description |
Obey & survive! |
- This resource manages police functions and interactions
- Objects for police to place down via such as traffic cones and spike strips
- Police stash, garage and armory
- Cuffing players functions
- Evidence system including blood DNA drops and fingerprints
- Anklet Tracker for police to track players
Config = {}
Config.LicenseRank = 2 -- minimum rank need to grant weapon licenses to players
Config.HandCuffItem = 'handcuffs' -- item name to check for when cuffing
Config.PoliceHelicopter = "POLMAV" -- helicopter model name to spawn
Config.Locations = {
["duty"] = { -- locations to clock on/off duty
[1] = vector3(440.085, -974.924, 30.689),
[2] = vector3(-449.811, 6012.909, 31.815),
["vehicle"] = { -- locations to withdraw vehicles
[1] = vector4(448.159, -1017.41, 28.562, 90.654),
[2] = vector4(471.13, -1024.05, 28.17, 274.5),
[3] = vector4(-455.39, 6002.02, 31.34, 87.93),
["stash"] = { -- locations to access stash
[1] = vector3(453.075, -980.124, 30.889),
["impound"] = { -- locations to access the police impound
[1] = vector4(436.68, -1007.42, 27.32, 180.0),
[2] = vector4(-436.14, 5982.63, 31.34, 136.0),
["helicopter"] = { -- locations to withdraw helicopters
[1] = vector4(449.168, -981.325, 43.691, 87.234),
[2] = vector4(-475.43, 5988.353, 31.716, 31.34),
["armory"] = { -- locations to open the armory
[1] = vector3(462.23, -981.12, 30.68),
["trash"] = { -- locations to add items to the trash
[1] = vector3(439.0907, -976.746, 30.776),
["fingerprint"] = { -- locations to access fingerprint scanner
[1] = vector3(460.9667, -989.180, 24.92),
["evidence"] = { -- locations to access evidence lockers
[1] = vector3(442.1722, -996.067, 30.689),
[2] = vector3(451.7031, -973.232, 30.689),
[3] = vector3(455.1456, -985.462, 30.689),
["stations"] = { -- locations for map blips and labels
[1] = {
label = "Police Station",
coords = vector4(428.23, -984.28, 29.76, 3.5)
[2] = {
label = "Prison",
coords = vector4(1845.903, 2585.873, 45.672, 272.249)
[3] = {
label = "Police Station Paleto",
coords = vector4(-451.55, 6014.25, 31.716, 223.81)
Config.Items = {
label = "Police Armory", -- label that the right-side inventory shows
slots = 30, -- how many slots total for the armory
items = {
[1] = {
name = "weapon_pistol", -- item name
price = 0, -- how much the item costs
amount = 1, -- how many are available in stock
info = { -- item info
serie = "", -- placeholder for serial number, don't edit
attachments = {
component = "COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH", -- attachment name
label = "Flashlight" -- attachment label
type = "weapon", -- item type
slot = 1, -- slot item shows in inventory
authorizedJobGrades = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} -- grades allowed to purchase
Config.WhitelistedVehicles = {} -- list of vehicles not locked by rank
Config.AuthorizedVehicles = {
-- Grade 0
[0] = {
["police"] = "Police Car 1", -- vehicle model and label for menu
["police2"] = "Police Car 2",
["police3"] = "Police Car 3",
["police4"] = "Police Car 4",
["policeb"] = "Police Car 5",
["policet"] = "Police Car 6",
["sheriff"] = "Sheriff Car 1",
["sheriff2"] = "Sheriff Car 2",
Config.VehicleSettings = {
["car1"] = { -- Model name
["extras"] = {
["1"] = true, -- enable/disable the vehicle extra on spawn
["2"] = true,
["3"] = true,
["4"] = true,
["5"] = true,
["6"] = true,
["7"] = true,
["8"] = true,
["9"] = true,
["10"] = true,
["11"] = true,
["12"] = true,
["13"] = true,
["livery"] = 1, -- the livery number to be applied on spawn
Config.CarItems = { -- items to add to the trunk when spawning a police vehicle
[1] = {
name = "heavyarmor", -- item name
amount = 2, -- item amount
info = {}, -- item info
type = "item", -- type of item
slot = 1, -- inventory slot item shows in
[2] = {
name = "empty_evidence_bag",
amount = 10,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 2,
[3] = {
name = "police_stormram",
amount = 1,
info = {},
type = "item",
slot = 3,
Config.MaxSpikes = 5 -- maximum amount of spikes that can be spawned at once
Config.Objects = { -- availabe items for police to spawn
["cone"] = { --
model = `prop_roadcone02a`, -- object hash
