We're excited for your interest in Greenwood, and maybe even your contribution!
We encourage all contributors to first read about the project's vision and motivation on our website.
To develop for the project, you'll want to follow these steps:
- Install NodeJS LTS or NVM (recommended)
- Have Yarn installed
- Clone the repository
- For NVM users, run
nvm use
- Run
yarn install
- Run
yarn lerna bootstrap
Generally we prefer to develop new features in the context of a project, working directly within node_modules and validating the behavior or fix first hand. Since Greenwood runs on plugins, just like any other user of Greenwood, a lot can often be achieved by just creating a custom plugin in a project's greenwood.config.js file.
If changes to node_modules are needed, use patch-package to create a snapshot of those changes and provide that repo and patch along with your PR.
Greenwood relies on a large set of test suites that are very behavior based, in that we can scaffold out a full Greenwood project, including a greenwood.config.js and run any of Greenwood's commands over the project files. Combined with mocha for testing and gallinago for running Greenwood commands, any combination of configuration, project structure, and Greenwood command can be tested for its output. (in other words, we favor E2E / BDD testing, as opposed to unit testing).
Here an example test case:
import chai from 'chai';
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';
import path from 'path';
import { runSmokeTest } from '../../../../../test/smoke-test.js';
import { getOutputTeardownFiles } from '../../../../../test/utils.js';
import { Runner } from 'gallinago';
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url';
const expect = chai.expect;
describe('Build Greenwood With: ', function() {
const LABEL = 'Default Greenwood Configuration and Workspace';
const cliPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'packages/cli/src/index.js');
const outputPath = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url));
let runner;
before(function() {
this.context = {
publicDir: path.join(outputPath, 'public')
runner = new Runner();
describe(LABEL, function() {
before(function() {
runner.runCommand(cliPath, 'build');
runSmokeTest(['public', 'index'], LABEL);
describe('Default output for index.html', function() {
let dom;
before(async function() {
dom = await JSDOM.fromFile(path.resolve(this.context.publicDir, './index.html'));
describe('default <head> section content', function() {
it('should have a <title> tag in the <head>', function() {
const title = dom.window.document.querySelector('head title').textContent;
expect(title).to.be.equal('My App');
// ...
after(function() {
To run tests in watch mode, use:
$ yarn test:tdd
To verify compliance with coverage and watermark thresholds (what CI server runs), use:
$ yarn test
Below are some tips to help with running / debugging tests:
: only runs this blockxdescribe
: don't run this block- Uncomment
in a case to see the build output without it getting cleaned up post test run - Use
new Runner(true)
get debug output from Greenwood when running tests
In some cases test may actually check for specific build output contents to confirm certain operations like custom bundling or linking operations within the Greenwood build process worked as expected. Keep in mind that if you change these contents as part of a test, that when Prettier formatting is run, the results may change and the test cases may fail, so just make sure to double check these contents with formatting applied first.
Test cases follow a convention starting with the command (e.g. build
) and and the capability and features being tested, like configuration with a particular option (e.g. port
- build.default.spec.js - Would test
greenwood build
with no config and no workspace. - build.config.workspace-custom.spec.js - Would test
greenwood build
with a config that had a customworkspace
- build.config.workspace-dev-server-port.spec.js - Would test
greenwood build
with a config that had a customworkspace
Test cases that exercise custom loaders (like TypeScript, JSX plugins) for SSR and prerendering use cases, will need to do a couple things:
- Prefix the test case directory and spec file with loaders-
- Make sure to pass
as the second param toRunner
import { Runner } from 'gallinago'; let runner; before(function() { // pass true as the second param here runner = new Runner(false, true); }); runner.runCommand(/* ... */);
- Use the
yarn test:loaders
npm script
Here are some things to keep in mind while writing your tests, due to the asynchronous nature of Greenwood:
- Make sure to wrap all calls to
- All usages of
should be wrapped inasync
- Avoid arrow functions in mocha tests (e.g.
() =>
) as this can cause unexpected behaviors.. Just usefunction
To add and remove packages for any workspace, make sure you cd
into the directory with the package.json first before running yarn add
or yarn remove
For example:
$ cd packages/cli
$ yarn add <package>
Yarn workspaces will automatically handle installing node_modules in the appropriate directory.
Greenwood makes active use GitHub Actions and Netlify deploy previews as part of the workflow. Each time a PR is opened, a sequence of build steps defined .github/workflows/ci.yml are run for Linux and Windows including running tests, linting, and formatting.
A deploy preview is also made available within the status checks section of the PR in GitHub and can be used to validate work in a live environment before having to merge.
