The PsySec Group has only so many resources to explore the vast space of psychosecurity. The community we cultivate here will always have a limited focus. Demands to shift communal focus will always outpace the willingness to shift communal focus. This attention mismatch traditionally has caused friction in open source efforts. From a psychosecurity perspective, conquering the ability to command the communal focus of a community is a high priority. To maximize the psychosecurity of the effort, the PsySec Group will be heavily utilizing Github's fork feature.
Instead of partaking in holy wars to command communal focus, the fork allows a pioneering individual or group to copy PsySec community source and bylaws to run their own psychosecurity research hub. Due to the MIT license, they are free to adjust the code as they see fit. If the PsySec Group sees these pioneers achieving traction and results, then these efforts can be brought into the foundation to improve all other efforts. The goal is to make the psychosecurity research effort psychologically self-hosting.
Instead of using influence operations to control communal focus, forking allows results to improve communal focus. Pioneer your fork today!