Releases: QuantStack/glue-jupyterlab
Releases · QuantStack/glue-jupyterlab
Merged PRs
- Add ability to remove tab #117 (@trungleduc)
- Add ability to drag and drop data into existing viewers for new layer creation #115 (@brichet)
- Add documentation #114 (@martinRenou)
Contributors to this release
What's Changed
- Fix advanced links by @brichet in #101
- Binder by @martinRenou in #106
- 3D Scatter by @martinRenou in #107
- Add 1D profile support by @martinRenou in #108
- Update binder link by @martinRenou in #109
- Improve styling of the link editor by @martinRenou in #110
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #112
- Integration test for links by @brichet in #105
- Add data without session corruption by @brichet in #111
- Rename to glue-jupyterlab by @martinRenou in #113
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Add pre-commit by @trungleduc in #1
- Add glue document by @trungleduc in #2
- Register GlueSharedModel by @hbcarlos in #3
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #6
- Update glue file by @trungleduc in #5
- Link editor tab by @brichet in #8
- Adds CSS when hovering a glue session tab by @brichet in #11
- Fix links by @martinRenou in #12
- Load data + Render Scatter 2D views by @trungleduc in #7
- Implement Histogram and Image viewers by @martinRenou in #26
- Fixes YGlue observe by @hbcarlos in #28
- Implementing datasets panel skeleton by @martinRenou in #30
- Adapt viewer width to windows by @martinRenou in #23
- Improves gridstack lifecycle by @hbcarlos in #33
- Linkeditor layout by @brichet in #29
- Fix hiding widgets by @hbcarlos in #37
- Read pos and size from file by @hbcarlos in #38
- Adds schema for the data and the links by @brichet in #36
- Move viewers between tabs by @hbcarlos in #41
- Populates linked dataset and attributes by @brichet in #42
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #47
- Update model after an action on an item by @hbcarlos in #46
- Dynamic advanced links list by @brichet in #45
- Improve "Move Item" action label by @martinRenou in #51
- Fix dataset selection styling by @martinRenou in #50
- Advanced links info by @brichet in #49
- Advanced links summary by @brichet in #53
- Viewer creation by @martinRenou in #34
- Update dialog title by @martinRenou in #58
- Implement get by @martinRenou in #57
- Uses observe_deep for tabs by @hbcarlos in #61
- Add/delete links in glue session model by @brichet in #56
- JupyterLab 4 update by @martinRenou in #60
- Connect session kernel to shared session by @davidbrochart in #48
- Improve viewers life cycle by @hbcarlos in #62
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #66
- Fix widget state parser by @trungleduc in #65
- Fix data file paths in session3.glu and add a missing datafile by @brichet in #67
- Unify links by @brichet in #68
- Perform link in the kernel by @brichet in #69
- Update jupyter_collaboration version range by @martinRenou in #70
- Specify yjs and yjs-widgets as being shared packages by @martinRenou in #71
- Start kernel automatically without prompting by @martinRenou in #72
- Fix data paths by @martinRenou in #73
- Update rendering logic by @trungleduc in #75
- Rename to Gluepyter by @martinRenou in #77
- Fix widget manager issue for when we have multiple sessions opened by @martinRenou in #78
- Implement loading spinners by @martinRenou in #80
- Move widget config to the left panel. by @trungleduc in #76
- Link panel improvments by @brichet in #79
- Style scrollbar by @trungleduc in #82
- Use more CSS variables from JupyterLab by @martinRenou in #86
- Refactor the selected attributes and dataset by @brichet in #83
- Update viewer when creating or deleting links by @brichet in #90
- Add new empty tab. by @trungleduc in #91
- Write links in session file by @brichet in #85
- Fix link order by @brichet in #92
- Add a ui-test by @martinRenou in #27
- Clear control widget on tab switching. by @trungleduc in #94
- Create launcher button by @trungleduc in #97
- Readme by @martinRenou in #100
- Add data behavior by @martinRenou in #95
New Contributors
- @trungleduc made their first contribution in #1
- @hbcarlos made their first contribution in #3
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #6
- @brichet made their first contribution in #8
- @martinRenou made their first contribution in #12
- @davidbrochart made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: