Is a free and open-source framework developed by Google, part of CNCF. Allows to define request and response for RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) and handles all the rest for you. On top of it, it's modern, fastm efficient, build on top of HTTP/2, low latency, support streaming, language independent. It's used by :
- Netflix
- Square
- CoreOS
- CoackroachDB
- Basic [] Golang & Rust & Java clients and servers.
gRPC levarages HTPP/2 as a backbone for communications, eg HTTP/2 is the newer standard for internet communications that address common pitfall of HTTP/1.1 on modern web pages HTTP/1.1 open a new TCP connection to a server at each request It does not compress headers (which are plaintext- heavy size) It only works with Request/Response mechanism (no server push)
HTTP/2 was released in 2015, supports multiplexing The client & server can push messages in parallel over the same TCP connection, this greatly reduces latency.
HTTP/2 supports server push, servers can push streams for one request from the client. It allso supports header compression.
HTTP 1.1 also has a severe limitation of how a single connection can be used for multiple requests: all requests must be sent back in the order the corresponding requests were received. So clients that use pipelining will see head-of-line blocking delays, but the later responses may have been computed quickly, and must wait for earlier responses to be computed and transmitted before they can be sent. And the other alternative, using a connection for only one request at a time and then using a pool of connections to issue parallel requests, consumes more resources in both clients and servers as well as potentially in between proxies and load balancers. HTTP/2 and Protocol Buffers do not have these problems.
- Unary
- Server Streaming
- Client Streaming
- BI Directional Streaming
- gRPC servers are asynchronous by default
- This means they do not blosk threads on request.
- Therefore each gRPC server can serve milion of requests in parallel.
- gRPC clients can be asynchronous or synchronous
- The client decides which model works best
- The gRPC clients can perform client side load balancing. Allows to scale horizontally.
Each language will provide an API to load gRPC with the required certificates and provide encryption capability out of the box Additionally using Interceptors, we can also provide authentication
Unary is what a traditional API looks like (http rest)
service GreetService {
rpc Greet(GreetRequest) returns (GreetResponse){};
- he lowest layer is the transport: gRPC uses HTTP/2 as its transport protocol. HTTP/2 provides the same basic semantics as HTTP 1.1 (the version with which nearly all developers are familiar), but aims to be more efficient and more secure.
- The next layer is the channel. This is a thin abstraction over the transport. The channel defines calling conventions and implements the mapping of an RPC onto the underlying transport. At this layer, a gRPC call consists of a client-provided service name and method name, optional request metadata (key-value pairs), and zero or more request messages. A call is completed when the server provides optional response header metadata, zero or more response messages, and response trailer metadata. The trailer metadata indicates the final disposition of the call: whether it was a success or a failure. At this layer, there is no knowledge of interface constraints, data types, or message encoding. A message is just a sequence of zero or more bytes. A call may have any number of request and response messages.
- The last layer is the stub. The stub layer is where interface constraints and data types are defined. Does a method accept exactly one request message or a stream of request messages? What kind of data is in each response message and how is it encoded? The answers to these questions are provided by the stub. The stub marries the IDL-defined interfaces to a channel. The stub code is generated from the IDL. The channel layer provides the ABI that these generated stubs use.
Another key component of gRPC is a technology called Protocol Buffers. Protocol Buffers, or “protobufs” for short, are an IDL for describing services, methods, and messages. A compiler turns IDL into generated code for a wide variety of programming languages, along with runtime libraries for each of those supported programming languages. You’ll learn much more about Protocol Buffers in the next chapter.
It is important to note that Protocol Buffers have a role only in the last layer in the list above: the stub. The lower layers of gRPC, the channel and the transport, are IDL-agnostic. This makes it possible to use any IDL with gRPC (though the core gRPC libraries only provide tools for using protobufs). You can even find unofficial open source implementations of the stub layer using other formats and IDLs, such as flatbuffers and messagepack.
Not only does gRPC support streaming, but it also supports full-duplex bidirectional streams. Bidirectional means that the client can use a stream to upload an arbitrary amount of request data and the server can use a stream to send back an arbitrary amount of response data, all in the same RPC. The novel part is the “full-duplex” part. Most request-response protocols, including HTTP 1.1 are “half-duplex.” They support bidirectional communication (HTTP 1.1 even supports bidirectional streaming), but the two directions cannot be used at the same time. A request must first be fully uploaded before the server begins responding; only after the client is done transmitting can the server then reply with its full response. gRPC is built on HTTP/2, which explicitly supports full-duplex streams, which means that the client can upload request data at the same time the server is sending back response data. This is very powerful and eliminates the need for things like web sockets, which is an extension of HTTP 1.1, to allow full-duplex communication over an HTTP 1.1 connection. Thanks to streaming, applications can build very sophisticated conversational protocols on top of gRPC.
