diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index c2a78603..19f33635 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -7,12 +7,67 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ## Unreleased on the [24.5.x](https://github.com/PySlurm/pyslurm/tree/24.5.x) branch
+### Added
 - New Classes to interact with Database Associations (WIP)
     - `pyslurm.db.Association`
     - `pyslurm.db.Associations`
 - New Classes to interact with Database QoS (WIP)
     - `pyslurm.db.QualityOfService`
     - `pyslurm.db.QualitiesOfService`
+- Added `stats` attribute to both `pyslurm.Job`, `pyslurm.Jobs` and
+  `pyslurm.db.Jobs`
+- Added `pids` attribute to `pyslurm.Job` which contains Process-IDs of the Job
+  organized by node-name
+- Added `load_stats` method to `pyslurm.Job` and `pyslurm.Jobs` classes.
+  Together with the `stats` and `pids` attributes mentioned above, it is now
+  possible to fetch live statistics (like sstat)
+- Switch to link with `libslurmfull.so` instead of `libslurm.so`<br>
+  This change really has no impact from a user perspective. Everything will
+  keep working the same, except that Slurms more internal library
+  `libslurmfull.so` is linked with (which is located alongside the plugins
+  inside the `slurm` directory, which itself is next to `libslurm.so`)<br>
+  Why the change? Because it will likely make development easier. It allows
+  access to more functions that might be needed in some places, without
+  completely having to implement them on our own. Implementing the
+  live-statistics feature, so basically `sstat`, is for example not possible
+  with `libslurm.so` <br>
+  You can keep providing the directory where `libslurm.so` resided as
+  `$SLURM_LIB_DIR` to pyslurm, and it will automatically find `libslurmfull.so`
+  from there.
+### Fixed
+- Fixed `total_cpu_time`, `system_cpu_time` and `user_cpu_time` not getting
+  calculated correctly for Job statistics
+- Actually make sure that `avg_cpu_time`, `min_cpu_time`, `total_cpu_time`,
+  `system_cpu_time` and `user_cpu_time` are integers, not float.
+### Changed
+- Breaking: rename `cpu_time` to `elapsed_cpu_time` in `pyslurm.Job` and
+  `pyslurm.Jobs` classes
+- Breaking: removed the following attributes from `pyslurm.db.Jobs`:<br>
+    * `consumed_energy`
+    * `disk_read`
+    * `disk_write`
+    * `page_faults`
+    * `resident_memory`
+    * `virtual_memory`
+    * `elapsed_cpu_time`
+    * `total_cpu_time`
+    * `user_cpu_time`
+    * `system_cpu_time`
+- The removed attributes above are now all available within the `stats`
+  attribute, which is of type `pyslurm.db.JobStatistics`
+- Renamed the original class of `pyslurm.db.JobStatistics` to
+  `pyslurm.db.JobStepStatistics`.<br>
+  All this class contains is really mostly applicable only to Steps, but
+  doesn't fully apply at the Job Level.<br>
+  Therefore, the new `pyslurm.db.JobStatistics` class only contains all
+  statistics that make sense at the Job-level.
+- return `1` as a value for the `cpus` attribute in `pyslurm.db.Job` when there
+  is no value set from Slurm's side.
 ## [24.5.0](https://github.com/PySlurm/pyslurm/releases/tag/v24.5.0) - 2024-11-16
diff --git a/pyslurm/__init__.py b/pyslurm/__init__.py
index 4d3a5101..8d61e436 100644
--- a/pyslurm/__init__.py
+++ b/pyslurm/__init__.py
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import ctypes
+import os
 import sys
-sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
+sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | os.RTLD_GLOBAL | os.RTLD_DEEPBIND )
 # Initialize slurm api
 from pyslurm.api import slurm_init, slurm_fini
diff --git a/pyslurm/core/job/job.pxd b/pyslurm/core/job/job.pxd
index 15d44be9..aae445a7 100644
--- a/pyslurm/core/job/job.pxd
+++ b/pyslurm/core/job/job.pxd
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 from pyslurm.utils cimport cstr, ctime
 from pyslurm.utils.uint cimport *
 from pyslurm.utils.ctime cimport time_t
+from pyslurm.db.stats cimport JobStatistics
 from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset
 from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, int64_t
 from libc.stdlib cimport free
@@ -77,16 +78,16 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
         memory (int):
-            Total amount of memory for all Jobs in this collection, in
-            Mebibytes
+            Total amount of memory requested for all Jobs in this collection,
+            in Mebibytes
         cpus (int):
-            Total amount of cpus for all Jobs in this collection.
+            Total amount of cpus requested for all Jobs in this collection.
         ntasks (int):
-            Total amount of tasks for all Jobs in this collection.
-        cpu_time (int):
+            Total amount of tasks requested for all Jobs in this collection.
+        elapsed_cpu_time (int):
             Total amount of CPU-Time used by all the Jobs in the collection.
             This is the result of multiplying the run_time with the amount of
-            cpus for each job.
+            cpus requested for each job.
         frozen (bool):
             If this is set to True and the `reload()` method is called, then
             *ONLY* Jobs that already exist in this collection will be
@@ -95,6 +96,10 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             Slurm controllers memory will not be removed either.
             The default is False, so old jobs will be removed, and new Jobs
             will be added - basically the same behaviour as doing Jobs.load().
+        stats (JobStatistics):
+            Real-time statistics of all Jobs in this collection.
+            Before you can access the stats data for this, you have to call
+            the `load_stats` method on this collection.
         job_info_msg_t *info
@@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
     cdef public:
+        JobStatistics stats
 cdef class Job:
@@ -119,6 +125,14 @@ cdef class Job:
             Before you can access the Steps data for a Job, you have to call
             the `reload()` method of a Job instance or the `load_steps()`
             method of a Jobs collection.
+        stats (JobStatistics):
+            Real-time statistics of a Job.
+            Before you can access the stats data for a Job, you have to call
+            the `load_stats` method of a Job instance or the Jobs collection.
+        pids (dict[str, list]):
+            Current Process-IDs of the Job, organized by node name.
+            Before you can access the pids data for a Job, you have to call
+            the `load_stats` method of a Job instance or the Jobs collection.
         name (str):
             Name of the Job
         id (int):
@@ -362,17 +376,20 @@ cdef class Job:
             Whether this Job is a cronjob.
         cronjob_time (str):
             The time specification for the Cronjob.
-        cpu_time (int):
+        elapsed_cpu_time (int):
             Amount of CPU-Time used by the Job so far.
             This is the result of multiplying the run_time with the amount of
-            cpus.