freeze = false -- enable/disable freezing the object in place
["barrier"] = {
model = `prop_barrier_work06a`,
freeze = true
["roadsign"] = {
model = `prop_snow_sign_road_06g`,
freeze = true
["tent"] = {
model = `prop_gazebo_03`,
freeze = true
["light"] = {
model = `prop_worklight_03b`,
freeze = true
Config.SecurityCameras = {
hideradar = false, -- enable/disable hiding the minimap while viewing cam
cameras = {
[1] = {
label = "Pacific Bank CAM#1", -- camera label
coords = vector3(257.45, 210.07, 109.08), -- location of the camera
r = {x = -25.0, y = 0.0, z = 28.05}, -- camera rotation
canRotate = false, -- enable/disable rotating the cam while viewing
isOnline = true -- enable/disable the camera
Config.Radars = { -- locations of radars that check for flagged plates
vector4(-623.44421386719, -823.08361816406, 25.25704574585, 145.0),
vector4(-652.44421386719, -854.08361816406, 24.55704574585, 325.0),
vector4(1623.0114746094, 1068.9924316406, 80.903594970703, 84.0),
vector4(-2604.8994140625, 2996.3391113281, 27.528566360474, 175.0),
vector4(2136.65234375, -591.81469726563, 94.272926330566, 318.0),
vector4(2117.5764160156, -558.51013183594, 95.683128356934, 158.0),
vector4(406.89505004883, -969.06286621094, 29.436267852783, 33.0),
vector4(657.315, -218.819, 44.06, 320.0),
vector4(2118.287, 6040.027, 50.928, 172.0),
vector4(-106.304, -1127.5530, 30.778, 230.0),
vector4(-823.3688, -1146.980, 8.0, 300.0),
Config.AmmoLabels = { -- the type of ammo and it's label when dropped
["AMMO_PISTOL"] = "9x19mm parabellum bullet",
["AMMO_SMG"] = "9x19mm parabellum bullet",
["AMMO_RIFLE"] = "7.62x39mm bullet",
["AMMO_MG"] = "7.92x57mm mauser bullet",
["AMMO_SHOTGUN"] = "12-gauge bullet",
["AMMO_SNIPER"] = "Large caliber bullet",
- Random drop chance of bullet casings when player is shooting
- Random chance of fingerprints left behind when player is not wearing gloves
- Player statuses set when doing certain actions
- Found in qb-policejob/client/evidence.lua
local StatusList = { -- set a players status using an event
['fight'] = Lang:t('evidence.red_hands'),
['widepupils'] = Lang:t('evidence.wide_pupils'),
['redeyes'] = Lang:t('evidence.red_eyes'),
['weedsmell'] = Lang:t('evidence.weed_smell'),
['gunpowder'] = Lang:t('evidence.gunpowder'),
['chemicals'] = Lang:t('evidence.chemicals'),
['heavybreath'] = Lang:t('evidence.heavy_breathing'),
['sweat'] = Lang:t('evidence.sweat'),
['handbleed'] = Lang:t('evidence.handbleed'),
['confused'] = Lang:t('evidence.confused'),
['alcohol'] = Lang:t('evidence.alcohol'),
["heavyalcohol"] = Lang:t('evidence.heavy_alcohol'),
["agitated"] = Lang:t('evidence.agitated')
local WhitelistedWeapons = { -- weapons to ignore
{% hint style="warning" %} Example code is done on the SERVER side {% endhint %}
RegisterCommand('setstatus', function(source, args)
local status = args[1] -- the status type to set
local time = args[2] -- the status duration
TriggerClientEvent('evidence:client:SetStatus', source, status, time)
RegisterCommand('addblooddrop', function(source, args)
local ped = GetPlayerPed(source)
local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
local bloodId = args[1] -- blood id or index of table, can be whatever
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
if not Player then return end
local citizenid = Player.PlayerData.citizenid
local bloodtype = Player.PlayerData.metadata['bloodtype']
TriggerClientEvent('evidence:client:AddBlooddrop', source, bloodId, citizenid, bloodtype, coords)
RegisterCommand('addfingerprint', function(source, args)
local ped = GetPlayerPed(source)
local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
local fingerId = args[1] -- fingerprint id or index of table, can be whatever
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
if not Player then return end
local fingerprint = Player.PlayerData.metadata['fingerprint']
TriggerClientEvent('evidence:client:AddFingerPrint', source, fingerId, fingerprint, coords)
/911p [message] - sends an alert to the police
This command sends an alert to all players with the job 'police'. The alert will contain the given message
and a blip is added to the police player's map at your current location.
