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index 000000000..4d737330e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/DoodleShader/GPU-Doodle/DoodleShader.shader
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+Shader "GpuDoodle"{
+ Properties{
+ _Color("Tint", Color) = (0, 0, 0, 1)
+ _MainTex("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
+ // Add properties
+ _DoodleMaxOffset("Doodle Max Offset", vector) = (0.005, 0.005, 0, 0)
+ _DoodleFrameTime("Doodle Frame Time", Float) = 0.2
+ _DoodleFrameCount("Doodle Frame Count", Int) = 24
+ _DoodleNoiseScale("Doodle Noise Scale", vector) = (35, 35, 1, 1)
+ }
+ SubShader{
+ Tags{ "RenderType" = "Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent"}
+ Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
+ ZWrite off
+ Pass{
+ #include "UnityCG.cginc"
+ // Add helper file
+ #include "UtilsCG.cginc"
+ #pragma vertex vert
+ #pragma fragment frag
+ sampler2D _MainTex;
+ float4 _MainTex_ST;
+ fixed4 _Color;
+ struct appdata {
+ float4 vertex : POSITION;
+ float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
+ };
+ struct v2f {
+ float4 position : SV_POSITION;
+ float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
+ };
+ v2f vert(appdata v) {
+ v2f o;
+ o.position = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
+ o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
+ return o;
+ }
+ // Add identifiers
+ float2 _DoodleMaxOffset; // - How far the UV can be distorted
+ float _DoodleFrameTime; // - How long does a frame last
+ int _DoodleFrameCount; // - How many frames per animation
+ float2 _DoodleNoiseScale; // - How noisy should the effect be
+ fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_TARGET{
+ // Add doodle code
+ float2 offset = 0.0;
+ offset = DoodleTextureOffset(i.uv, _DoodleMaxOffset, _Time.y, _DoodleFrameTime, _DoodleFrameCount,_DoodleNoiseScale);
+ fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + offset);
+ col *= _Color;
+ return col;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/DoodleShader/GPU-Doodle/DoodleShader.shader.meta b/Assets/DoodleShader/GPU-Doodle/DoodleShader.shader.meta
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--- /dev/null
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+using UnityEngine;
+public class DoodleText : MonoBehaviour
+ public Material mat; // - Target material
+ public Vector4 DoodleMaxOffset; // - How far the UV can be distorted
+ public float DoodleFrameTime; // - How long does a frame last
+ public int DoodleFrameCount; // - How many frames per animation
+ public Vector4 DoodleNoiseScale; // - How noisy should the effect be
+ public bool DoodleOn; // - Toggle doodle effect
+ void Update()
+ {
+ SetAll();
+ }
+ public void SetAll()
+ {
+ mat.SetVector("_DoodleMaxOffset", DoodleMaxOffset);
+ mat.SetFloat("_DoodleFrameTime", DoodleFrameTime);
+ mat.SetInt("_DoodleFrameCount", DoodleFrameCount);
+ mat.SetVector("_DoodleNoiseScale", DoodleNoiseScale);
+ if (DoodleOn)
+ Shader.EnableKeyword("DOODLE_ON");
+ else
+ Shader.DisableKeyword("DOODLE_ON");
+ }
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+ - _Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+ - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
+ - _SpecColor: {r: 0.19999996, g: 0.19999996, b: 0.19999996, a: 1}
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/DoodleShader/GPU-Doodle/Transparent.shader
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Shader "Transparency"{
+ Properties{
+ _Color("Tint", Color) = (0, 0, 0, 1)
+ _MainTex("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
+ }
+ SubShader{
+ Tags{ "RenderType" = "Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent"}
+ Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha // traditional transparency
+ ZWrite off
+ Pass{
+ #include "UnityCG.cginc"
+ #pragma vertex vert
+ #pragma fragment frag
+ sampler2D _MainTex;
+ float4 _MainTex_ST;
+ fixed4 _Color;
+ struct appdata {
+ float4 vertex : POSITION;
+ float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
+ };
+ struct v2f {
+ float4 position : SV_POSITION;
+ float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
+ };
+ v2f vert(appdata v) {
+ v2f o;
+ o.position = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
+ o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
+ return o;
+ }
+ fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_TARGET{
+ fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
+ col *= _Color;
+ return col;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+float random(float2 seed)
+ return frac(sin(dot(seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453123);
+float noise(float2 seed)
+ float2 i = floor(seed);
+ float2 f = frac(seed);
+ float a = random(i);
+ float b = random(i + float2(1.0f, 0.0f));
+ float c = random(i + float2(0.0f, 1.0f));
+ float d = random(i + float2(1.0f, 1.0f));
+ float2 u = f* f * (3.0f - 2.0f * f);
+ return lerp(a, b, u.x) + (c - a) * u.y * (1.0f - u.x) + (d - b) * u.x * u.y;
+float2 DoodleTextureOffset(float2 textureCoords, float2 maxOffset, float time, float frameTime, int frameCount, float2 noiseScale)
+ float timeValue = (floor(time / frameTime) % frameCount) + 1;
+ float2 offset = 0;
+ float2 coordsPlusTime = (textureCoords + timeValue);
+ offset.x = (noise(coordsPlusTime * noiseScale.x) * 2.0 - 1.0) * maxOffset.x;
+ offset.y = (noise(coordsPlusTime * noiseScale.y) * 2.0 - 1.0) * maxOffset.y;
+ return offset;
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+ title: 'Lightweight RP (Preview) '
+ sections:
+ - heading: Lightweight Render Pipeline
+ text: 'The Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline is currently still in development.
