diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI.yml b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
index 43e45aab9..0d7b7e88e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/CI.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ jobs:
- 'lib/BloqadeSchema'
- 'lib/BloqadeWaveforms'
- 'lib/YaoSubspaceArrayReg'
+ - 'lib/BloqadeNoisy'
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_coherentnoise_rabi.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_coherentnoise_rabi.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ba4d0dbc
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_coherentnoise_rabi.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_depol_dists.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_depol_dists.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2189a0e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_depol_dists.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_depolarizingrabi.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_depolarizingrabi.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d0281cc8
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_depolarizingrabi.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_fidelitymeasures.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_fidelitymeasures.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1efd323ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_fidelitymeasures.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_manybodyscar.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_manybodyscar.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54c03b870
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_manybodyscar.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_numberdensity.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_numberdensity.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a189a28
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_numberdensity.png differ
diff --git a/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_whitepapercomparison.png b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_whitepapercomparison.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20fbb1ab2
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/src/assets/BloqadeNoisy_tutorial/noisy_whitepapercomparison.png differ
diff --git a/examples/8.simulating noise/Project.toml b/examples/8.simulating noise/Project.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a132f592a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/8.simulating noise/Project.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Bloqade = "bd27d05e-4ce1-5e79-84dd-c5d7d508bbe1"
+CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
+DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
+JSON = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6"
+LaTeXStrings = "b964fa9f-0449-5b57-a5c2-d3ea65f4040f"
+LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
+Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
+Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
+ProgressBars = "49802e3a-d2f1-5c88-81d8-b72133a6f568"
+StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
+Yao = "5872b779-8223-5990-8dd0-5abbb0748c8c"
diff --git a/examples/8.simulating noise/main.jl b/examples/8.simulating noise/main.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d499ca4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/8.simulating noise/main.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# # [Simulating Noise](@id blockade)
+# ## Background
+# ### The Lindblad master equation
+# Open quantum systems in the limit of ultraweak coupling to a Markovian bath can be modelled using the Lindblad master equation:
+# ```math
+# \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} = i[\rho, \mathcal H_{eff}] + \sum_{k}\gamma_k L_k\rho L_k^\dagger
+# ``
+# where `` \mathcal H_{eff}`` is the effective Hamiltonian, `` L_k`` are the quantum jump operators, and `` \gamma_k`` are the jump rates. The jump operators describe the coupling to the bath, and they are without loss of generality taken to be traceless. The effective Hamiltonian is non-Hermitian and is related to the closed-system Hamiltonian ``\mathcal H`` via ``\mathcal H_{eff} = \mathcal H-\frac{i}{2}\sum_{k}\gamma_k L_k^\dagger L_k``.
+# ### Stochastic wavefunction method
+# The infinitesimal form of this channel can be put into Kraus map form as
+# ```math
+# \rho(t+dt) = (1-i dt \mathcal H_{eff})\rho(t) (1+i dt \mathcal H_{eff}) + dt\sum_{k}\gamma_k L_k \rho(t) L_k^\dagger
+# ``
+# This corresponds to a quantum jump `` L_k`` with probability `` dp_k = dt\gamma_k\operatorname{Tr}(L_k \rho L_k^\dagger)``. If `` \rho = |\psi\rangle\langle \psi|``is a (normalized) pure state, then
+# `` dp_k = dt \gamma_k \Vert L_k|\psi\rangle\Vert^2``, the norm of the state after undergoing the quantum jump. With probability `` 1-dp`` where `` dp = \sum_k dp_k`` is the total probability of experencing a quantum jump, the system evolves to ``(1-i dt \mathcal H_{eff})\rho (1+i dt \mathcal H_{eff}) \approx \rho + i dt[\rho, \mathcal H_{eff}]``. This corresponds to the normal Liouville-Von Neumann equation with the non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian ``\mathcal H_{eff}``. The physical interpretation of this is that an absence of a quantum jump also has an affect on the system evolution.
+# These dynamics can be modeled stochastically by chopping the evolution into small intervals `` dt``. At each time step, the state `` |\psi\rangle`` evolves to `` \frac{1}{\mathcal N}(1-idt\mathcal H_{eff})|\psi \rangle``
+# with probability ``1-dp`` and evolves to ``\frac{1}{\mathcal N}L_k |\psi \rangle`` with probability ``dp_k``, where ``\frac{1}{\mathcal N}`` is the appropriate normalization. Performing this stochastic evolution results in a single trajectory consisting of a number of random quantum jumps at random times. Averaging over ``j \in \{1,...,m\}`` trajectories results in an ensemble of state ``|\psi_j(t)\rangle``, and averaging ``|\psi_j\rangle\langle\psi_j|`` over these trajectories converges to the density matrix ``\rho`` produced by the master equation in the limit as ``m\to \infty``.
+# ### Stochastic wavefunction algorithm
+# In practice, directly simulating the stochastic process described above is computationally inefficient. Noticing that
+# ```math
+# \Vert(1-idt\mathcal H_{eff})|\psi \rangle\Vert^2 = 1 - dt\sum_k \gamma_k\langle \psi| L_k^\dagger L_k |\psi\rangle = 1 - dp \ ,
+# ```
+# the change in the wavefunction norm over an interval of coherent evolution is related to the accumulation of probability `` p`` of experiencing a quantum jump. The result is the following algorithm:
+# 1. Choose a random number `` r``
+# 2. Evolve according to `` \frac{\partial}{\partial t}|\psi\rangle = -i\mathcal H_{eff}|\psi\rangle`` without normalizing the state
+# 3. When `` \Vert |\psi\rangle \Vert^2 = r``, trigger a quantum jump `` k`` according to the distribution `` p_k \equiv dp_k/\sum_k dp_k`` and normalize
+# ### Further reading
+# For a more in-depth description of the algorithm, please refer to refs. [1,2].
+using BloqadeNoisy
+using Bloqade
+using Yao
+using CSV
+using DataFrames
+using JSON
+using LaTeXStrings
+using LinearAlgebra
+using Plots
+using StatsBase
+using Printf
+using ProgressBars
+# ## Noisy Single-Qubit Rabi Oscillations
+# ### Solution to the master equation
+# First, we observe the effect that incoherent depolarizing noise has on the Rabi oscillations of a single qubit. A depolarizing channel is modelled by collapse operators
+# ``X, Y, `` and `` Z`` which occur with the a uniform rate ``\gamma``, as expressed in the following master equation
+# ```math
+# \rho(t+dt) = (1-idt\mathcal H)\rho(t)(1+idt H) + dt\gamma (X \rho(t) X + Y \rho(t) Y + Z \rho(t) Z-3\rho(t))
+# ```
+# Using the identity `` 2I = \rho + X\rho X + Y\rho Y + Z \rho Z`` for arbitrary `` \rho``, we can write
+# ```math
+# \rho(t+dt) = (1-idt\mathcal H') \rho(t) (1+idt \mathcal H') + 4\gamma dt\frac{I}{2}
+# ```
+# where ``\mathcal H' = \mathcal H - 4i\gamma``. This corresponds to ``\rho`` undergoing coherent evolution according to
+# ``\mathcal H'`` with probability `` 1-4\gamma dt`` and being replaced with the completely mixed state
+# with probability `` 4\gamma dt``. Since all trace-preserving quantum channels stabilize the maximally mixed state,
+# the evolution can be modeled as a continuous-time Markov chain transitioning between coherent evolution
+# ``|\psi(t)\rangle`` and the mixed state `` \frac{I}{2}`` with probability `` 4\gamma dt p_I(t)``, where `` p_I(t)``
+# is the probability that the system is already in the mixed state. Integrating this probability over time gives ``p_I(t) = 1-e^{-4\gamma t}``. Therefore we can write down the solution
+# ```math
+# \rho(t) = e^{-4\gamma t}|\psi(t)\rangle\langle\psi(t)| + (1-e^{-4\gamma t})\frac{I}{2}
+# ```math
+# Where ``|\psi\rangle`` is evolved via the Schrodinger equation and normalized. Solving the Schrodinger equation for a
+# time-independent `` \mathcal H'`` gives `` |\psi(t)\rangle = e^{-i\mathcal Ht}e^{-4\gamma t}|\psi\rangle``. Normalizing
+# this state gets rid of the exponential decay factor, leaving `` |\psi(t)\rangle\rangle = e^{-i\mathcal Ht}|\psi\rangle``,
+# corresponding to coherent evolution by the original Hamiltonian `` \mathcal H``.
+# Consider the Hamiltonian ``\mathcal H = \frac{\Omega}{2}X`` and an initial state ``|\psi\rangle = |0\rangle``.
+# The time-evolution operator is ``e^{-iXt\Omega/2} = \cos(\frac{\Omega}{2}t) -i\sin(\frac{\Omega}{2}t)X``,
+# and so the state evovles in time to ``|\psi(t)\rangle = \cos(\frac{\Omega}{2}t)|0\rangle - i\sin(\frac{\Omega}{2}t)|1\rangle``.
+# The expectation value of the number operator ``\hat n`` is then ``\langle \hat n(t) \rangle_\psi = \sin^2(\frac{\Omega}{2}t)``.
+# Plugging this into the master equation solution, in a noisy channel the evolution is
+# ```math
+# \langle \hat n(t) \rangle = e^{-4\gamma t}\langle \hat n(t) \rangle_\psi + (1-e^{-4\gamma t})\frac{1}{2}\operatorname{Tr}(\hat n) = \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2}e^{-4\gamma t}\cos(\Omega t)
+# ```
+# Like an underdamped harmonic oscillator, the value oscillates around an equilibrium value of ``1/2`` with an envelope that decays
+# exponentially in time.
