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Example for a RUI3 based location tracker with the WisBlock RAK12500 GNSS module and the RAK1904 Acceleration sensor
Baseds on the RUI3-LowPower-Example, this code implements a simple location tracker with adjustable send interval (heart beat) and an acceleration sensor to trigger location acquisition when the device is moving.
The GNSS sensor is powered down when not in use to minimize the power consumption. Once a location acquisition is triggered (by heart beat or motion), the GNSS module is powered up. To avoid power consuming waiting for a acquisition in a loop, a timer triggered task is checking the result every 2.5 seconds. If a location fix was found, the location data and acquisition time is added to the payload. If a time-out is reached during the acquisition, no location is added to the payload.
Independent of the acquisition result, a payload is sent to the LoRaWAN server or LoRa P2P endpoint.
The payload is in Cayenne LPP format with extended data types. A matching decoder can be found in the RAKwireless_Standardized_Payload Github repo
This examples includes three custom AT commands:
to set the send interval time or heart beat time. If the device is not in motion it will send a payload with this interval. The time is set in seconds, e.g.AT+SENDINT=600
sets the send interval to 600 seconds or 10 minutes.ATC+MININT
to set the minimal time between two location reports if the device is moving.ATC+STATUS
to get some status information from the device.
The code snippets below are simplified. Check the provided source code for the full code.
This code requires additional libraries to be installed. The link to install them in Arduino IDE can be found in the file app.h.
#include <ArduinoJson.h> // Click here to install http://librarymanager/All#ArduinoJson
#include <CayenneLPP.h> // Click here to install http://librarymanager/All#CayenneLPP
There are different system callbacks that are invoked on LoRa/LoRaWAN events.
For LoRaWAN there are 3 callbacks for join, send and receive events.
LoRaWAN join event is called when a join request was successful or failed. If it fails, it is called after all retries are used up, not on each single retry. The callback has the parameter int32_t status
. The status is based on low level LoRaMAC stack results, at the moment the only usuable check is whether the status is 0 ==> join success or <>0 ==> join failed. It is possible to restart the join request from this callback if the attempt failed before.
void joinCallback(int32_t status)
if (status != 0)
MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "LoRaWan OTAA - join fail! \r\n");
MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "LoRaWan OTAA - joined! \r\n");
digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
LoRaWAN TX finished callback is an important callback. It tells you whether the transmission of a LoRaWAN packet is finished. It is important, because a TX finished event is waking up the device, and when using the loop() function, a sleep call should be issued AFTER the TX finished event. The callback has the parameter int32_t status
. The status is based on low level LoRaMAC stack results, at the moment the only usuable check is whether the status is 0 ==> send success or <>0 ==> send failed.
In the sendCallback the interrupts for the motion sensor are enabled as well.
void sendCallback(int32_t status)
MYLOG("TX-CB", "TX status %d", status);
// If it was motion triggered, reset the ACC interrupts
if (has_rak1904)
LoRaWAN RX callback is called when a data packet was received from the LoRaWAN server. The callback has as parameter a pointer to a structure with information about the received data and pointers to the payload and its length.
void receiveCallback(SERVICE_LORA_RECEIVE_T *data)
MYLOG("RX-CB", "RX, port %d, DR %d, RSSI %d, SNR %d", data->Port, data->RxDatarate, data->Rssi, data->Snr);
LoRaWAN LinkCheck callback is called when LinkCheck was enabled through AT commands. It shows the demodulation margin, number of gateways that received the uplink and RSSI/SNR of the downlink.
void linkcheckCallback(SERVICE_LORA_LINKCHECK_T *data)
MYLOG("LC_CB", "%s Margin %d GW# %d RSSI%d SNR %d", data->State == 0 ? "Success" : "Failed",
data->DemodMargin, data->NbGateways,
data->Rssi, data->Snr);
LoRa P2P TX finished callback is an important callback. It tells you whether the transmission of a LoRa packet is finished. It is important, because a TX finished event is waking up the device, and when using the loop() function, a sleep call should be issued AFTER the TX finished event. The callback has the no parameters, as LoRa P2P does not have any protocol that would allow to know if the sent packet was received by another node.