+ At this stage we are seeking feedback on the feature, but it should be considered
+ incomplete and subject to changes (API, UX, scope). As such, it is not covered
+ by regular Unity support. Please direct any questions to the:'
+ linkText: Preview Forum
+ url: 'https://forum.unity.com/categories/betas-experimental-features.86/'
+ - heading:
+ text: 'This template is a good starting point for developers focused on performance
+ and projects that use a primarily baked lighting solution. This template utilizes
+ the Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline, which is a single-pass forward renderer.
+ Using the Lightweight pipeline will decrease the draw call count on your project
+ making it an ideal solution for lower-end hardware. '
+ linkText:
+ url:
+ - heading:
+ text: 'To read more about the Lightweight Render Pipeline check out the Scriptable
+ Render Pipeline wiki here: '
+ linkText: Scriptable Render Pipeline
+ url: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline/wiki
+ - heading:
+ text: 'This project also includes the new shader graph tool. This tool allows
+ users to create shaders using a visual node editor instead of writing code.
+ Read more about the shader graph here: '
+ linkText: Shader Graph
+ url: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ShaderGraph/wiki
+ - heading:
+ text: 'This project also includes the new Post-Processing stack, several presets
+ to jump start development, and example content. To learn more about Post-Processing
+ please refer to the wiki page located here:'
+ linkText: Post-Processing
+ url: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/wiki
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+-Alston Chan - GPU Doodle Shader
-Adobe Photoshop 2022
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+ m_Curve:
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+ m_RotationOrder: 4
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+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ tangentMode: 103
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
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+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ m_RotationOrder: 4
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+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
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+ m_Curve:
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+ path: her head/face
+ classID: 4
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+ m_Curve:
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
+ path: her head/face
+ classID: 4
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+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
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+ path: her head/face
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ m_EulerCurves:
+ - curve:
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+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ inSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ m_PositionCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/face
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+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ m_PPtrCurves:
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+ typeID: 212
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+ isPPtrCurve: 1
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+ - {fileID: -1083426451, guid: bbed663cea3d8ba4ca735966c228755f, type: 3}
+ - {fileID: 1831359915, guid: bbed663cea3d8ba4ca735966c228755f, type: 3}
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+ classID: 4
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+ m_Curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ m_Curve:
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+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.z
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ classID: 4
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+ m_Curve:
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+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.x
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.y
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+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.z
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+ classID: 4
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+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ - curve:
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ - time: 0
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ value: 1
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her body
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+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.x
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ time: 0.016666668
+ value: -0.8
+ inSlope: Infinity
+ outSlope: Infinity
+ tangentMode: 103
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: 0.33333334
+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ value: 0
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+ tangentMode: 103
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head
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+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.x
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.y
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.z
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.x
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.y
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.z
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.x
+ path: her head/face
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
+ path: her head/face
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ tangentMode: 136
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.z
+ path: her head/face
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ m_EulerEditorCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ attribute: m_LocalEulerAngles.z
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