+# ### Simulation in Bloqade
+# In BloqadeNoisy, the `NoisySchrodingerProblem` plays the same role as the `SchrodingerProblem` in Bloqade, and `emulate_noisy` plays the same role as `emulate!`. The `NoisySchrodingerProblem` is constructed using the following arguments:
+# 1. initial state
+# 2. list of times to save the solution
+# 3. noiseless Hamiltonian
+# 4. list of collapse operators. The rate is absorbed into the operators, so ``L_k`` becomes ``\sqrt{\gamma_k}L_k``.
+# `emulate` is called with the problem and the number of trajectories. Additional arguments can be a list of operators to take expectation values. Calling `emulate` with `report_error = true` will return a set of estimates of error by computing the standard deviation of the expectation values over the trajectories. Lastly, choices for the `ensemble_algo` argument are `EnsembleSerial()`, `EnsembleThreads()`, or `EnsembleDistributed()` for different levels of parallelization.
+Ω = 2π
+γ = 0.1
+c_ops = sqrt(γ) .* mat.([X, Y, Z]) #collapse operators
+e_ops = [mat(Op.n)] #expectation values
+h = rydberg_h([(0.0,)]; Ω = Ω)
+save_times = LinRange(0, 10, 200)
+#Construct noisy problem
+prob = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ zero_state(1),
+ save_times,
+ h,
+ c_ops
+sol = emulate_noisy(
+ prob, 2000, e_ops;
+ ensemble_algo = EnsembleThreads(),
+ report_error = true
+ save_times,
+ sol.expectations[1],
+ ribbon = sol.twosigma[1],
+ title = "Noisy Rabi Oscillation",
+ xlabel = "Rabi periods",
+ ylabel = L"\langle \hat n \rangle",
+ label = "simulated"
+ save_times,
+ 1/2 .- 1/2*exp.(-4γ * save_times) .* cos.(Ω * save_times),
+ label = "analytic"
+# ## Coherent noise in neutral atom simulators
+# One of the advantages of neutral atoms is that they couple weakly to their environment. This means that incoherent noise is supressed. A more dominant source of noise is due to imperfect control, which causes fluctuation the Rabi power ``\Omega``, detuning ``\Delta``, and atoms positions ``\vec r_{ij}`` between shots. This is referred to as "coherent" noise because it preserves the coherence over a single shot, but averaging over many shots still produces a mixed state. This noise afffects the system globally and is distinct from noise due to coupling to a bath.
+# To model this affect, we consider ``\Omega`` distributed according to ``G(\Omega) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}e^{-(\Omega - \bar \Omega)^2/2\sigma^2}``. Let the Hamiltonian again be ``\mathcal H = \frac{\Omega}{2}X``. The noiseless evolution of ``\langle Z \rangle`` is then ``\langle Z(t) \rangle = \cos(\Omega t)``. We then average ``\langle Z \rangle`` over the distribution in ``\Omega``:
+# ```math
+# \overline{\langle Z \rangle} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\cos(\Omega t)e^{-(\Omega-\bar\Omega)^2/2\sigma^2} d\Omega = \cos(\bar \Omega t)e^{-2\sigma^2t^2/4}
+# ```
+# Thus we see where incoherent noise results in an exponential envelope, coherent noise results in a Gaussian envelope. This result holds generally. Combining this with the result from pure depolarizing noise, we obtain an envelope in the form of an exponentially modified Gaussian:
+# ```math
+# \langle Z(t)\rangle = \cos(\bar \Omega t)e^{-\sigma^2t^2/2 - 4\gamma t}
+# ```
+# ### Implementation in BloqadeNoisy
+# The stochastic wavefunction method allows for this experimental setting to be modelled by varying the parameters in the Hamiltonian between trajectories. In BloqadeNoisy, this is represented as a method which takes a Hamiltonian and returns another method that can be called to generate random samples. The levels of coherent, incoherent, and readout noise are contained in an `ErrorModel` object, which is constructed using
+# 1. A method that takes a number of atoms and returns a confusion matrix
+# 2. A method that takes a number of atoms and returns a set of collapse operators
+# 3. A method that accepts a Hamiltonian and returns a method to generate random samples
+γ = .01
+σ = .1 * 2π
+Ω = 2π
+h = rydberg_h([(0.0,)]; Ω = Ω)
+times = LinRange(0,5,400)
+#construct error model
+em = ErrorModel(
+ n->I,
+ n->[sqrt(γ) * mat(op) for op in [X, Y, Z]], #depolarizing noise
+ h->(()->rydberg_h(
+ [(0.0,)];
+ Ω = Ω + σ*randn())
+ ) #G(Ω)
+prob = NoisySchrodingerProblem(zero_state(1), times, h, em)
+sim = emulate_noisy(prob, 2000, [mat(Z)]; report_error = true);
+ times, sim.expectations[1], ribbon = sim.twosigma[1],
+ label = "simulated", ylabel = L"\langle Z \rangle",
+ xlabel = "Rabi periods", title = "Coherent noise"
+ times,
+ (t->cos(Ω*t)*exp.(-σ^2*t^2/2 - 4γ*t)).(times),
+ label = "analytic"
+# ## Noise on Aquila
+# Aquila's noise model was calibrated using experimental data, and the parameters that are modelled are the following:
+# | Parameter | Desc. | Default value |
+# | ---------- | ----- | ------------- |
+# | ``\delta \Omega/\langle \Omega \rangle`` | Relative global Rabi drive fluctation | 0.018 (dim.) |
+# | ``\delta \Omega_i / \langle \Omega \rangle`` | Relative local Rabi drive fluctation | 0.008 (dim.) |
+# | ``\delta \Delta`` | Global detuning fluctuation | ``0.18 \ (rad / \mu s)`` |
+# | ``\delta \Delta_i`` | Global detuning fluctuation | ``0.50 \ (rad / \mu s)`` |
+# | ``\delta r_x, \delta r_y`` | Lattice site position uncertainty | ``0.05 \ \mu m`` |
+# | ``\tau_{relaxation}`` | Relaxation time | ``100 \ \mu s`` |
+# | ``\tau_{dephasing}`` | Dephasing time | ``50 \ \mu s`` |
+# In addition, the affect of readout noise can also be modelled using BloqadeNoisy. Readout error in neutral atom simulators is highly local, so it can be modeled as a problility ``p_{0 \to 1}`` and ``p_{1 \to 0}`` of confusing ``|0\rangle`` and ``|1 \rangle`` and vice-versa.
+# | Parameter | Desc. | Default value |
+# | ---------- | ----- | ------------- |
+# | ``p_{0 \to 1}`` | Probability of confusing 0 with 1 | 0.01 |
+# | ``p_{1 \to 0}`` | Probability of confusing 1 with 0 | 0.08 |
+# The effect of readout error can be modelled by a confusion matrix of the form ``C = \begin{pmatrix} 1-p_{01} & p_{10} \\ p_{01} & 1-p_{10} \end{pmatrix}^{\otimes N}``. This transforms the output probability distribution from ``p(z)`` to ``\tilde p(z) = \sum_{x} C_{zx}p(x)``, which affects the sampled bitstrings and expectation values of operators estimated from the machine.
+# ### Using Aquila noise model
+# BloqadeNoisy makes Aquila's noise model available to use. It is constructed by calling `Aquila()` and is passed as the fourth argument to `emulate_noisy`.
+# ### Experimental validation
+# The experimental data used to calibrate the noise model is taken from the Aquila whitepaper [3]. Readout error can be added to expectation values in the computational basis by passing `readout = true` to `emulate`. The operators must be of type `Diagonal`. Below, we show the estimation of a noisy expectation value incorporating the effect of readout error and compare to the experimental whitepaper data.
+whitepaper_data = CSV.read("/Bloqade.jl/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_long.csv", DataFrame, delim = ",", header = false)
+times = collect(whitepaper_data[1,:])
+data = collect(whitepaper_data[2,:])
+save_times = LinRange(0, last(times), 400)
+Ω = 15.3
+Δ = 0
+H = rydberg_h([(0.0,)]; Ω = Ω, Δ = Δ)
+prob = NoisySchrodingerProblem(zero_state(1), save_times, H, Aquila())
+sim = emulate_noisy(prob, 1000, [mat(Op.n)]; readout_error = true);
+plot(times, data, marker = :diamond,
+ markersize = 4, color = :green, linestyle = :dash,
+ xlabel = L"t \ (\mu s)", ylabel = L"\langle \hat n \rangle",
+ label = "Data", title = "Simulation vs Data"
+plot!(save_times, sim[1], color = :blue, label = "Sim")
+# The `Aquila()` method is shorthand for `load_error_model(JSON.parse(AQUILA))`. The `AQUILA` string is a JSON dictionary containing the preconfigured noise model, and this syntax allows the noise model to be modified.