In the sendCallback the interrupts for the motion sensor are enabled as well.
void send_cb(void)
MYLOG("TX-P2P-CB", "P2P TX finished");
// If it was motion triggered, reset the ACC interrupts
if (has_rak1904)
LoRa P2P RX callback is called when a data packet was received from another LoRa node. The callback has as parameter a structure with information about the received data, the payload and its length.
void recv_cb(rui_lora_p2p_recv_t data)
MYLOG("RX-P2P-CB", "P2P RX, RSSI %d, SNR %d", data.Rssi, data.Snr);
If CAD is enabled, the CAD callback is called with the result of the channel activity detection. If a channel activity was detected, the packet should be re-sent. This is not implemented in this example.
void cad_cb(bool result)
MYLOG("CAD-CB", "P2P CAD reports %s", result ? "activity" : "no activity");
is used as known from Arduino sketches to setup the system. It is called once after reboot or power up.
There are two important parts in the setup() code.
First it checks whether the system is working in LoRaWAN mode or as a LoRa P2P mode. Depending on this, the different callbacks are setup.
// Setup for LoRaWAN
if (api.lora.nwm.get() == 1)
// Setup the callbacks for joined and send finished
else // Setup for LoRa P2P
Second a periodic timer is initialized to wake up the system in intervals to send a packet to the LoRaWAN server or other LoRa P2P nodes. The interval time is set with the variable custom_parameters.send_interval
// Create a timer.
api.system.timer.create(RAK_TIMER_0, sensor_handler, RAK_TIMER_PERIODIC);
if (custom_parameters.send_interval != 0)
// Start a timer.
api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_0, custom_parameters.send_interval, NULL);
An additional timer is initialized for the periodic checking of the RAK12500 location acquisition status.
// Create a timer.
api.system.timer.create(RAK_TIMER_1, gnss_handler, RAK_TIMER_PERIODIC);
An third timer is initialized for to wakeup the module from the interrupt handler after a motion interrupt was triggered.
// Create a timer
api.system.timer.create(RAK_TIMER_2, sensor_handler, RAK_TIMER_ONESHOT);
The loop()
function does nothing beside of killing itself, which prevents that it is called frequently from the underlaying RUI3 scheduler.
void loop()
This functions are where the action is happening.
is called by the timer or by an interrupt triggered by the accelerometer. First, if in LoRaWAN mode, it checks whether the node has already joined the network.
void sensor_handler(void *)
if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
// Check if the node has joined the network
if (!api.lorawan.njs.get())
// If it was motion triggered, reset the ACC interrupts
if (has_rak1904)
last_trigger = millis();
digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH);
Then it checks whether the wakeup was triggered by a motion. This is not really required, it is just for debug output.
// Just for debug, show if the call is because of a motion detection
if (motion_detected)
MYLOG("UPLINK", "ACC triggered IRQ");
motion_detected = false;
Then it checks whether a location acquisition is already active (in case the motion sensor triggered while a heart beat event is already active). If no acquisition is active, it prepares the payload that will be sent after the acquisition has finished.
Then it initializes the GNSS module and starts the counter that is checking the status every 2.5 seconds.
// If GNSS is not yet active, start the timer to aquire the location
if (!gnss_active)
// Clear payload
// Add battery voltage
g_solution_data.addVoltage(LPP_CHANNEL_BATT, api.system.bat.get());
// Set flag for GNSS active to avoid retrigger */
gnss_active = true;
// Startup GNSS module
check_gnss_counter = 0;
// Max location aquisition time is half of minimal interval
check_gnss_max_try = custom_parameters.min_interval / 2 / 2500;
gnss_start = millis();
// Start the timer
api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_1, 2500, NULL);
MYLOG("UPLINK", "GNSS still active");
digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
is resetting the timer value for delays between motion trigger events. It adds as well (just for information), how long it took the GNSS engine to get a location fix.
void send_packet(void)
// Set flag for GNSS inactive */
gnss_active = false;
// Reset delay timer value
last_trigger = millis();
// Add acquisition time in seconds
g_solution_data.addUnixTime(LPP_CHANNEL_GPS, (gnss_finished - gnss_start) / 1000);
As the payload size might vary, depending on whether a location fix was achieved or not, an experimental adjustment of the data rate is implemented in this code, if LoRaWAN is active.
