From 035fd87f299c7a2f5214f8b475776f3f80a62128 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Riccardo Casatta <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 10:29:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] migrate to criterion for benching

 .github/workflows/ci.yml |   4 +-
 Cargo.toml               |   6 +                |  52 +++++----
 benches/       | 229 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/bsl/         | 177 ------------------------------
 src/bsl/  |  33 ------
 src/bsl/   |  55 ----------
 src/               |   5 +-
 8 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 290 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 benches/

diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 3003cef..5e1ecc3 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ jobs:
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
       - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@nightly
-      - run: RUSTFLAGS='--cfg=bench' cargo +nightly bench --all-features
+      - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
+      - run: cargo bench --all-features
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 6fcfc44..8515f4c 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -31,7 +31,13 @@ hex_lit = { version = "0.1", features = ["rust_v_1_46"] }
 bitcoin = { version = "0.32.0", features = ["rand"] }
 bitcoin-test-data = "0.2.0"
 tempfile = "3.4.0"
+criterion = "0.3"
 all-features = true
 rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]
+name = "benches"
+harness = false
+required-features = ["bitcoin_hashes", "bitcoin", "sha2"]
diff --git a/ b/
index fb8d8ae..74f98e7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -120,31 +120,45 @@ cargo test
 ## Bench
+[Criterion]( is used for benching mainly because we are not required to use nightly, and it is also nicer.
+cargo bench --all-features
+To have compact results, similar to standard libtests launch with:
-RUSTFLAGS='--cfg=bench' cargo +nightly bench --all-features
+cargo bench --bench benches --all-features -- --output-format bencher
-test bsl::block::bench::block_deserialize            ... bench:     289,421 ns/iter (+/- 46,179)
-test bsl::block::bench::block_deserialize_bitcoin    ... bench:   2,719,666 ns/iter (+/- 459,186)
-test bsl::block::bench::block_sum_outputs            ... bench:     288,248 ns/iter (+/- 39,013)
-test bsl::block::bench::block_sum_outputs_bitcoin    ... bench:   2,607,791 ns/iter (+/- 321,212)
-test bsl::block::bench::find_tx                      ... bench:   1,012,297 ns/iter (+/- 6,278)
-test bsl::block::bench::find_tx_bitcoin              ... bench:   8,632,416 ns/iter (+/- 89,751)
-test bsl::block::bench::hash_block_txs               ... bench:   8,406,341 ns/iter (+/- 938,119)
-test bsl::block::bench::hash_block_txs_bitcoin       ... bench:  11,843,590 ns/iter (+/- 1,052,109)
-test bsl::block::bench::hash_block_txs_sha2          ... bench:   7,891,956 ns/iter (+/- 1,047,439)
-test bsl::block_header::bench::block_hash            ... bench:       1,399 ns/iter (+/- 205)
-test bsl::block_header::bench::block_hash_bitcoin    ... bench:       1,510 ns/iter (+/- 222)
-test bsl::transaction::bench::tx_deserialize         ... bench:          38 ns/iter (+/- 8)
-test bsl::transaction::bench::tx_deserialize_bitcoin ... bench:         219 ns/iter (+/- 30)
-test bsl::transaction::bench::txid                   ... bench:       2,185 ns/iter (+/- 166)
-test bsl::transaction::bench::txid_bitcoin           ... bench:       2,416 ns/iter (+/- 213)
-test bsl::transaction::bench::txid_sha2              ... bench:       2,085 ns/iter (+/- 216)
+test tx_deserialize/slices       ... bench:          29 ns/iter (+/- 0)
+test tx_deserialize/bitcoin      ... bench:         211 ns/iter (+/- 0)
+test tx_id/slices_bitcoin_hashes ... bench:         183 ns/iter (+/- 0)
+test tx_id/slices_sha2           ... bench:         158 ns/iter (+/- 0)
+test tx_id/bitcoin               ... bench:         234 ns/iter (+/- 1)
+test block_deserialize/slices    ... bench:      230872 ns/iter (+/- 1686)
+test block_deserialize/bitcoin   ... bench:     1462784 ns/iter (+/- 115792)
+test block_sum_outputs/slices    ... bench:      235757 ns/iter (+/- 1318)
+test block_sum_outputs/bitcoin   ... bench:     1459730 ns/iter (+/- 95817)
+test hash_block_txs/slices       ... bench:      881940 ns/iter (+/- 4961)
+test hash_block_txs/slices_sha2  ... bench:      789365 ns/iter (+/- 932)
+test hash_block_txs/bitcoin      ... bench:     2301561 ns/iter (+/- 15406)
+test find_tx/slices              ... bench:      406519 ns/iter (+/- 1423)
+test find_tx/bitcoin             ... bench:     1826147 ns/iter (+/- 122216)
+test block_hash/slices           ... bench:         112 ns/iter (+/- 0)
+test block_hash/bitcoin          ... bench:         146 ns/iter (+/- 2)
