With new ORCA release, users can create their images as below.
Select the Node and right click to View Properties of the Node in flukes
Access dashboard using credentials determined above and go to Compute -> Instances screen. Note down the Project Name shown on the top left corner.
Select VM from which to create the image and click 'Create Snapshot'
Go to Compute -> Images screen to check status of image. It would change from queued to Active
Once the image is Active, click on Image Name to find out ID.
Download python image client which is required to download the image. Use the python client to download the image as indicated below.
wget http://geni-images.renci.org/images/tools/image_client.py
python3.6 image_client.py -e http://rocky-hn.exogeni.net:8222 -p tenant-Slice1-B7P6GiWwOm -u owner-Slice1-B7P6GiWwOm -w GjxUjA2Pwr -i f95b02a4-064f-4c34-8c80-2dbc887c5af9 -f ./testImage.qcow2
NOTE: Python 3.6 and requests package should be installed before running image_client
- Generate shasum for the image
sha1sum testImage.qcow2
- image xml file should include sha1sum for the image and http link to download the image as shown below:
<url>http://<url for the location of the image>/testImage/testImage.qcow2</url>
- Create a VM instance on Openstack with the base OS image like centos, debian etc.
- Logon to the VM, switch to root user and install neuca tools NOTE: neuca-tools must be installed with python2.7
sudo su -
yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utils
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
pip install -U pip
pip install -U boto
pip install python-daemon==2.1.2
pip install netaddr
yum install -y git
git clone https://github.com/RENCI-NRIG/neuca-guest-tools.git
cd neuca-guest-tools/neuca-py
python setup.py install
- Edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg to ensure root login is enabled
- Edit /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file to remove any redirect messages
- Create a service file /usr/lib/systemd/system/neucad.service for centos7 based system
ExecStart=/bin/python /usr/bin/neucad start
ExecStop=/bin/python /usr/bin/neucad stop
- Enable neucad service
systemctl enable neucad.service
service neucad start
- Create an init file for centos6, debian, fedora or ubuntu system
# Provides: lampp
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: A front-end init script that starts neucad
exec=" /usr/bin/neucad"
start() {
/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/neucad start
stop() {
/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/neucad stop
case "$1" in
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 2
exit $?
- Logon to head node and switch to root user
- Source Openstack keystone and execute following command
source /var/tmp/cred.tenant-kthare10-slice2-aD7NZwyeV8.owner-kthare10-slice2-aD7NZwyeV8
openstack server list
nova image-create <server_name> <image_name>
openstack image show <image_name>
glance image-download --file /tmp/<image_name>.qcow2 <image_id>
NOTE: credentials file for each slice would be present in /var/tmp directory with convention /var/tmp/cred.tenant-...