+            cpus requested.
         slurm_job_info_t *ptr
         dict passwd
         dict groups
-    cdef public JobSteps steps
+    cdef public:
+        JobSteps steps
+        JobStatistics stats
+        dict pids
     cdef _calc_run_time(self)
diff --git a/pyslurm/core/job/job.pyx b/pyslurm/core/job/job.pyx
index 68821b75..fc0663d8 100644
--- a/pyslurm/core/job/job.pyx
+++ b/pyslurm/core/job/job.pyx
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
     def __init__(self, jobs=None, frozen=False):
         self.frozen = frozen
+        self.stats = JobStatistics()
@@ -161,8 +162,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             Pending Jobs will be ignored, since they don't have any Steps yet.
-            RPCError: When retrieving the Job information for all the Steps
-                failed.
+            RPCError: When retrieving the information for all the Steps failed.
         cdef dict steps = JobSteps.load_all()
         for job in self.values():
@@ -170,6 +170,40 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             if jid in steps:
                 job.steps = steps[jid]
+    def load_stats(self):
+        """Load realtime stats for this collection of Jobs.
+        This function additionally fills in the `stats` attribute for all Jobs
+        in the collection, and also populates its own `stats` attribute.
+        Implicitly calls `load_steps()`.
+        !!! note
+            Pending Jobs will be ignored, since they don't have any Stats yet.
+        Returns:
+            (JobStatistics): The statistics of this job collection.
+        Raises:
+            RPCError: When retrieving the stats for all the Jobs failed.
+        Examples:
+            >>> import pyslurm
+            >>> jobs = pyslurm.Jobs.load()
+            >>> stats = jobs.load_stats()
+            >>>
+            >>> # Print the CPU Time Used
+            >>> print(stats.total_cpu_time)
+        """
+        self.load_steps()
+        stats = JobStatistics()
+        for job in self.values():
+            job.load_stats()
+            stats.add(job.stats)
+        self.stats = stats
+        return self.stats
     def memory(self):
         return xcollections.sum_property(self, Job.memory)
@@ -183,7 +217,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
         return xcollections.sum_property(self, Job.ntasks)
-    def cpu_time(self):
+    def elapsed_cpu_time(self):
         return xcollections.sum_property(self, Job.cpu_time)
@@ -199,6 +233,8 @@ cdef class Job:
         self.groups = {}
         cstr.fmalloc(&self.ptr.cluster, LOCAL_CLUSTER)
         self.steps = JobSteps()
+        self.stats = JobStatistics()
+        self.pids = {}
     def _alloc_impl(self):
         if not self.ptr:
@@ -225,7 +261,7 @@ cdef class Job:
         !!! note
             If the Job is not pending, the related Job steps will also be
-            loaded.
+            loaded. Job statistics are however not loaded automatically.
             job_id (int):
@@ -276,6 +312,8 @@ cdef class Job:
         wrap.passwd = {}
         wrap.groups = {}
         wrap.steps = JobSteps.__new__(JobSteps)
+        wrap.stats = JobStatistics()
+        wrap.pids = {}
         memcpy(wrap.ptr, in_ptr, sizeof(slurm_job_info_t))
         return wrap
@@ -297,6 +335,8 @@ cdef class Job:
         cdef dict out = instance_to_dict(self)
         out["steps"] = self.steps.to_dict()
+        out["stats"] = self.stats.to_dict()
+        out["pids"] = self.pids
         return out
     def send_signal(self, signal, steps="children", hurry=False):
@@ -516,6 +556,49 @@ cdef class Job:
         verify_rpc(slurm_notify_job(self.id, msg))
+    def load_stats(self):
+        """Load realtime statistics for a Job and its steps.
+        Calling this function returns the Job statistics, and additionally
+        populates the `stats` and `pids` attribute of the instance.
+        Returns:
+            (JobStatistics): The statistics of the job.
+        Raises:
+            RPCError: When receiving the Statistics was not successful.
+        Examples:
+            >>> import pyslurm
+            >>> job = pyslurm.Job.load(9999)
+            >>> stats = job.load_stats()
+            >>>
+            >>> # Print the CPU Time Used
+            >>> print(stats.total_cpu_time)
+            >>>
+            >>> # Print the Process-IDs for the whole Job, organized by hostname
+            >>> print(job.pids)
+        """
+        if not self.steps:
+            job = Job.load(self.id)
+            self.steps = job.steps
+        all_pids = {}
+        for step in self.steps.values():
+            step.load_stats()
+            self.stats._sum_steps(step.stats)
+            for node, pids in step.pids.items():
+                if node not in all_pids:
+                    all_pids[node] = []
+                all_pids[node].extend(pids)
+        self.stats.elapsed_cpu_time = self.run_time * self.cpus
+        self.pids = all_pids
+        return self.stats
     def get_batch_script(self):
         """Return the content of the script for a Batch-Job.
@@ -1186,7 +1269,7 @@ cdef class Job:
         return cstr.to_unicode(self.ptr.cronspec)
-    def cpu_time(self):
+    def elapsed_cpu_time(self):
         return self.cpus * self.run_time
diff --git a/pyslurm/core/job/stats.pxd b/pyslurm/core/job/stats.pxd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb397ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyslurm/core/job/stats.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# job/stats.pxd - interface to retrieve slurm job realtime stats
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Toni Harzendorf <toni.harzendorf@gmail.com>
+# Note: Some struct definitions have been taken directly from various parts of
+# the Slurm source code, and just translated to Cython-Syntax. The structs are
+# appropriately annotated with the respective Copyright notices, and a link to
+# the source-code.
+# Slurm is licensed under the GNU General Public License. For the full text of
+# Slurm's License, please see here: pyslurm/slurm/SLURM_LICENSE
+# This file is part of PySlurm
+# PySlurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PySlurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with PySlurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=default
+# cython: language_level=3
+from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
+from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset
+from posix.unistd cimport pid_t
+from pyslurm cimport slurm
+from pyslurm.slurm cimport (
+    slurm_job_step_stat,
+    slurmdb_step_rec_t,
+    slurmdb_stats_t,
+    slurmdb_free_slurmdb_stats_members,
+    job_step_stat_t,
+    job_step_stat_response_msg_t,
+    slurm_job_step_stat_response_msg_free,
+    jobacctinfo_t,
+    list_t,
+    xfree,
+    try_xmalloc,
+from pyslurm.utils cimport cstr, ctime
+from pyslurm.utils.uint cimport *
+from pyslurm.utils.ctime cimport time_t
+from pyslurm.db.util cimport SlurmList, SlurmListItem
+from pyslurm.db.stats cimport JobStepStatistics
+from pyslurm.core.job.step cimport JobStep
+cdef load_single(JobStep step)
+# The real definition for this is too long, including too many other types that
+# we don't have directly access to.