+default_error_model = JSON.parse(AQUILA)
+dephasing_rate = 1/10
+default_error_model["incoherent"]["dephasing rate"] = dephasing_rate
+#create error model based on Aquila
+new_error_model = load_error_model(default_error_model);
+# ### Simulated scar experiment
+# Many-body scars are product states that have a large overlap with a tower of eigenstates exhibiting atypical properties such as low entanglement. Ref [4] studies the scarring properties of the PXP model, given by the Hamiltonian
+# ```math
+# \mathcal H_{\text{PXP}} = \sum_{i}P_iXP_i + \mu \sum_{i}\hat n_i
+# ```
+# where ``P_i = \bigotimes_{\langle j, i \rangle}|0_i\rangle\langle 0_i|``, with ``\langle j, i\rangle`` running over the nearest neighbors of ``i``, and ``\mu`` is the chemical potential. Scarring is observed when states fail to thermalize, i.e. exectation values exhibit long-lived dynamic revivals. The PXP model can be approximately realized in a Rydberg atom array by operating in the blockaded subspace and tuning ``\Delta`` to cancel the mean-field contribution of the next-nearest-neighbor Van der Waals interactions.
+# BloqadeNoisy allows for estimation of expectation values at a fixed number of shots to emulate an experimental setting. We can use this to predict what a many-body scar experiment on Aquila would look like. Following [4], we first adiabatically prepare the ground state of the PXP model with a chemical potential ``\mu_i = -0.76`` and then a quench to ``\mu = 1.6``.
+Ω = 2π
+C = 862690 * 2π
+Rb = (C/Ω)^(1/6)
+N = 14
+atoms = generate_sites(ChainLattice(), N, scale = .65*Rb)
+Δ_NNN = 1/(2N) * sum(
+ [
+ (r=norm(atoms[i] .- atoms[j]);
+ r > Rb ? C/r^6 : 0)
+ for i in 1:N for j in 1:N
+ ]
+μ_i = -.76 * 2π
+μ_f = 1.6 * 2π
+t1 = 2 #adiabatic prep time
+t2 = 2 #quench time
+Δ_ad = piecewise_linear(clocks = [0, t1], values = [-40*2π, Δ_NNN - μ_i])
+Δ_quench = piecewise_constant(clocks = [0, t2], values = [Δ_NNN - μ_f])
+Δ = append(Δ_ad, Δ_quench)
+times = LinRange(t1, t1+t2, 200)
+H = rydberg_h(atoms; Ω = Ω, Δ = Δ)
+ψ = solve(
+ SchrodingerProblem(zero_state(N), t1+t2, H;
+ save_on = true, saveat = times, save_start = false
+ ),
+ DP8()
+expt_times = LinRange(t1, t1+t2, 70)
+prob = NoisySchrodingerProblem(zero_state(N), expt_times, H, Aquila())
+@time sim = emulate_noisy(prob, 500, [mat(chain(igate(N)-put(N, i=>Op.n) for i in 1:N))];
+ readout_error = true, report_error = true, shots = 1000,
+ ensemble_algo = EnsembleThreads()
+plot(times, [abs(p[1])^2 for p in ψ.u],
+ label = "ideal",
+ color = :blue, title = "Many-body scar simulation"
+scatter!(expt_times, sim.expectations,
+ yerr = sqrt.(sim.shot_error[1].^2 .+ sim.propagated_err[1].^2),
+ xlabel = L"t \ (\mu s)",
+ ylabel = L"\langle (1-\hat n)^{\otimes N}\rangle",
+ label = "noisy", color = :red,
+# ## Manybody Fidelity
+# A Haar-random pure state ``|\psi\rangle`` from a Hilbert space with dimension ``D = 2^N`` produces probability amplitudes ``p(z) = |\langle z |\psi\rangle|^2`` that are distributed exponentially according to the Porter-Thomas distribution ``P_1(p) = De^{-Dp}`` in the limit of large ``D``. Haar-random sates are produced by chaotic quantum evolution, which we can achieve by randomly spacing ``N`` atoms and choosing ``\Omega(t)`` to be strong relative to the coupling and vary sufficiently over the interval. Under the influence of noise, the evolution can be desribed by
+# ```math
+# \rho(t) = F|\psi(t)\rangle \langle \psi(t)| + (1-F(t))\chi
+# ```
+# where ``\chi`` is a density matrix with ``r(z) = \langle z|\chi|z\rangle`` strongly peaked around ``1/D``, approximately ``P_2(r) = \delta(z-\frac{1}{D})``. The probability ``q(z) = \langle z|\rho|z\rangle`` is thus distributed according to the convolution
+# ```math
+# P_3(q) = \int_0^{q}\frac{1}{1-F}\delta\left(\frac{z}{1-F}-\frac{1}{D}\right)\frac{1}{F}De^{-D(q-z)/F}dz = \begin{cases}
+# 0 & q < (1-F)/D\\
+# \frac{D}{F}e^{(1-F)/F}e^{-Dq/F} & \text{otherwise}
+# \end{cases}
+# ```
+# This distribution is the one described in [5].
+# We consider single-atom depolarizing noise at a rate ``\gamma``, and we take ``F(t)`` to be the probability that no error has occurred after time ``t``. Since there are ``3N`` possible errors ocurring at a rate ``\gamma``, we find ``F(t) = 1-e^{-3N\gamma t}``.
+# ### Implementation in Bloqade
+# First, we set up a Hamiltonian and simulate noiseless evolution:
+tend = 10
+Ω = Waveform(t-> 2.5*2π*(sin(sqrt(10)*2π*t)+cos(sqrt(2)*2π*t)), tend)
+R = (862690/2.5)^(1/6)
+N = 12
+D = 2^N
+atoms = [(R*i+.05*randn(),) for i in 1:N]
+h = rydberg_h(atoms; Ω = Ω)
+ψ = solve(SchrodingerProblem(zero_state(N), tend, h), DP8()).u[end]
+# First, we construct a single-atom depolarizing model on ``N`` qubits. Then, we repeat the simulation with different depolarizing rates. The `emulate` method can take a function of the solution to save. We save two quantities: the probability amplitudes ``|\langle z | \psi \rangle |^2`` and the fidelity ``F = \langle \psi| \rho |\psi \rangle``.
+depol(γ, N) = [sqrt(γ)*mat(put(N, i=>op)) for i in 1:N for op in [X,Y,Z]]
+function sim_depol(γ)
+ prob = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ zero_state(N),
+ [0.0,tend],
+ h,
+ depol(γ, N)
+ )
+ sim = emulate_noisy(prob, 1000,
+ sol -> [
+ abs.(sol[end]).^2,
+ abs(sol[end]' * ψ)^2
+ ];
+ ensemble_algo = EnsembleThreads()
+ )
+ (simulation_series_mean(sim),
+ simulation_series_err(sim))
+depol_strengths = [.002, .004, .006]
+p = [sim_depol(γ) for γ in depol_strengths];
+# Lastly, we create a histogram of the probability amplitudes from the simulation for each level of depolarizing noise, and compare against the prediction:
+colors = [:blue, :green, :purple]
+plot(xlabel = L"p", ylabel = L"P(p)", title = "Probability distribution vs noise strength")
+stephist!(abs.(ψ).^2, yaxis =:log, normalize =true, color = :black, label = "γ = 0")
+plot!(x->D*exp(-D*x), 0, .002, color = :black, linestyle = :dash, label = "")
+for (p, c, r) in zip(p, colors, depol_strengths)
+ F = exp(-r * 3N * tend)
+ stephist!(p[1][1], yaxis =:log, normalize =true, color = c, label = "γ = $(@sprintf("%.3f", r))")
+ plot!(x->D/F*exp((1-F)/F)*exp(-D* x/F), (1-F)/D, .002, color = c, linestyle = :dash, label = "")
+ plot!([(1-F)/D, (1-F)/D], [0, D/F], color = c, linestyle = :dash, label = "")
+ylims!(10, 2f4)
+xlims!(0, .0015)
+# We can examine three different measures of fidelity: First, we have the actual state fidelity ``F = \langle \psi | \rho |\psi \rangle`` which is saved in the simulation. Next, we have the prediction from the depolarizing model ``F = e^{-3N\gamma t}``. Lastly, there is another quantity called the linear cross-entropy which acts as a proxy for the fidelity with chaotic Hamiltonians. The cross entropy is defined
+# ```math
+# \text{XEB} = \langle D^2 p(z)q(z) - 1\rangle
+# ```
+# where ``p(z) = |\langle z | \psi \rangle|^2`` and ``q(z) = \langle z | \rho |z \rangle``. Using the form from above ``\rho = F|\psi\rangle \langle \psi| + (1-F)\chi``, we see that
+# ```math
+# \langle p(z) q(z) \rangle = F\langle p^2(z)\rangle + (1-F)\langle p(z) r(z) \rangle
+# ```
+# Using the fact that ``P_1(p) = De^{-Dp}`` and ``P_2(r) = \delta(r-1/N)``, we compute
+# ```math
+# \langle p^2(z)\rangle = D\int_0^\infty p^2e^{-Dp}dp = \frac{2}{D^2}
+# ```
+# and
+# ```math
+# \langle p(z) r(z) \rangle = D\int_0^\infty\int_0^\infty p\delta(r-\frac{1}{D})e^{-Dp/r}dpdr = \frac{1}{D^2}
+# ```
+# Substituting these in gives ``\text{XEB} = D^2(2/D^2)F + D^2(1-F)/D^2 - 1 = F``. Thus all three quantities estimate ``F``.