// Check if it is LoRaWAN
if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
// Check DR
uint8_t new_dr = get_min_dr(api.lorawan.band.get(), g_solution_data.getSize());
if (new_dr != api.lorawan.dr.get())
MYLOG("UPLINK", "Datarate changed to %d", api.lorawan.dr.get());
// Send the packet
if (api.lorawan.send(g_solution_data.getSize(), g_solution_data.getBuffer(), set_fPort, g_confirmed_mode, g_confirmed_retry))
MYLOG("UPLINK", "Packet enqueued, size %d", g_solution_data.getSize());
tx_active = true;
MYLOG("UPLINK", "Send failed");
tx_active = false;
// If it was motion triggered, reset the ACC interrupts
if (has_rak1904)
// It is P2P
MYLOG("UPLINK", "Send packet with size 4 over P2P");
digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
if (api.lora.psend(g_solution_data.getSize(), g_solution_data.getBuffer(), true))
MYLOG("UPLINK", "Packet enqueued");
MYLOG("UPLINK", "Send failed");
// If it was motion triggered, reset the ACC interrupts
if (has_rak1904)
is called before every location acquisition, as the RAK12500 is powered down when not in use.
bool init_gnss(void)
// Power on the GNSS module
digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);
// Give the module some time to power up
if (!my_gnss.begin(Wire))
MYLOG("GNSS", "Could not initialize RAK12500 on Wire");
return false;
my_gnss.setI2COutput(COM_TYPE_UBX); // Set the I2C port to output UBX only (turn off NMEA noise)
my_gnss.saveConfiguration(); // Save the current settings to flash and BBR
return true;
is the task called every 2.5 seconds while a location acquisition is active. It calls poll_gnss
which is reading the status from the GNSS module, then, depending on the result, it is
- on a location fix stopping the acquisition and sending the payload
- checking if the maximum time is expired. If expired, it stops the acquisition and sends the payload
void gnss_handler(void *)
digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, HIGH);
if (poll_gnss())
// Power down the module
digitalWrite(WB_IO2, LOW);
gnss_finished = millis();
digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH);
if (check_gnss_counter >= check_gnss_max_try)
// Power down the module
digitalWrite(WB_IO2, LOW);
gnss_finished = millis();
digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW);
is getting the location fix status from the GNSS module.
bool poll_gnss(void)
last_read_ok = false;
time_t time_out = millis();
int64_t latitude = 0;
int64_t longitude = 0;
int32_t altitude = 0;
int16_t accuracy = 0;
uint8_t satellites = 0;
bool has_pos = false;
bool has_alt = false;
if (my_gnss.getGnssFixOk())
byte fix_type = my_gnss.getFixType(); // Get the fix type
char fix_type_str[32] = {0};
#if MY_DEBUG > 0
if (fix_type == 0)
sprintf(fix_type_str, "No Fix");
else if (fix_type == 1)
sprintf(fix_type_str, "Dead reckoning");
else if (fix_type == 2)
sprintf(fix_type_str, "Fix type 2D");
else if (fix_type == 3)
sprintf(fix_type_str, "Fix type 3D");
else if (fix_type == 4)
sprintf(fix_type_str, "GNSS fix");
else if (fix_type == 5)
sprintf(fix_type_str, "Time fix");
If the result of the location fix is satisfying, it saves the results and sets the flag last_read_ok
if ((fix_type >= 3) && (my_gnss.getSIV() >= 5)) /** Fix type 3D and at least 5 satellites */
// if (fix_type >= 3) /** Fix type 3D */
last_read_ok = true;
latitude = my_gnss.getLatitude();
longitude = my_gnss.getLongitude();
altitude = my_gnss.getAltitude();
accuracy = my_gnss.getHorizontalDOP();
satellites = my_gnss.getSIV();
// MYLOG("GNSS", "Fixtype: %d %s", my_gnss.getFixType(), fix_type_str);
// MYLOG("GNSS", "Lat: %.4f Lon: %.4f", latitude / 10000000.0, longitude / 10000000.0);
// MYLOG("GNSS", "Alt: %.2f", altitude / 1000.0);
// MYLOG("GNSS", "Acy: %.2f ", accuracy / 100.0);
In the next section it checks the result and adds the location data if it is valid.
