley, Brandy","Frost, Paul","Galvin, William ","Garballey, Sean ","Garcia, Judith ","Garlick, Denise ","Garry, Colleen ","Gentile, Carmine","Giannino, Jessica","Gifford, Susan ","Gonzalez, Carlos","Gordon, Kenneth ","Gregoire, Danielle ","Haddad, Patricia ","Haggerty, Richard","Hamilton, Ryan","Hawkins, James","Hendricks, Christopher","Higgins, Natalie","Hogan, Kate ","Holmes, Russell ","Honan, Kevin ","Howard, Vanna","Howitt, Steven ","Hunt, Dan","Jones, Bradley ","Kane, Hannah ","Kassner, Kristin","Kearney, Patrick ","Keefe, Mary ","Kerans, Sally","Khan, Kay","Kilcoyne, Meghan","Kushmerek, Michael","LaNatra, Kathy","Lawn, John ","LeBoeuf, David","Lewis, Jack","Linsky, David ","Lipper-Garabedian, Kate ","Livingstone, Jay","Lombardo, Marc ","MacGregor, William","Madaro, Adrian","Mahoney, John ","Mariano, Ronald ","Markey, Christopher ","McGonagle, Joseph","McKenna, Joseph","McMurtry, Paul ","Mendes, Rita","Meschino, Joan","Michlewitz, Aaron ","Mom, Rady","Montaño, Samantha","Moran, Frank ","Moran, John","Moran, Michael ","Muradian, David","Muratore, Mathew","Murphy, James ","Murray, Brian","Nguyen, Tram","O'Day, James ","Orrall, Norman","Owens, Steve","Parisella, Jerald ","Paulino, Francisco","Peake, Sarah ","Pease, Kelly ","Peisch, Alice ","Philips, Edward","Pignatelli, William ","Puppolo, Angelo ","Ramos, Adrianne","Ramos, Orlando","Reyes, Estela","Robertson, David","Rogers, David ","Rogers, John ","Roy, Jeffrey ","Ryan, Dan","Sabadosa, Lindsay ","Saunders, Aaron","Scanlon, Adam","Scarsdale, Margaret","Schmid, Paul ","Sena, Danillo","Shand, Dawne","Silvia, Alan ","Smola, Todd ","Soter, Michael","Sousa, Priscila","Stanley, Thomas ","Straus, William ","Sullivan, Alyson ","Turco, Jeff","Tyler, Chynah","Ultrino, Steve","Uyterhoeven, Erika","Vargas, Andy","Vaughn, Marcus","Vieira, David ","Vitolo, Tommy ","Walsh, Thomas","Whipps, Susannah","Williams, Bud","Wong, Donald ","Worrell, Christopher","Xiarhos, Steven ","Zlotnik, Jonathan ","Barrett, Mike","Brady, Michael","Brownsberger, William ","Collins, Nick","Comerford, Joanne","Creem, Cynthia ","Crighton, Brendan","Cronin, John","Cyr, Julian","DiDomenico, Sal ","Edwards, Lydia","Eldridge, James ","Fattman, Ryan","Feeney, Paul ","Finegold, Barry ","Friedman, Cindy","Gomez, Adam","Jehlen, Patricia ","Keenan, John ","Kennedy, Edward","Kennedy, Robyn","Lewis, Jason","Lovely, Joan ","Mark, Paul","Miranda, Liz","Montigny, Mark ","Moore, Michael ","Moran, Susan","O'Connor, Patrick","Oliveira, Jacob","Pacheco, Marc ","Payano, Pavel","Rausch, Rebecca","Rodrigues, Michael ","Rush, Michael ","Spilka, Karen ","Tarr, Bruce ","Timilty, Walter","Velis, John"],["1","H2908 / S1865","Statutory Protections for FSA 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","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N"],["23","H1710 / S942","Raise the 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+","-"],["ocd-person/65617e1a-1834-4ec8-9f19-4ac801ce9764","Domb, Mindy","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/e2aa2c0f-d6e6-49d7-8483-d595a3a1eb3a","Donaghue, Kate","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/d70e97f1-b8ec-489d-ab5a-2b7f3775ae8a","Donahue, Dan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/18bf433d-24e5-46cb-9d83-c2f9373204bd","Donato, Paul","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/1b7d1710-da71-46cd-9ee3-fc891556f3a9","Driscoll, William","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/f41834f0-0d73-4e8e-8758-66184772c081","Dubois, Michelle","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," 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+","-","-"],["ocd-person/3b6297d5-2c8d-42a8-ba9b-bb4e8f50c0e2","Ferrante, Ann-Margaret ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/b61922e8-c775-4c74-8ecb-557d79162195","Finn, Michael ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/af41924a-7c46-4b6b-b71b-bba683c62c5f","Fiola, Carole","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/c30f76b4-73d6-4795-be75-c46973d17f59","Flanagan, Christopher","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/99c9c9e7-f0e3-480b-ad38-de297e6c635a","Fluker Oakley, Brandy","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/fdc5586f-0db3-4614-af1f-72a42cf5e6f0","Frost, Paul"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/04997a33-67a9-4535-95d2-c9a4c260519d","Galvin, William ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/1e9d742c-c20b-45cf-9e22-e7752189fa7a","Garballey, Sean ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/6f15f647-07f5-4739-a340-497798a474e7","Garcia, Judith","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/7be05b7f-d3dd-4a0f-b7d0-f29144d47f92","Garlick, Denise ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/0e38852a-52b0-4aac-8a65-fa3fc964c88e","Garry, Colleen ","-","-","-","-"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/b9a91cec-bad7-43a7-8fd2-60cd704bd7ab","Gentile, Carmine","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/0ed98993-456c-4630-bd52-894bdde0c0b0","Giannino, Jessica","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/adb172f4-64c0-4c96-8097-71bd125fc2e0","Gifford, Susan"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/c4d03c0e-713d-4195-ba23-1394f225494b","González, Carlos","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/47c42957-b618-41b7-a557-5d24c33568cf","Gordon, Kenneth ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/5696763c-5fd6-44dd-9dce-7be56632cedd","Gregoire, Danielle","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/d2f16a1f-415d-4e60-b905-2f4c71959e0f","Haddad, Patricia ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/521620ea-1e5b-4a0c-94f8-abe888370e05","Haggerty, Richard","-"," +"," +","-"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/799d49f3-28e5-46a1-bcc8-6370e9fbf44a","Hamilton, Ryan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/c8936e7c-f0f5-4dc4-b9e9-774e38638787","Hawkins, James K ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/9750bdb4-4dce-4003-85ec-672185a3a5a4","Hendricks, Christopher","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/17c3ac90-1218-4d61-ae47-bc5ef6ee4a74","Higgins, Natalie","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/3d709a64-6cd2-49c6-ad0d-b007e834bfec","Hogan, Kate ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/078692f2-2afe-4aa1-a320-d4747edacbbb","Holmes, Russell ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/9e4b8b32-233e-443f-a147-46fbaa778a58","Honan, Kevin ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/053aae1e-ae76-41b0-912c-39f27f3f6d6f","Howard, Vanna","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/54487f49-5377-4c41-bd97-60b748cc240a","Howitt, Steven"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2990f236-cb76-4d93-af19-7792fa77290b","Hunt, Dan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/368c3f95-1124-4f0a-9ab5-7361cb2805d3","Jones, Bradley"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/3dd1e2a8-3fdd-4d3a-9504-88a04f3fc973","Kane, 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+"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/7d66e1ca-1fb3-4194-bb18-f9924c528df2","Lipper-Garabedian, Kate","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/033bf9eb-2706-4c5f-9f93-8e8d222bf2c0","Livingstone, Jay","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/398f9a47-bc65-4c2a-b12e-347f375d8fac","Lombardo, Marc "," +","-","-","-","-","NV","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/9f0c5984-accf-45a3-8922-07aa7ade0030","MacGregor, William","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/f8772f1e-29f7-42e2-8a8c-ab4005153b05","Madaro, Adrian","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/2abbc0cb-6339-42d9-9947-69412a24301b","Mahoney, John ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/e142d28d-e57a-4ff9-afa4-c3cd149f2114","Mariano, Ronald ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/560c5ca3-d9b4-4c47-998c-a9baa16a8309","Markey, Christopher ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/6c3b63a2-ef13-43e5-b6de-d5e0901aa65a","McGonagle, Joseph","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/0e6c20bd-bfcb-445c-a1ce-3be99e26398e","McKenna, Joseph"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/d0e66289-022e-4a99-ac8c-f20fb7557e7f","McMurtry, Paul ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/87e3afd8-390c-45a3-97c6-2bb164ec1e90","Mendes, Rita","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," 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+","-"],["ocd-person/72eea330-24b4-4207-a016-0b1e568e0b6e","Pease, Kelly"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2a9569a0-feaf-431d-8a8d-012d8ebccbf8","Peisch, Alice","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/73394d70-485b-4fbf-a512-bf2da4e4cb3b","Philips, Edward","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/88e0ae45-75e7-48b6-880a-1a4c039d4373","Pignatelli, William ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/8302648f-4ed2-454e-ad1e-d7389e25b8dc","Puppolo, Angelo","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/300d40b3-9479-43c0-99d3-18f94e1110cc","Ramos, Adrianne","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/a1a94ad4-7b75-46be-896e-548c86b23d0c","Ramos, Orlando","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/824532f7-8dc9-4a1a-a7b3-16b2d0e78941","Reyes, Estela ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/f3dd7fd8-5d7f-4fa3-b2fe-910e375f2edd","Robertson, David","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/51adc4d9-23d8-442f-b692-c4e4204f552e","Rogers, David","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/50942563-77bb-49ec-a54c-6e26048a31a3","Rogers, John","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +","NV"," +"],["ocd-person/b23d4ed5-1994-4355-a102-cdf15ae57230","Roy, Jeffrey","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/c0519476-08fc-44af-9114-c77d197f883d","Ryan, Dan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/05f9b238-283f-4529-8989-ff7d1bda60a8","Sabadosa, Lindsay","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/c3d23eba-caa6-4d2a-bbd2-5b8b2ca184ae","Saunders, Aaron","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/804c5518-7fdf-43c9-ba24-f2c24eb3b0ab","Scanlon, Adam","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/a25fd374-e502-43bb-91fe-99c4b6c493a5","Scarsdale, Margaret","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/51c2533b-95e0-45c5-9100-0c6d68efb192","Schmid, Paul","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/8f480d9c-0741-43bb-83a4-179745e1f3b2","Sena, Dan ","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/6c49bb2c-7c53-4f22-bfb9-04af813b95b0","Shand, Dawne","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV","NV","NV","NV","-"],["ocd-person/6e81dcb7-4a04-4a88-b5f2-728a3336cf9d","Silvia, Alan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-","NV"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","NV","NV","NV"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/d8895862-a95b-4982-bb2e-31c8ffa4bf57","Smola, Todd "," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/4cec2aa4-c17b-4749-b0e9-58a25695bf2f","Soter, Michael"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/a148ff77-2e73-4e42-a525-20e8d1ed569a","Sousa, Priscila","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/2becbe4e-5b5e-4b42-be87-b4abf57550c7","Stanley, 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+","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/c1f81bec-d032-4f41-940c-ca32f2b5af12","Vargas, Andy","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/2dd65a68-0ea5-4c15-b5fe-bcde086eb357","Vaughn, Marcus"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/5c798735-2f95-40a6-9ef7-4cd25eb638f6","Vieira, David "," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/7a234dbf-2f9f-466f-8db1-44ac0f3975a8","Vitolo, Tommy","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/5f796cb3-08ae-40c4-8c11-a2758f317cc2","Walsh, Thomas","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/76b07f35-1876-4259-9c0a-bdf595541c39","Whipps, Susannah","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/b23dd64e-a05c-4fe1-8562-c29436ca79bb","Williams, Bud","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/e8071049-2a8d-4633-b6cb-c1f6ae83bb7a","Wong, Donald "," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/59539448-5c3b-4d4d-8e96-48fabb01b10f","Worrell, Christopher","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/485e001e-95e9-4b79-9226-cf028a307138","Xiarhos, Steven"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/49c4bb4e-fadd-4136-953f-6bd64a970acb","Zlotnik, Jonathan ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-","-"," +","-","-"," +"," +","-"]],"senateVotes":[["Progressive Position","","No","No","No","No","Yes","Yes","No","No","No","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","No","No","Yes","No","Yes","No","No","Yes"],["Bill 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+","-"],["ocd-person/94929da6-2219-4a44-99c3-d6561eead9f5","Brownsberger, William ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/8ca6ea6c-1121-40b3-a5cf-9b55dfe6a2b0","Collins, Nick","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2998b05b-b83e-4a9b-9659-a609ddc63a34","Comerford, Jo","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/ece82669-b6f6-4f0f-ae5d-7b238b1cd1dd","Creem, Cynthia ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/77994b2c-f88c-4a5f-bf9d-7abd1875d8dc","Crighton, Brendan","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/5a333327-70bb-4b95-9cfd-fadd701e9348","Cronin, 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+"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/493988da-4de8-49a0-8d6c-090097e89920","O'Connor, Patrick"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/b857e2f7-b65a-4d34-a680-50dfff745a16","Oliveira, Jacob ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/9e8c3405-d8ed-4838-a376-d19c357f4cb4","Pacheco, Marc ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +","-"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/1d33d1e7-dae9-4e98-aa9e-626b0d711d9a","Payano, Pavel","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/fb97b139-c0dd-41b5-ae52-159528f47b11","Rausch, Becca"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/af0d6647-3a7b-48d0-971c-bde55a75e78c","Rodrigues, Michael ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/6a82d675-3496-48af-88cf-23c26355b01f","Rush, Michael ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/e48879ef-ed74-4f93-8e5b-c0f3752d4fd7","Spilka, Karen ","n/a"," +","n/a","n/a","-","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a"," +","n/a","-"," +","n/a","n/a"," +","n/a"," +"," +","n/a"," +","n/a","n/a","-"],["ocd-person/429f87cf-f7a1-4201-ade4-9efeb9149d03","Tarr, Bruce "," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"," +","-"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/0db5ab85-b9c0-4b48-a0b4-d5944bab0a2d","Timilty, Walter "," +"," +","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/a37a3f66-83a2-4a7e-90e3-8de41be7262d","Velis, John","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"]]} \ No newline at end of file +{"sponsoredBills":[["sort","bill_number","paired_listing","docket_prefix","dock_number","status","name","sponsors","shorthand_title","key_words","other_names","description","tags","url","show_paired_disclaimer","Status"],["1","H2908","","HD","2236","Enacted","An Act to protect the intent of the Fair Share Amendment","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Statutory Protections for FSA Revenue","","","Prevents Fair Share revenue from being diverted to tax giveaways or reserves, so it is available for spending on transportation and education as voters intended","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2236"],["1.1","S1865","","SD","1166","Enacted","An Act to protect the intent of the Fair Share Amendment","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Statutory Protections for FSA Revenue","","","Prevents Fair Share revenue from being diverted to tax giveaways or reserves, so it is available for spending on transportation and education as voters intended","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1166"],["2","H2909","","HD","2310","Enacted","An Act preventing high-income tax avoidance","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Preventing FSA Tax Avoidance","","","Prevents tax avoidance of the Fair Share Amendment by requiring, as many other states do, couples who file jointly at the federal level to file jointly at the state level as well","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2310"],["2.1","S1866","","SD","1167","Enacted","An Act preventing high-income tax avoidance","Rep. Jim O'Day & Sen. Jason Lewis","Preventing FSA Tax Avoidance","","","Prevents tax avoidance of the Fair Share Amendment by requiring, as many other states do, couples who file jointly at the federal level to file jointly at the state level as well","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1167"],["3","H2960","","HD","1465","Not Yet","An Act relative to estate tax reform","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Julian Cyr","Fiscally Responsible Estate Tax Reform","","","Preserves most of the revenue-generation, inequality-reduction, and fairness benefits of the estate tax, while eliminating the current cliff effect","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/hd1465"],["3.1","S1784","","SD","1114","Not Yet","An Act relative to estate tax reform","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Julian Cyr","Fiscally Responsible Estate Tax Reform","","","Preserves most of the revenue-generation, inequality-reduction, and fairness benefits of the estate tax, while eliminating the current cliff effect","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1114"],["4","H2964","","HD","3073","Not Yet","An Act to reform the charitable deduction","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","A Targeted Charitable Deduction","","","Makes the charitable deduction more targeted by limiting it to individuals who are not already getting such a deduction on their federal taxes","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3073"],["4.1","S1801","","SD","1596","Not Yet","An Act to reform the charitable deduction","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","A Targeted Charitable Deduction","","","Makes the charitable deduction more targeted by limiting it to individuals who are not already getting such a deduction on their federal taxes","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1596"],["5","H2725","","HD","751","Not Yet","An Act to require public disclosures by publicly-traded corporate taxpayers","Rep. Pete Capano & Sen. Liz Miranda","Corporate Tax Disclosure","","","Makes publicly accessible reports that are already filed annually by publicly-traded corporations, detailing their sales, profits, taxable income, and taxes paid","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD751"],["5.1","S1875","","SD","1038","Not Yet","An Act to require public disclosures by publicly-traded corporate taxpayers","Rep. Pete Capano & Sen. Liz Miranda","Corporate Tax Disclosure","","","Makes publicly accessible reports that are already filed annually by publicly-traded corporations, detailing their sales, profits, taxable income, and taxes paid","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1038"],["6","H2708","","HD","388","Not Yet","An Act to close corporate tax loopholes and create progressive revenue","Rep. Christine Barber, Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven, & Sen. Becca Rausch","Taxing offshored “GILTI” income","","","Taxes, as other states and the federal government do, a portion of the profits that multinational corporations who do business in MA shift to offshore tax havens","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD388"],["6.1","S1925","","SD","1541","Not Yet","An Act to close corporate tax loopholes and create progressive revenue","Rep. Christine Barber, Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven, & Sen. Becca Rausch","Taxing offshored “GILTI” income","","","Taxes, as other states and the federal government do, a portion of the profits that multinational corporations who do business in MA shift to offshore tax havens","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1541"],["7","H2856","","HD","2758","Not Yet","An Act relative to restoring corporate tax rates","Rep. Mary Keefe & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Increasing the Corporate Tax Rate ","","","Restores the tax on corporate profits to 9.5%, where it was before 2009, from the existing 8.0% rate","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2758"],["7.1","S1788","","SD","508","Not Yet","An Act relative to restoring corporate tax rates","Rep. Mary Keefe & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Increasing the Corporate Tax Rate ","","","Restores the tax on corporate profits to 9.5%, where it was before 2009, from the existing 8.0% rate","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD508"],["8","H2743","","HD","418","Not Yet","An Act establishing a tiered corporate minimum tax","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Adam Gomez","Tiered Corporate Minimum Tax ","","","Ensures that larger corporations pay a minimum corporate tax bill in proportion to the size of their business in MA, while small businesses continue paying the current corporate minimum tax of just $456 per year","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD418"],["8.1","S1835","","SD","677","Not Yet","An Act establishing a tiered corporate minimum tax","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Adam Gomez","Tiered Corporate Minimum Tax ","","","Ensures that larger corporations pay a minimum corporate tax bill in proportion to the size of their business in MA, while small businesses continue paying the current corporate minimum tax of just $456 per year","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD677"],["9","H1925","","HD","3965","Not Yet","An Act relative to the minimum wage","Rep. Tram Nguyen, Rep. Dan Donahue, & Sen. Jason Lewis","Living Wage","","","Raises the minimum wage to $20 per hour over four years and indexes it to inflation to better align the minimum age with a living wage","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3965"],["9.1","S1200","","SD","2032","Not Yet","An Act relative to raise the minimum wage closer to a living wage in the Commonwealth","Rep. Tram Nguyen, Rep. Dan Donahue, & Sen. Jason Lewis","Living Wage","","","Raises the minimum wage to $20 per hour over four years and indexes it to inflation to better align the minimum age with a living wage","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2032"],["10","H3069","","HD","2435","Not Yet","An Act relative to collective bargaining rights for legislative employees ","Rep. Pat Kearney & Sen. John Keenan","State House Staff Collective Bargaining","","","Extends collective bargaining rights to State House staff ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/bills/193/hd2435"],["10.1","S2014","","SD","1208","Not Yet","An Act relative to collective bargaining rights for legislative employees ","Rep. Pat Kearney & Sen. John Keenan","State House Staff Collective Bargaining","","","Extends collective bargaining rights to State House staff ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/bills/193/sd1208"],["11","H1940","","HD","4039","In Conference Committee","An Act relative to transparency in the workplace ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Christine Barber, Sen. Paul Feeney, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Pay Equity Bill","","","Requires employers to publicly report their wage data, providing information essential to measuring our progress toward racial and gender wage equity in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD4039"],["11.1","S1181","","SD","2331","In Conference Committee","An Act relative to transparency in the workplace ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Christine Barber, Sen. Paul Feeney, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Pay Equity Bill","","","Requires employers to publicly report their wage data, providing information essential to measuring our progress toward racial and gender wage equity in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2331"],["12","H603","","HD","766","Enacted","An Act relative to universal school meals","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Universal School Meals","","","Ensures that there is no cost to families for any student to receive school lunch","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD766"],["12.1","S261","","SD","1013","Enacted","An Act relative to universal school meals","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Universal School Meals","","","Ensures that there is no cost to families for any student to receive school lunch","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S261"],["13","H489","","HD","2794","Not Yet","An Act providing affordable and accessible high-quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth","Rep. Ken Gordon, Rep. Adrian Madaro, Sen. Jason Lewis, & Sen. Susan Moran","Common Start","","","Establishes a framework for delivering increased access to affordable, high-quality early education and child care with greater investment in providers, better pay for workers, and a cap on costs for families","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2794"],["13.1","S301","","SD","667","Passed","An Act providing affordable and accessible high-quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth","Rep. Ken Gordon, Rep. Adrian Madaro, Sen. Jason Lewis, & Sen. Susan Moran","Common Start","","","Establishes a framework for delivering increased access to affordable, high-quality early education and child care with greater investment in providers, better pay for workers, and a cap on costs for families","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD667"],["14","H495","","HD","3162","Not Yet","An act empowering students and schools to thrive","Rep. Jim Hawkins, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Liz Miranda, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Thrive Act","","","Creates a better system of assessment, support, accountability, and improvement that considers the whole child, and focuses on giving students and educators the tools and resources they need to succeed and thrive, replacing the harmful and failed state takeover policy","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3162"],["14.1","S246","","SD","2067","Not Yet","An act empowering students and schools to thrive","Rep. Jim Hawkins, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Liz Miranda, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Thrive Act","","","Creates a better system of assessment, support, accountability, and improvement that considers the whole child, and focuses on giving students and educators the tools and resources they need to succeed and thrive, replacing the harmful and failed state takeover policy","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2067"],["15","H1260","","HD","2755","Not Yet","An Act committing to higher education the resources to insure a strong and healthy public higher education system","Rep. Sean Garballey, Rep. Pat Duffy, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Robyn Kennedy, Sen. Paul Mark, & Sen. Jake Oliveira","CHERISH Act","","","Creates a framework for adequate funding levels for public higher education, including increased student support and better pay and benefits for faculty and staff; implements a debt-free college plan; and creates a plan for green and healthy buildings on campus","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2755"],["15.1","S816","","SD","2092","Not Yet","An Act committing to higher education the resources to insure a strong and healthy public higher education system","Rep. Sean Garballey, Rep. Pat Duffy, Sen. Jo Comerford, Sen. Robyn Kennedy, Sen. Paul Mark, & Sen. Jake Oliveira","CHERISH Act","","","Creates a framework for adequate funding levels for public higher education, including increased student support and better pay and benefits for faculty and staff; implements a debt-free college plan; and creates a plan for green and healthy buildings on campus","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2092"],["16","H1239","","HD","1584","Not Yet","An Act establishing medicare for all in Massachusetts","Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, Rep. Denise Garlick, & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","Medicare for All","","","Establishes a single payer system, in which the state provides health care to all residents as a right","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD1584"],["16.1","S744","","SD","2182","Not Yet","An Act establishing medicare for all in Massachusetts","Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, Rep. Denise Garlick, & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","Medicare for All","","","Establishes a single payer system, in which the state provides health care to all residents as a right","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2182"],["17","H2103","","HD","3953","Not Yet","An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Pat