+plot(depol_strengths, [p[i][1][2] for i in 1:3], title = "Depolarizing fidelity and cross-entropy", xlabel = L"\gamma", ylabel = "fidelity", label = L"F", yerr = [p[i][2][2] for i in 1:3])
+plot!(depol_strengths, exp.(-3N * tend .* depol_strengths), label = L"e^{-3\gamma N T}")
+plot!(depol_strengths, [(2^N*sum(p[i][1][1] .* abs.(ψ).^2)-1) for i in 1:3], label = "XEB")
+# ## Memory constraints
+# When simulating large systems, memory can be an issue. The `NoisySchrodingerProblem` can also be used directly with the `DifferentialEquations` interface to simulate each trajectory manually if more control is required. The `randomize` function reinitializes the trajectory with a new sample from the specified distirbution of Hamiltonian parameters and chooses a random initial condition.
+R = (862690/2.5)^(1/6)
+atoms = generate_sites(SquareLattice(), 4, 4, scale = .85*R)
+N = length(atoms)
+tend = 3.0
+Ω = 2.5*2π
+h = rydberg_h(atoms; Ω = Ω, Δ = 0)
+ψ = solve(SchrodingerProblem(zero_state(N), tend, h), DP8()).u;
+p = zeros(2^N)
+ntraj = 250
+prob = NoisySchrodingerProblem(zero_state(N), [tend], h, Aquila())
+for i in ProgressBar(1:ntraj)
+ sample = randomize(prob)
+ int = init(sample, DP8())
+ solve!(int)
+ p .+= abs.(int.u).^2/ntraj
+ [real(ψ[end]' * mat(put(N, i=>Op.n)) * ψ[end]) for i in 1:N],
+ marker = :circle, markersize = 6, title = "Noisy vs noiseless excitation number",
+ xlabel = "site #",
+ ylabel = L"\langle \hat n_i \rangle",
+ label = "ideal"
+ )
+scatter!([expectation_value_noisy(Aquila(), p, mat(put(N, i=>Op.n))) for i in 1:N], marker = :square, markersize = 6, label = "noisy")
+# ## References & Further Reading
+# [1] https://qutip.org/docs/latest/guide/dynamics/dynamics-monte.html
+# [2] https://lukin.physics.harvard.edu/files/lukin/files/physics_285b_lecture_notes.pdf (Chapter 6)
+# [3] Wurtz, J. et al. (2023). Aquila: QuEra's 256-qubit neutral-atom quantum computer. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11727.
+# [4] Daniel, Aiden, et al. "Bridging quantum criticality via many-body scarring." Physical Review B 107.23 (2023): 235108.
+# [5] Boixo, Sergio, et al. "Characterizing quantum supremacy in near-term devices." Nature Physics 14.6 (2018): 595-600.
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/.gitignore b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/LICENSE b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d03bdce10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+The Bloqade.jl package is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
+> Copyright (c) 2022 QuEra Computing Inc..
+> Apache License
+> Version 2.0, January 2004
+> http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+> 1. Definitions.
+> "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+> and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+> "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+> the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+> "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+> other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+> control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+> "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+> direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+> otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+> outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+> "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+> exercising permissions granted by this License.
+> "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+> including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+> source, and configuration files.
+> "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+> transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+> not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+> and conversions to other media types.
+> "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+> Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+> copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+> (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+> "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+> form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+> editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+> represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+> of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+> separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+> the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+> "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+> the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+> to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+> submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+> or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+> the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+> means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+> to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+> communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
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+> Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+> excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+> designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+> "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+> on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+> subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+> 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+> this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+> worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+> copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
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+> 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+> this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
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+> where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
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+> with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+> institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
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+> or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
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+> meet the following conditions:
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+> the Derivative Works; and
+> (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+> distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
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+> within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
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+> of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
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+> documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
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+> that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
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+> You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+> may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
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+> reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+> the conditions stated in this License.
+> 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+> any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
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+> this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+> Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+> the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
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+> 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+> names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+> except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+> origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+> 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+> agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+> Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+> implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+> PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+> appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+> risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+> 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+> whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+> unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+> negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+> liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+> incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+> result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+> Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+> work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+> other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+> has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+> 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+> the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+> and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+> or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+> License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+> on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+> of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+> defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+> incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+> of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/Project.toml b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/Project.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6571e08b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/Project.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+name = "BloqadeNoisy"
+uuid = "7534646f-0cda-4b9e-a311-3a9166d831c9"
+authors = ["ben mcdonough"]
+version = "1.0.0-DEV"
+BloqadeExpr = "bd27d05e-4ce1-5e79-84dd-c5d7d508abe2"
+BloqadeODE = "bd27d05e-4ce1-5e79-84dd-c5d7d508bbe5"
+BloqadeWaveforms = "bd27d05e-4ce1-5e79-84dd-c5d7d508bbe7"
+DiffEqBase = "2b5f629d-d688-5b77-993f-72d75c75574e"
+DiffEqCallbacks = "459566f4-90b8-5000-8ac3-15dfb0a30def"
+GR = "28b8d3ca-fb5f-59d9-8090-bfdbd6d07a71"
+JSON = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6"
+Kronecker = "2c470bb0-bcc8-11e8-3dad-c9649493f05e"
+LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
+OrdinaryDiffEq = "1dea7af3-3e70-54e6-95c3-0bf5283fa5ed"
+Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
+SciMLBase = "0bca4576-84f4-4d90-8ffe-ffa030f20462"
+SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
+StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
+YaoArrayRegister = "e600142f-9330-5003-8abb-0ebd767abc51"
+YaoBlocks = "418bc28f-b43b-5e0b-a6e7-61bbc1a2c1df"
+YaoSubspaceArrayReg = "bd27d05e-4ce1-5e79-84dd-c5d7d508ade2"
+julia = "1"
+Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
+test = ["Test"]
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/README.md b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfb40fbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# BloqadeNoisy
+Bloqade Noisy stochastic wave function-based noisy dynamics simulator.
+## Installation
+BloqadeNoisy is a
+ Julia Language
+ package. To install BloqadeNoisy,
+ please open
+ Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) and press ] key in the REPL to use the package mode, and then type the following command:
+For stable release:
+pkg> add BloqadeNoisy
+For current master:
+pkg> add BloqadeNoisy#master
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect.csv b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d0928390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect_nonoise.csv b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect_nonoise.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8109f245d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect_nonoise.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/QuTiPComparison.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/QuTiPComparison.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..616ae337f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/QuTiPComparison.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+using Bloqade
+using BloqadeNoisy
+using LaTeXStrings
+using Plots
+using CSV
+using DataFrames
+reg = zero_state(3)
+h = rydberg_h([(0.0, 0.0), (8.0, 0.0), (18.0, 0.0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0)
+tend = 4.0
+save_times = LinRange(0, tend, 200)
+#Add collapse operators to simulation
+c_ops = [mat(put(3, i => sqrt(0.1) * (X + Y * im) / 2)) for i in 1:3]
+ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, c_ops)
+#get noisy expectation values