Forget the days of manually wiring up server handlers based on URI paths and then manually marshalling paths, query string parameters, requests, and response bodies. Similarly, forget the days of manually creating HTTP request objects, with all of the same overhead on the server side.
Metadata is broken up into two categories: headers, which are sent before the response message data, and trailers, which are sent at the end (along with the gRPC status code for the operation).
In gRPC server streaming calls are defined using keyword "stream"
service GreetService {
rpc Greet(GreetRequest) returns (stream GreetResponse){};
In gRPC client streaming calls are defined using keyword "stream". The client will send many message to the server and will receive one response form the server, at any time.
service GreetService {
rpc ManyGreetRequest(stream GreetRequest) returns (GreetResponse){};
service GreetService {
rpc ManyGreetRequest(stream GreetRequest) returns (stream GreetResponse){};
Any new fields added to protobuf messages will be given a default valuethat’s specific to the type. For example, a new int32 field will have a val-ue of 0, a string will have "", and a message field will be nil (or the lan-guage equivalent).For a full list of the default values for each field type, see the protobufdocs at is the standard behavior for proto3. Working against the protocolcan lead to it’s own set of challenges and is generally not recommended.There are times, however, when you might need to check for presenceand not just the default value.If it’s necessary, you can box primitive types so that you can check forpresence. This is accomplished by using wrappers.proto from the Well-Known Types. There’s a wrapper for each of the defined primitive values.For example:
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/wrapper.proto";
package practical_grpc.v1;
message SomeMessage {
//allows us to check for `nil` instead of just the default value
google.protobuf.StringValue value = 1; } If an application needs to return extra information on top of an error code, it can use the metadata context. When a gRPC server responds, it includes the status of the response inthe headers portion of the HTTP response. If nothing went wrong withthe request, the :status field is set on the response with the HTTP codeof 200. The gRPC status is encoded into the grpc-status field with the numeric identifier. Here are the headers that will be set on the response for the originalcaller:
Header | Usage |
:status | The HTTP status code |
content-type | The HTTP content type |
grpc-status | The gRPC status code |
grpc-message | A simple message included with the respons |
grpc-status-details-bin | An base64 encoded google.rpc.Status mes-sage |
Code | Code Numeric Value | Description |
OK | 0 | The zero value is the code used for successful operations. It means that no error occured. |
Cancelled | 1 | This code is an acknowledgement of a client cancellation. If a client chooses to cancel an outstanding RPC, this is the error code that the server should record. When used correctly, a client will never actually see this code: the RPC has been cancelled, so any error code will not be delivered. |
Unknown | 2 | This is the default error code. If the server can provideno information about the nature of the error, then thecause is unknown. Note that “Internal” is often a bet-ter choice when an unexpected error occurs |
Invalid Argument | 3 | This indicates that the request is malformed. When validating a request, if an argument is invalid and could never be valid, then this is the right code. If the argument is invalid due to the current state of the system, then “Failed Precondition” is the better choice. |
Deadline Exceeded | 4 | This code means that the client’s requested deadline has not been met. Like the “Cancelled” code, this error code should not usually be observed by clients: after their deadline has passed, the RPC will be automatically cancelled, and the client will not see any error response. It is instead more useful on the server for classifying failures. |
Not Found | 5 | This indicates that a request field refers to a resource that does not exist or instructs the server to query for information that does not exist. |
Already Exists | 6 | This indicates that a request has requested creation of a resource that already exists. This is a specialization of the “Failed Precondition” code. |
Permission Denied | 7 | This code means that the caller is not allowed to perform the operation. This should be due to authorization controls. If the caller cannot perform the operation due to a quota, use “Resource Exhausted” instead. If the caller is not allowed, but it might be if it were authenticated, use “Unauthenticated” instead. |
Resource Exhausted | 8 | The server has exhausted some resource and cannot complete the operation. This could be due to quota limitations for the caller, but it could also indicate some other resource, like disk space, has been exhausted. |
Failed Precondition | 9 | This code means the operation cannot be completed because some part of the system is not in the correct state. Validation that must query for a resource’s existing state is likely validating a precondition. If the state being checked is an optimistic concurrency checks, as part of a multi-operation sequence, “Aborted” is probably more appropriate. The caller typically must fix the system state before retrying. |