+cdef extern from *:
+    """
+    typedef struct stepd_step_rec_s stepd_step_rec_t; \
+    """
+    ctypedef struct stepd_step_rec_t
+# https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/blob/slurm-24-05-3-1/src/interfaces/jobacct_gather.h#L75
+# Copyright (C) 2003 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+ctypedef struct jobacct_id_t:
+    uint32_t taskid
+    uint32_t nodeid
+    stepd_step_rec_t *step
+# https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/blob/slurm-24-05-3-1/src/interfaces/jobacct_gather.h#L81
+# Copyright (C) 2003 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+ctypedef struct jobacctinfo:
+    pid_t pid
+    uint64_t sys_cpu_sec
+    uint32_t sys_cpu_usec
+    uint64_t user_cpu_sec
+    uint32_t user_cpu_usec
+    uint32_t act_cpufreq
+    slurm.acct_gather_energy_t energy
+    double last_total_cputime
+    double this_sampled_cputime
+    uint32_t current_weighted_freq
+    uint32_t current_weighted_power
+    uint32_t tres_count
+    uint32_t *tres_ids
+    list_t *tres_list
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_max
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_max_nodeid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_max_taskid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_min
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_min_nodeid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_min_taskid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_in_tot
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_max
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_max_nodeid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_max_taskid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_min
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_min_nodeid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_min_taskid
+    uint64_t *tres_usage_out_tot
+    jobacct_id_t id
+    int dataset_id
+    double last_tres_usage_in_tot
+    double last_tres_usage_out_tot
+    time_t cur_time
+    time_t last_time
+# https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/blob/slurm-24-05-3-1/src/slurmctld/locks.h#L97
+# Copyright (C) 2002 The Regents of the University of California.
+ctypedef enum lock_level_t:
+    NO_LOCK
+# https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/blob/slurm-24-05-3-1/src/common/assoc_mgr.h#L71
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
+ctypedef struct assoc_mgr_lock_t:
+    lock_level_t assoc
+    lock_level_t file
+    lock_level_t qos
+    lock_level_t res
+    lock_level_t tres
+    lock_level_t user
+    lock_level_t wckey
+cdef extern jobacctinfo_t *jobacctinfo_create(jobacct_id_t *jobacct_id)
+cdef extern void jobacctinfo_destroy(void *object)
+cdef extern void jobacctinfo_aggregate(jobacctinfo_t *dest, jobacctinfo_t *src)
+cdef extern void jobacctinfo_2_stats(slurmdb_stats_t *stats, jobacctinfo_t *jobacct)
+cdef extern list_t* assoc_mgr_tres_list
+cdef extern void assoc_mgr_lock(assoc_mgr_lock_t *locks)
+cdef extern void assoc_mgr_unlock(assoc_mgr_lock_t *locks)
+cdef extern int assoc_mgr_post_tres_list(list_t *new_list)
+cdef extern char *slurmdb_ave_tres_usage(char *tres_string, int tasks);
diff --git a/pyslurm/core/job/stats.pyx b/pyslurm/core/job/stats.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39bc0b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyslurm/core/job/stats.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# job/stats.pyx - interface to retrieve slurm job realtime stats
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Toni Harzendorf <toni.harzendorf@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
+# The main logic for this file's code was taken from:
+# https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/blob/42a05b1bb4a7719944ee26adc6bc5d73e2d36823/src/sstat/sstat.c#L109
+# The code has been modified a bit and translated to Cython syntax. Slurm's
+# sstat was originally written by Morris Jette <jette1@llnl.gov>
+# Slurm is licensed under the GNU General Public License. For the full text of
+# Slurm's License, please see here: pyslurm/slurm/SLURM_LICENSE
+# This file is part of PySlurm
+# PySlurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# PySlurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with PySlurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=default
+# cython: language_level=3
+from pyslurm.core.error import verify_rpc
+from pyslurm.utils.helpers import nodelist_to_range_str
+cdef load_single(JobStep step):
+    cdef:
+        # jobacctinfo_t is the opaque data type provided in slurm.h
+        # jobacctinfo is the actual (partial) re-definition of the jobacctinfo
+        # type
+        #
+        # This is because we need to have access to jobacct.tres_list,
+        # otherwise we cannot call jobacctinfo_aggregate. Also we want to have
+        # the values of user_cpu_sec and sys_cpu_sec.
+        jobacctinfo_t *total_jobacct = NULL
+        jobacctinfo *stat_jobacct = NULL
+        job_step_stat_t *step_stat = NULL
+        job_step_stat_response_msg_t *stat_resp = NULL
+        assoc_mgr_lock_t locks
+        slurmdb_step_rec_t db_step
+        SlurmList stats_list
+        SlurmListItem stat_list_ptr
+        char *usage_tmp = NULL
+        int rc = slurm.SLURM_SUCCESS
+        int ntasks = 0
+        list nodes = []
+    rc = slurm_job_step_stat(&step.ptr.step_id, NULL,
+                             step.ptr.start_protocol_ver, &stat_resp)
+    if rc != slurm.SLURM_SUCCESS:
+        slurm_job_step_stat_response_msg_free(stat_resp)
+        if rc == slurm.ESLURM_INVALID_JOB_ID:
+            return None
+        else:
+            verify_rpc(rc)
+    memset(&db_step, 0, sizeof(slurmdb_step_rec_t))
+    memset(&db_step.stats, 0, sizeof(slurmdb_stats_t))
+    stats_list = SlurmList.wrap(stat_resp.stats_list, owned=False)
+    for stat_list_ptr in stats_list:
+        step_stat = <job_step_stat_t*>stat_list_ptr.data
+        # Casting jobacctinfo_t to jobacctinfo... hoping this is sane to do
+        stat_jobacct = <jobacctinfo*>step_stat.jobacct
+        if not step_stat.step_pids or not step_stat.step_pids.node_name:
+            continue
+        node = cstr.to_unicode(step_stat.step_pids.node_name)
+        if step_stat.step_pids.pid_cnt > 0:
+            for i in range(step_stat.step_pids.pid_cnt):
+                if node not in step.pids:
+                    step.pids[node] = []
+                step.pids[node].append(step_stat.step_pids.pid[i])
+        nodes.append(node)
+        ntasks += step_stat.num_tasks
+        if step_stat.jobacct:
+            if not assoc_mgr_tres_list and stat_jobacct.tres_list:
+                locks.tres = WRITE_LOCK
+                assoc_mgr_lock(&locks)
+                assoc_mgr_post_tres_list(stat_jobacct.tres_list)