+ntraj = 2000
+expecs = [mat(put(3, i => Op.n)) for i in 1:3]
+@time sim = emulate(ns, ntraj, expecs; report_error = true, ensemble_algo=EnsembleSerial())
+plot(xlabel="t (µs)", ylabel=L"\langle n_i \rangle")
+for (i, _) in enumerate(expecs)
+ plot!(save_times,
+ sim.expectations[i],
+ ribbon=sim.twosigma[i],
+ color=:blue,
+ label=(i == 1 ? "BloqadeNoisy" : "")
+ )
+qutip_vals = CSV.read("/Users/queraintern/Documents/GitHub/Bloqade.jl/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect.csv", DataFrame, header=false, delim=",")
+qutip_vals_noiseless = CSV.read("/Users/queraintern/Documents/GitHub/Bloqade.jl/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/3q_expect_nonoise.csv", DataFrame, header=false, delim=",")
+for i in 1:3
+ plot!(
+ 0:1.0f-2:3.99,
+ collect(qutip_vals[i, :]),
+ color=:red,
+ linestyle=:dash,
+ label=i == 1 ? "QuTiP" : ""
+ )
+for i in 1:3
+ plot!(
+ 0:1.0f-2:3.99,
+ collect(qutip_vals_noiseless[i, :]),
+ color=:black,
+ label=i == 1 ? "noiseless" : "",
+ alpha=0.3
+ )
+ylims!(0, 1.1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/noisy_comparison.py b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/noisy_comparison.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78fc83405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/noisy_comparison.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import qutip as qt
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+def n():
+ return (1-qt.sigmaz())/2
+def put(nqubits, qubit, op):
+ ops = [qt.identity(2) for q in range(nqubits)]
+ ops[qubit] = op
+ return qt.tensor(*reversed(ops))
+def state(*states):
+ return qt.tensor(*[qt.basis(2, s) for s in reversed(states)])
+def rectlattice(h, w, scale = 1):
+ return [(scale * j, scale*i) for i in range(w) for j in range(h)]
+C = np.pi * 2 * 862690
+def dist(c1, c2):
+ return np.sqrt((c1[0]-c2[0])**2 + (c1[1]-c2[1])**2)
+def rydberg_h(atoms, Omega, delta):
+ N = len(atoms)
+ sumOfX = sum([put(N, i, qt.sigmax()) for i in range(N)])
+ sumOfn = sum([put(N, i, n()) for i in range(N)])
+ ryd_op = []
+ for i in range(N):
+ for j in range(i+1, N):
+ ryd_op.append(
+ C/dist(atoms[i], atoms[j])**6 * put(N, i, n()) * put(N, j, n())
+ )
+ return Omega/2 * sumOfX - delta * sumOfn + sum(ryd_op)
+Omega = 2*np.pi
+R = (C/Omega)**(1/6)
+N = 3
+atoms = [(0, 0),(8, 0),(18,0)]
+h = rydberg_h(atoms, Omega, 0)
+rate = 1/10
+destroy = qt.basis(2,0) * qt.basis(2,1).dag()
+c_ops = [np.sqrt(rate) * put(N, i, destroy) for i in range(N)]
+times = np.arange(0, 4.0, 1e-2)
+sol_noisy = qt.mesolve(
+ h,
+ state(*np.zeros(N, dtype = int)),
+ times,
+ c_ops = c_ops,
+ e_ops = [put(N, i, n()) for i in range(3)]
+sol = qt.sesolve(
+ h,
+ state(*np.zeros(N, dtype = int)),
+ times,
+ e_ops = [put(N, i, n()) for i in range(3)]
+np.savetxt("./3q_expect_nonoise.csv", sol.expect, header = "", delimiter=",")
+np.savetxt("./3q_expect.csv", sol_noisy.expect, header = "", delimiter=",")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/qutip_comparison.png b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/qutip_comparison.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7670e99a
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/QuTiP_comparison/qutip_comparison.png differ
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz.csv b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daf940829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_detuned_long.csv b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_detuned_long.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76e6ea6f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_detuned_long.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_long.csv b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_long.csv
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/15MHz_long.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/3q_blockaded_rabi.csv b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/3q_blockaded_rabi.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f99c7583e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/data/3q_blockaded_rabi.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/15MHz_detuned_long.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5cc57772
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/15MHz_long.png differ
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/15MHz_long_incoherent.png b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/15MHz_long_incoherent.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b9d3365b
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/15MHz_long_incoherent.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/15MHz_short_comparison.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ab6ee1f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/figures/3_atom_blockaded_comparison.png differ
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/summary_figure.png b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/summary_figure.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..171bb8539
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/summary_figure.png differ
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/whitepaper_comparison.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/whitepaper_comparison.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5f3c83a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/examples/whitepaper_comparison/whitepaper_comparison.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+using CSV
+using DataFrames
+using Plots
+using LaTeXStrings
+using Bloqade
+using BloqadeNoisy
+source = Base.source_dir()
+data_dir = source*"/data/"
+figure_dir = source*"/figures/"
+#Example 1: short 15MHz resonant Rabi
+whitepaper_data = CSV.read(data_dir*"15MHz.csv", DataFrame, delim = ",", header = false)
+times = collect(whitepaper_data[1, :])
+data = collect(whitepaper_data[2, :])
+reg = zero_state(1)
+h = rydberg_h([(0,0)], Ω = 15.7, Δ = 0) #Ω=15 has some overall bias which the simulation does not account for
+save_times = LinRange(0, last(times), 500)
+ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, Aquila())
+sim = emulate(ns, 1000, [mat(Op.n)]; readout_error = true, report_error = true)
+scatter(times, data, label = "whitepaper", xlabel = "t (µs)", ylabel = L"\langle n \rangle", color = :red, legendfontsize = 10, tickfontsize = 12, labelfontsize = 14, legend = :outerbottomright)
+plot!(save_times, sim.expectations[1], ribbon = sim.propagated_error[1], label = "simulated", color = :blue)
+xlims!(first(times), last(times))
+#Example 2: long 15MHz resonant Rabi
+whitepaper_data = CSV.read(data_dir*"15MHz_long.csv", DataFrame, delim = ",", header = false)
+times = collect(whitepaper_data[1, :])
+data = collect(whitepaper_data[2, :])
+reg = zero_state(1)
+h = rydberg_h([(0,0)], Ω = 15.3, Δ = 0) #Ω is not known exactly again
+save_times = LinRange(0, last(times), 500)
+ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, Aquila())
+sim = emulate(ns, 2000, [mat(Op.n)]; readout_error = true)
+plot(times, data, label = "whitepaper", xlabel = "t (µs)", ylabel = L"\langle n \rangle", color = :red, legendfontsize = 10, tickfontsize = 12, labelfontsize = 14)
+plot!(save_times, sim, label = "simulated", color = :blue)
+#Example 3: long detuned Rabi
+whitepaper_data = CSV.read(data_dir*"15MHz_detuned_long.csv", DataFrame, delim = ",", header = false)
+times = collect(whitepaper_data[1, :])
+data = collect(whitepaper_data[2, :])
+reg = zero_state(1)
+h = rydberg_h([(0,0)], Ω = 14.5, Δ = 17.5)
+save_times = LinRange(0, last(times), 500)
+ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, Aquila())
+sim = emulate(ns, 2000, [mat(Op.n)]; readout_error = true)
+plot(times, data, label = "whitepaper", xlabel = "t (µs)", ylabel = L"\langle n \rangle", color = :red, legendfontsize = 10, tickfontsize = 12, labelfontsize = 14)
+plot!(save_times, sim, label = "simulated", color = :blue)
+#Example 4: 3-atom Blockade-enhanced Rabi
+whitepaper_data = CSV.read(data_dir*"3q_blockaded_rabi.csv", DataFrame, delim = ",", header = false)
+times = collect(whitepaper_data[1, :])
+data = collect(whitepaper_data[2, :])
+atoms = [ #From whitepaper
+ (
+ 0.0,
+ 4e-06
+ ),
+ (
+ -2.6e-06,
+ 0.0
+ ),
+ (
+ 2.6e-06,
+ 0.0
+ ),
+atoms = [a .* 1f6 for a in atoms] #units
+reg = zero_state(3)
+h = rydberg_h(atoms, Ω = 2.58*2π, Δ = 0)
+save_times = LinRange(0, last(times), 500)
+ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, Aquila())
+cmat = Aquila().confusion_mat(3) #get confusion mat to calculate ground state probability
+sim = emulate(ns, 1000, sol -> [(cmat*abs.(u).^2)[1] for u in sol])
+plot(times, data, label = "whitepaper", xlabel = "t (µs)", ylabel = L"p_{000}",color = :red, legendfontsize = 10, tickfontsize = 12, labelfontsize = 14)
+plot!(save_times, simulation_series_mean(sim), label = "simulated", color = :blue)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7a106761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/BloqadeNoisy.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+module BloqadeNoisy
+using Reexport
+using SciMLBase
+using DiffEqBase
+using YaoArrayRegister
+using YaoSubspaceArrayReg
+using YaoBlocks
+using Kronecker
+using DiffEqCallbacks
+using SparseArrays
+using StatsBase
+using JSON
+import Base.+
+@reexport using BloqadeExpr
+@reexport using BloqadeODE
+@reexport using OrdinaryDiffEq
+using BloqadeWaveforms: Waveform
+using BloqadeExpr: Hamiltonian, get_rydberg_params
+using LinearAlgebra
+export NoisySchrodingerEquation,
+ NoisySchrodingerProblem,
+ ErrorModel,
+ Aquila,
+ measure_noisy,
+ expectation_value_noisy,
+ emulate_noisy,
+ simulation_series_mean,
+ simulation_series_err,
+ randomize,
+ load_error_model,
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/error_model.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/error_model.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e605b68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/error_model.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ struct ErrorModel
+This struct holds all of the information used to simulate coherent noise,
+incoherent noise, and readout error for a specific error model. The
+structure is as follows:
+# Arguments
+- `confusion_mat`: Function to generate a confusion matrix given a number of qubits,
+with type `(Int)->(T)` where `T`` is Matrix-like
+- `collapse_ops`: Function to generate the collapse operators given a number of qubits, with type
+- `coherent_noise`: Function returning a function that generates random samples from a Hamiltonian
+with type `(RydbergHamiltonian)->(()->RydbergHamiltonian)`
+struct ErrorModel
+ confusion_mat::Function #used for noisy readout simulation
+ collapse_ops::Function #collapse operators included in the Lindblaian
+ coherent_noise::Function #method to modify the Hamiltonian each shot
+function measure_noisy
+ This function mimicks YaoAPI.measure with noisy readout
+# Arguments
+- reg: statevector representing the quantum state to be measured
+- noise_model: an ErrorModel struct which contains a method to create the confusion matrix
+- site (optional): site to be measured
+- nshots (optional kwarg): number of measurements to return
+function measure_noisy(
+ noise_model::ErrorModel,
+ amps::Vector{T} where T <: Real,
+ sites=nothing;
+ nshots::Int = 1
+ )
+ nqubits = round(Int,log2(length(amps)))
+ cmat = noise_model.confusion_mat(nqubits) #generate confusion matrix
+ w = Weights(cmat * amps) #create weights representing measurement probabilities
+ if sites === nothing; sites = 1:length(amps); end
+ [DitStr{2}(digits(sample(w) .- 1; base = 2, pad = nqubits)) for i in 1:nshots]
+ function expectation_value_noisy
+Get the expectation value of an operator after applying readout error. operators
+Must be diagonal in the computational basis.
+# Arguments
+- `noisy_model`: the simulated noise model
+- `amps`: the probability distribution over computational basis states
+- `op`: desired expectation value
+- `errs`: (optional) error estimates for the probability amplitudes to propagate to
+the error in the expectation value
+function expectation_value_noisy(
+ noise_model::ErrorModel,
+ amps::Vector{T} where T <: Real,
+ op::Diagonal;
+ errs = nothing
+ nqubits = round(Int,log2(length(amps)))
+ cmat = noise_model.confusion_mat(nqubits) #generate confusion matrix
+ expec = sum([a * real(n) for (a,n) in zip(cmat * amps, op.diag)])
+ return if errs === nothing
+ expec
+ else
+ (
+ expectation = expec,
+ propagated_err = sqrt(sum([(err * real(n))^2 for (err,n) in zip(cmat * errs, op.diag)]))
+ )
+ end
+ function expectation_value_noisy
+Get the expectation value of an operator after applying readout error. operators
+Must be diagonal in the computational basis.
