Design by Isabela Presedo-Floyd, coded with the help of Jovyans at Quansight
conda create -y -n jupyterlab-theme-winter python=3.8 && \
conda activate jupyterlab-theme-winter && \
pip install --pre jupyterlab==3.0.0rc10 jupyterlab_theme_winter --upgrade --force-reinstall
# How to launch jupyter lab with a defined theme?
mkdir -p ~/.jupyter/lab/user-settings/\@jupyterlab/apputils-extension && \
CONF="{ \"theme\": \"JupyterLab Winter\" }" && \
cat > ~/.jupyter/lab/user-settings/\@jupyterlab/apputils-extension/themes.jupyterlab-settings <<EOF
jupyter lab
- Update the Launcher page with something like e.g.
- Strip down the variables.css to only the needed css?
- Bring more fancy ui like in Search tool + neon billboard + Collapser + neon light + Scrollbar + FM-84's "Atlas" (compatible with webKit browsers) + A surprise in the presentation mode (Top menu --> View --> Presention mode)
# Build the extension and link for dev in shell 1.
jupyter labextension develop --overwrite
# List extensions.
jupyter labextension list
pip list | grep jupyterlab-theme-winter
# Run and watch jupyterlab in shell 1.
jlpm watch
# Run and watch jupyterlab in shell 2.
# Look at the remote entry javascript, a webpack5 feature.
mkdir ~/notebooks && \
jupyter lab \
--dev-mode \
--watch \
--notebook-dir=~/notebooks \
--ServerApp.token= \
# Generate sourcemaps.jla
jupyter labextension build --development True .
jupyter lab build --minimize=False
# Do not generate sourcemaps.
jupyter labextension build .
jupyter lab build
pip install jupyter_packaging twine && \
python sdist bdist_wheel && \
twine upload dist/*
jlpm build:lib && \
npm publish --access public