+                assoc_mgr_unlock(&locks)
+                stat_jobacct.tres_list = NULL
+            if not total_jobacct:
+                total_jobacct = jobacctinfo_create(NULL)
+            jobacctinfo_aggregate(total_jobacct, step_stat.jobacct)
+            db_step.user_cpu_sec += stat_jobacct.user_cpu_sec
+            db_step.user_cpu_usec += stat_jobacct.user_cpu_usec
+            db_step.sys_cpu_sec += stat_jobacct.sys_cpu_sec
+            db_step.sys_cpu_usec += stat_jobacct.sys_cpu_usec
+    if total_jobacct:
+        jobacctinfo_2_stats(&db_step.stats, total_jobacct)
+        jobacctinfo_destroy(total_jobacct)
+    if ntasks:
+        db_step.stats.act_cpufreq /= <double>ntasks
+        usage_tmp = db_step.stats.tres_usage_in_ave
+        db_step.stats.tres_usage_in_ave = slurmdb_ave_tres_usage(usage_tmp, ntasks)
+        xfree(usage_tmp)
+        usage_tmp = db_step.stats.tres_usage_out_ave
+        db_step.stats.tres_usage_out_ave = slurmdb_ave_tres_usage(usage_tmp, ntasks)
+        xfree(usage_tmp)
+    step.stats = JobStepStatistics.from_ptr(
+            &db_step,
+            nodes,
+            step.alloc_cpus if step.alloc_cpus else 0,
+            step.run_time if step.run_time else 0,
+            is_live=True,
+    )
+    slurm_job_step_stat_response_msg_free(stat_resp)
+    slurmdb_free_slurmdb_stats_members(&db_step.stats)
diff --git a/pyslurm/core/job/step.pxd b/pyslurm/core/job/step.pxd
index 92d7fcad..7bea049b 100644
--- a/pyslurm/core/job/step.pxd
+++ b/pyslurm/core/job/step.pxd
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ from pyslurm.utils cimport cstr, ctime
 from pyslurm.utils.uint cimport *
 from pyslurm.utils.ctime cimport time_t
 from pyslurm.core.job.task_dist cimport TaskDistribution
+from pyslurm.db.stats cimport JobStepStatistics
+from pyslurm.core.job cimport stats
 cdef class JobSteps(dict):
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ cdef class JobSteps(dict):
     cdef JobSteps _load_single(Job job)
     cdef dict _load_data(self, uint32_t job_id, int flags)
 cdef class JobStep:
     """A Slurm Jobstep
@@ -80,6 +82,14 @@ cdef class JobStep:
             Time limit in Minutes for this step.
+        stats (JobStepStatistics):
+            Real-time statistics of a Step.
+            Before you can access the stats data for a Step, you have to call
+            the `load_stats` method of a Step instance or the Jobs collection.
+        pids (dict[str, list]):
+            Current Process-IDs of the Step, organized by node name. Before you
+            can access the pids data, you have to call the `load_stats` method
+            of a Srep instance or the Jobs collection.
         id (Union[str, int]):
             The id for this step.
         job_id (int):
@@ -136,5 +146,9 @@ cdef class JobStep:
         job_step_info_t *ptr
         step_update_request_msg_t *umsg
+    cdef public:
+        JobStepStatistics stats
+        dict pids
     cdef JobStep from_ptr(job_step_info_t *in_ptr)
diff --git a/pyslurm/core/job/step.pyx b/pyslurm/core/job/step.pyx
index 812d4f1d..35047566 100644
--- a/pyslurm/core/job/step.pyx
+++ b/pyslurm/core/job/step.pyx
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ cdef class JobStep:
         self.job_id = job_id.id if isinstance(job_id, Job) else job_id
         self.id = step_id
+        self.stats = JobStepStatistics()
+        self.pids = {}
         cstr.fmalloc(&self.ptr.cluster, LOCAL_CLUSTER)
         # Initialize attributes, if any were provided
@@ -251,9 +253,38 @@ cdef class JobStep:
     cdef JobStep from_ptr(job_step_info_t *in_ptr):
         cdef JobStep wrap = JobStep.__new__(JobStep)
+        wrap.stats = JobStepStatistics()
+        wrap.pids = {}
         memcpy(wrap.ptr, in_ptr, sizeof(job_step_info_t))
         return wrap
+    def load_stats(self):
+        """Load realtime stats for this Step.
+        Calling this function returns the live statistics of the step, and
+        additionally populates the `stats` and `pids` attribute of the
+        instance.
+        Returns:
+            (JobStepStatistics): The statistics of the Step.
+        Raises:
+            RPCError: When retrieving the stats for the Step failed.
+        Examples:
+            >>> import pyslurm
+            >>> step = pyslurm.JobStep.load(9999, 1)
+            >>> stats = step.load_stats()
+            >>>
+            >>> # Print the CPU Time Used
+            >>> print(stats.total_cpu_time)
+            >>>
+            >>> # Print the Process-IDs for the Step, organized by hostname
+            >>> print(step.pids)
+        """
+        stats.load_single(self)
+        return self.stats
     def send_signal(self, signal):
         """Send a signal to a running Job step.
@@ -338,6 +369,8 @@ cdef class JobStep:
         if dist:
             out["distribution"] = dist.to_dict()
+        out["stats"] = self.stats.to_dict()
+        out["pids"] = self.pids
         return out
@@ -434,11 +467,11 @@ cdef class JobStep:
     def alloc_cpus(self):
-        return u32_parse(self.ptr.num_cpus)
+        return u32_parse(self.ptr.num_cpus, on_noval=1)
     def ntasks(self):
-        return u32_parse(self.ptr.num_tasks)
+        return u32_parse(self.ptr.num_tasks, on_noval=1)
     def distribution(self):
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/__init__.py b/pyslurm/db/__init__.py
index acd36a40..f563aff0 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/__init__.py
+++ b/pyslurm/db/__init__.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 from .connection import Connection
 from .step import JobStep, JobSteps
-from .stats import JobStatistics
+from .stats import JobStatistics, JobStepStatistics
 from .job import (
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/job.pxd b/pyslurm/db/job.pxd
index e0848e0a..0622b57c 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/job.pxd
+++ b/pyslurm/db/job.pxd
@@ -166,46 +166,17 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             Jobs to initialize this collection with.
-        consumed_energy (int):
-            Total amount of energy consumed, in joules.
-        disk_read (int):
-             Total amount of bytes read.
-        disk_write (int):
-             Total amount of bytes written.
-        page_faults (int):
-            Total amount of page faults.
-        resident_memory (int):
-            Total Resident Set Size (RSS) used in bytes.
-        virtual_memory (int):
-            Total Virtual Memory Size (VSZ) used in bytes.
-        elapsed_cpu_time (int):
-            Total amount of time used (Elapsed time * cpu count) in seconds.
-            This is not the real CPU-Efficiency, but rather the total amount
-            of cpu-time the CPUs were occupied for.