Aborted | 10 | This code means that the operation was aborted, such as due to an optimistic concurrency failure. This often means that retrying a multi-operation sequence may possibly correct the issue, but retrying just the one aborted step will not. |
Out of Range | 11 | This is a specialization of “Failed Precondition”. It means the precondition that failed was a bound check. It should be used in iteration operations to indicate that the end of the iteration has been reached. |
Unimplemented | 12 | The request operation is not implemented. This may be used by server’s that only expose part of a service, and not its full interface. |
Internal | 13 | This code means an internal error has occurred in the server. |
Unavailable | 14 | This code means that either the server or the requested operation is temporarily unavailable. The client may retry, with backoff, to see if it becomes available. |
Data Loss | 15 | This is a specialization of “Internal” and further conveys that some sort of unrecoverable loss or corruption of data has occurred. |
Unauthenticated | 16 | This code indicates the request operation requires authentication, but the request has either not included authentication credentials or has included invalid credentials. |
There are scenarios where you may want the ability to inject in metadatabefore sending a request to a gRPC server. Another possible requirementis that you need to reject a request to a server based on some prerequi-site such as authentication. In both of these scenarios you might use apattern called “middleware”. A very common feature of applicationframeworks like Ruby on Rails is the ability to add and modify a middle-ware stack. This includes checking sessions, CSRF protection, or evenjust compressing the response body before sending it back. n the gRPC world this functionality is called “interceptors”. An inter-ceptor allows a client or server to wrap RPC requests and responses. This ncludes streaming and unary RPC calls as well. An interceptor has theability to manipulate almost everything about a procedure call, but ismore commonly used for wrapping around logic for things such as au-thentication, metrics, distributed tracing, etc.
func LoggingInterceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handlergrpc.UnaryHandler) (out interface{}, err error) { out, err = handler(ctx, req) logrus.WithField("method", info.FullMethod).Info("handled rpc")return out, err}
func ErrorsInterceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (out interface{}, err error) { out, err = handler(ctx, req)switch tErr := err.(type) {case NotFoundErr:return out, grpc.Errorf(codes.NotFound, tErr.Error()) }return out, err}
Interceptors are not only used for server side applications, they can alsobe added to gRPC client stubs. When an interceptor is added to a stub, itis enacted on every call to a service endpoint. This introduces a lot ofpossibilities for client side communication, such as retries, distributedtracing headers, and payload normalization. With client retries, for ex-ample, we can add a timing interceptor that times how long each RPCcall takes and reports it.
gRPC provides primitives for setting up TLS/SSL between clients andservers. It also provides the ability to setup mutual TLS between clientsand servers! However, gRPC doesn’t provide the facility of authenticat-ing users/services easily. It is up to the developer to implement their ownauthentication to verify services have provided the correct credentialson RPC’s. In gRPC, clients and servers can specify the amount of time a requestmay take for both unary and streaming calls. The term used for this func-tionality is “timeout.” The implementation of the timeout is languagespecific, but for the most part operates on the same concept.Timeouts are important to consider if you are working with an appli-cation that may take a long time to process a call. If you don’t specify atimeout on a call, it can potentially operate forever (lets say your appli-cation accidentally goes into an infinite loop), causing compute resour-ces to eventually block.To overcome this, you specify a timeout on your RPC calls for howlong you are willing to wait for it to complete. If a timeout is not specifiedon a gRPC request, the call is timeout and is interpreted as infinite.When a client specifies a timeout, it is added to the request headersat the key grpc-timeout with a numeric value and unit. For example tospecify a timeout of 1 minute, the header on the request will be grpc-timeout = 1M. When a request has a designated timeout attached the server shouldhonor the timeout. Client’s may also cancel the call if they’ve deter-mined the timeout has been reached. The Ruby client, for example, willcancel the call client side when a timeout has been specified for a singleRPC even if the server is still processing it.If a client does not provide a timeout for the call that it is making, theserver may still provide it’s own deadline on the request. Server’s can in-dicate they have stopped processing the request due to a timeout by re-turning with a gRPC status code of DeadlineExceeded (Code 4). How-ever, a server may still have completed the request successfully. Fromthe gRPC documentation on deadline exceeded codes:“DeadlineExceeded means operation expired before completion. Foroperations that change the state of the system, this error may be re-turned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, asuccessful response from a server could have been delayed long enoughfor the deadline to expire.”Servers and Clients are independently responsible for determining ifan RPC is successful. If a client has set a timeout on an RPC call, the serv-er may have completed the response and sent it back, but if the clientreceives the final result after the timeout, it will error with DEAD-LINE_EXCEEDED. In production gRPC calls should be running with encryption enabled. gRPC can use both Encryption (1-way verification) and Authentication (2-wayverification)