Jehlen, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Rent Control Local Option","","","Enable municipalities to pass rent stabilization ordinances to fight displacement ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3953"],["17.1","S1299","","SD","1818","Not Yet","An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenants ","Rep. Dave Rogers, Rep. Sam Montaño, Sen. Pat Jehlen, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Rent Control Local Option","","","Enable municipalities to pass rent stabilization ordinances to fight displacement ","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1818"],["18","H2747","","HD","2857","Not Yet","An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Jo Comerford","Transfer Fee","","","Enables cities and towns to assess a fee of 0.5-2% on residential and commercial real estate transactions, with the funds allocated to affordable housing trust funds","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2857"],["18.1","S1771","","SD","1982","Not Yet","An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing","Rep. Mike Connolly & Sen. Jo Comerford","Transfer Fee","","","Enables cities and towns to assess a fee of 0.5-2% on residential and commercial real estate transactions, with the funds allocated to affordable housing trust funds","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1982"],["19","H2894","","HD","2510","Not Yet","An Act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the commonwealth","Rep. Sam Montaño & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","HERO Bill","","","Increases the deeds excise tax on home sales to provide a funding stream for the Global Warming Solutions Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Housing Preservation and Stabilization Fund","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2510"],["19.1","S1799","","SD","1226","Not Yet","An Act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the commonwealth","Rep. Sam Montaño & Sen. Jamie Eldridge","HERO Bill","","","Increases the deeds excise tax on home sales to provide a funding stream for the Global Warming Solutions Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Housing Preservation and Stabilization Fund","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1226"],["20","H1379","","HD","3252","Not Yet","An Act to promote yes in my back yard","Rep. Andy Vargas, Rep. Kevin Honan, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","YIMBY Bill","","","Sets a statewide housing production goal, allows multi-family housing to be built near public transportation, makes it easier for municipalities to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances, allows accessory dwelling units to be built as-of-right, and promotes the use of vacant commercial properties and empty state-owned properties for housing","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3252"],["20.1","S858","","SD","2006","Not Yet","An Act to promote yes in my back yard","Rep. Andy Vargas, Rep. Kevin Honan, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","YIMBY Bill","","","Sets a statewide housing production goal, allows multi-family housing to be built near public transportation, makes it easier for municipalities to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances, allows accessory dwelling units to be built as-of-right, and promotes the use of vacant commercial properties and empty state-owned properties for housing","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2006"],["21","H1796","","HD","822","Enacted","An Act relative to telephone service for inmates in all correctional and other penal institutions in the Commonwealth","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Cindy Creem ","No Cost Calls","","","Prevents prisons and jails from charging individuals who are incarcerated for phone calls to loved ones","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD822"],["21.1","S1494","","SD","1441","Enacted","An Act to keep families connected","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Cindy Creem ","No Cost Calls","","","Prevents prisons and jails from charging individuals who are incarcerated for phone calls to loved ones","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1441"],["22","H1795","","HD","799","Not Yet","An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Jo Comerford ","Prison Moratorium ","","","Enacts a five-year pause on new prison and jail construction in order to provide time to develop more effective, community-based approaches to public safety","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD799"],["22.1","S1979","","SD","661","Not Yet","An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium","Rep. Chynah Tyler & Sen. Jo Comerford ","Prison Moratorium ","","","Enacts a five-year pause on new prison and jail construction in order to provide time to develop more effective, community-based approaches to public safety","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD661"],["23","H1710","","HD","3510","Not Yet","An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults","Rep. JIm O'Day, Rep. Manny Cruz, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","Raise the Age","","","Raises the age of criminal majority to 21, allowing youth to have better access to treatment and educational services and thereby reducing recidivism","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3510"],["23.1","S942","","SD","428","Not Yet","An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults","Rep. JIm O'Day, Rep. Manny Cruz, & Sen. Brendan Crighton","Raise the Age","","","Raises the age of criminal majority to 21, allowing youth to have better access to treatment and educational services and thereby reducing recidivism","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD428"],["24","H3084","","HD","3616","Not Yet","An Act relative to language access and inclusion","Rep. Adrian Madaro, Rep. Carlos González, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Language Access & Inclusion Bill","","","Builds the capacity of key public-facing state agencies to meet the language access needs of an increasingly diverse population by standardizing and enforcing language access protocols and practices","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3616"],["24.1","S1990","","SD","1066","Not Yet","An Act relative to language access and inclusion","Rep. Adrian Madaro, Rep. Carlos González, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Language Access & Inclusion Bill","","","Builds the capacity of key public-facing state agencies to meet the language access needs of an increasingly diverse population by standardizing and enforcing language access protocols and practices","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1066"],["25","H2288","","HD","2459","Not Yet","An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents","Rep. Ruth Balser, Rep. Manny Cruz, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Safe Communities Act","","","Limits local and state police collaboration with federal immigration agents, bars law enforcement and court personnel from inquiring about immigration status, and ensures due process protections","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD2459"],["25.1","S1510","","SD","1937","Not Yet","An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents","Rep. Ruth Balser, Rep. Manny Cruz, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, & Sen. Liz Miranda","Safe Communities Act","","","Limits local and state police collaboration with federal immigration agents, bars law enforcement and court personnel from inquiring about immigration status, and ensures due process protections","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S1510"],["26","H544","","HD","3874","Not Yet","An Act relative to healthy youth","Rep. Jim O'Day, Rep. Vanna Howard, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Healthy Youth Act","","","Requires school districts that provide sex education to ensure that it is comprehensive, age-appropriate, and LGBTQ-inclusive, with an emphasis on consent","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3874"],["26.1","S268","","SD","2199","Passed","An Act relative to healthy youth","Rep. Jim O'Day, Rep. Vanna Howard, & Sen. Sal DiDomenico","Healthy Youth Act","","","Requires school districts that provide sex education to ensure that it is comprehensive, age-appropriate, and LGBTQ-inclusive, with an emphasis on consent","All Means All ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2199"],["27","H872","","HD","3460","Not Yet","An Act establishing a climate change superfund and promoting polluter responsibility","Rep. Steve Owens & Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Polluters Pay ","","","Requires fossil-fuel producers to fund the state’s climate adaptation programs based on past emissions, a proposal that would extend the long-standing “polluter pays” principle for toxic waste cleanups to addressing climate change","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3460"],["27.1","S481","","SD","2366","Not Yet","An Act establishing a climate change superfund and promoting polluter responsibility","Rep. Steve Owens & Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Polluters Pay ","","","Requires fossil-fuel producers to fund the state’s climate adaptation programs based on past emissions, a proposal that would extend the long-standing “polluter pays” principle for toxic waste cleanups to addressing climate change","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2366"],["28","H3232","","HD","776","Not Yet","An Act establishing a zero carbon renovation fund","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Adam Gomez","Zero-Carbon Renovation Fund","","","Creates a fund for green and healthy home retrofits, with a prioritization of affordable housing, low-to-moderate-income homes, gateway cities, and environmental justice communities","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD776"],["28.1","S2365","","SD","500","Not Yet","An Act establishing a zero carbon renovation fund","Rep. Andy Vargas & Sen. Adam Gomez","Zero-Carbon Renovation Fund","","","Creates a fund for green and healthy home retrofits, with a prioritization of affordable housing, low-to-moderate-income homes, gateway cities, and environmental justice communities","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD500"],["29","H3237","","HD","3794","Not Yet","An Act to establishing a moratorium on new gas system expansion","Rep. Bud Williams, Rep. Adrianne Ramos, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Gas Moratorium","","","Pauses the approval for any new or expanded gas infrastructure through 2026","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3794"],["29.1","S2135","","SD","1925","Not Yet","An Act to establishing a moratorium on new gas system expansion","Rep. Bud Williams, Rep. Adrianne Ramos, & Sen. Adam Gomez","Gas Moratorium","","","Pauses the approval for any new or expanded gas infrastructure through 2026","Infrastructure/Environment","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1925"],["30","H26","","HD","3153","Not Yet","An Act relative to voting rights restoration","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Liz Miranda","Voting Rights Restoration","","","Ensures that incarceration no longer leads to a loss of voting rights at any stage","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3153"],["30.1","S8","","SD","1037","Not Yet","An Act relative to voting rights restoration","Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven & Sen. Liz Miranda","Voting Rights Restoration","","","Ensures that incarceration no longer leads to a loss of voting rights at any stage","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD1037"],["31","H3040","","HD","3261","Not Yet","An Act to modernize participation in public meetings","Rep. Denise Garlick & Sen. Jason Lewis","Modern Open Meeting Access for All","","","Requires that all public bodies have options for hybrid participation and creates a trust fund and competitive grants to help municipalities with the technology needed to do so","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3261"],["31.1","S2024","","SD","2017","Not Yet","An Act to modernize participation in public meetings","Rep. Denise Garlick & Sen. Jason Lewis","Modern Open Meeting Access for All","","","Requires that all public bodies have options for hybrid participation and creates a trust fund and competitive grants to help municipalities with the technology needed to do so","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD2017"],["32","S1963","","SD","131","Not Yet","An Act to provide sunlight to state government","Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Public Records & Transparency","","","Promotes transparency in state government by removing the Governor's exemption from public records law and requiring committee votes and legislative testimony (with appropriate redactions) to be public","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD131"],["32.1","S1963","","SD","131","Not Yet","An Act to provide sunlight to state government","Sen. Jamie Eldridge ","Public Records & Transparency","","","Promotes transparency in state government by removing the Governor's exemption from public records law and requiring committee votes and legislative testimony (with appropriate redactions) to be public","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/SD131"]],"houseBills":[["pm_score\n","keyword","description","roll_call_number","bill_number","amendment","vote_date","title","progressive_position","# of Y","# of N","tags","url","roll_call_url"],["1h","Transparency","Vote was on requiring one week of advance notice for any legislative hearing (as the MA Senate has endorsed), as opposed to the narrow existing 72 hour notice rule. ","8","H.2025","9","2/1/2023","One-Week Notice for Hearings","YES","24","129","Good Govt/Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H2025/9/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall8.pdf"],["2h","Revenue","Vote was on eliminating the language from the House's tax package to reform Chapter 62F (the “tax cap law”) so that all taxpayers would get equal rebates, as opposed to larger rebates going to more affluent taxpayers. ","14","H.3770","2","4/13/2023","Rejecting Equity Reforms to 62F","NO","26","128","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H3770/2/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall14.pdf"],["3h","Revenue","Vote was on striking a proposed lift of the cap on the rainy day fund. Reaching the cap on the rainy day fund would trigger automatic regressive tax cuts. ","15","H.3770","3","4/13/2023","Prioritizing Tax Cuts