-        total_cpu_time (int):
-            Sum of `user_cpu_time` and `system_cpu_time`, in seconds
-        user_cpu_time (int):
-            Total amount of Time spent in user space, in seconds
-        system_cpu_time (int):
-            Total amount of Time spent in kernel space, in seconds
+        stats (pyslurm.db.JobStatistics):
+            Utilization statistics of this Job Collection
         cpus (int):
-            Total amount of cpus.
+            Total amount of cpus requested.
         nodes (int):
-            Total amount of nodes.
+            Total amount of nodes requested.
         memory (int):
             Total amount of requested memory in Mebibytes.
     cdef public:
-        consumed_energy
-        disk_read
-        disk_write
-        page_faults
-        resident_memory
-        virtual_memory
-        elapsed_cpu_time
-        total_cpu_time
-        user_cpu_time
-        system_cpu_time
+        stats
@@ -256,7 +227,7 @@ cdef class Job:
         association_id (int):
             ID of the Association this job runs in.
         block_id (str):
-            Name of the block used (for BlueGene Systems) 
+            Name of the block used (for BlueGene Systems)
         cluster (str):
             Cluster this Job belongs to
         constraints (str):
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/job.pyx b/pyslurm/db/job.pyx
index 0b081a0e..66bb8afa 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/job.pyx
+++ b/pyslurm/db/job.pyx
@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ from typing import Any
 from pyslurm.utils.uint import *
 from pyslurm.settings import LOCAL_CLUSTER
 from pyslurm import xcollections
-from pyslurm.db.stats import (
-    reset_stats_for_job_collection,
-    add_stats_to_job_collection,
 from pyslurm.utils.ctime import (
@@ -71,7 +67,7 @@ cdef class JobFilter:
         self.ptr = <slurmdb_job_cond_t*>try_xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_job_cond_t))
         if not self.ptr:
             raise MemoryError("xmalloc failed for slurmdb_job_cond_t")
         self.ptr.db_flags = slurm.SLURMDB_JOB_FLAG_NOTSET
         self.ptr.flags |= slurm.JOBCOND_FLAG_NO_TRUNC
@@ -119,15 +115,15 @@ cdef class JobFilter:
     def _parse_state(self):
         # TODO: implement
         return None
     def _create(self):
             slurmdb_job_cond_t *ptr = self.ptr
             slurm_selected_step_t *selected_step
-        ptr.usage_start = date_to_timestamp(self.start_time)  
-        ptr.usage_end = date_to_timestamp(self.end_time)  
+        ptr.usage_start = date_to_timestamp(self.start_time)
+        ptr.usage_end = date_to_timestamp(self.end_time)
         ptr.cpus_min = u32(self.cpus, on_noval=0)
         ptr.cpus_max = u32(self.max_cpus, on_noval=0)
         ptr.nodes_min = u32(self.nodes, on_noval=0)
@@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ cdef class JobFilter:
         if self.truncate_time:
             ptr.flags &= ~slurm.JOBCOND_FLAG_NO_TRUNC
         if self.ids:
             # These are only allowed by the slurmdbd when specific jobs are
             # requested.
@@ -283,34 +279,38 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             job = Job.from_ptr(<slurmdb_job_rec_t*>job_ptr.data)
             job.qos_data = qos_data
-            job.stats = JobStatistics.from_job_steps(job)
+            job.stats = JobStatistics.from_steps(job.steps)
+            elapsed = job.elapsed_time if job.elapsed_time else 0
+            cpus = job.cpus if job.cpus else 1
+            job.stats.elapsed_cpu_time = elapsed * cpus
             cluster = job.cluster
             if cluster not in out.data:
                 out.data[cluster] = {}
             out[cluster][job.id] = job
-            add_stats_to_job_collection(out, job.stats)
-            out.cpus += job.cpus
-            out.nodes += job.num_nodes
-            out.memory += job.memory
+            out._add_stats(job)
         return out
     def _reset_stats(self):
-        reset_stats_for_job_collection(self)
+        self.stats = JobStatistics()
         self.cpus = 0
         self.nodes = 0
         self.memory = 0
+    def _add_stats(self, job):
+        self.stats.add(job.stats)
+        self.cpus += job.cpus
+        self.nodes += job.num_nodes
+        self.memory += job.memory
     def calc_stats(self):
         """(Re)Calculate Statistics for the Job Collection."""
         for job in self.values():
-            add_stats_to_job_collection(self, job.stats)
-            self.cpus += job.cpus
-            self.nodes += job.num_nodes
-            self.memory += job.memory
+            self._add_stats(job)
     def modify(db_filter, Job changes, db_connection=None):
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             In its simplest form, you can do something like this:
             >>> import pyslurm
-            >>> 
+            >>>
             >>> db_filter = pyslurm.db.JobFilter(ids=[9999])
             >>> changes = pyslurm.db.Job(comment="A comment for the job")
             >>> modified_jobs = pyslurm.db.Jobs.modify(db_filter, changes)
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             connection object:
             >>> import pyslurm
-            >>> 
+            >>>
             >>> db_conn = pyslurm.db.Connection.open()
             >>> db_filter = pyslurm.db.JobFilter(ids=[9999])
             >>> changes = pyslurm.db.Job(comment="A comment for the job")
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ cdef class Jobs(MultiClusterMap):
             # Autodetects the last slurm error
             raise RPCError()
         if not db_connection:
             # Autocommit if no connection was explicitly specified.
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ cdef class Job:
             SlurmList step_list
             SlurmListItem step_ptr
-        step_list = SlurmList.wrap(self.ptr.steps, owned=False) 
+        step_list = SlurmList.wrap(self.ptr.steps, owned=False)
         for step_ptr in SlurmList.iter_and_pop(step_list):
             step = JobStep.from_ptr(<slurmdb_step_rec_t*>step_ptr.data)
             self.steps[step.id] = step
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ cdef class Job:
     def num_nodes(self):
-        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_alloc_str, 
+        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_alloc_str,
         if val is not None:
             # Job is already running and has nodes allocated
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ cdef class Job:
             # Job is still pending, so we return the number of requested nodes
             # instead.
-            val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_req_str, 
+            val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_req_str,
             return val
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ cdef class Job:
         task_str = cstr.to_unicode(self.ptr.array_task_str)
         if not task_str:
             return None
         if "%" in task_str:
             # We don't want this % character and everything after it
             # in here, so remove it.
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ cdef class Job:
         return cstr.to_unicode(self.ptr.jobname)
     # uint32_t lft
     def mcs_label(self):
         return cstr.to_unicode(self.ptr.mcs_label)
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ cdef class Job:
     def cpus(self):
-        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_alloc_str, 
+        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_alloc_str,
         if val is not None:
             # Job is already running and has cpus allocated
@@ -765,11 +765,11 @@ cdef class Job:
             # Job is still pending, so we return the number of requested cpus
             # instead.
-            return u32_parse(self.ptr.req_cpus, on_noval=0, zero_is_noval=False)
+            return u32_parse(self.ptr.req_cpus, on_noval=1)
     def memory(self):
-        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_req_str, 
+        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_req_str,
         return val
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/stats.pxd b/pyslurm/db/stats.pxd
index 9004402b..71faca88 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/stats.pxd
+++ b/pyslurm/db/stats.pxd
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from pyslurm cimport slurm
 from pyslurm.slurm cimport (
+    slurmdb_step_rec_t,
 from pyslurm.db.tres cimport TrackableResources
@@ -33,9 +34,48 @@ from pyslurm.db.step cimport JobStep, JobSteps
 from pyslurm.db.job cimport Job
 from pyslurm.utils cimport cstr
 cdef class JobStatistics:
-    """Statistics for a Slurm Job or Step.