+# Arguments
+- `noisy_model`: the simulated noise model
+- `amps`: the probability distribution over computational basis states
+- `op`: desired expectation value
+- `shots`: resample the distribution at a fixed number of shots to compute the expectation value
+- `errs`: (optional) error estimates for the probability amplitudes to propagate to
+the error in the expectation value
+function expectation_value_noisy(
+ noise_model::ErrorModel,
+ amps::Vector{T} where T <: Real,
+ op::Diagonal,
+ shots;
+ errs = false
+ nqubits = round(Int,log2(length(amps)))
+ cmat = noise_model.confusion_mat(nqubits) #generate confusion matrix
+ w = Weights(cmat * amps) #create weights representing measurement probabilities
+ S = [real(op.diag[sample(w)]) for i in 1:shots]
+ return if errs === false
+ mean(S)
+ else
+ (
+ expectation = mean(S),
+ sample_err = 2*std(S)/sqrt(shots)
+ )
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/noise_models.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/noise_models.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..111853d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/noise_models.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Aquila noise model parameters in JSON format
+AQUILA = """{
+ "coherent":{
+ "local":{
+ "site x":0.05,"site y":0.05,"detuning":0.5,"Rabi frequency":0.018
+ },
+ "global":{
+ "detuning":0.18,"Rabi frequency":0.008
+ }
+ },
+ "incoherent":{
+ "dephasing rate":0.02,"relaxation rate":0.01
+ },
+ "readout":{
+ "single atom":{"p01":0.01,"p10":0.08}
+ }
+ function load_error_model
+Load a generic Rydberg atom error model from a JSON string
+# Arguments
+- `config`: JSON string with error model parameters (example in src/noise_models.jl)
+function load_error_model(props)
+ relax_op = (X+im*Y)/2 #|0⟩⟨1|
+ p01 = props["readout"]["single atom"]["p01"]
+ p10 = props["readout"]["single atom"]["p10"]
+ relaxation_rate = props["incoherent"]["relaxation rate"]
+ dephasing_rate = props["incoherent"]["dephasing rate"]
+ δΩrel = props["coherent"]["global"]["Rabi frequency"]
+ δΔ = props["coherent"]["global"]["detuning"]
+ δx = props["coherent"]["local"]["site x"]
+ δy = props["coherent"]["local"]["site y"]
+ δΔ_inhom = props["coherent"]["local"]["detuning"]
+ δΩ_inhom = props["coherent"]["local"]["Rabi frequency"] #changed from .02 (number density is sensitive to this parameter)
+ function coherent_noisy(h)
+ (atoms,ϕ,Ω,Δ) = get_rydberg_params(h)
+ if Δ === nothing
+ throw("Δ needs to be specified!")
+ end
+ if eltype(atoms) == Tuple{Float64}
+ atoms = [(first(a), 0.0) for a in atoms]
+ end
+ function sample_noisy_ham() #return a function that modifies h
+ randomize((x,y)) = (x+δx * randn(), y + δy*randn())
+ atoms_noisy = randomize.(atoms) #randomize atom positions
+ #add coherent drift in Ω and inhomogeneity
+ Ω_noisy = Ω .* (1+δΩrel*randn() .+ δΩ_inhom * randn(length(atoms)))
+ #add coherent drift in Δ and inhomogeneity
+ Δ_noisy = δΔ*randn()+Δ .+ δΔ_inhom * randn(length(atoms))
+ return rydberg_h(
+ atoms_noisy;
+ Ω = Ω_noisy,
+ Δ = Δ_noisy,
+ ϕ = ϕ
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ function collapse_operators(nqubits)
+ [[
+ sqrt(dephasing_rate) * SparseMatrixCSC(mat(put(nqubits, q => Z))) #single-qubit relaxation
+ for q in 1:nqubits
+ ];
+ [
+ sqrt(relaxation_rate) * mat(put(nqubits, q => relax_op)) #single-qubit relaxation
+ for q in 1:nqubits
+ ]]
+ end
+ function confusion_mat(N)
+ M = [[1-p01 p10]; [p01 1-p10]]
+ return kronecker([M for i in 1:N]...) #readout
+ end
+ ErrorModel(
+ confusion_mat,
+ collapse_operators,
+ coherent_noisy
+ )
+#add waveforms and numbers (required for Hamiltonian sampling)
+function Base.:+(a::Float64, b::Waveform)
+ Waveform(b.duration) do t
+ b(t)+a
+ end
+function Base.:+(a::Waveform, b::Float64)
+ Waveform(a.duration) do t
+ a(t)+b
+ end
+function Aquila
+ Create an ErrorModel representing the noise model of Aquila.
+Aquila() = load_error_model(JSON.parse(AQUILA))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/problem.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/problem.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c8a82084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/src/problem.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ struct NoisySchrodingerEquation
+Decorator object for SchrodingerEquation. Implements the f(dstate, state, p, t)
+interface to fit into a standard ODE Problem.
+# Arguments
+- `equation`: The coherent 'SchrodingerEquation` equation for the problem
+- `imag_evo`: ∑_L L^†L for collapse operators L which defines the non-hermitian part of the Hamiltonian
+- `num_cops``: number of collapse operators (for displaying)
+struct NoisySchrodingerEquation{mType}
+ equation::SchrodingerEquation #Wraps this SchrodingerEquation
+ imag_evo::mType #anti-hermitian part of the Hamiltonian
+ num_cops::Int
+function (eq::NoisySchrodingerEquation)(dstate, state, p, t::Number)
+ eq.equation(dstate, state, p, t) #d/dt|ψ> = -iH|ψ> - .5∑_L L^†L|ψ>
+ mul!(dstate, eq.imag_evo, state, -0.5, one(t))
+ return
+function Base.show(io::IO, mime::MIME"text/plain", eq::NoisySchrodingerEquation) #Pretty printing
+ Base.show(io, mime, eq.equation)
+ printstyled(io, "collapse operators: ", length(eq.num_cops); color=:yellow)
+ return println(io)
+ struct NoisySchrodingerEquation
+ NoisySchrodingerEquation(reg, tspan, hamiltonian, c_ops; kw...)
+ NoisySchrodingerEquation(reg, tspan, hamiltonian, noise_model; kw...)
+Define an ODE Problem representing a single noisy trajectory in an open system in the weak-coupling limit
+# Arguments
+- `reg`: evolution register and initial state of the problem
+- `tspan`: a vector of times at which to save the simulation
+- `hamiltonian`: AbstractBlock such as that produced by `rydberg_h``
+ representing evolution hamiltonian
+struct NoisySchrodingerProblem{Reg,EquationType<:ODEFunction,uType,tType,Algo,Kwargs} <:
+ SciMLBase.AbstractODEProblem{uType,tType,true}
+ reg::Reg
+ f::EquationType
+ c_ops::Vector
+ state::uType
+ u0::uType
+ tspan::tType
+ algo::Algo
+ coherent_noise::Function
+ confusion_mat #Matrix-like
+ save_times
+ kwargs::Kwargs
+ p::Real
+#internal constructor with all of the options
+function NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ reg::AbstractRegister,
+ save_times,
+ expr,
+ c_ops::Vector,
+ coherent_noise::Function,
+ confusion_mat; #TODO: property checking. Needs to support matrix-vector multiplication
+ algo=DP8(), #Algorithm that was used for testing
+ kw... #proceed with caution, some kwargs might break things
+ nqudits(reg) == nqudits(expr) || throw(ArgumentError("number of qubits/sites does not match!"))
+ issorted(save_times) || throw(ArgumentError("save_times must be sorted"))
+ tspan = (0.0, last(save_times)) #Always starting at t=0 to avoid silly mistakes
+ state = statevec(reg) #get initial statevector
+ space = YaoSubspaceArrayReg.space(reg) #BloqadeNoisy does not currently support subspaces
+ #type check c_ops
+ try
+ if length(c_ops) != 0
+ [c^2 * state for c in c_ops] #making sure matrix-vector product works and matrix is square
+ else
+ c_ops = [0 * I]
+ end
+ catch
+ throw(ArgumentError("Collapse operators are either not square or do not match register type"))
+ end
+ #type check confusion_mat
+ try
+ confusion_mat^2 * abs.(state) .^ 2 #check that matrix-vector product works and matrix is square
+ catch
+ throw(ArgumentError("Confusion matrix does not match register type"))
+ end
+ #type check coherent noise
+ test_hamiltonian_sample = coherent_noise()
+ typeof(test_hamiltonian_sample) == typeof(expr) || throw(ArgumentError("Coherent noise sample is not compatible with Hamiltonian"))
+ nqudits(test_hamiltonian_sample) == nqudits(expr) || throw(ArgumentError("Coherent noise sample is not compatible with Hamiltonian"))
+ T = real(eltype(state))
+ T = isreal(expr) ? T : Complex{T}
+ eq = NoisySchrodingerEquation(
+ SchrodingerEquation(
+ expr, Hamiltonian(T, expr, space)
+ ),
+ sum([l' * l for l in c_ops]),
+ length(c_ops)
+ )
+ ode_f = ODEFunction(eq)
+ tspan_type = promote_type(real(eltype(state)), eltype(tspan))
+ tspan = tspan_type.(tspan) # promote tspan to T so Dual number works
+ jump_cb = ContinuousCallback( #trigger quantum jumps and collapse the state
+ collapse_condition,
+ (integrator) -> collapse!(integrator, c_ops),
+ )
+ #remove save_start and sate_on options to allow saving at specified times
+ ode_options = (
+ save_everystep=false, #save only at designated save_times, improves performance
+ save_start=true,
+ dense=false,
+ reltol=1e-10,
+ abstol=1e-10,
+ saveat=save_times,
+ callback=jump_cb #quantum jumps
+ )
+ kw = pairs(merge(ode_options, kw))
+ return NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ reg,
+ ode_f,
+ c_ops,
+ state,
+ copy(state),
+ tspan,
+ algo,
+ coherent_noise,
+ confusion_mat,
+ save_times,
+ kw,
+ rand(), #random initial condition
+ )
+function NoisySchrodingerProblem( #Generic simulation with collapse operators
+ reg::ArrayReg,
+ save_times,
+ h,
+ c_ops::Array;
+ kw...