We may want reflection for two reasons:
- Having servers "expose" which endpoints are available
- Allowing command line interfaces to talk to our server without have a preliminary .proto
Client load balancing | Proxy load balancing |
The main advantage of client load balancing is obviously its perfor-mance. No middle agents between client and servers makes it optimalfor low latency constraints.As you can imagine, however, client load balancing adds more com-plexity to the architecture. The client is much more sophisticated, sinceit needs to apply strategies to equilibrate the traffic (Round Robin or oth-ers).The client will need to keep track on the health of each backend, inorder to redirect traffic elsewhere if a backend malfunction is detected.This would be the thick client approach.Another alternative would be to use the Lookaside Load Balancer,which is kind of a Zookeeper/Consul/Eureka who communicates the cli-ent that is the best backend server to communicate with. | The main advantage of proxy load balancing is the simplicity of the cli-ent. It will only need a single endpoint to create a connection with. All ofthe workload problems, the security issues and the awareness of thehealth of every backend server, will be completely transparent to the cli-ent.Another advantage is that the TLS certificates must be managed di-rectly by the proxy. Backend servers don’t need to have secured connec-tions, which makes the architecture much less complex.In return, the latency will be increased and the throughput may belimited by the capabilities of the proxy.There are two kind of proxies in function of the OSI level that theywork on: 1) Transport Level: this option is dumber, but easier to implement.This is done on the TCP level, where the proxy just checks that thesocket is open, in order to know if the backend is up and running.This kind of proxy is very performant since there is no payloadtreatment. Client data is just copied to the backend connection. 2) Application Level: when the proxy needs to be a little bit smarterin terms of workload decisioning, this is the best option, in detri-ment of the added latency. On the application level, the HTTP/2protocol is parsed in order to inspect each request and make deci-sions on the fly. |
Here are some useful tools that you can use to interact with a running gRPC server on your local machine:
- grpcnode - CLI tool for quickly making servers and client, dynami-cally, in JavaScript
- grpcc - REPL gRPC command-line client
- grpc_cli - gRPC CLI tool
- Evans - Expressive universal gRPC (CLI) client
- grpcurl - Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interact-ing with gRPC servers
- danby - A grpc proxy for the browser
- docker-protoc - Dockerized protoc, grpc-gateway, and grpc_clicommands bundled with Google API libraries.
- prototool Useful “Swiss Army Knife” for processing proto files
tar -xzf evans_linux_amd64.tar.gz
evans -p 50051 -r
show services
call Unary
tar -xzf grpcurl_1.7.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
## List available services, through reflection
grpcurl --plaintext list
grpcurl --plaintext describe
## Prepare dummy request body
grpcurl --plaintext -msg-template describe todo.GreetRequest
## Call gRPC request
grpcurl --plaintext -d '{
"greet": {
"first": "foo",
"second": "bar"
}' todo.GreetService/Unary
## List available services, through .proto
grpcurl --import-path ../proto/customer -proto Customer.proto list
grpcurl --import-path ../proto/customer -proto Customer.proto list CustomerService
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the most expanded way to maketwo machines communicate. It is a protocol for requesting files over anetwork, where the payload (both request and response) is transferredas plain text (ASCII).
Later on, HTTP/1.1 added some performance optimizations:
Keep Alive connections: This prevents TCP connections from beingclosed every time that a response is sent. In the headers, you can set atimeout to tell how long an idle TCP connection may be kept open, aswell as the maximum number of requests that may be sent in one singleTCP connection.
Byte serving of Range requests: This allows you to request for a partof the hosted file that you want to download. For instance, if you need toshow a single page from a big .pdf file, you can ask only for the neededpage.
Request pipelining: This allows you to send multiple HTTP requestswithin the same TCP connection, without being forced to wait for theprecedent responses. That was one of the main handicaps of HTTP/1.0.Taking advantage of the Keep-Alive functionality, HTTP/1.1 makes itpossible for the request shooting without having to wait for the re-sponse.