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+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0
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+ m_Events: []
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+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ m_PositionCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: -3, y: 7.06, z: 0}
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/face
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 2.01, y: 9.4, z: 0}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: -7.3, y: 9.78, z: 0}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ tangentMode: 0
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+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.1
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 0, y: 0.52, z: 0}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ time: 0.1
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head
+ m_ScaleCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 0.7, y: 0.7, z: 0.7}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
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+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.033333335
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.06666667
+ value: {x: 0.5574074, y: 0.5574074, z: 0.5574074}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.1
+ value: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 0.7, y: 0.7, z: 0.7}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
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+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.06666667
+ value: {x: 0.5574074, y: 0.5574074, z: 0.5574074}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.x
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ inWeight: 0.33333334
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+ tangentMode: 103
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+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalPosition.z
+ path: her head
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ inSlope: Infinity
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+ path: her body
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalScale.y
+ path: her body
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.06666667
+ value: 1
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+ tangentMode: 103
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+ tangentMode: 103
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+ outWeight: 0.33333334
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ attribute: m_LocalScale.z
+ path: her body
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ time: 0.06666667
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+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.1
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+ outSlope: Infinity
+ tangentMode: 103
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: 0
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
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+ path: snap fx 1
+ classID: 212
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ inSlope: Infinity
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+ time: 0.06666667
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+ outSlope: Infinity
+ tangentMode: 103
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: 0
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+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 2
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+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve: []
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ attribute: m_LocalEulerAngles.x
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve: []
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
+ m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0
+ m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0
+ m_Events: []
diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/NipInTheBud/Animations/Leilani/Snap.anim.meta b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/NipInTheBud/Animations/Leilani/Snap.anim.meta
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diff --git a/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/NipInTheBud/Animations/Leilani/SnapMiss.anim b/Assets/Resources/Models/Games/NipInTheBud/Animations/Leilani/SnapMiss.anim
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+ m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
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+ m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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+ m_CompressedRotationCurves: []
+ m_EulerCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: 0, z: 0}
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ m_PositionCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: -3, y: 7.06, z: 0}
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+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/face
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 2.01, y: 9.4, z: 0}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: -7.3, y: 9.78, z: 0}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.033333335
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
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+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ time: 0.1
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ m_PreInfinity: 2
+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head/flytrap 2
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 0, y: 0.52, z: 0}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ tangentMode: 0
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+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0.1
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+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ tangentMode: 0
+ weightedMode: 0
+ inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
+ outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
+ m_RotationOrder: 4