-* benches ending with `_bitcoin` use `rust-bitcoin`
-* benches ending with `_sha2` use `sha2` lib instead of `bitcoin_hashes`
+* benches variants with `/bitcoin` use `rust-bitcoin`
+* benches ending with `/slices_sha2` use this lib and `sha2` lib instead of `bitcoin_hashes`
 ### Comparison against rust-bitcoin
diff --git a/benches/ b/benches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef466ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benches/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+use bitcoin::consensus::deserialize;
+use bitcoin_hashes::sha256d;
+use bitcoin_slices::bsl::{Block, BlockHeader, FindTransaction, Transaction, TxOut};
+use bitcoin_slices::{Parse, Visit, Visitor};
+use bitcoin_test_data::blocks::mainnet_702861;
+use core::ops::ControlFlow;
+use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
+use hex_lit::hex;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+const BENCH_TX: [u8; 193] = hex!("0100000001a15d57094aa7a21a28cb20b59aab8fc7d1149a3bdbcddba9c622e4f5f6a99ece010000006c493046022100f93bb0e7d8db7bd46e40132d1f8242026e045f03a0efe71bbb8e3f475e970d790221009337cd7f1f929f00cc6ff01f03729b069a7c21b59b1736ddfee5db5946c5da8c0121033b9b137ee87d5a812d6f506efdd37f0affa7ffc310711c06c7f3e097c9447c52ffffffff0100e1f505000000001976a9140389035a9225b3839e2bbf32d826a1e222031fd888ac00000000");
+const GENESIS_BLOCK_HEADER: [u8; 80] = hex!("0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003ba3edfd7a7b12b27ac72c3e67768f617fc81bc3888a51323a9fb8aa4b1e5e4a29ab5f49ffff001d1dac2b7c");
+    benches,
+    tx_deserialize,
+    tx_id,
+    block_deserialize,
+    block_sum_outputs,
+    hash_block_txs,
+    find_tx,
+    block_hash
+pub fn tx_deserialize(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("tx_deserialize")
+        .throughput(criterion::Throughput::Bytes(BENCH_TX.len() as u64))
+        .bench_function("slices", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let tx = Transaction::parse(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap().parsed_owned();
+                black_box(&tx);
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let tx: bitcoin::Transaction = deserialize(&BENCH_TX).unwrap();
+                black_box(&tx);
+            })
+        });
+pub fn tx_id(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("tx_id")
+        .throughput(criterion::Throughput::Bytes(BENCH_TX.len() as u64))
+        .bench_function("slices_bitcoin_hashes", |b| {
+            let tx = Transaction::parse(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap().parsed_owned();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                black_box(tx.txid());
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("slices_sha2", |b| {
+            let tx = Transaction::parse(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap().parsed_owned();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                black_box(tx.txid_sha2());
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            let tx: bitcoin::Transaction = deserialize(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                black_box(tx.compute_txid());
+            })
+        });
+pub fn block_deserialize(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("block_deserialize")
+        .throughput(criterion::Throughput::Bytes(mainnet_702861().len() as u64))
+        .bench_function("slices", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let block = Block::parse(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
+                black_box(&block);
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
+                black_box(&block);
+            })
+        });
+pub fn block_sum_outputs(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("block_sum_outputs")
+        .throughput(criterion::Throughput::Bytes(mainnet_702861().len() as u64))
+        .bench_function("slices", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                struct Sum(u64);
+                impl Visitor for Sum {
+                    fn visit_tx_out(&mut self, _vout: usize, tx_out: &TxOut) -> ControlFlow<()> {
+                        self.0 += tx_out.value();
+                        ControlFlow::Continue(())
+                    }
+                }
+                let mut sum = Sum(0);
+                let block = Block::visit(mainnet_702861(), &mut sum).unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(sum.0, 2883682728990);
+                black_box(&block);
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
+                let sum: u64 = block
+                    .txdata
+                    .iter()
+                    .flat_map(|t| t.output.iter())
+                    .fold(0, |acc, e| acc + e.value.to_sat());
+                assert_eq!(sum, 2883682728990);
+                black_box(&block);
+            })