+ return NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ reg,
+ save_times,
+ h,
+ c_ops,
+ () -> h,
+ Matrix(I, 2^nqubits(reg), 2^nqubits(reg));
+ kw...
+ )
+function NoisySchrodingerProblem( #Simulation based on NoiseModel
+ reg::ArrayReg,
+ save_times,
+ h::AbstractBlock,
+ noise_model::ErrorModel;
+ kw...
+ return NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ reg,
+ save_times,
+ h,
+ noise_model.collapse_ops(nqubits(reg)),
+ noise_model.coherent_noise(h),
+ noise_model.confusion_mat(nqubits(reg));
+ kw...
+ )
+function collapse_condition(u, t, integrator) #condition for continuous callback
+ norm(u)^2 - integrator.p
+function collapse!(integrator, L_ops) #trigger a quantum jump
+ dp = 0
+ l = length(L_ops)
+ probs = Vector{Float64}(undef, l)
+ for i in 1:l
+ dp += norm(L_ops[i] * integrator.u)^2 #normalization
+ probs[i] = dp #cumulative distribution
+ end
+ r = rand()
+ for i in 1:l
+ if r <= probs[i] / dp #choose jump based on r
+ copy!(integrator.u, L_ops[i] * integrator.u) #jump
+ normalize!(integrator.u) #normalize
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ integrator.p = rand() #randomize for next jump
+ function randomize
+Used to randomly modify the parameters of the Hamiltonian and randomly
+change the initial condition, producing another NoisySchrodingerProblem object
+representing a new trajectory. This is a replacement for SciML remake
+function randomize(prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem)
+ h = prob.coherent_noise()
+ p = rand()
+ space = YaoSubspaceArrayReg.space(prob.reg)
+ T = real(eltype(prob.state))
+ T = isreal(h) ? T : Complex{T}
+ eq = NoisySchrodingerEquation(
+ SchrodingerEquation(
+ h, Hamiltonian(T, h, space)
+ ),
+ sum([l' * l for l in prob.c_ops]),
+ length(prob.c_ops)
+ )
+ ode_f = ODEFunction(eq)
+ return NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ copy(prob.reg),
+ ode_f,
+ prob.c_ops,
+ copy(prob.state),
+ copy(prob.u0),
+ prob.tspan,
+ prob.algo,
+ prob.coherent_noise,
+ prob.confusion_mat,
+ prob.save_times,
+ prob.kwargs,
+ p
+ )
+function Base.show(io::IO, mime::MIME"text/plain", prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem) #pretty printing
+ indent = get(io, :indent, 0)
+ tab(indent) = " "^indent
+ println(io, tab(indent), "NoisySchrodingerProblem:")
+ # state info
+ println(io, tab(indent + 2), "register info:")
+ print(io, tab(indent + 4), "type: ")
+ printstyled(io, typeof(prob.reg); color=:green)
+ println(io)
+ print(io, tab(indent + 4), "storage size: ")
+ printstyled(io, Base.format_bytes(storage_size(prob.reg)); color=:yellow)
+ println(io)
+ println(io)
+ # tspan info
+ println(io, tab(indent + 2), "time span (μs): ", prob.tspan)
+ println(io)
+ # equation info
+ println(io, tab(indent + 2), "equation: ")
+ show(IOContext(io, :indent => indent + 4), mime, prob.f.f)
+ println(io, tab(indent + 4), "algorithm: ", repr(prob.algo))
+ function solve
+This method should generally not be called directly unless you are implementing your own EnsembleProblem. This Implements
+the DifferentialEquations interface for NoisySchrodingerProblem, which represents a single quantum trajectory.
+function DiffEqBase.solve(prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem, args...; sensealg=nothing, initial_state=nothing, kw...)
+ if sensealg === nothing && haskey(prob.kwargs, :sensealg)
+ sensealg = prob.kwargs[:sensealg]
+ end
+ # update initial state
+ if initial_state !== nothing
+ initial_state isa AbstractRegister ||
+ throw(ArgumentError("initial_state must be a register, got $(typeof(initial_state))"))
+ u0 = statevec(initial_state)
+ else
+ u0 = prob.u0
+ end
+ return DiffEqBase.solve_up(prob, sensealg, u0, nothing, args...; kw...)
+DiffEqBase.get_concrete_problem(prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem, isadapt; kw...) = prob
+ function emulate
+Emulate the evolution of a noisy system by averaging over an ensemble of ntraj noisy trajectories. The output is an array
+where each array contains the output of output_func on the timeseries corresponding to a single trajectory.
+# Arguments
+- `prob`: NoisySchrodingerProblem to emulate
+- `ntraj`: number of trajectories to use for simulation
+- `output_func`: Vector{Complex}->Any - Transformation of the statevector array to save
+- `ensemble_algo`: See EnsembleProblem documentation. Common choices are EnsembleSerial and EnsembleThreaded
+function emulate_noisy(
+ prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem,
+ ntraj::Int,
+ output_func::Function;
+ ensemble_algo=EnsembleSerial()
+ ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(
+ prob,
+ prob_func=(prob, i, repeat) -> randomize(prob),
+ output_func=(sol, i) -> (output_func([normalize(sol(t)) for t in prob.save_times]), false)
+ )
+ solve(ensemble_prob, prob.algo, ensemble_algo, trajectories=ntraj)
+ function emulate
+Emulate an ensemble and return the ensemble average over bitstring distribution.
+# Arguments
+- `prob`: NoisySchrodingerProblem
+- `ntraj`: Number of trajectories
+- `report_error`: Returns 2σ estimated from the sample
+- `ensemble_algo`: What type of parallelization is desired. See EnsembleSimulation documentation
+function emulate_noisy(
+ prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem,
+ ntraj::Int;
+ report_error=false,
+ ensemble_algo=EnsembleSerial()
+ output_func = sol -> [abs.(u) .^ 2 for u in sol] #store the probability distribution
+ sim = emulate_noisy(prob, ntraj, output_func; ensemble_algo=ensemble_algo) #call up
+ return if report_error
+ (
+ amps=simulation_series_mean(sim),
+ twosigma=simulation_series_err(sim)
+ )
+ else
+ simulation_series_mean(sim)
+ end
+ function emulate
+Emulate an ensemble and return the ensemble average of a set of expectation values
+# Arguments
+- `prob`: NoisySchrodingerProblem
+- `ntraj`: Number of trajectories
+- `expectations`: Set of Hermitian operators representing observables. Matrix-like objects
+- `shots`: Whether to resample the solution at a fixed number of shots. No resamping if `shots = 0``
+- `report_error`: Returns 2σ estimated from the sample. Requires expectation values to be diagonal in computational basis
+- `ensemble_algo`: What type of parallelization is desired. See EnsembleSimulation documentation
+function emulate_noisy(
+ prob::NoisySchrodingerProblem,
+ ntraj::Int,
+ expectations::Array;
+ readout_error=false,
+ shots=0,
+ report_error=false,
+ ensemble_algo=EnsembleSerial()
+ @assert all(ishermitian.(expectations)) #observables are hermitian!
+ if !readout_error #Was not sure how to do this cleanly because multiple dispatch does not account for different kwargs...
+ output_func = (sol) -> [[real(u' * (e * u)) for e in expectations] for u in sol]
+ sim = emulate_noisy(prob, ntraj, output_func; ensemble_algo=ensemble_algo)
+ return if report_error
+ (
+ expectations=[simulation_series_mean(sim; index = i) for (i, _) in enumerate(expectations)],
+ twosigma=[simulation_series_err(sim; index = i) for (i, _) in enumerate(expectations)]
+ )
+ else
+ [simulation_series_mean(sim; index=i) for (i, _) in enumerate(expectations)]
+ end
+ else
+ @assert all([typeof(e) <: Diagonal for e in expectations])
+ sim = emulate_noisy(prob, ntraj; report_error=true, ensemble_algo=ensemble_algo)
+ amps = sim.amps
+ amps_err = sim.twosigma
+ if shots == 0 #no resampling
+ res = [[_expectation_value_noisy(prob.confusion_mat, a, e, err) for (a, err) in zip(amps, amps_err)] for e in expectations]
+ expec, perr = [[[a[i] for a in e] for e in res] for i in 1:2]
+ return if report_error
+ (
+ expectations=expec,
+ propagated_error=perr
+ )
+ else
+ return expec
+ end
+ else
+ res = [[_expectation_value_noisy(prob.confusion_mat, a, e, err, shots) for (a, err) in zip(amps, amps_err)] for e in expectations]
+ mval, sample_err, err = [[[a[i] for a in e] for e in res] for i in 1:3]
+ return if report_error
+ (
+ expectations=mval,
+ shot_error=sample_err,
+ propagated_err=err
+ )
+ else
+ return mval
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function expec_series_mean
+Convenience method to access the expectation value over the ensemble
+over the series of save times.