+ path: her head
+ m_ScaleCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
+ time: 0
+ value: {x: 0.7, y: 0.7, z: 0.7}
+ inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
+ outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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+ weightedMode: 0
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/flytrap 1
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ m_Curve:
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+ path: her body
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+ m_Curve:
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+ serializedVersion: 2
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+ classID: 4
+ script: {fileID: 0}
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+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ m_PositionCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ - curve:
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+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+ m_PostInfinity: 2
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+ path: her head/face
+ m_ScaleCurves:
+ - curve:
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ m_Curve:
+ - serializedVersion: 3
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+// Unity built-in shader source. Copyright (c) 2016 Unity Technologies. MIT license (see license.txt)
+Shader "Sprites/Vert Doodle"
+ Properties
+ {
+ [PerRendererData] _MainTex ("Sprite Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
+ _Color ("Tint", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+ _NoiseScale ("Noise Scale", Range(0.0, 0.08)) = 0.01
+ _NoiseSnap ("Noise Snap", Range(0.001, 0.01)) = 0.005
+ [MaterialToggle] PixelSnap ("Pixel snap", Float) = 0
+ [HideInInspector] _RendererColor ("RendererColor", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+ [HideInInspector] _Flip ("Flip", Vector) = (1,1,1,1)
+ [PerRendererData] _AlphaTex ("External Alpha", 2D) = "white" {}
+ [PerRendererData] _EnableExternalAlpha ("Enable External Alpha", Float) = 0
+ }
+ SubShader
+ {
+ Tags
+ {
+ "Queue"="Transparent"
+ "IgnoreProjector"="True"
+ "RenderType"="Transparent"
+ "PreviewType"="Plane"
+ "CanUseSpriteAtlas"="True"
+ }
+ Cull Off
+ Lighting Off
+ ZWrite Off
+ Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha
+ #pragma surface surf Lambert vertex:vert nofog nolightmap nodynlightmap keepalpha noinstancing
+ #pragma multi_compile_local _ PIXELSNAP_ON
+ #pragma multi_compile _ ETC1_EXTERNAL_ALPHA
+ #include "UnitySprites.cginc"
+ struct Input
+ {
+ float2 uv_MainTex;
+ fixed4 color;
+ };
+ float _NoiseScale;
+ float _NoiseSnap;
+ float rand(float n)
+ {
+ return frac(sin(n) * 43758.5453123);
+ }
+ float snap (float x, float snap)
+ {
+ return snap * round(x / snap);
+ }
+ void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o)
+ {
+ v.vertex = UnityFlipSprite(v.vertex, _Flip);
+ float time = snap(_Time, _NoiseSnap);
+ float2 noise;
+ noise.x = rand(v.vertex.x + time);
+ noise.y = rand(v.vertex.y + time);
+ noise *= _NoiseScale;
+ v.vertex.xy += noise;
+ #if defined(PIXELSNAP_ON)
+ v.vertex = UnityPixelSnap (v.vertex);
+ #endif
+ o.color = v.color * _Color * _RendererColor;
+ }
+ void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
+ {
+ fixed4 c = SampleSpriteTexture (IN.uv_MainTex) * IN.color;
+ o.Albedo = c.rgb * c.a;
+ o.Alpha = c.a;
+ }
+ }
+Fallback "Transparent/VertexLit"
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diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mayfly.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mayfly.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7df6f1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mayfly.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using HeavenStudio.Util;
+using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
+using NaughtyBezierCurves;
+namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_NipInTheBud
+public class Mayfly : MonoBehaviour
+ [SerializeField] NipInTheBud game;
+ public double startBeat;
+ public double approachBeat;
+ public double fleeBeat;
+ public double exitBeat;
+ public bool isStarting;
+ public bool isApproaching;
+ public bool isFleeing;
+ public bool isExiting;
+ public BezierCurve3D startCurve;
+ public BezierCurve3D approachCurve;
+ public BezierCurve3D fleeCurve;
+ public BezierCurve3D exitCurve;
+ [SerializeField] GameObject mayflyStart;
+ public SpriteRenderer body;
+ public SpriteRenderer wing;
+ public int bodySort = 1000;
+ public int wingSort = 1001;
+ [Header("Animators")]
+ [SerializeField] Animator mayflyAnim;
+ Animator Leilani;
+ // Start is called before the first frame update
+ void Start()
+ {
+ Leilani = game.Leilani;
+ isStarting = true;
+ game.ScheduleInput(startBeat, 2f, NipInTheBud.InputAction_FlickPress, Hit, Miss, null);
+ approachBeat = startBeat+1;
+ exitBeat = startBeat+2;
+ transform.Rotate(new Vector3 (0,180,0));
+ }
+ // Update is called once per frame
+ void Update()
+ {
+ body.sortingOrder = bodySort;
+ wing.sortingOrder = wingSort;
+ if (isStarting)
+ {
+ float flyPosStart = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(startBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = startCurve.GetPoint(flyPosStart);
+ if (flyPosStart > 1f) {
+ transform.Rotate(new Vector3 (0,180,0));
+ bodySort = 50;
+ wingSort = 51;
+ isStarting = false;
+ isApproaching = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isApproaching)
+ {
+ float flyPosApproach = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(approachBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = approachCurve.GetPoint(flyPosApproach);
+ if (flyPosApproach > 1f) {
+ bodySort = 1000;
+ wingSort = 1001;
+ isApproaching = false;
+ isExiting = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isFleeing)
+ {
+ float flyPosFlee = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(fleeBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = fleeCurve.GetPoint(flyPosFlee);
+ if (flyPosFlee > 1f)
+ {Destroy(gameObject);}
+ }
+ else if (isExiting)
+ {