+        });
+pub fn hash_block_txs(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("hash_block_txs")
+        .throughput(criterion::Throughput::Bytes(mainnet_702861().len() as u64))
+        .bench_function("slices", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                struct VisitTx(Vec<sha256d::Hash>);
+                let mut v = VisitTx(vec![]);
+                impl Visitor for VisitTx {
+                    fn visit_block_begin(&mut self, total_transactions: usize) {
+                        self.0.reserve(total_transactions);
+                    }
+                    fn visit_transaction(&mut self, tx: &Transaction) -> ControlFlow<()> {
+                        self.0.push(tx.txid());
+                        ControlFlow::Continue(())
+                    }
+                }
+                let block = Block::visit(mainnet_702861(), &mut v).unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(v.0.len(), 2500);
+                black_box((&block, v));
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("slices_sha2", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                struct VisitTx(
+                    Vec<sha2::digest::generic_array::GenericArray<u8, sha2::digest::typenum::U32>>,
+                );
+                let mut v = VisitTx(vec![]);
+                impl Visitor for VisitTx {
+                    fn visit_block_begin(&mut self, total_transactions: usize) {
+                        self.0.reserve(total_transactions);
+                    }
+                    fn visit_transaction(&mut self, tx: &Transaction) -> ControlFlow<()> {
+                        self.0.push(tx.txid_sha2());
+                        ControlFlow::Continue(())
+                    }
+                }
+                let block = Block::visit(mainnet_702861(), &mut v).unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(v.0.len(), 2500);
+                black_box((&block, v));
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
+                let mut tx_hashes = Vec::with_capacity(block.txdata.len());
+                for tx in block.txdata.iter() {
+                    tx_hashes.push(tx.compute_txid())
+                }
+                assert_eq!(tx_hashes.len(), 2500);
+                black_box((&block, tx_hashes));
+            })
+        });
+const TXID: &str = "416a5f96cb63e7649f6f272e7f82a43a97bcf6cfc46184c733344de96ff1e433";
+pub fn find_tx(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("find_tx")
+        .throughput(criterion::Throughput::Bytes(mainnet_702861().len() as u64))
+        .bench_function("slices", |b| {
+            let txid = bitcoin::Txid::from_str(TXID).unwrap();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let mut visitor = FindTransaction::new(txid.clone());
+                let _ = Block::visit(&mainnet_702861(), &mut visitor);
+                let tx = visitor.tx_found().unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(tx.compute_txid(), txid);
+                core::hint::black_box(tx);
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            let txid = bitcoin::Txid::from_str(TXID).unwrap();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
+                let mut tx = None;
+                for current in block.txdata {
+                    if current.compute_txid() == txid {
+                        tx = Some(current);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                let tx = tx.unwrap();
+                assert_eq!(tx.compute_txid(), txid);
+                core::hint::black_box(&tx);
+            })
+        });
+pub fn block_hash(c: &mut Criterion) {
+    c.benchmark_group("block_hash")
+        .bench_function("slices", |b| {
+            let block_header = BlockHeader::parse(&GENESIS_BLOCK_HEADER)
+                .unwrap()
+                .parsed_owned();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let hash = block_header.block_hash();
+                black_box(&hash);
+            })
+        })
+        .bench_function("bitcoin", |b| {
+            let block_header: bitcoin::blockdata::block::Header =
+                deserialize(&GENESIS_BLOCK_HEADER).unwrap();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let hash = block_header.block_hash();
+                black_box(&hash);
+            })
+        });
diff --git a/src/bsl/ b/src/bsl/
index a7326b0..f4e7b9f 100644
--- a/src/bsl/
+++ b/src/bsl/
@@ -166,180 +166,3 @@ mod test {
         assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<ControlFlow<()>>(), 1);
-mod bench {
-    use core::ops::ControlFlow;
-    use crate::bsl::{Block, TxOut};
-    use crate::{Parse, Visit, Visitor};
-    use bitcoin::consensus::deserialize;
-    use bitcoin_test_data::blocks::mainnet_702861;
-    use test::{black_box, Bencher};