+# Arguments
+- sim: EnsembleSolution, result of calling `emulate`
+- index: index of the expectation value in the array provided
+function simulation_series_mean(sim; index=false)
+ ntraj = length(sim)
+ times = length(sim[1])
+ if index == false
+ [mean([sim[i][t] for i in 1:ntraj]) for t in 1:times]
+ else
+ [mean([sim[i][t][index] for i in 1:ntraj]) for t in 1:times]
+ end
+ function expec_series_err
+Convenience method to estimate the sampling error in the ensemble solution
+# Arguments
+- `sim`: EnsembleSolution, result of calling `emulate`
+- `index`: index of the expectation value in the array provided
+- `factor`: How many σ from the mean to report
+function simulation_series_err(sim; index=false, factor=2)
+ ntraj = length(sim)
+ times = length(sim[1])
+ if index == false
+ [factor * std([sim[i][t] for i in 1:ntraj]) / sqrt(ntraj) for t in 1:times]
+ else
+ [factor * std([sim[i][t][index] for i in 1:ntraj]) / sqrt(ntraj) for t in 1:times]
+ end
+function _expectation_value_noisy(
+ cmat,
+ amps,
+ op::Diagonal,
+ errs::Vector
+ expec = sum([a * real(n) for (a, n) in zip(cmat * amps, op.diag)])
+ (
+ expec,
+ sqrt(sum([(err * real(n))^2 for (err, n) in zip(cmat * errs, op.diag)]))
+ )
+function _expectation_value_noisy(
+ cmat,
+ amps,
+ op::Diagonal,
+ errs::Vector,
+ shots::Int
+ w = Weights(cmat * amps) #create weights representing measurement probabilities
+ samples = sample(1:length(amps), w, shots)
+ S = [real(op.diag[s]) for s in samples]
+ (
+ mean(S),
+ 2 * std(S) / sqrt(shots), #Using 2σ because 95% of the data is within this error
+ sqrt(sum([(err * real(n))^2 for (err, n) in zip(cmat * errs, op.diag)]))
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/test/problem.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/test/problem.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac4314abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/test/problem.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+using BloqadeNoisy
+using BloqadeExpr
+using BloqadeWaveforms
+using Kronecker
+using StatsBase
+using SciMLBase
+using YaoArrayRegister
+using YaoBlocks
+using LinearAlgebra
+@testset "problem interface" begin
+ reg = zero_state(1)
+ h = rydberg_h([(0, 0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0)
+ save_times = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 10)
+ ns = @test_nowarn NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, Aquila())
+@testset "emulation" begin
+ save_times = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 10)
+ reg = zero_state(1)
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ reg, save_times, rydberg_h([(0, 0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0), Aquila()
+ )
+ sim = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 1)
+ @test length(sim) == length(save_times)
+ @test length(first(sim)) == length(reg.state)
+@testset "Hamiltonian sampling" begin
+ h = rydberg_h(
+ [(0.0,)];
+ Ω = Waveform(sin, 4),
+ Δ = piecewise_constant(
+ clocks = [0, 4],
+ values = [2π],
+ ),
+ ϕ = piecewise_constant(
+ clocks = [0, 4],
+ values = [0]
+ )
+ )
+ sampler = Aquila().coherent_noise(h)
+ @test_nowarn solve(SchrodingerProblem(zero_state(1), 4.0, sampler()), DP8())
+@testset "noisy measurements" begin
+ state = [[.5]; [.5]]
+ @test length(measure_noisy(Aquila(), state; nshots=10)) == 10
+@testset "expectation values" begin
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ zero_state(1), [0.0, 4.0], rydberg_h([(0, 0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0), Aquila()
+ )
+ sim = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 1, mat.([X, Z]))
+ @test sim[1][1] == 0.0
+ @test sim[2][1] == 1.0
+@testset "noisy expectation values" begin
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ zero_state(1), [0.0, 4.0], rydberg_h([(0, 0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0), Aquila()
+ )
+ p01 = Aquila().confusion_mat(1)[2, 1]
+ sim = emulate_noisy(ns, 1, [mat(Z)]; readout_error=true)
+ @test sim[1][1] == 1 - 2 * p01
+ p = [[.5]; [.5]]
+ p_ro = Aquila().confusion_mat(1) * p
+ Zexpec = expectation_value_noisy(Aquila(), p, mat(Z))
+ @test Zexpec == p_ro[1] - p_ro[2]
+ Zexpec = expectation_value_noisy(Aquila(), p, mat(Z), errs = [.05, .05])
+ e_t = Aquila().confusion_mat(1) * [[.05]; [.05]]
+ @test Zexpec.propagated_err == norm(e_t)
+ Z_shots = expectation_value_noisy(Aquila(), p, mat(Z), 1000)
+ @test isapprox(Z_shots, Zexpec.expectation, atol = 4/sqrt(1000))
+ @test expectation_value_noisy(Aquila(), p, mat(Z), 1000; errs = true).sample_err < .1
+@testset "emulation arguments" begin
+ h = rydberg_h([(0, 0), (8, 0), (18, 0)], Ω=15, Δ=0)
+ reg = zero_state(3)
+ save_times = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 5)
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, Aquila())
+ sim1 = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 1, [mat(put(3, i => Z)) for i in 1:3];
+ report_error=true
+ )
+ sim2 = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 2, [mat(put(3, 1 => Z))];
+ report_error=true, ensemble_algo=EnsembleThreads()
+ )
+ sim_ro = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 2, [mat(put(3, 1 => Z))];
+ readout_error=true, report_error=true
+ )
+ sim = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 1, [mat(put(3, i => Z)) for i in 1:3];
+ readout_error=true, report_error=true, shots=10
+ )
+@testset "ensemble analysis" begin
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ zero_state(1), [0.0, 4.0], rydberg_h([(0, 0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0), Aquila()
+ )
+ sim = emulate_noisy(ns, 2, sol -> [abs(u[1])^2 for u in sol])
+ @test values = simulation_series_mean(sim; index = 1)[end] ==
+ mean([s[end] for s in sim])
+ @test simulation_series_err(sim; index=1, factor=3)[end] ==
+ std([s[end][1] for s in sim]) * 3 / sqrt(2)
+@testset "EnsembleProblem integration" begin
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(
+ zero_state(1), [0.0, 4.0], rydberg_h([(0, 0)], Ω=2π, Δ=0), Aquila()
+ )
+ @test_nowarn randomize(ns)
+ ep = @test_nowarn EnsembleProblem(ns,
+ prob_func=(prob, i, repeat) -> randomize(ns)
+ )
+ @test_nowarn solve(ep, DP8(); trajectories=1)
+@testset "trivial noise model" begin
+ reg = zero_state(1)
+ save_times = [0.0, 4.0]
+ h = rydberg_h([(0, 0)]; Ω=2π)
+ trivial_error_model = ErrorModel(
+ n -> I,
+ n -> [],
+ h -> (() -> h)
+ )
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(reg, save_times, h, trivial_error_model)
+ sim = emulate_noisy(ns, 10, sol -> sol[end])
+ ψ = first(solve(SchrodingerProblem(reg, 4, h), DP8()).u)
+ @test all(map(sim) do u; u ≈ ψ; end)
+@testset "custom collapse operators" begin
+ save_times = [0.0, 4.0]
+ h = rydberg_h([(0, 0)]; Ω=2π)
+ rate = 1 / 10
+ c_ops = [sqrt(rate) * mat((X + im * Y) / 2)]
+ @test_nowarn ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(zero_state(1), save_times, h, c_ops)
+@testset "custom error model" begin
+ confusion_matrix(n) = kronecker([[[0.9 0.1]; [0.1 0.9]] for i in 1:n]...)
+ bitflip_model(n) = [
+ SparseMatrixCSC(sqrt(1 / 10) * mat(put(n, i => X))) for i in 1:n
+ ]
+ coherent_noise(h) = () -> (
+ (atoms, ϕ, Ω, Δ) = get_rydberg_params(h);
+ rydberg_h(atoms; Ω=Ω * (1 + 0.08 * randn()), Δ=Δ, ϕ=ϕ)
+ )
+ better_error_model = ErrorModel(
+ confusion_matrix,
+ bitflip_model,
+ coherent_noise
+ )
+ ns = NoisySchrodingerProblem(zero_state(2), LinRange(0,2,100), rydberg_h([(0,),(8,)]; Ω=15), better_error_model)
+ sim = @test_nowarn emulate_noisy(ns, 1, [mat(put(2, 1 => X)), mat(kron(X, X))])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/BloqadeNoisy/test/runtests.jl b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/test/runtests.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7e989660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/BloqadeNoisy/test/runtests.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+using Test
+@testset "problem" begin
+ include("problem.jl")