char disp_str[255];
if (last_read_ok)
if ((latitude == 0) && (longitude == 0))
last_read_ok = false;
return false;
// Add the location to the payload
g_solution_data.addGNSS_6(LPP_CHANNEL_GPS, latitude, longitude, altitude);
return true;
If no location fix was found, it returns a false to the timer triggered task.
For indoor testing it is possible to return a fake location by defining the FAKE_GPS
with 1.
// No location found
#if FAKE_GPS > 0
MYLOG("GNSS", "Faking GPS");
// 14.4213730, 121.0069140, 35.000
latitude = 144213730;
longitude = 1210069140;
altitude = 35000;
accuracy = 1;
satellites = 18;
g_solution_data.addGNSS_6(LPP_CHANNEL_GPS, latitude, longitude, altitude);
last_read_ok = true;
return true;
// MYLOG("GNSS", "No valid location found");
last_read_ok = false;
return false;
The RAK1904 requires some special setting to get the lowest power consumption. The used library does not allow to access the GNSS chip directly. As a workaround two functions were added to read and write directly from the GNSS chip, rak1904_writeRegister
and rak1904_readRegister
is initializing up the acceleration sensor to 10 Hz sampling rate, 4G measurement range and a sensitivity of 1/8th of the measurement range.
It is as well initializing the interrupt callback function on a GPIO.
Depending on the WisBlock Sensor Slot used, the GPIO connected to the interrupt output of the acceleration sensor is changing. It has to be set to the correct pin with
/** Interrupt pin, depends on slot */
uint8_t acc_int_pin = WB_IO5; // Slot D
in the beginning of the RAK1904_acc.cpp file.
bool init_rak1904(void)
// Setup interrupt pin
pinMode(acc_int_pin, INPUT);
usedWire = &Wire;
if (!acc_sensor.begin())
MYLOG("ACC", "ACC sensor initialization failed");
return false;
// Enable interrupts
acc_sensor.enableDRDY(true, 1);
acc_sensor.enableDRDY(false, 2);
// ........................
// Setup of the registers of the acceleration sensor
// ........................
// Set the interrupt callback function
// MYLOG("ACC", "Int pin %s", acc_int_pin == WB_IO3 ? "WB_IO3" : "WB_IO5");
attachInterrupt(acc_int_pin, int_callback_rak1904, RISING);
last_trigger = millis();
return true;
is the callback triggered by the interrupt of the acceleration sensor. It first checks if a minimum time has expired since the last motion trigger. This is to avoid to send too many data packets. The delay between two packets can be set with a custom AT command.
If the time since the last trigger is sufficient long, it sets a flag and calls the sensor_handler
to signal the start of a location acquisition.
It resets as well the heart beat timer.
void int_callback_rak1904(void)
if ((millis() - last_trigger) > (custom_parameters.min_interval) && !gnss_active)
motion_detected = true;
// Stop a timer.
// Start a timer.
api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_0, custom_parameters.send_interval, NULL);
// Wake the handler and start location acquisition
api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_2, 100, NULL);
motion_detected = false;
is re-enabling the interrupts from the acceleration sensor. This function is called after an acquisition attempt has finished.
void clear_int_rak1904(void)
Get a RAKwireless RUI3 WisDuo stamp module, breakout board or evaluation board from our store
Get a RAKwireless RUI3 WisBlock Core module from our store
The following modules are supported by RUI3:
WisDuo modules and EVB's | WisBlock Core Modules |
- RAK3172 stamp module | - RAK4631-R |
- RAK3272S breakout board | - RAK3372 |
- RAK3172 evaluation board | - RAK11722 |
- RAK3172-SiP chip | |
- RAK3272-SiP breakout board | |
- RAK4630 stamp module | |
- RAK11720 stamp module | |
- RAK11721 breakout board |