+    """Statistics for a Slurm Job or Job Collection.
+    Attributes:
+        total_cpu_time (int):
+            Sum of user_cpu_time and system_cpu_time, in seconds
+        user_cpu_time (int):
+            Total amount of time spent in user space, in seconds
+        system_cpu_time (int):
+            Total amount of time spent in kernel space, in seconds
+        consumed_energy (int):
+            Total amount of energy consumed, in joules
+        elapsed_cpu_time (int):
+            Total amount of time used(Elapsed time * cpu count) in seconds.
+            This is not the real CPU-Efficiency, but rather the total amount
+            of cpu-time the CPUs were occupied for.
+        disk_read (int):
+            Total amount of bytes read.
+        disk_write (int):
+            Total amount of bytes written.
+        page_faults (int):
+            Total amount of page faults.
+        resident_memory (int):
+            Total Resident Set Size (RSS) used in bytes.
+        virtual_memory (int):
+            Total Virtual Memory Size (VSZ) used in bytes.
+    """
+    cdef public:
+        total_cpu_time
+        user_cpu_time
+        system_cpu_time
+        elapsed_cpu_time
+        consumed_energy
+        disk_read
+        disk_write
+        page_faults
+        resident_memory
+        virtual_memory
+cdef class JobStepStatistics:
+    """Statistics for a Slurm JobStep.
     !!! note
@@ -105,8 +145,6 @@ cdef class JobStatistics:
         system_cpu_time (int):
             Amount of Time spent in kernel space, in seconds
-    cdef slurmdb_job_rec_t *job
     cdef public:
@@ -140,8 +178,8 @@ cdef class JobStatistics:
-    cdef JobStatistics from_job_steps(Job job)
+    cdef JobStepStatistics from_step(JobStep step)
-    cdef JobStatistics from_step(JobStep step)
+    cdef JobStepStatistics from_ptr(slurmdb_step_rec_t *step, list nodes, cpus=*, elapsed_time=*, is_live=*)
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/stats.pyx b/pyslurm/db/stats.pyx
index c2da1145..c3379f7d 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/stats.pyx
+++ b/pyslurm/db/stats.pyx
@@ -28,33 +28,52 @@ from pyslurm.utils.helpers import (
-def reset_stats_for_job_collection(jobs):
-    jobs.consumed_energy = 0
-    jobs.disk_read = 0
-    jobs.disk_write = 0
-    jobs.page_faults = 0
-    jobs.resident_memory = 0
-    jobs.virtual_memory = 0
-    jobs.elapsed_cpu_time = 0
-    jobs.total_cpu_time = 0
-    jobs.user_cpu_time = 0
-    jobs.system_cpu_time = 0
-def add_stats_to_job_collection(jobs, JobStatistics js):
-    jobs.consumed_energy += js.consumed_energy
-    jobs.disk_read += js.avg_disk_read
-    jobs.disk_write += js.avg_disk_write
-    jobs.page_faults += js.avg_page_faults
-    jobs.resident_memory += js.avg_resident_memory
-    jobs.virtual_memory += js.avg_virtual_memory
-    jobs.elapsed_cpu_time += js.elapsed_cpu_time
-    jobs.total_cpu_time += js.total_cpu_time
-    jobs.user_cpu_time += js.user_cpu_time
-    jobs.system_cpu_time += js.system_cpu_time
+cdef class JobStatistics:
+    def __init__(self):
+        for attr, val in instance_to_dict(self).items():
+            setattr(self, attr, 0)
-cdef class JobStatistics:
+    def to_dict(self):
+        return instance_to_dict(self)
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_steps(steps):
+        cdef JobStatistics total_stats = JobStatistics()
+        for step in steps.values():
+            total_stats._sum_steps(step.stats)
+        return total_stats
+    def _sum_steps(self, src):
+        self.consumed_energy += src.consumed_energy
+        self.disk_read += src.avg_disk_read
+        self.disk_write += src.avg_disk_write
+        self.page_faults += src.avg_page_faults
+        self.total_cpu_time += src.total_cpu_time
+        self.user_cpu_time += src.user_cpu_time
+        self.system_cpu_time += src.system_cpu_time
+        if src.max_resident_memory > self.resident_memory:
+            self.resident_memory = src.max_resident_memory
+        if src.max_virtual_memory > self.resident_memory:
+            self.virtual_memory = src.max_virtual_memory
+    def add(self, src):
+        self.consumed_energy += src.consumed_energy
+        self.disk_read += src.disk_read
+        self.disk_write += src.disk_write
+        self.page_faults += src.page_faults
+        self.total_cpu_time += src.total_cpu_time
+        self.user_cpu_time += src.user_cpu_time
+        self.system_cpu_time += src.system_cpu_time
+        self.resident_memory += src.resident_memory
+        self.virtual_memory += src.virtual_memory
+        self.elapsed_cpu_time += src.elapsed_cpu_time
+cdef class JobStepStatistics:
     def __init__(self):
         for attr, val in instance_to_dict(self).items():
@@ -77,41 +96,32 @@ cdef class JobStatistics:
         return instance_to_dict(self)
-    cdef JobStatistics from_job_steps(Job job):
-        cdef JobStatistics job_stats = JobStatistics()
-        for step in job.steps.values():
-            job_stats._add_base_stats(step.stats)
-        job_stats._sum_cpu_time(job)
-        step_count = len(job.steps)
-        if step_count:
-            job_stats.avg_cpu_frequency /= step_count
-        return job_stats
+    cdef JobStepStatistics from_step(JobStep step):
+        return JobStepStatistics.from_ptr(
+            step.ptr,
+            nodelist_from_range_str(cstr.to_unicode(step.ptr.nodes)),
+            step.cpus if step.cpus else 0,
+            step.elapsed_time if step.elapsed_time else 0,
+            is_live=False,
+        )
-    cdef JobStatistics from_step(JobStep step):
-        cdef JobStatistics wrap = JobStatistics()
-        if not &step.ptr.stats:
+    cdef JobStepStatistics from_ptr(slurmdb_step_rec_t *step, list nodes, cpus=0, elapsed_time=0, is_live=False):
+        cdef JobStepStatistics wrap = JobStepStatistics()
+        if not step:
             return wrap
-            list nodes = nodelist_from_range_str(
-                    cstr.to_unicode(step.ptr.nodes))
             cpu_time_adj = 1000
-            slurmdb_stats_t *ptr = &step.ptr.stats
+            slurmdb_stats_t *ptr = &step.stats
         if ptr.consumed_energy != slurm.NO_VAL64:
             wrap.consumed_energy = ptr.consumed_energy
-        wrap.avg_cpu_time = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
-                ptr.tres_usage_in_ave, slurm.TRES_CPU) / cpu_time_adj
+        wrap.avg_cpu_time = int(TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