The Greenwood repo is a combination of Yarn workspaces and a Lerna monorepo. The root level package.json defines the workspaces and shared tooling used throughout the project, like for linting, testing, etc.
The main workspace is the packages/ directory, which is everything we publish to NPM under the @greenwood scope.
This guide is mainly intended to walk through the cli package; it being the principal package within the project supporting all other packages. See our website for documentation on our Plugin APIs.
The CLI is the main entry point for Greenwood, similar to how the front-controller pattern works. When users run a command like greenwood build
, they are effectively invoking the file src/index.js within the @greenwood/cli
At a high level, this is how a command goes through the CLI:
- Each documented command a user can run maps to a script in the commands/ directory.
- Each command can invoke any number of lifecycles from the lifecycles/ directory.
- Lifecycles capture specific steps needed to build a site, serve it, generate a content dependency graph, etc.
The structure of the CLI package is as follows:
- index.js - Entry point for the CLI
- commands/ - map to runnable userland commands
- config/ - Tooling configuration
- data/ - Content as data related functionality
- lib/ - Custom utility and client facing files
- lifecycles/ - Individual tasks that can be used by commands to support a full Greenwood lifecycle
- plugins/ - Greenwood plugins maintained by the CLI project
- layouts/ - Default layouts and / or pages provided by Greenwood
Aside from the config and graph lifecycles, all lifecycles (and config files and plugins) typically expect a compilation object to be passed in.
Lifecycle responsibilities include:
- starting a production or development server for a compilation
- optimizing a compilation for production
- prerendering a compilation for production
- fetching external (content) data sources
We take advantage of quite a few features on GitHub to assist in tracking issues, bugs, ideas and more for the project. We feel that being organized not only helps the team in planning out priorities and ownership, it's also a great way to add visibility and transparency to those following the project.
Our sequentially named project boards help us organize work into buckets that will generally include a small handful of "top line" goals and objectives we would like to focus on for that particular phase of work. It also serves as a catch-all for the usual work and bug fixes that happens throughout general maintenance of the project. Additionally, we leverage this as a means to shine insight into good opportunities for those interested in contributing as to what the Greenwood team would appreciate help with the most.
We believe good collaboration starts with good communication. As with most of the open source community, Greenwood is a 100% volunteer project and so we understand the importance of respecting everyone's time and expectations when it comes to contributing and investing in a project. Although we don't mind issues being made, unless the issue is clearly actionable and falls in-line with the motivations and trajectory of the project, then feel free to go ahead an open a Discussion first.
We encourage discussions as we believe it is better to hash out technical discussions and proposals ahead of time since coding and reviewing PRs are very time consuming activities. As maintainers, we want to make sure everyone gets the time they are desire for contributing and this this workflow helps us plan our time in advance to best ensure a smooth flow of contributions through the project.
Put another way, we like to think of this approach as measuring twice, cut once.
We like to reserve issues for features and requests that are more or less "shovel" ready with clear implementation details at hand and a clear definition of "done". This could include prior discussions with the team or action items coming out from an existing discussion.
Our standard issue template requests some of the following information to be prepared (where applicable)
- High Level Overview
- Code Sample or API Design
- Links / references for more context
Pull requests are the best! To best help facilitate contributions to the project, here are some requests:
- We generally prefer an issue be opened first, to help facilitate general discussion outside of the code review process itself and align on the ask and any expectations. However, for typos in docs and minor "chore" like tasks a PR is usually sufficient.
- For bugs, please consider reviewing the issue tracker first.
- For branching, we generally follow the convention
, e.g. bug/issue-12-fixed-bug-with-yada-yada-yada - To test the CI build scripts locally, run the
commands mentioned in the section in the Continuous Integration section of this document. (basically just make sure linting, formatting, and test tasks are all passing)
Lerna (specifically lerna publish
) will be used to release all packages under a single version. Lerna configuration can be found in lerna.json.
Assuming you are logged into npm locally and have 2FA access to publish, the following workflows should be used. Lerna should then prompt you through the steps to pick the version and all packages that will get updated.
Greenwood typically works on new minor versions in a dedicated branch and release line called "alpha". This leverages NPM's concept of dist tags. While on a release branch, run the following to publish a new alpha release.
# from the root of the repo
$ yarn lerna publish --force-publish --dist-tag alpha
Typically you will want to select the Custom Preminor option from the list, which Lerna should appropriately yield the expected version.
For a normal release (e.g. "latest") the following command can be run from the mainline branch of the repo.
# from the root of the repo
$ yarn lerna publish --force-publish