over Fiscal Stability ","NO","25","129","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H3770/3/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall15.pdf"],["4h","Revenue","Vote was on the House’s regressive tax reform package, which contained $440 million in tax cuts for the commonwealth's richest estates, residents, and corporations—undermining the new revenue produced by the Fair Share Amendment (i.e., the new surtax on income over $1 million). ","16","H.3770","","4/13/2023","Tax Cuts Skewed to the Rich","NO","150","3","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H3770","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall16.pdf"],["5h","Revenue","Vote was on eliminating language that would guarantee that constitutionally protected revenue from the Fair Share Amendment could not be diverted to regressive tax cuts via the 62F tax cap law.","17","H.3900","136","4/24/2023","Undermining the Fair Share Victory ","NO","25","132","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H3900/136/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall17.pdf"],["6h","Revenue","Vote was on a $1 billion tax cut package disproportionately benefiting the Commonwealth’s richest residents, corporations, and estates.","33","H.4104","","9/27/2023","Tax Cuts Skewed to the Rich -- Redux ","NO","155","1","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4104","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall33.pdf"],["7h","Workers' Rights; Gender Equity","Vote was on requiring employers with 25+ employees to disclose the salary or wage range for a position in all job postings, provide the salary range to employees offered promotions and transfers, and provide the pay range to employees for their current roles if requested. It would also require covered employers to supply wage and demographic information to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. ","58","H.4109","","10/4/2023","Frances Perkins Workplace Equity Act","YES","148","8","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4109","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall58.pdf"],["8h","Public Safety","Vote was on upholding the ruling of the chair that debate on the House's gun safety bill could begin despite the fact that it did not include a fiscal note detailing the cost of the proposal.","59","H.4135","Ruling of Chair","10/18/2023","Rejecting Republican Delay Tactics on Gun Safety ","YES","132","27","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4135","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall59.pdf"],["9h","Public Safety","Vote was on expanding the use of pretrial detention despite severe and well-documented racial disparities in its use in Massachusetts. ","61","H.4135","42","10/18/2023","Expanding Pretrial Detention","NO","26","133","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4135/42/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall61.pdf"],["10h","Public Safety","Vote was on a comprehensive strengthening of MA’s gun safety laws, including a more robust assault weapons ban; measures to crack down on ghost guns; prohibitions on firearms in government buildings, polling places, and educational institutions; and more comprehensive data collection. ","62","H.4139","","10/18/2023","Strengthening MA's gun laws ","YES","120","38","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H139","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall62.pdf"],["11h","Prisoners' Rights","Vote was on guaranteeing free access to phone calls to incarcerated individuals, ending the predatory practice of price gouging incarcerated individuals and their loved ones to stay connected.","63","H.4052","","11/8/2023","No Cost Calls","YES","132","26","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4052","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall63.pdf"],["12h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on excluding arriving families from access to emergency housing assistance funding. ","65","H.4167","49","11/8/2023","Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance","NO","28","128","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4167/49/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall65.pdf"],["13h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on banning new residents of the commonwealth from access to emergency shelter.","75","H.4460","9","3/6/2024","Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance","NO","29","125","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4460/9/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/Journal/House/193/RollCalls/hj03062024_RollCalls.pdf"],["14h","Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on a right-wing messaging amendment to create a false narrative that programs focused on helping new arrivals to obtain employment are harming low-income individuals.","79","H.4460","7","3/6/2024","Creating false zero-sum narratives","NO","25","129","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4460/7/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall79.pdf"],["15h","Prisoners' Rights","Vote was on defunding the dedicated account for the implementation of No Cost Calls (i.e., free access to phone calls for incarcerated individuals). ","92","H2","645","4/25/2024","Defunding No Cost Calls ","NO","29","128","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/645/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall92.pdf"],["16h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on the first of a series of three right-wing budget amendments to prevent migrant and refugee families from accessing emergency shelter and to push false, xenophobic narratives.","99","H2","1393","4/26/2024","Preventing migrant families from accessing shelter #1","NO","30","127","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/1393/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall99.pdf"],["17h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on the second of a series of three right-wing budget amendments to prevent migrant and refugee families from accessing emergency shelter and to push false, xenophobic narratives.","100","H2","1394","4/26/2024","Preventing migrant families from accessing shelter #2","NO","27","131","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/1394/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall100.pdf"],["18h","Homelessness; Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on the third of a series of three right-wing budget amendments to prevent migrant and refugee families from accessing emergency shelter and to push false, xenophobic narratives.","101","H2","698","4/26/2024","Preventing migrant families from accessing shelter #3","NO","28","129","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/698/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall101.pdf"],["19h","DOC Accountability","Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis.) ","0","","","","DOC Accountability","YES","32","128","All Means All"],["20h","Housing","Vote was on an amendment to exempt communities from MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) compliance if at least 10 percent of the housing units in the city or town are low- or moderate-income (the “40B” threshold). ","110","H.4707","29","6/5/2024","Creating MBTA Communities Act Exemptions","NO","27","131","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/29/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall110.pdf"],["21h","Housing","Vote was on an amendment to make it easier for communities opposed to building more housing to evade compliance with the MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) by creating a right to appeal if communities refuse to meet infrastructure needs and if they pretend that multifamily housing is antithetical to environmental protection or historic preservation.","111","H.4707","129","6/5/2024","MBTA Community Act Appeal Process for NIMBY Towns","NO","32","126","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/129/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall111.pdf"],["22h","Housing","Vote was on an amendment to automatically count all mobile homes toward a community’s 40B threshold (i.e., 10% of all housing units need to be for low or moderate incomes). The amendment was driven by NIMBY opposition to building affordable housing and would make it harder to achieve affordability goals. ","114","H.4707","348","6/5/2024","Weakening Affordable Housing Production Standards","NO","30","127","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/348/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall114.pdf"],["23h","Housing","Vote was on a consolidated amendment that, among other positive measures, included a Tenant Opportunity to Purchase (TOPA) local option. Under this measure, cities and towns could choose to pass ordinances giving tenants the right of first refusal to buy their building if it goes up for sale. ","115","H.4707","Cons. B","6/5/2024","Tenant Opportunity to Purchase ","YES","133","25","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/B/House/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall115.pdf"],["24h","LGBTQ Rights","Vote was on updating Massachusetts’ forty-year-old parentage statutes to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ families and families formed through assisted reproduction.","120","H.4672","","6/12/2024","Massachusetts Parentage Act ","YES","156","0","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4672","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall120.pdf"],["25h","Health Care","Vote was on comprehensive maternal health legislation that would expand equitable access to midwifery care, allow more birth centers to open, offer paid pregnancy loss leave, expand postpartum depression screenings, and increase public health attention on maternal health.","124","H.4773","","6/12/2024","Maternal Health Omnibus ","YES","153","0","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4773","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall124.pdf"],["26h ","Taxation ","Vote was on approving a home rule petition introduced by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and overwhelmingly passed by the Boston City Council to blunt the impact of an increase in residential property taxes by limiting a decline of commercial real estate taxes during a period of four consecutive fiscal years from FY 2025 through FY 2030. ","148","H.4942","","7/30/2024","Boston Tax Home Rule Petition","YES","133","24","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4942","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall148.pdf"],["27h","Climate","Vote was on legislation to reform siting and permitting laws, accelerate the state’s transition away from gas and toward renewable energy, and improve EV infrastructure. ","201","S.2967","","11/14/2024","Climate Bill ","YES","128","17","Environmental Protection & Sustainable Infrastructure","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/s2967","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall201.pdf"],["28h","","Co-sponsored at least 50% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website.","1001","","","","Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 50%","YES"],["29h","","Co-sponsored at least 75% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website. ","1002","","","","Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 75% ","YES"],["30h","Democracy ","Held office hours or town halls during the legislative session to create opportunities for constituents to make their voices heard. (This will be updated upon response.) ","1003","","","","Held Office Hours to Be Accessible to Constituents","YES","","","Good Government & Strong Democracy"]],"senateBills":[["pm_score\n","keyword","description","roll_call_number","bill_number","amendment","vote_date","title","progressive_position","# of Y","# of N","tags","url","roll_call_url"],["1s","Good Govt; Transparency","Vote was on eliminating term limits for the Senate President, exacerbating the centralization of power in the chamber. ","7","S.17","23","2/9/2023","Eliminating Term Limits for the Senate President","NO","32","6","Good Government & Strong Democracy","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S17/23/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall7.pdf"],["2s","Higher Ed; Immigrant Justice","Vote was on eliminating the language in the underlying bill to extend in-state tuition to all Massachusetts high school graduates, regardless of immigration status. ","36","S.3","768","5/24/2023","Eliminating In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students","NO","3","37","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S3/768/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall36.pdf"],["3s","Revenue","Vote was on enabling wealthy individuals to avoid the Fair Share tax (i.e., the new surtax on income over $1 million) by reducing their taxable income.","38","S.3","809","5/25/2023","Reducing Fair Share Taxable Income","NO","5","34","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S3/809/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall38.pdf"],["4s","Revenue","Vote was on eliminating language to prevent Fair Share revenue from being redirected to the rainy day fund rather than being used for constitutionally protected purposes. ","45","S.3","106","5/25/2023","Redirecting Fair Share Revenue to the Rainy Day Fund ","NO","5","34","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S3/106/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall45.pdf"],["5s","Housing","Vote was on ensuring that Housing Development Incentive Program funds support much-needed mixed-income housing by requiring developments funded under the program to have at least 20% permanently affordable housing.","50","S.2397","16","5/25/2023","Reforming HDIP to Ensure Affordable Housing Production","YES","9","30","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/16/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall50.pdf"],["6s","Revenue","Vote was on protecting the revenue raised by the Fair Share Amendment by ensuring that couples who file jointly on their federal taxes do so in Massachusetts as well.","51","S.2397","26","6/15/2023","Protecting Fair Share Tax Evasion ","YES","33","5","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/26/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall51.pdf"],["7s","Revenue","Vote was on reducing the tax rate for short-term capital gains, a tax cut that goes disproportionately to the top 1% (e.g., day traders, speculators). ","52","S.2397","4","6/15/2023","Tax Cuts for Day Traders and Speculators ","NO","5","32","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/4/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall52.pdf"],["8s","Revenue","Vote was on a regressive and fiscally irresponsible attempt to raise the estate tax threshold to $5 million, which would have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to such multi-million-dollar estates.","53","S.2397","7","6/15/2023","Tax Giveaways to Large Estates #1 ","NO","5","33","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/7/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall53.pdf"],["9s","Revenue","Vote was on applying cost of living increases to the bill's increased estate tax threshold of $2 million—something the Legislature has always avoided doing for wage increases. ","54","S.2397","23","6/15/2023","Tax Giveaways to Large Estates #2","NO","6","32","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2397/23/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall54.pdf"],["10s","LGBTQ Rights","Vote was on allowing for a non-binary option on birth certificates and driver's licenses in the state.","57","S.2425","","7/27/2023","Gender X Bill","YES","39","0","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2425","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall57.pdf"],["11s","Housing & Homelessness","Vote was on making it easier for unhoused individuals to obtain a state-issued ID. ","58","S.2251","","7/27/2023","Everyone Needs ID Bill","YES","38","0","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2251","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall58.pdf"],["12s","Revenue","Vote was on a $1 billion tax cut package disproportionately benefiting the Commonwealth’s richest residents, corporations, and estates.","62","H.4104","","9/28/2023","Overly Regressive Tax Package","YES","38","1","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4104","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall62.pdf"],["13s","Workers' Rights; Gender Equity","Vote was on requiring employers with 25+ employees to disclose the salary or wage range for a position in all job postings, provide the salary range to employees offered promotions and transfers, and provide the pay range to employees for their current roles if requested. It would also require covered employers to supply wage and demographic information to the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. ","88","H.4109","","10/19/2023","Frances Perkins Workplace Equity Act","YES","38","1","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4109","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall88.pdf"],["14s","Gender Equity","Vote was on making disposable menstrual products available for free in public schools, homeless shelters, and prisons in Massachusetts.","89","S.2491","","10/26/2023","Menstrual Equity Bill","YES","38","0","Shared Prosperity; All Means ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2491","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall89.pdf"],["15s","LGBTQ Rights","Vote was on expanding access to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) by allowing pharmacists to provide a 60-day supply for those facing barriers to care.","90","S.2480","","10/26/2023","Expanding PrEP Access ","YES","38","0","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2480","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall90.pdf"],["16s","Immigrants' Rights; Housing","Vote was on excluding arriving families from access to emergency housing assistance funding.","92","S.2502","2","11/14/2023"," Excluding migrants from emergency housing assistance","NO","3","36","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2502/2/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall92.pdf"],["17s","Public Health ","Vote was on a motion to delay passage of the Senate's gun safety package by sending it back to committee.","109","H.4139","Motion to Recommit","2/1/2024","Delaying Action on Gun Safety","NO","9","31","All Meals All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2572/BillHistory","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall109.pdf"],["18s","Public Health ","Vote was on replacing the Senate's comprehensive gun safety package with a much narrower bill.","111","S.2572","63","2/1/2024","Weakening Gun Safety Action","NO","6","33","All Meals All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2572/63/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall111.pdf"],["19s","Public Health ","Vote was on the Senate's comprehensive gun safety package, which would crack down on ghost guns, codify the state's assault weapons ban, prohibit machine gun conversions, and take other important steps.","114","H.4139","","2/1/2024","SAFER Act","YES","37","3","All Meals All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4139","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall114.pdf"],["20s","Early Education/Child Care","Vote was on requiring a Legislative commission in the bill to study the development of a tax credit for employer-supported early education and care, a policy that has proven ineffective and underutilized in other states that have adopted it.","115","S.2697","32","3/14/2024","Creating New Ineffective Tax Credits","NO","7","32","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2697/32/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall115.pdf"],["21s","Early Education/Child Care","Vote was on making the state’s Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) operational grant program permanent, expanding eligibility for the state’s subsidy program, and boosting compensation for educators by creating a career ladder and providing scholarships and loan forgiveness.","116","S.2707","","3/14/2024","EARLY ED Act","YES","40","0","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2707","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall116.pdf"],["22s","Housing, Homelessness, Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on a xenophobic amendment to bar resettlement agencies from doing their work if the emergency shelter could be at capacity at an undefined future point—solving a problem via exclusion that can be solved via funding. ","119","S.2708","28","3/21/2024","Shutting our door to migrants","NO","8","31","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2708/28/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall119.pdf"],["23s","Housing, Homelessness, Immigrants' Rights","Vote was on a xenophobic amendment to determine eligibility for emergency shelter according to the duration of residence in the commonwealth. ","120","S.2708","49","3/21/2024","Shutting our door to migrants","NO","12","27","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2708/49/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall120.pdf"],["24s","DOC Accountability","Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis.) ","0","","","","DOC Accountability","YES","9","31","All Meals All"],["25s","Consumer Protection ","Vote was on banning third-party electric suppliers from enrolling new individual residential customers, protecting residents from unfair and deceptive practices that have led to higher energy bills for low-income families. ","131","S.2738","","","Protecting Consumers from Shady Third-Party Electric Suppliers ","YES","34","4","Environmental Protection & Sustainable Infrastructure","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2738","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall131.pdf"],["26s","Revenue; Taxation","Vote was on an amendment to extend the statutory two-day sales tax holiday to two weeks. Sales tax holidays drain vital revenue and don’t actually achieve the goals of tax progressivity or economic stimulus.","166","S.4","810","5/23/2024","Expanding Costly Tax Gimmicks ","NO","5","34","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S4/810/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall166.pdf"],["27s","Revenue; Taxation","Vote was on an amendment to undermine the Fair Share Amendment by allowing high-income couples to evade the surtax by filing separate tax returns if they have filed a joint federal tax return.","167","S.4","832","5/23/2024","Enabling Fair Share Tax Evasion","NO","10","29","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S4/832/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall167.pdf"],["28s","Indigenous Peoples Agenda","Vote was on an amendment to create a new advisory commission to determine a new seal and motto of the commonwealth (to replace the current very racist flag and seal), as recommended by the last commission. ","177","S.4","125","5/23/2024","Flag & Seal Commission","YES","30","9","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S4/125/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall177.pdf"],["29s","Environmental Protection","Vote was on making the ten-cent fee for recycled paper carryout bags in the Plastics Reduction Act optional for retailers. ","184","S.2830","1","6/20/2024","Undermining Carryout Bag Fees ","NO","8","30","Environmental Protection & Sustainable Infrastructure","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2830/1/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall184.pdf"],["30s","Environmental Protection","Vote was on a comprehensive bill to reduce plastic waste including by creating a statewide ban on carry-out plastic bags, preventing plastic utensils and straws from automatically being given to consumers, prohibiting single-use plastic bottle purchases by state agencies, and creating a statewide program for recycling large plastic objects like car seats. ","186","S.2830","","6/20/2024","Plastics Reduction Act","YES","38","2","Environmental Protection & Sustainable Infrastructure","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2830","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall186.pdf"],["31s","Housing","Vote was on an amendment to make it easier for communities opposed to building more housing to evade compliance with the MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) by creating a right to appeal if communities refuse to meet infrastructure needs and if they pretend that multifamily housing is antithetical to environmental protection or historic preservation.","194","S.2834","25","6/27/2024","MBTA Community Act Appeal Process for NIMBY Towns","NO","6","34","Shared Prosperity","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2834/25/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall194.pdf"],["32s","Criminal Legal Reform ","Vote was on an amendment to increase the age of juvenile jurisdiction to include 18-year-olds—keeping high school seniors out of the adult prison system.","198","S.2856","474","7/11/2024","Keeping High School Seniors out of Adult Prisons","YES","31","9","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2856/474/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall198.pdf"],["33s","Public Health ","Vote was on an amendment to establish minimum public health standards in every community, increase capacity and effectiveness by incentivizing shared services, create a data collection and reporting system, and increase equity across communities through dedicated stable funding. ","199","S.2856","34","7/11/2024","Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure ","YES","35","4","Shared Prosperity ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2856/34/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall199.pdf"],["34s","Taxation; Revenue","Vote was on reducing the tax rate on short-term capital gains from 8.5 percent to 5 percent over three years, a cut that would disproportionately benefit the top 1 percent.","201","S.2856","27","7/11/2024","Regressive Tax Cuts","NO","5","34","Shared Prosperity ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2856/27/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall201.pdf"],["35s","Health Care","Vote was on creating a moratorium on any hospital, provider, or provider organization entering into any financial agreement with a private equity firm, real estate investment trust or management services organization until 180 days after the bill’s regulations go into effect. ","210","S.2871","153","7/18/2024","Moratorium on Private Equity in Patient Care","YES","14","25","Shared Prosperity ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2871/153/Senate/Preview","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall210.pdf"],["36s","LGBTQ Rights","Vote was on updating Massachusetts’ forty-year-old parentage statutes to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ families and families formed through assisted reproduction.","224","H.4750","","7/31/2024","Massachusetts Parentage Act","YES","40","0","All Means All","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4750","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall224.pdf"],["37s","Health Care","Vote was on comprehensive maternal health legislation that would expand equitable access to midwifery care, allow more birth centers to open, offer paid pregnancy loss leave, provide insurance coverage for medically necessary donor milk, and increase public health attention on maternal health. ","226","H.4785","","7/31/2024","Maternal Health Omnibus","YES","40","0","Shared Prosperity ","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/h4785","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall226.pdf"],["38s","Climate","Vote was on legislation to reform siting and permitting laws, accelerate the state’s transition away from gas and toward renewable energy, and improve EV infrastructure. ","250","S.2967","","10/24/2024","Climate Bill","YES","38","2","Environmental Protection & Sustainable Infrastructure","https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/s2967","https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall250.pdf"],["39s","","Co-sponsored at least 50% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website.","1001","","","","Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 50%","YES"],["40s","","Co-sponsored at least 75% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website. ","1002","","","","Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 75% ","YES"],["41s","Democracy","Held office hours or town halls during the legislative session to create opportunities for constituents to make their voices heard. (This will be updated upon response.) ","1003","","","","Held Office Hours to Be Accessible to Constituents","YES","","","Good Government & Strong