+                ptr.tres_usage_in_ave, slurm.TRES_CPU) / cpu_time_adj)
-        elapsed = step.elapsed_time if step.elapsed_time else 0
-        cpus = step.cpus if step.cpus else 0
-        wrap.elapsed_cpu_time = elapsed * cpus
+        wrap.elapsed_cpu_time = elapsed_time * cpus
         ave_freq = int(ptr.act_cpufreq)
         if ave_freq != slurm.NO_VAL:
@@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ cdef class JobStatistics:
                 ptr.tres_usage_in_ave, slurm.TRES_MEM)
         wrap.avg_virtual_memory = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
                 ptr.tres_usage_in_ave, slurm.TRES_VMEM)
         wrap.max_disk_read = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
                 ptr.tres_usage_in_max, slurm.TRES_FS_DISK)
         max_disk_read_nodeid = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
@@ -156,15 +166,27 @@ cdef class JobStatistics:
         wrap.max_virtual_memory_task = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
                 ptr.tres_usage_in_max_taskid, slurm.TRES_VMEM)
-        wrap.min_cpu_time = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
-                ptr.tres_usage_in_min, slurm.TRES_CPU) / cpu_time_adj
+        wrap.min_cpu_time = int(TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
+                ptr.tres_usage_in_min, slurm.TRES_CPU) / cpu_time_adj)
         min_cpu_time_nodeid = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
                 ptr.tres_usage_in_min_nodeid, slurm.TRES_CPU)
         wrap.min_cpu_time_task = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
                 ptr.tres_usage_in_min_taskid, slurm.TRES_CPU)
-        wrap.total_cpu_time = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
-                ptr.tres_usage_in_tot, slurm.TRES_CPU)
+        # The Total CPU-Time extracted here is only used for live-stats.
+        # sacct does not use it from the tres_usage_in_tot string, but instead
+        # the tot_cpu_sec value from the step pointer directly, so do that too.
+        if is_live:
+            wrap.total_cpu_time = int(TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(
+                    ptr.tres_usage_in_tot, slurm.TRES_CPU) / cpu_time_adj)
+        elif step.tot_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
+            wrap.total_cpu_time += step.tot_cpu_sec
+        if step.user_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
+            wrap.user_cpu_time += step.user_cpu_sec
+        if step.sys_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
+            wrap.system_cpu_time += step.sys_cpu_sec
         if nodes:
             wrap.max_disk_write_node = nodes[max_disk_write_nodeid]
@@ -173,64 +195,4 @@ cdef class JobStatistics:
             wrap.max_virtual_memory_node = nodes[max_virtual_memory_nodeid]
             wrap.min_cpu_time_node = nodes[min_cpu_time_nodeid]
-        if step.ptr.user_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
-            wrap.user_cpu_time = step.ptr.user_cpu_sec 
-        if step.ptr.sys_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
-            wrap.system_cpu_time = step.ptr.sys_cpu_sec
         return wrap
-    def _add_base_stats(self, JobStatistics src):
-        self.consumed_energy += src.consumed_energy
-        self.avg_cpu_time += src.avg_cpu_time
-        self.avg_cpu_frequency += src.avg_cpu_frequency
-        self.avg_disk_read += src.avg_disk_read
-        self.avg_disk_write += src.avg_disk_write
-        self.avg_page_faults += src.avg_page_faults
-        if src.max_disk_read >= self.max_disk_read:
-            self.max_disk_read = src.max_disk_read
-            self.max_disk_read_node = src.max_disk_read_node
-            self.max_disk_read_task = src.max_disk_read_task
-        if src.max_disk_write >= self.max_disk_write:
-            self.max_disk_write = src.max_disk_write
-            self.max_disk_write_node = src.max_disk_write_node
-            self.max_disk_write_task = src.max_disk_write_task
-        if src.max_page_faults >= self.max_page_faults:
-            self.max_page_faults = src.max_page_faults
-            self.max_page_faults_node = src.max_page_faults_node
-            self.max_page_faults_task = src.max_page_faults_task
-        if src.max_resident_memory >= self.max_resident_memory:
-            self.max_resident_memory = src.max_resident_memory
-            self.max_resident_memory_node = src.max_resident_memory_node
-            self.max_resident_memory_task = src.max_resident_memory_task
-            self.avg_resident_memory = self.max_resident_memory
-        if src.max_virtual_memory >= self.max_virtual_memory:
-            self.max_virtual_memory = src.max_virtual_memory
-            self.max_virtual_memory_node = src.max_virtual_memory_node
-            self.max_virtual_memory_task = src.max_virtual_memory_task
-            self.avg_virtual_memory = self.max_virtual_memory
-        if src.min_cpu_time >= self.min_cpu_time:
-            self.min_cpu_time = src.min_cpu_time
-            self.min_cpu_time_node = src.min_cpu_time_node
-            self.min_cpu_time_task = src.min_cpu_time_task
-    def _sum_cpu_time(self, Job job):
-        if job.ptr.tot_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
-            self.total_cpu_time += job.ptr.tot_cpu_sec
-        if job.ptr.user_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
-            self.user_cpu_time += job.ptr.user_cpu_sec
-        if job.ptr.sys_cpu_sec != slurm.NO_VAL64:
-            self.system_cpu_time += job.ptr.sys_cpu_sec
-        elapsed = job.elapsed_time if job.elapsed_time else 0
-        cpus = job.cpus if job.cpus else 0
-        self.elapsed_cpu_time += elapsed * cpus
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/step.pxd b/pyslurm/db/step.pxd
index 906be912..6b9466ce 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/step.pxd
+++ b/pyslurm/db/step.pxd
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ from pyslurm.slurm cimport (
 from pyslurm.db.util cimport SlurmList, SlurmListItem
 from pyslurm.db.connection cimport Connection
 from pyslurm.utils cimport cstr
-from pyslurm.db.stats cimport JobStatistics
+from pyslurm.db.stats cimport JobStepStatistics
 from pyslurm.db.tres cimport TrackableResources, TrackableResource
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ cdef class JobStep:
     """A Slurm Database JobStep.