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn block_deserialize(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let block = Block::parse(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
-            black_box(&block);
-        });
-        bh.bytes = mainnet_702861().len() as u64;
-    }
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn block_deserialize_bitcoin(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
-            black_box(&block);
-        });
-        bh.bytes = mainnet_702861().len() as u64;
-    }
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn block_sum_outputs(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            struct Sum(u64);
-            impl Visitor for Sum {
-                fn visit_tx_out(&mut self, _vout: usize, tx_out: &TxOut) -> ControlFlow<()> {
-                    self.0 += tx_out.value();
-                    ControlFlow::Continue(())
-                }
-            }
-            let mut sum = Sum(0);
-            let block = Block::visit(mainnet_702861(), &mut sum).unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(sum.0, 2883682728990);
-            black_box(&block);
-        });
-    }
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn block_sum_outputs_bitcoin(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
-            let sum: u64 = block
-                .txdata
-                .iter()
-                .flat_map(|t| t.output.iter())
-                .fold(0, |acc, e| acc + e.value.to_sat());
-            assert_eq!(sum, 2883682728990);
-            black_box(&block);
-        });
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "bitcoin_hashes")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn hash_block_txs(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        use core::ops::ControlFlow;
-        use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d;
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            struct VisitTx(Vec<sha256d::Hash>);
-            let mut v = VisitTx(vec![]);
-            impl crate::Visitor for VisitTx {
-                fn visit_block_begin(&mut self, total_transactions: usize) {
-                    self.0.reserve(total_transactions);
-                }
-                fn visit_transaction(&mut self, tx: &crate::bsl::Transaction) -> ControlFlow<()> {
-                    self.0.push(tx.txid());
-                    ControlFlow::Continue(())
-                }
-            }
-            let block = Block::visit(mainnet_702861(), &mut v).unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(v.0.len(), 2500);
-            black_box((&block, v));
-        });
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "sha2")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn hash_block_txs_sha2(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        use core::ops::ControlFlow;
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            struct VisitTx(
-                Vec<
-                    crate::sha2::digest::generic_array::GenericArray<
-                        u8,
-                        crate::sha2::digest::typenum::U32,
-                    >,
-                >,
-            );
-            let mut v = VisitTx(vec![]);
-            impl crate::Visitor for VisitTx {
-                fn visit_block_begin(&mut self, total_transactions: usize) {
-                    self.0.reserve(total_transactions);
-                }
-                fn visit_transaction(&mut self, tx: &crate::bsl::Transaction) -> ControlFlow<()> {
-                    self.0.push(tx.txid_sha2());
-                    ControlFlow::Continue(())
-                }
-            }
-            let block = Block::visit(mainnet_702861(), &mut v).unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(v.0.len(), 2500);
-            black_box((&block, v));
-        });
-    }
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn hash_block_txs_bitcoin(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
-            let mut tx_hashes = Vec::with_capacity(block.txdata.len());
-            for tx in block.txdata.iter() {
-                tx_hashes.push(tx.compute_txid())
-            }
-            assert_eq!(tx_hashes.len(), 2500);
-            black_box((&block, tx_hashes));
-        });
-    }
-    #[cfg(all(feature = "bitcoin", feature = "sha2"))]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn find_tx(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        use std::str::FromStr;
-        let txid = bitcoin::Txid::from_str(
-            "416a5f96cb63e7649f6f272e7f82a43a97bcf6cfc46184c733344de96ff1e433",
-        )
-        .unwrap();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let mut visitor = crate::bsl::FindTransaction::new(txid.clone());
-            let _ = Block::visit(&mainnet_702861(), &mut visitor);