HTTP/2HTTP/2 was born to accompany the new needs of the Internet’s expo-nential growth. The main goals are optimizing bandwidth, lowering la-tency, and allowing a higher throughput. The semantics and use casesshould not be affected.The basic improvement of HTTP/2 is the fact that it isn’t a plain textprotocol anymore, but it is binary. That of course decreases the payloadsent all over the network, and furthermore it will allow other optimiza-tions in the protocol.Verbs and headers stay the same, and the only thing that changes isthe way data is encoded or serialized.HTTP/2 introduces multiple notions and they will be detailed in thefollowing subsections.
HTTP2 verbs:
- Frames: frame in HTTP/2 is the smallest unit data representation. It contains:•
- A frame Header that normally only contains the identifier of thestream that it belongs to.
- The data content, which can have different formats depending onthe kind of data that it contains. Most of the frames may contain aPadding block at the end of the frame, and it is used to obfuscatethe length of the frame for security reasons.
- Messages: message is a sequence of frames representing a request or a response.
- Streams: stream is a bidirectional flow of bytes that in a given connection maycarry one or more messages. Each stream is identified by an integer thatwill be written on the header of any frame.Note that in a single TCP connection, several streams may be activeconcurrently at the same time.Streams have lifecycles and they are represented by transitionsamong states. These are all the possible states:
- Idle: Initial state for any opened stream.
- Open: State where both peers may send or receive frames at anymoment.
- Reserved: One of the peers, having the stream in Idle state, sent aPUSH_PROMISE frame in order for the server to begin to push mes-sages to the client.
- Half Closed: One of the peers finished to send frames.
- Closed: Both peers agreed to terminate the connection.
- Multiplexing: HTTP/1.x doesn’t allow you to do multiple parallelrequests in the same TCP connection. At most, with HTTP/1.1 you’ll beable to do multiple requests, but the responses will need to be receivedin the same order, inducing Header-of-Line blocking.HTTP/2 and its binary convention allows you to multiplex requestsand responses in the same connection so you can take full advantage ofthe network’s resources.
- Flow control: HTTP/2 multiplexed frames unleash the potential to take full advantageof the network resources, but without a flow control you lose any senseof traffic congestion. Any peer sending data needs to know the ingestioncapabilities of the receiver, otherwise the frames can be lost. If the re-ceiver is busy doing other stuff, it needs to be able to communicate tothe sender to slow down the cadence.TCP protocol already considers flow control by communicating thereceive window of each peer. This is the equivalent buffer size of eachend point to hold incoming data. Each TCP ACK signal contains an upda-ted receive window in function of the receiver availability.The problem with TCP flow control, is that it doesn’t have enough Ap-plication Level granularity. Multiple streams in the same TCP connectionprevent the optimizing of the receiving flow for each pair of stream-applications.So in addition to TCP flow control, HTTP/2 uses the WINDOW_UPDATEframe type (type=0x8) to advertise the stream-application receivewindow size.
- Server push: Server push is the capability of HTTP/2 to initiate the transfer of dataframes from the server side, instead of having to wait for the request ofthe client. This is obviously a big win, for instance when browsers needto download multiple resources from a webpage, where HTTP/1.x isneeded to open one TCP connection for every one of them.PUSH_PROMISE frames are used for this purpose. They are sent by theserver to the client, and the client is free to accept or not, and even de-cide a bunch of settings via the SETTINGS frame on how the download-ing of the resources will be done. The goal is that the client may have fullcontrol of the communication.
- HeadersIn HTTP/1.x headers are systematically sent in any request or response,in plain text. This is a big waste of bandwidth, that HTTP/2 improves byapplying HPACK compression on the HEADER frames.As said before, the purpose of HTTP/2 is to improve performance byreinventing the encoding, but keeping the syntax. This is to preserve theheaders as they are, and it’s just the way they will be transferred.HPACK compression uses three methods:
- Static Dictionary:61 commonly used headers are predefinedwith default values, so that nothing is defined on the first request,and nothing is sent over the network.
- Dynamic Dictionary: if new headers are sent over the transmis-sion, they are added into the dictionary in order to prevent send-ing them in further messages.
- Huffman Encoding: an algorithm for the compression of ASCIIcharacters in the HTTP Headers context. Each character is associ-ated to a bit code. The more frequent a character will be, the short-er its bit code will be. You normally obtain an average of 37%smaller compressed texts.