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Hello World 2017 API Build Status

This repository contains the source code for the Hello World 2017 backend api.

Running Locally

You can follow these steps to get the server running locally:

  • Have php 7 installed
  • Clone this repository
  • Run composer install in the project directory to install dependencies. If you don't have composer installed, grab it here
  • Create a .env file in the project root (next to .env.example).
  • Configure .env to use your local mysql database credentials
  • Run php artisan migrate to set up the database, and then php artisan db:seed
  • Run php artisan jwt:generate to create a JWT token
  • Run php artisan key:generate to create an app key
  • Finally, run the server with php artisan serve.

It's not required, but you can make some optional configuration changes if needed:

  • You can assign a member the devteam role by inserting a row into the row_user pivot table. Users with the devteam role can set up additional admin accounts via the stats page. The site mode can also be configured on this screen.
  • You can start up the worker queue with php artisan queue:work. This queue will handle sending emails; if it's not running, emails won't be sent or logged.
  • By default, the MAIL_DRIVER setting is set to log. Emails will be saved in storage/logs/laravel.log instead of actually being sent. To change this, you can set the MAIL_DRIVER to mailgun and update the mailgun credentials.
  • By default, resumes will be saved locally in storage/app/resumes. If you want to upload the resumes to Amazon S3, set the FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=s3 in the .env file. You'll also need to configure the AWS key, secret, region, and bucket credentials.

You can run tests with ./vendor/bin/phpunit.


Hello World 2017 Laravel Backend 🚀







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