-            let tx = visitor.tx_found().unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(tx.compute_txid(), txid);
-            core::hint::black_box(tx);
-        });
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn find_tx_bitcoin(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        use std::str::FromStr;
-        let txid = bitcoin::Txid::from_str(
-            "416a5f96cb63e7649f6f272e7f82a43a97bcf6cfc46184c733344de96ff1e433",
-        )
-        .unwrap();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let block: bitcoin::Block = deserialize(mainnet_702861()).unwrap();
-            let mut tx = None;
-            for current in block.txdata {
-                if current.compute_txid() == txid {
-                    tx = Some(current);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            let tx = tx.unwrap();
-            assert_eq!(tx.txid(), txid);
-            core::hint::black_box(&tx);
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/src/bsl/ b/src/bsl/
index ec3130e..b70dd34 100644
--- a/src/bsl/
+++ b/src/bsl/
@@ -164,36 +164,3 @@ mod test {
         assert_eq!(&block.block_hash_sha2()[..], &reverse(expected)[..]);
-mod bench {
-    #[cfg(feature = "bitcoin_hashes")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn block_hash(bh: &mut test::Bencher) {
-        use crate::bsl::BlockHeader;
-        use crate::Parse;
-        let block_header = BlockHeader::parse(&crate::test_common::GENESIS_BLOCK_HEADER)
-            .unwrap()
-            .parsed_owned();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let hash = block_header.block_hash();
-            test::black_box(&hash);
-        });
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn block_hash_bitcoin(bh: &mut test::Bencher) {
-        use bitcoin::consensus::deserialize;
-        let block_header: bitcoin::blockdata::block::Header =
-            deserialize(&crate::test_common::GENESIS_BLOCK_HEADER).unwrap();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let hash = block_header.block_hash();
-            test::black_box(&hash);
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/src/bsl/ b/src/bsl/
index 100a1fa..72a68fb 100644
--- a/src/bsl/
+++ b/src/bsl/
@@ -299,58 +299,3 @@ mod test {
-mod bench {
-    use crate::bsl::Transaction;
-    use crate::Parse;
-    use bitcoin::consensus::deserialize;
-    use hex_lit::hex;
-    use test::{black_box, Bencher};
-    const BENCH_TX: [u8; 193] = hex!("0100000001a15d57094aa7a21a28cb20b59aab8fc7d1149a3bdbcddba9c622e4f5f6a99ece010000006c493046022100f93bb0e7d8db7bd46e40132d1f8242026e045f03a0efe71bbb8e3f475e970d790221009337cd7f1f929f00cc6ff01f03729b069a7c21b59b1736ddfee5db5946c5da8c0121033b9b137ee87d5a812d6f506efdd37f0affa7ffc310711c06c7f3e097c9447c52ffffffff0100e1f505000000001976a9140389035a9225b3839e2bbf32d826a1e222031fd888ac00000000");
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn tx_deserialize(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let tx = Transaction::parse(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap().parsed_owned();
-            black_box(&tx);
-        });
-        bh.bytes = BENCH_TX.len() as u64;
-    }
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn tx_deserialize_bitcoin(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            let tx: bitcoin::Transaction = deserialize(&BENCH_TX).unwrap();
-            black_box(&tx);
-        });
-        bh.bytes = BENCH_TX.len() as u64;
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "bitcoin_hashes")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn txid(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        let tx = Transaction::parse(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap().parsed_owned();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            black_box(&tx.txid());
-        });
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "sha2")]
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn txid_sha2(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        let tx = Transaction::parse(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap().parsed_owned();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            black_box(&tx.txid_sha2());
-        });
-    }
-    #[bench]
-    pub fn txid_bitcoin(bh: &mut Bencher) {
-        let tx: bitcoin::Transaction = deserialize(&BENCH_TX[..]).unwrap();
-        bh.iter(|| {
-            black_box(&tx.compute_txid());
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b81d596..32f7d7d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
 #![doc = include_str!("../")]
-extern crate test;
 pub mod bsl;
 mod error;
 pub mod number;
@@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ pub use redb;
 #[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
 pub use bitcoin;
-#[cfg(any(test, bench))]
 pub mod test_common {
     use hex_lit::hex;