Democracy"]],"sponsorship":[["","","","ocd-person/70e42c78-89e1-43cb-bc65-7d0da132daa2","ocd-person/47ffc61b-0cae-4386-ae68-12b20eadd83f","ocd-person/eab9b69f-0434-4307-972c-6acce9deb370","ocd-person/ff433cf6-2895-4e01-b143-26747500f8a4","ocd-person/503a0888-f086-4b52-b03c-c5293378bc51","ocd-person/f81b07bd-cc43-47be-95ea-dca26f19a647","ocd-person/0df5de43-f3a3-4988-82fb-7f951fa02753","ocd-person/35396516-6096-4336-ab74-80d6d8e53bcd","ocd-person/da8051b7-de05-4c30-9d37-5d7223906356","ocd-person/ee42e89c-24dd-47b1-aafa-e16472680e07","ocd-person/5a276629-f50a-4d9a-a54e-2c0e07f84968","ocd-person/5fde161f-7456-4006-bffd-eaf6fedc5aa3","ocd-person/173c7e47-c770-4c5a-9794-4db19f9f5dce","ocd-person/0e72fc19-89be-49b9-8baf-5f35f938ec87","ocd-person/59aed143-c5c1-4760-ac55-eab18600c451","ocd-person/5f227f77-f58b-4ac6-b193-9f406bde4055","ocd-person/c017af03-ae33-4c72-aee4-6ce58722b3b8","ocd-person/62ebe10b-ef71-4579-a55a-3c2045916d70","ocd-person/3a1863b5-ca54-44d8-9afb-55f48623fd47","ocd-person/f43366ee-ff27-43ac-aa55-629be715b4a9","ocd-person/6b420d2a-f12d-40ca-a13f-04cf9061a66b","ocd-person/ea385faa-049c-4743-ad41-3bbe58ee40e2","ocd-person/a8225754-d88c-4343-8829-aa168b564cbd","ocd-person/edcd5892-2488-4945-a3da-86f40012d396","ocd-person/5ae88c49-8938-4472-8de2-1c0f0bc0e2f0","ocd-person/b51c5c27-7da0-42f5-b67b-22085173af7a","ocd-person/650d9459-5ecd-4e1a-8a96-f061a15e0ebc","ocd-person/2e198563-4aeb-499b-8333-b4a46b605491","ocd-person/b9019024-899b-41b3-a283-69c50866fabd","ocd-person/cf295962-4f8d-427a-84e9-c7615ff94c8c","ocd-person/df1a3cfc-1555-4a05-8a5c-03a7e53932aa","ocd-person/55824639-e627-48ad-9a3d-01b53caee00c","ocd-person/65617e1a-1834-4ec8-9f19-4ac801ce9764","ocd-person/e2aa2c0f-d6e6-49d7-8483-d595a3a1eb3a","ocd-person/d70e97f1-b8ec-489d-ab5a-2b7f3775ae8a","ocd-person/18bf433d-24e5-46cb-9d83-c2f9373204bd","ocd-person/1b7d1710-da71-46cd-9ee3-fc891556f3a9","ocd-person/f41834f0-0d73-4e8e-8758-66184772c081","ocd-person/e50e8121-bc6f-4aaa-8cf2-f1cbd53c9172","ocd-person/c674060b-4568-43fa-b72d-0921f4876713","ocd-person/49816a0c-b8e5-4586-859b-8a8f1ae9b6ab","ocd-person/1f444dfe-d3b3-4852-ab10-0682206d773d","ocd-person/888457ba-c348-4826-b2c6-450dba5e38bd","ocd-person/cd05a88c-19f0-4fc5-bc3b-d339572842b7","ocd-person/3b6297d5-2c8d-42a8-ba9b-bb4e8f50c0e2","ocd-person/b61922e8-c775-4c74-8ecb-557d79162195","ocd-person/af41924a-7c46-4b6b-b71b-bba683c62c5f","ocd-person/c30f76b4-73d6-4795-be75-c46973d17f59","ocd-person/99c9c9e7-f0e3-480b-ad38-de297e6c635a","ocd-person/fdc5586f-0db3-4614-af1f-72a42cf5e6f0","ocd-person/04997a33-67a9-4535-95d2-c9a4c260519d","ocd-person/1e9d742c-c20b-45cf-9e22-e7752189fa7a","ocd-person/6f15f647-07f5-4739-a340-497798a474e7","ocd-person/7be05b7f-d3dd-4a0f-b7d0-f29144d47f92","ocd-person/0e38852a-52b0-4aac-8a65-fa3fc964c88e","ocd-person/b9a91cec-bad7-43a7-8fd2-60cd704bd7ab","ocd-person/0ed98993-456c-4630-bd52-894bdde0c0b0","ocd-person/adb172f4-64c0-4c96-8097-71bd125fc2e0","ocd-person/c4d03c0e-713d-4195-ba23-1394f225494b","ocd-person/47c42957-b618-41b7-a557-5d24c33568cf","ocd-person/5696763c-5fd6-44dd-9dce-7be56632cedd","ocd-person/d2f16a1f-415d-4e60-b905-2f4c71959e0f","ocd-person/521620ea-1e5b-4a0c-94f8-abe888370e05","ocd-person/799d49f3-28e5-46a1-bcc8-6370e9fbf44a","ocd-person/c8936e7c-f0f5-4dc4-b9e9-774e38638787","ocd-person/9750bdb4-4dce-4003-85ec-672185a3a5a4","ocd-person/17c3ac90-1218-4d61-ae47-bc5ef6ee4a74","ocd-person/3d709a64-6cd2-49c6-ad0d-b007e834bfec","ocd-person/078692f2-2afe-4aa1-a320-d4747edacbbb","ocd-person/9e4b8b32-233e-443f-a147-46fbaa778a58","ocd-person/053aae1e-ae76-41b0-912c-39f27f3f6d6f","ocd-person/54487f49-5377-4c41-bd97-60b748cc240a","ocd-person/2990f236-cb76-4d93-af19-7792fa77290b","ocd-person/368c3f95-1124-4f0a-9ab5-7361cb2805d3","ocd-person/3dd1e2a8-3fdd-4d3a-9504-88a04f3fc973","ocd-person/1129a0d9-c280-4bf0-af34-20879293a2b5","ocd-person/0a288f3d-397f-4e7b-8bfd-b5032ae1421f","ocd-person/4d0b5dda-d9d1-4c25-9c94-ce8fbd8ff398","ocd-person/308b15a0-dc30-41be-be53-9e5827522cac","ocd-person/61a670a7-37a6-42f0-8c8f-4cfc1d93693a","ocd-person/b61c923f-3598-465b-8051-6507b6f6c6c2","ocd-person/591dc6dd-40b8-4713-83b8-f236ff6250bf","ocd-person/fbbda637-7a45-43f2-a13a-388dc50b02ee","ocd-person/1ea6937d-a39e-41e2-92fb-47c2966cd52e","ocd-person/ca659c30-e49e-420b-8213-797cfeb3c378","ocd-person/e3dc06b1-8523-4a33-959f-21ed0d5da851","ocd-person/06867e5f-9de5-4cb2-a3ae-a039e890718c","ocd-person/7d66e1ca-1fb3-4194-bb18-f9924c528df2","ocd-person/033bf9eb-2706-4c5f-9f93-8e8d222bf2c0","ocd-person/398f9a47-bc65-4c2a-b12e-347f375d8fac","ocd-person/9f0c5984-accf-45a3-8922-07aa7ade0030","ocd-person/f8772f1e-29f7-42e2-8a8c-ab4005153b05","ocd-person/2abbc0cb-6339-42d9-9947-69412a24301b","ocd-person/e142d28d-e57a-4ff9-afa4-c3cd149f2114","ocd-person/560c5ca3-d9b4-4c47-998c-a9baa16a8309","ocd-person/0e8c6c71-bca0-46fd-86d1-223d41ed5517","ocd-person/6c3b63a2-ef13-43e5-b6de-d5e0901aa65a","ocd-person/0e6c20bd-bfcb-445c-a1ce-3be99e26398e","ocd-person/d0e66289-022e-4a99-ac8c-f20fb7557e7f","ocd-person/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James ","Arena-DeRosa, James","Armini, Jennifer","Arriaga, Shirley","Ashe, Brian ","Ayers, Bruce ","Balser, Ruth ","Barber, Christine","Barrett, John","Barrows, F. ","Berthiaume, Donald","Biele, David","Blais, Natalie","Boldyga, Nicholas ","Cabral, Antonio ","Cahill, Dan","Capano, Peter","Carey, Daniel ","Cassidy, Gerard","Cataldo, Simon","Chan, Tackey ","Ciccolo, Michelle","Connolly, Mike","Consalvo, Rob","Cruz, Manny","Cusack, Mark ","D'Emilia, Angelo ","Day, Michael","Decker, Marjorie ","DeCoste, David","Diggs, Kip","Doherty, Carol ","Domb, Mindy","Donaghue, Kate","Donahue, Dan","Donato, Paul ","Driscoll, William","DuBois, Michelle","Duffy, Patricia","Durant, Peter ","Elliott, Rodney","Farley-Bouvier, Tricia ","Ferguson, Kimberly ","Fernandes, Dylan","Ferrante, Ann-Margaret ","Finn, Michael ","Fiola, Carole","Flanagan, Christopher","Fluker Oakley, Brandy","Frost, Paul","Galvin, William ","Garballey, Sean ","Garcia, Judith ","Garlick, Denise ","Garry, Colleen ","Gentile, Carmine","Giannino, Jessica","Gifford, Susan ","Gonzalez, Carlos","Gordon, Kenneth ","Gregoire, Danielle ","Haddad, Patricia ","Haggerty, Richard","Hamilton, Ryan","Hawkins, James","Hendricks, Christopher","Higgins, Natalie","Hogan, Kate ","Holmes, Russell ","Honan, Kevin ","Howard, Vanna","Howitt, Steven ","Hunt, Dan","Jones, Bradley ","Kane, Hannah ","Kassner, Kristin","Kearney, Patrick ","Keefe, Mary ","Kerans, Sally","Khan, Kay","Kilcoyne, Meghan","Kushmerek, Michael","LaNatra, Kathy","Lawn, John ","LeBoeuf, David","Lewis, Jack","Linsky, David ","Lipper-Garabedian, Kate ","Livingstone, Jay","Lombardo, Marc ","MacGregor, William","Madaro, Adrian","Mahoney, John ","Mariano, Ronald ","Markey, Christopher ","Marsi, John","McGonagle, Joseph","McKenna, Joseph","McMurtry, Paul ","Mendes, Rita","Meschino, Joan","Michlewitz, Aaron ","Mom, Rady","Montaño, Samantha","Moran, Frank ","Moran, John","Moran, Michael ","Muradian, David","Muratore, Mathew","Murphy, James ","Murray, Brian","Nguyen, Tram","O'Day, James ","Orrall, Norman","Owens, Steve","Parisella, Jerald ","Paulino, Francisco","Pease, Kelly ","Peisch, Alice ","Philips, Edward","Pignatelli, William ","Puppolo, Angelo ","Ramos, Adrianne","Ramos, Orlando","Reyes, Estela","Robertson, David","Rogers, David ","Rogers, John ","Roy, Jeffrey ","Ryan, Dan","Sabadosa, Lindsay ","Saunders, Aaron","Scanlon, Adam","Scarsdale, Margaret","Schmid, Paul ","Sena, Danillo","Shand, Dawne","Silvia, Alan ","Smola, Todd ","Soter, Michael","Sousa, Priscila","Stanley, Thomas ","Straus, William ","Sullivan, Alyson ","Turco, Jeff","Tyler, Chynah","Ultrino, Steve","Uyterhoeven, Erika","Vargas, Andy","Vaughn, Marcus","Vieira, David ","Vitolo, Tommy ","Walsh, Thomas","Whipps, Susannah","Williams, Bud","Wong, Donald ","Worrell, Christopher","Xiarhos, Steven ","Zlotnik, Jonathan ","Barrett, Mike","Brady, Michael","Brownsberger, William ","Collins, Nick","Comerford, Joanne","Creem, Cynthia ","Crighton, Brendan","Cronin, John","Cyr, Julian","DiDomenico, Sal ","Edwards, Lydia","Eldridge, James ","Fattman, Ryan","Feeney, Paul ","Finegold, Barry ","Friedman, Cindy","Gomez, Adam","Jehlen, Patricia ","Keenan, John ","Kennedy, Edward","Kennedy, Robyn","Lewis, Jason","Lovely, Joan ","Mark, Paul","Miranda, Liz","Montigny, Mark ","Moore, Michael ","Moran, Susan","O'Connor, Patrick","Oliveira, Jacob","Pacheco, Marc ","Payano, Pavel","Rausch, Rebecca","Rodrigues, Michael ","Rush, Michael ","Spilka, Karen ","Tarr, Bruce ","Timilty, Walter","Velis, John"],["1","H2908 / S1865","Statutory Protections for FSA 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","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N","N","Y","N","N","N","N","N","N"],["23","H1710 / S942","Raise the 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+","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/521620ea-1e5b-4a0c-94f8-abe888370e05","Haggerty, Richard","-"," +"," +","-"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/799d49f3-28e5-46a1-bcc8-6370e9fbf44a","Hamilton, Ryan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/c8936e7c-f0f5-4dc4-b9e9-774e38638787","Hawkins, James K ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"],["ocd-person/9750bdb4-4dce-4003-85ec-672185a3a5a4","Hendricks, Christopher","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/17c3ac90-1218-4d61-ae47-bc5ef6ee4a74","Higgins, Natalie","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," 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+","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/0a288f3d-397f-4e7b-8bfd-b5032ae1421f","Kearney, Patrick ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +","NV"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/4d0b5dda-d9d1-4c25-9c94-ce8fbd8ff398","Keefe, Mary ","NV"," +"," +","-"," +","-","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/308b15a0-dc30-41be-be53-9e5827522cac","Kerans, Sally","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/61a670a7-37a6-42f0-8c8f-4cfc1d93693a","Khan, Kay ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"],["ocd-person/b61c923f-3598-465b-8051-6507b6f6c6c2","Kilcoyne, Meghan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," 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+","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/560c5ca3-d9b4-4c47-998c-a9baa16a8309","Markey, Christopher ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/0e8c6c71-bca0-46fd-86d1-223d41ed5517","Marsi, John","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/6c3b63a2-ef13-43e5-b6de-d5e0901aa65a","McGonagle, Joseph","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/0e6c20bd-bfcb-445c-a1ce-3be99e26398e","McKenna, Joseph"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/d0e66289-022e-4a99-ac8c-f20fb7557e7f","McMurtry, Paul ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/87e3afd8-390c-45a3-97c6-2bb164ec1e90","Mendes, Rita","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/03d1f31d-1431-41d2-88b7-67b57d50f323","Meschino, Joan","-"," +"," +","-"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/4183f327-e2a6-4b1a-9d23-161da1b5e261","Michlewitz, Aaron ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/7b9e688f-a9aa-425b-8d3d-833993d6d58a","Mom, Rady","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/668db267-f9e1-4839-918d-c092741f96f9","Montaño, 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+","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/6b1bbe32-1b86-48a4-909e-ee1ba6c5c746","Peake, Sarah ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/72eea330-24b4-4207-a016-0b1e568e0b6e","Pease, Kelly"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2a9569a0-feaf-431d-8a8d-012d8ebccbf8","Peisch, Alice","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +","NV","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/73394d70-485b-4fbf-a512-bf2da4e4cb3b","Philips, Edward","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/88e0ae45-75e7-48b6-880a-1a4c039d4373","Pignatelli, William ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/8302648f-4ed2-454e-ad1e-d7389e25b8dc","Puppolo, Angelo","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/300d40b3-9479-43c0-99d3-18f94e1110cc","Ramos, Adrianne","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/a1a94ad4-7b75-46be-896e-548c86b23d0c","Ramos, Orlando","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/824532f7-8dc9-4a1a-a7b3-16b2d0e78941","Reyes, Estela ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/f3dd7fd8-5d7f-4fa3-b2fe-910e375f2edd","Robertson, David","-"," +"," +","-"," 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+","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/05f9b238-283f-4529-8989-ff7d1bda60a8","Sabadosa, Lindsay","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/c3d23eba-caa6-4d2a-bbd2-5b8b2ca184ae","Saunders, Aaron","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/804c5518-7fdf-43c9-ba24-f2c24eb3b0ab","Scanlon, Adam","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/a25fd374-e502-43bb-91fe-99c4b6c493a5","Scarsdale, Margaret","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"],["ocd-person/51c2533b-95e0-45c5-9100-0c6d68efb192","Schmid, Paul","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," 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+"],["ocd-person/c1f81bec-d032-4f41-940c-ca32f2b5af12","Vargas, Andy","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2dd65a68-0ea5-4c15-b5fe-bcde086eb357","Vaughn, Marcus"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/5c798735-2f95-40a6-9ef7-4cd25eb638f6","Vieira, David "," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/7a234dbf-2f9f-466f-8db1-44ac0f3975a8","Vitolo, Tommy","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"],["ocd-person/5f796cb3-08ae-40c4-8c11-a2758f317cc2","Walsh, Thomas","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/76b07f35-1876-4259-9c0a-bdf595541c39","Whipps, Susannah","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/b23dd64e-a05c-4fe1-8562-c29436ca79bb","Williams, Bud","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/e8071049-2a8d-4633-b6cb-c1f6ae83bb7a","Wong, Donald "," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/59539448-5c3b-4d4d-8e96-48fabb01b10f","Worrell, Christopher","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/485e001e-95e9-4b79-9226-cf028a307138","Xiarhos, Steven"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/49c4bb4e-fadd-4136-953f-6bd64a970acb","Zlotnik, Jonathan ","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-"," +","-","-"," +","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"]],"senateVotes":[["Progressive Position","","No","No","No","No","Yes","Yes","No","No","No","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","No","No","Yes","No","Yes","No","No","Yes","Yes","No","No","Yes","No","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes"],["Bill