-        stats (pyslurm.db.JobStatistics):
+        stats (pyslurm.db.JobStepStatistics):
             Utilization statistics for this Step
         num_nodes (int):
             Amount of nodes this Step has allocated
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ cdef class JobStep:
             Amount of seconds the Step was suspended
     cdef slurmdb_step_rec_t *ptr
-    cdef public JobStatistics stats
+    cdef public JobStepStatistics stats
     cdef JobStep from_ptr(slurmdb_step_rec_t *step)
diff --git a/pyslurm/db/step.pyx b/pyslurm/db/step.pyx
index 2d71ca73..0faf4d79 100644
--- a/pyslurm/db/step.pyx
+++ b/pyslurm/db/step.pyx
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ cdef class JobStep:
     cdef JobStep from_ptr(slurmdb_step_rec_t *step):
         cdef JobStep wrap = JobStep.__new__(JobStep)
         wrap.ptr = step
-        wrap.stats = JobStatistics.from_step(wrap)
+        wrap.stats = JobStepStatistics.from_step(wrap)
         return wrap
     def to_dict(self):
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ cdef class JobStep:
     def memory(self):
-        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_alloc_str, 
+        val = TrackableResources.find_count_in_str(self.ptr.tres_alloc_str,
         return val
diff --git a/pyslurm/xcollections.pyx b/pyslurm/xcollections.pyx
index a0ce2e6b..4e99eaf5 100644
--- a/pyslurm/xcollections.pyx
+++ b/pyslurm/xcollections.pyx
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 # cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=default
 # cython: language_level=3
-"""Custom Collection utilities""" 
+"""Custom Collection utilities"""
 from pyslurm.settings import LOCAL_CLUSTER
 import json
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class ItemsView(BaseView):
         return MCItemsView(self._mcm)
 class MCItemsView(BaseView):
     """A Multi-Cluster Items View.
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ cdef class MultiClusterMap:
             cluster, key = item
             cluster, key = self._get_cluster(), item
         return cluster, key
     def _check_val_type(self, item):
@@ -450,12 +450,18 @@ cdef class MultiClusterMap:
         if not self.data:
             return '{}'
+        return json.dumps(self.to_dict(multi_cluster=multi_cluster))
+    def to_dict(self, multi_cluster=False):
+        if not self.data:
+            return {}
         data = multi_dict_recursive(self)
         if multi_cluster:
-            return json.dumps(data)
+            return data
             cluster = self._get_cluster()
-            return json.dumps(data[cluster])
+            return data[cluster]
     def keys(self):
         """Return a View of all the Keys in this collection
@@ -476,7 +482,7 @@ cdef class MultiClusterMap:
             ...     print(cluster, key)
         return KeysView(self)
     def items(self):
         """Return a View of all the Values in this collection
@@ -556,12 +562,12 @@ cdef class MultiClusterMap:
         item = self.get(key, default=default)
         if item is default or item == default:
             return default
         cluster = item.cluster
         del self.data[cluster][key]
         if not self.data[cluster]:
             del self.data[cluster]
         return item
     def update(self, data={}, **kwargs):
@@ -591,7 +597,7 @@ def multi_reload(cur, frozen=True):
         for cluster, item in new.keys().with_cluster():
             if (cluster, item) not in cur.keys().with_cluster():
                 cur[cluster][item] = new[cluster][item]
     return cur
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 77e767cd..48c2c14d 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 CYTHON_VERSION_MIN = "0.29.37" # Keep in sync with pyproject.toml
-SLURM_LIB = "libslurm"
+SLURM_LIB = "libslurmfull"
 TOPDIR = Path(__file__).parent
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ class SlurmConfig():
     def __init__(self):
         # Assume some defaults here
         self._lib_dir = Path("/usr/lib64")
+        self._lib = None
+        self._lib_dir_search_paths = []
         self.inc_dir = Path("/usr/include")
         self._version = None
@@ -110,13 +112,17 @@ def _find_hdr(self, name):
             raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot locate {name} in {self.inc_full_dir}")
         return hdr
-    def _find_lib(self, lib_dir):
+    def _search_lib(self, lib_dir):
+        if self._lib:
+            return
         lib = lib_dir / f"{SLURM_LIB}.so"
         if not lib.exists():
-            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot locate Slurm library in {lib_dir}")
-        print(f"Found {SLURM_LIB} library in {lib}")
-        return lib_dir
+            self._lib_dir_search_paths.append(str(lib_dir))
+        else:
+            print(f"Found slurm library: {lib}")
+            self._lib = lib
+            self._lib_dir = lib_dir
     def lib_dir(self):
@@ -124,11 +130,14 @@ def lib_dir(self):
     def lib_dir(self, path):
-        lib_dir = Path(path)
-        if SLURM_LIB == "libslurmfull":
-            lib_dir /= "slurm"
-        self._lib_dir = self._find_lib(lib_dir)
+        self._search_lib(path)
+        self._search_lib(path / "slurm")
+        self._search_lib(path / "slurm-wlm")
+        if not self._lib:
+            searched = "\n- ".join(self._lib_dir_search_paths)
+            raise RuntimeError("Cannot locate Slurm library. Searched paths: "
+                               f"\n- {searched}")
     def inc_full_dir(self):
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_job.py b/tests/integration/test_job.py
index 8c9d4750..a6e0c6e4 100644
--- a/tests/integration/test_job.py
+++ b/tests/integration/test_job.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+from pyslurm.db import JobStatistics, JobStepStatistics
 def test_parse_all(submit_job):
@@ -171,6 +172,27 @@ def test_load_steps(submit_job):
         assert job.steps.get("batch")
+def test_load_stats(submit_job):
+    job = submit_job()
+    util.wait(100)
+    job = Job.load(job.id)
+    job.load_stats()
+    assert job.state == "RUNNING"
+    assert job.stats
+    assert isinstance(job.stats, JobStatistics)
+    assert job.stats.elapsed_cpu_time > 0
+    assert job.stats.resident_memory > 0
+    for step in job.steps.values():
+        assert step.stats
+        assert step.state == "RUNNING"
+        assert isinstance(step.stats, JobStepStatistics)
+        assert step.stats.avg_resident_memory > 0
+        assert step.stats.elapsed_cpu_time > 0
 def test_to_json(submit_job):
     job_list = [submit_job() for i in range(3)]