Permission level: user
- message - (required) The message to send with the alert
/spikestrip - Place a spike strip
Places a Spike Strip object on the ground. The player must have the job of 'police' and be on duty to use.
Permission level: user
/grantlicense [id] [license] - give a player a license
Gives a player with the given id
the license of the given license
This command can only be used by players with the job of 'police' above the minimum grade as set by Config.LicenseRank
(Default is grade 2 and above).
Permission level: user
- id - (required) The id of the player
- license - (required) The license type (E.g. "weapon" or "driver")
/revokelicense [id] [license] - remove a player's license
Removes a license of the given license
type from a player with the given id
This command can only be used by players with the job of 'police' above the minimum grade as set by Config.LicenseRank
(Default is grade 2 and above).
Permission level: user
- id - (required) The id of the player
- license - (required) The license type (E.g. "weapon" or "driver")
/pobject [type] - allows officer to spawn an object
Allows a player with the job of 'police' to spawn an object
Permission level: user
- type - (required) The object type. Available types:
- cone - a traffic cone
- barrier - a roadblock barrier
- roadsign - a road sign
- tent - a gazebo for crime scenes
- light - a work light
- delete - delete an object
/cuff - cuff the nearest player
This command will hard cuff the nearest player (prevents movement) .
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/sc - soft cuff the nearest player
This command will soft cuff the nearest player (allows movement).
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/escort - escort the nearest player
This command will escort the nearest player.
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/callsign [name] - allows officer to set a callsign
Allows a player with the job of 'police' to set their callsign. The callsign is visible as the name of the player's blip on the map.
Permission level: user
- name - (required) the callsign to be used
/jail - sends nearest player to jail
This command will send the nearest player to jail. A menu will open allowing the officer to set the jail time.
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/unjail [id] - unjail a player
Unjail a player with the given id
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
- id - (required) the id of the player
/clearcasings - clears bullet casings in the area
Clears any bullet casings with 10.0 units of your current location.
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/clearblood - clears blood drops in the area
Clears any blood drops with 10.0 units of your current location.
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/seizecash - seize cash from the nearest player
Seize cash from the nearest player.
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/cam [id] - allows officer to see cam footage from selected spots
Allows a player with the job of 'police' to view security cameras. Security camera locations can be set up in the config file of qb-policejob. See Config.SecurityCameras
Permission level: user
- id - (required) the id of the camera
/flagplate [plate] [reason] - allows speed cameras to find a plate flagged
Allows speed cameras that can be set up in the config to find a flagged plate. See Config.Radars
Permission level: user
- plate - (required) the plate to be flagged
- reason - (required) the reason for the flag
/unflagplate [plate] - removes the flag from the plate
Removes the flag on the plate so cameras will no longer pick up the plate.
Permission level: user
- plate - (required) the plate to be unflagged
/plateinfo [plate] - shows the info of the plate
Shows whether a plate is flagged and gives the reason if so.
Permission level: user
- plate - (required) the plate to check
/depot [price] - allows officer to impound vehicle for a price
Allows a player with the job of 'police' to send a vehicle to the impound for the given price
Permission level: user
- price - (required) the price set for removing vehicle from depot
/impound - impounds a vehicle without a price
impounds a vehicle without a price
Can only be used by a player with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/paytow [id] - pays the tow driver $500
Pays the player with the given id
$500. The player being paid must have the job of 'tow'.
Permission level: user
- id - (required) the id of the player being paid
/paylawyer [id] - pays a lawyer $500
Pays the player with the given id
$500. The player being paid must have the job of 'lawyer'.
Permission level: user
- id - (required) the id of the player being paid
/anklet - adds a tracking device to the closest player
Adds a tracking device to the closest player.
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/ankletlocation [cid] - shows the location of the player
Shows the location of the player with the given ci
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
- cid - (required) the citizen id of the player being checked
/takedrivinglicense - takes the players drivers license
Takes the driving license of the closest player
Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'
Permission level: user
/takedna [id] - takes the players dna
Takes the dna of a player with a given id
. Requires an empty evidence bag.
Permission level: user
- id - (required) the id of the player
- handcuffs - Cuffs a player on use