Number","","S.17","S.3","S.3","S.3","S.2397","S.2397","S.2397","S.2397","S.2397","S.2425","S.2251","H.4104","H.4109","S.2491","S.2480","H.4167","H.4139","S.2572","H.4139","S.2697","S.2707","S.2708","S.2708","","S2738","S4","S4","S4","S2830","S2830","S2834","S2856","S2856","S2856","S2871","H4750","H4785","S2967"],["RC 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+","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/c3cdd26f-1314-4366-89f6-17c4c540bce9","Brady, Michael","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"],["ocd-person/94929da6-2219-4a44-99c3-d6561eead9f5","Brownsberger, William ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/8ca6ea6c-1121-40b3-a5cf-9b55dfe6a2b0","Collins, Nick","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +","-","-","-"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2998b05b-b83e-4a9b-9659-a609ddc63a34","Comerford, Jo","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"],["ocd-person/ece82669-b6f6-4f0f-ae5d-7b238b1cd1dd","Creem, Cynthia ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/77994b2c-f88c-4a5f-bf9d-7abd1875d8dc","Crighton, Brendan","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/5a333327-70bb-4b95-9cfd-fadd701e9348","Cronin, John","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/5a0688ef-c0cd-469d-bd3c-fe9848724387","Cyr, Julian","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"],["ocd-person/d691b834-a68d-44da-8140-9582ee37d8a6","DiDomenico, Sal ","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/c674060b-4568-43fa-b72d-0921f4876713","Durant, Peter","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/5278711f-55ec-4a67-acc9-edd1db1c4e8c","Edwards, Lydia","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/23704722-a50c-4148-8f14-98c7d78324b9","Eldridge, James ","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/edebef62-78d9-4f8b-a94d-65a29dbc09f6","Fattman, Ryan"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/b390af07-1fa2-4516-b8f0-b6bd1b62121a","Feeney, Paul","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/49397268-3fc9-4c83-a385-f55be18597f4","Finegold, Barry","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/456b0061-febd-4ff7-8547-42be0685526f","Friedman, Cindy","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/d2a82a0d-fbd1-4448-be2d-b786a7e11168","Gomez, Adam","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"],["ocd-person/6de50ed2-4fe8-4b98-894d-0bc391c876b5","Jehlen, Patricia ","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/7be04e69-85c6-44e4-a933-88c59c0675a5","Keenan, John ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/6ad38b3e-46dc-4367-b85a-26793ea9ff65","Kennedy, Edward","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/2fb1c0e0-edaa-4b55-9bbb-b6fe6b3e5dcc","Kennedy, Robyn","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/92a770ae-a348-4f86-92ad-c4a8ebc568f6","Lewis, Jason","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/d0956cb2-93df-4096-82ce-d39fbf0b9e36","Lovely, Joan ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/fd5aaac8-48f5-42c2-82a8-abaf6c5de650","Mark, Paul ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/703d6d4e-3a1d-4a2e-82e3-3c9693b75953","Miranda, Liz","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/31600b44-797b-4baf-80aa-0762b4f0aff5","Montigny, Mark ","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/7b48bd48-8d27-4dd8-958d-703571efe150","Moore, Michael ","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/ade9765f-c80e-4127-adc4-cde294a455c6","Moran, Susan","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/493988da-4de8-49a0-8d6c-090097e89920","O'Connor, Patrick"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +","-"," +","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/b857e2f7-b65a-4d34-a680-50dfff745a16","Oliveira, Jacob ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"],["ocd-person/9e8c3405-d8ed-4838-a376-d19c357f4cb4","Pacheco, Marc ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +","-"," +","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/1d33d1e7-dae9-4e98-aa9e-626b0d711d9a","Payano, Pavel","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/fb97b139-c0dd-41b5-ae52-159528f47b11","Rausch, Becca"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"],["ocd-person/af0d6647-3a7b-48d0-971c-bde55a75e78c","Rodrigues, Michael ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/6a82d675-3496-48af-88cf-23c26355b01f","Rush, Michael ","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","NV"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/e48879ef-ed74-4f93-8e5b-c0f3752d4fd7","Spilka, Karen ","n/a"," +","n/a","n/a","-","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a"," +","n/a","-"," +","n/a","n/a"," +","n/a"," +"," +","n/a"," +","n/a","n/a","-","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a"," +"," +"," +","n/a","n/a","n/a"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/429f87cf-f7a1-4201-ade4-9efeb9149d03","Tarr, Bruce "," +","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"," +","-"," +","-","-","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"],["ocd-person/0db5ab85-b9c0-4b48-a0b4-d5944bab0a2d","Timilty, Walter "," +"," +","-","-","-"," +","-","-","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-","-"," +","-","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"],["ocd-person/a37a3f66-83a2-4a7e-90e3-8de41be7262d","Velis, John","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +","-"," +"," +"," +","-","-"," +"]]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/legislation.json b/src/data/legislation.json index b34b5ff..24dce6b 100644 --- a/src/data/legislation.json +++ b/src/data/legislation.json @@ -54562,7 +54562,7 @@ "0": { "pm_score\n": "19h", "keyword": "DOC Accountability", - "description": "Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis) ", + "description": "Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis.) ", "roll_call_number": "0", "bill_number": "", "amendment": "", @@ -54574,8 +54574,8 @@ "tags": [ "justice & equality" ], - "noVotes": 126, - "yesVotes": 34, + "noVotes": 114, + "yesVotes": 46, "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/", "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/houseRollCall0.pdf" }, @@ -54642,7 +54642,7 @@ "16": { "pm_score\n": "4h", "keyword": "Revenue", - "description": "Vote was on the House’s regressive tax reform package, which contained $440 million in tax cuts for the commonwealth's richest estates, residents, and corporations—undermining the new revenue produced by the Fair Share Amendment.", + "description": "Vote was on the House’s regressive tax reform package, which contained $440 million in tax cuts for the commonwealth's richest estates, residents, and corporations—undermining the new revenue produced by the Fair Share Amendment (i.e., the new surtax on income over $1 million). ", "roll_call_number": "16", "bill_number": "H3770", "amendment": "", @@ -54877,7 +54877,7 @@ "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/645/House/Preview", "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall92.pdf", "noVotes": 129, - "yesVotes": 29 + "yesVotes": 30 }, "99": { "pm_score\n": "16h", @@ -54897,7 +54897,7 @@ "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/1393/House/Preview", "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall99.pdf", "noVotes": 128, - "yesVotes": 30 + "yesVotes": 31 }, "100": { "pm_score\n": "17h", @@ -54917,7 +54917,7 @@ "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/1394/House/Preview", "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall100.pdf", "noVotes": 131, - "yesVotes": 28 + "yesVotes": 29 }, "101": { "pm_score\n": "18h", @@ -54937,14 +54937,226 @@ "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4600/698/House/Preview", "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall101.pdf", "noVotes": 129, - "yesVotes": 29 + "yesVotes": 30 + }, + "110": { + "pm_score\n": "20h", + "keyword": "Housing", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to exempt communities from MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) compliance if at least 10 percent of the housing units in the city or town are low- or moderate-income (the “40B” threshold). ", + "roll_call_number": "110", + "bill_number": "H4707", + "amendment": "29", + "vote_date": "6/5/2024", + "title": "Creating MBTA Communities Act Exemptions", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "27", + "# of N": "131", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/29/House/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall110.pdf", + "noVotes": 135, + "yesVotes": 25 + }, + "111": { + "pm_score\n": "21h", + "keyword": "Housing", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to make it easier for communities opposed to building more housing to evade compliance with the MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) by creating a right to appeal if communities refuse to meet infrastructure needs and if they pretend that multifamily housing is antithetical to environmental protection or historic preservation.", + "roll_call_number": "111", + "bill_number": "H4707", + "amendment": "129", + "vote_date": "6/5/2024", + "title": "MBTA Community Act Appeal Process for NIMBY Towns", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "32", + "# of N": "126", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/129/House/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall111.pdf", + "noVotes": 130, + "yesVotes": 30 + }, + "114": { + "pm_score\n": "22h", + "keyword": "Housing", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to automatically count all mobile homes toward a community’s 40B threshold (i.e., 10% of all housing units need to be for low or moderate incomes). The amendment was driven by NIMBY opposition to building affordable housing and would make it harder to achieve affordability goals. ", + "roll_call_number": "114", + "bill_number": "H4707", + "amendment": "348", + "vote_date": "6/5/2024", + "title": "Weakening Affordable Housing Production Standards", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "30", + "# of N": "127", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/348/House/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall114.pdf", + "noVotes": 132, + "yesVotes": 28 + }, + "115": { + "pm_score\n": "23h", + "keyword": "Housing", + "description": "Vote was on a consolidated amendment that, among other positive measures, included a Tenant Opportunity to Purchase (TOPA) local option. Under this measure, cities and towns could choose to pass ordinances giving tenants the right of first refusal to buy their building if it goes up for sale. ", + "roll_call_number": "115", + "bill_number": "H4707", + "amendment": "Cons. B", + "vote_date": "6/5/2024", + "title": "Tenant Opportunity to Purchase ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "133", + "# of N": "25", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/H4707/B/House/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall115.pdf", + "noVotes": 23, + "yesVotes": 137 + }, + "120": { + "pm_score\n": "24h", + "keyword": "LGBTQ Rights", + "description": "Vote was on updating Massachusetts’ forty-year-old parentage statutes to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ families and families formed through assisted reproduction.", + "roll_call_number": "120", + "bill_number": "H4672", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "6/12/2024", + "title": "Massachusetts Parentage Act ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "156", + "# of N": "0", + "tags": [ + "justice & equality" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4672", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall120.pdf", + "noVotes": 21, + "yesVotes": 137 + }, + "124": { + "pm_score\n": "25h", + "keyword": "Health Care", + "description": "Vote was on comprehensive maternal health legislation that would expand equitable access to midwifery care, allow more birth centers to open, offer paid pregnancy loss leave, expand postpartum depression screenings, and increase public health attention on maternal health.", + "roll_call_number": "124", + "bill_number": "H4773", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "6/12/2024", + "title": "Maternal Health Omnibus ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "153", + "# of N": "0", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4773", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall124.pdf", + "noVotes": 21, + "yesVotes": 135 + }, + "148": { + "pm_score\n": "26h ", + "keyword": "Taxation ", + "description": "Vote was on approving a home rule petition introduced by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and overwhelmingly passed by the Boston City Council to blunt the impact of an increase in residential property taxes by limiting a decline of commercial real estate taxes during a period of four consecutive fiscal years from FY 2025 through FY 2030. ", + "roll_call_number": "148", + "bill_number": "H4942", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "7/30/2024", + "title": "Boston Tax Home Rule Petition", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "133", + "# of N": "24", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4942", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall148.pdf", + "noVotes": 22, + "yesVotes": 136 + }, + "201": { + "pm_score\n": "27h", + "keyword": "Climate", + "description": "Vote was on legislation to reform siting and permitting laws, accelerate the state’s transition away from gas and toward renewable energy, and improve EV infrastructure. ", + "roll_call_number": "201", + "bill_number": "S2967", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "11/14/2024", + "title": "Climate Bill ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "128", + "# of N": "17", + "tags": [ + null + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/s2967", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/HouseRollCall201.pdf", + "noVotes": 16, + "yesVotes": 134 + }, + "1001": { + "pm_score\n": "28h", + "keyword": "", + "description": "Co-sponsored at least 50% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website.", + "roll_call_number": "1001", + "bill_number": "", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "", + "title": "Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 50%", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "tags": [], + "noVotes": 136, + "yesVotes": 26, + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/houseRollCall1001.pdf" + }, + "1002": { + "pm_score\n": "29h", + "keyword": "", + "description": "Co-sponsored at least 75% of the bills tracked on our Progressive Scorecard website. ", + "roll_call_number": "1002", + "bill_number": "", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "", + "title": "Progressive Agenda Cosponsorship > 75% ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "tags": [], + "noVotes": 152, + "yesVotes": 10, + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/houseRollCall1002.pdf" + }, + "1003": { + "pm_score\n": "30h", + "keyword": "Democracy ", + "description": "Held office hours or town halls during the legislative session to create opportunities for constituents to make their voices heard. (This will be updated upon response.) ", + "roll_call_number": "1003", + "bill_number": "", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "", + "title": "Held Office Hours to Be Accessible to Constituents", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "", + "# of N": "", + "tags": [ + "government" + ], + "noVotes": 120, + "yesVotes": 42, + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/houseRollCall1003.pdf" } }, "senateBills": { "0": { "pm_score\n": "24s", "keyword": "DOC Accountability", - "description": "Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis) ", + "description": "Visited a Department of Correction prison or County jail this legislative session. (This will be updated on an ongoing basis.) ", "roll_call_number": "0", "bill_number": "", "amendment": "", @@ -54956,8 +55168,8 @@ "tags": [ null ], - "noVotes": 31, - "yesVotes": 9, + "noVotes": 28, + "yesVotes": 12, "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/", "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/senateRollCall0.pdf" }, @@ -55004,7 +55216,7 @@ "38": { "pm_score\n": "3s", "keyword": "Revenue", - "description": "Vote was on enabling wealthy individuals to avoid the Fair Share tax by reducing their taxable income.", + "description": "Vote was on enabling wealthy individuals to avoid the Fair Share tax (i.e., the new surtax on income over $1 million) by reducing their taxable income.", "roll_call_number": "38", "bill_number": "S3", "amendment": "809", @@ -55420,118 +55632,450 @@ "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall120.pdf", "noVotes": 27, "yesVotes": 12 - } - }, - "sponsorship": [ - { - "id": "ocd-person/70e42c78-89e1-43cb-bc65-7d0da132daa2", - "data": { - "H2908 / S1865": false, - "H2909 / S1866": false, - "H2960 / S1784": false, - "H2964 / S1801": false, - "H2725 / S1875": false, - "H2708 / S1925": false, - "H2856 / S1788": false, - "H2743 / S1835": false, - "H1925 / S1200": false, - "H3069 / S2014": false, - "H1940 / S1181": false, - "H603 / S261": true, - "H489 / S301": true, - "H495 / S246": true, - "H1260 / S816": true, - "H1239 / S744": false, - "H2103 / S1299": false, - "H2747 / S1771": false, - "H2894 / S1799": false, - "H1379 / S858": false, - "H1796 / S1494": false, - "H1795 / S1979": false, - "H1710 / S942": false, - "H3084 / S1990": false, - "H2288 / S1510": false, - "H544 / S268": false, - "H872 / S481": false, - "H3232 / S2365": true, - "H3237 / S2135": false, - "H26 / S8": false, - "H3040 / S2024": false, - "S1963": false - }, - "score": 5 }, - { - "id": "ocd-person/47ffc61b-0cae-4386-ae68-12b20eadd83f", - "data": { - "H2908 / S1865": true, - "H2909 / S1866": true, - "H2960 / S1784": true, - "H2964 / S1801": false, - "H2725 / S1875": true, - "H2708 / S1925": true, - "H2856 / S1788": false, - "H2743 / S1835": true, - "H1925 / S1200": true, - "H3069 / S2014": true, - "H1940 / S1181": false, - "H603 / S261": true, - "H489 / S301": true, - "H495 / S246": true, - "H1260 / S816": true, - "H1239 / S744": true, - "H2103 / S1299": false, - "H2747 / S1771": true, - "H2894 / S1799": true, - "H1379 / S858": false, - "H1796 / S1494": true, - "H1795 / S1979": true, - "H1710 / S942": true, - "H3084 / S1990": true, - "H2288 / S1510": true, - "H544 / S268": true, - "H872 / S481": true, - "H3232 / S2365": true, - "H3237 / S2135": true, - "H26 / S8": false, - "H3040 / S2024": true, - "S1963": false - }, - "score": 25 + "131": { + "pm_score\n": "25s", + "keyword": "Consumer Protection ", + "description": "Vote was on banning third-party electric suppliers from enrolling new individual residential customers, protecting residents from unfair and deceptive practices that have led to higher energy bills for low-income families. ", + "roll_call_number": "131", + "bill_number": "S2738", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "", + "title": "Protecting Consumers from Shady Third-Party Electric Suppliers ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "34", + "# of N": "4", + "tags": [ + null + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2738", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall131.pdf", + "noVotes": 4, + "yesVotes": 34 }, - { - "id": "ocd-person/eab9b69f-0434-4307-972c-6acce9deb370", - "data": { - "H2908 / S1865": true, - "H2909 / S1866": true, - "H2960 / S1784": false, - "H2964 / S1801": false, - "H2725 / S1875": false, - "H2708 / S1925": false, - "H2856 / S1788": false, - "H2743 / S1835": false, - "H1925 / S1200": true, - "H3069 / S2014": false, - "H1940 / S1181": false, - "H603 / S261": true, - "H489 / S301": true, - "H495 / S246": true, - "H1260 / S816": true, - "H1239 / S744": true, - "H2103 / S1299": true, - "H2747 / S1771": true, - "H2894 / S1799": false, - "H1379 / S858": true, - "H1796 / S1494": false, - "H1795 / S1979": false, - "H1710 / S942": false, - "H3084 / S1990": true, - "H2288 / S1510": false, - "H544 / S268": true, - "H872 / S481": false, - "H3232 / S2365": true, - "H3237 / S2135": true, - "H26 / S8": false, + "166": { + "pm_score\n": "26s", + "keyword": "Revenue; Taxation", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to extend the statutory two-day sales tax holiday to two weeks. Sales tax holidays drain vital revenue and don’t actually achieve the goals of tax progressivity or economic stimulus.", + "roll_call_number": "166", + "bill_number": "S4", + "amendment": "810", + "vote_date": "5/23/2024", + "title": "Expanding Costly Tax Gimmicks ", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "5", + "# of N": "34", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S4/810/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall166.pdf", + "noVotes": 34, + "yesVotes": 5 + }, + "167": { + "pm_score\n": "27s", + "keyword": "Revenue; Taxation", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to undermine the Fair Share Amendment by allowing high-income couples to evade the surtax by filing separate tax returns if they have filed a joint federal tax return.", + "roll_call_number": "167", + "bill_number": "S4", + "amendment": "832", + "vote_date": "5/23/2024", + "title": "Enabling Fair Share Tax Evasion", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "10", + "# of N": "29", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S4/832/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall167.pdf", + "noVotes": 29, + "yesVotes": 10 + }, + "177": { + "pm_score\n": "28s", + "keyword": "Indigenous Peoples Agenda", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to create a new advisory commission to determine a new seal and motto of the commonwealth (to replace the current very racist flag and seal), as recommended by the last commission. ", + "roll_call_number": "177", + "bill_number": "S4", + "amendment": "125", + "vote_date": "5/23/2024", + "title": "Flag & Seal Commission", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "30", + "# of N": "9", + "tags": [ + "justice & equality" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S4/125/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall177.pdf", + "noVotes": 2, + "yesVotes": 37 + }, + "184": { + "pm_score\n": "29s", + "keyword": "Environmental Protection", + "description": "Vote was on making the ten-cent fee for recycled paper carryout bags in the Plastics Reduction Act optional for retailers. ", + "roll_call_number": "184", + "bill_number": "S2830", + "amendment": "1", + "vote_date": "6/20/2024", + "title": "Undermining Carryout Bag Fees ", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "8", + "# of N": "30", + "tags": [ + null + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2830/1/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall184.pdf", + "noVotes": 31, + "yesVotes": 7 + }, + "186": { + "pm_score\n": "30s", + "keyword": "Environmental Protection", + "description": "Vote was on a comprehensive bill to reduce plastic waste including by creating a statewide ban on carry-out plastic bags, preventing plastic utensils and straws from automatically being given to consumers, prohibiting single-use plastic bottle purchases by state agencies, and creating a statewide program for recycling large plastic objects like car seats. ", + "roll_call_number": "186", + "bill_number": "S2830", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "6/20/2024", + "title": "Plastics Reduction Act", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "38", + "# of N": "2", + "tags": [ + null + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2830", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall186.pdf", + "noVotes": 2, + "yesVotes": 38 + }, + "194": { + "pm_score\n": "31s", + "keyword": "Housing", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to make it easier for communities opposed to building more housing to evade compliance with the MBTA Communities Act (i.e., the law requiring communities with MBTA service to establish a zoning district where multifamily housing can be built as of right) by creating a right to appeal if communities refuse to meet infrastructure needs and if they pretend that multifamily housing is antithetical to environmental protection or historic preservation.", + "roll_call_number": "194", + "bill_number": "S2834", + "amendment": "25", + "vote_date": "6/27/2024", + "title": "MBTA Community Act Appeal Process for NIMBY Towns", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "6", + "# of N": "34", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2834/25/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall194.pdf", + "noVotes": 34, + "yesVotes": 6 + }, + "198": { + "pm_score\n": "32s", + "keyword": "Criminal Legal Reform ", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to increase the age of juvenile jurisdiction to include 18-year-olds—keeping high school seniors out of the adult prison system.", + "roll_call_number": "198", + "bill_number": "S2856", + "amendment": "474", + "vote_date": "7/11/2024", + "title": "Keeping High School Seniors out of Adult Prisons", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "31", + "# of N": "9", + "tags": [ + "justice & equality" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2856/474/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall198.pdf", + "noVotes": 9, + "yesVotes": 31 + }, + "199": { + "pm_score\n": "33s", + "keyword": "Public Health ", + "description": "Vote was on an amendment to establish minimum public health standards in every community, increase capacity and effectiveness by incentivizing shared services, create a data collection and reporting system, and increase equity across communities through dedicated stable funding. ", + "roll_call_number": "199", + "bill_number": "S2856", + "amendment": "34", + "vote_date": "7/11/2024", + "title": "Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure ", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "35", + "# of N": "4", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2856/34/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall199.pdf", + "noVotes": 4, + "yesVotes": 35 + }, + "201": { + "pm_score\n": "34s", + "keyword": "Taxation; Revenue", + "description": "Vote was on reducing the tax rate on short-term capital gains from 8.5 percent to 5 percent over three years, a cut that would disproportionately benefit the top 1 percent.", + "roll_call_number": "201", + "bill_number": "S2856", + "amendment": "27", + "vote_date": "7/11/2024", + "title": "Regressive Tax Cuts", + "progressive_position": "NO", + "# of Y": "5", + "# of N": "34", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2856/27/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall201.pdf", + "noVotes": 34, + "yesVotes": 5 + }, + "210": { + "pm_score\n": "35s", + "keyword": "Health Care", + "description": "Vote was on creating a moratorium on any hospital, provider, or provider organization entering into any financial agreement with a private equity firm, real estate investment trust or management services organization until 180 days after the bill’s regulations go into effect. ", + "roll_call_number": "210", + "bill_number": "S2871", + "amendment": "153", + "vote_date": "7/18/2024", + "title": "Moratorium on Private Equity in Patient Care", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "14", + "# of N": "25", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/GetAmendmentContent/193/S2871/153/Senate/Preview", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall210.pdf", + "noVotes": 25, + "yesVotes": 14 + }, + "224": { + "pm_score\n": "36s", + "keyword": "LGBTQ Rights", + "description": "Vote was on updating Massachusetts’ forty-year-old parentage statutes to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ families and families formed through assisted reproduction.", + "roll_call_number": "224", + "bill_number": "H4750", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "7/31/2024", + "title": "Massachusetts Parentage Act", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "40", + "# of N": "0", + "tags": [ + "justice & equality" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H4750", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall224.pdf", + "noVotes": 0, + "yesVotes": 40 + }, + "226": { + "pm_score\n": "37s", + "keyword": "Health Care", + "description": "Vote was on comprehensive maternal health legislation that would expand equitable access to midwifery care, allow more birth centers to open, offer paid pregnancy loss leave, provide insurance coverage for medically necessary donor milk, and increase public health attention on maternal health. ", + "roll_call_number": "226", + "bill_number": "H4785", + "amendment": "", + "vote_date": "7/31/2024", + "title": "Maternal Health Omnibus", + "progressive_position": "YES", + "# of Y": "40", + "# of N": "0", + "tags": [ + "economy" + ], + "url": "https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/h4785", + "roll_call_url": "https://malegislature.gov/RollCall/193/SenateRollCall226.pdf", + "noVotes": 0, + "yesVotes": 40 + }, + "250": { + "pm_score\n": "38s", + "keyword": "Climate", + "description": "Vote was on legislation to reform siting and permitting laws, accelerate the state’s transition away from gas and toward renewable energy, and improve EV infrastructure. 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