+ float flyPosExit = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(exitBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = exitCurve.GetPoint(flyPosExit);
+ if (flyPosExit > 1f)
+ {Destroy(gameObject);}
+ }
+ }
+ public void Hit (PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
+ {
+ game.StopPrepare();
+ if (state >= 1f || state <= -1f) {
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("SnapMiss", 0.5f);
+ SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nipInTheBud/barely");
+ isApproaching = false;
+ isFleeing = true;
+ fleeBeat = game.conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
+ transform.Rotate(new Vector3 (0,180,0));
+ }
+ else {
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Snap", 0.5f);
+ SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nipInTheBud/catch");
+ Destroy(gameObject);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Miss (PlayerActionEvent caller)
+ {
+ if (!game.preparing) return;
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Unprepare", 0.5f);
+ game.StopPrepare();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mayfly.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mayfly.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a83658256
--- /dev/null
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+guid: 9f146698328285e4d8ea2364007efbc9
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mosquito.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mosquito.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97e760176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mosquito.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using HeavenStudio.Util;
+using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
+using NaughtyBezierCurves;
+namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_NipInTheBud
+public class Mosquito : MonoBehaviour
+ [SerializeField] NipInTheBud game;
+ public double startBeat;
+ public double approachBeat;
+ public double fleeBeat;
+ public bool isStarting;
+ public bool isApproaching;
+ public bool isFleeing;
+ public BezierCurve3D startCurve;
+ public BezierCurve3D approachCurve;
+ public BezierCurve3D fleeCurve;
+ public SpriteRenderer body;
+ public SpriteRenderer wingA;
+ public SpriteRenderer wingB;
+ public int bodySort = 0;
+ public int wingSort = 1;
+ [SerializeField] GameObject mosquitoStart;
+ [Header("Animators")]
+ [SerializeField] Animator mosquitoAnim;
+ Animator Leilani;
+ // Start is called before the first frame update
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ }
+ void Start()
+ {
+ Leilani = game.Leilani;
+ isStarting = true;
+ game.ScheduleInput(startBeat, 2f, NipInTheBud.InputAction_FlickPress, Hit, Miss, null);
+ approachBeat = startBeat+1;
+ }
+ // Update is called once per frame
+ void Update()
+ {
+ body.sortingOrder = bodySort;
+ wingA.sortingOrder = wingSort;
+ wingB.sortingOrder = wingSort;
+ if (isStarting)
+ {
+ float flyPosStart = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(startBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = startCurve.GetPoint(flyPosStart);
+ if (flyPosStart > 1f) {
+ isStarting = false;
+ isApproaching = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isApproaching)
+ {
+ float flyPosApproach = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(approachBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = approachCurve.GetPoint(flyPosApproach);
+ if (flyPosApproach == 1f) {
+ bodySort = 1000;
+ wingSort = 1001;
+ }
+ if (flyPosApproach > 3f) {Destroy(gameObject);}
+ }
+ else if (isFleeing)
+ {
+ float flyPosFlee = game.conductor.GetPositionFromBeat(fleeBeat, 1f);
+ transform.position = fleeCurve.GetPoint(flyPosFlee);
+ if (flyPosFlee > 1f)
+ {Destroy(gameObject);}
+ }
+ }
+ public void Hit (PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
+ {
+ game.StopPrepare();
+ if (state >= 1f || state <= -1f) {
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("SnapMiss", 0.5f);
+ SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nipInTheBud/barely");
+ isApproaching = false;
+ isFleeing = true;
+ fleeBeat = game.conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
+ transform.Rotate(new Vector3 (0,180,0));
+ }
+ else {
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Snap", 0.5f);
+ SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nipInTheBud/catch");
+ Destroy(gameObject);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Miss (PlayerActionEvent caller)
+ {
+ if (!game.preparing) return;
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Unprepare", 0.5f);
+ game.StopPrepare();
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mosquito.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mosquito.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49fbfc12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/Mosquito.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 13aac20650c994c46a1a76ee099b0b20
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/NipInTheBud.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/NipInTheBud.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4ae0d981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/NipInTheBud.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+using HeavenStudio.Util;
+using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
+using NaughtyBezierCurves;
+using Jukebox;
+namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
+ using static Minigames;
+ /// Minigame loaders handle the setup of your minigame.
+ /// Here, you designate the game prefab, define entities, and mark what AssetBundle to load
+ /// Names of minigame loaders follow a specific naming convention of `PlatformcodeNameLoader`, where:
+ /// `Platformcode` is a three-leter platform code with the minigame's origin
+ /// `Name` is a short internal name
+ /// `Loader` is the string "Loader"
+ /// Platform codes are as follows:
+ /// Agb: Gameboy Advance ("Advance Gameboy")
+ /// Ntr: Nintendo DS ("Nitro")
+ /// Rvl: Nintendo Wii ("Revolution")
+ /// Ctr: Nintendo 3DS ("Centrair")
+ /// Mob: Mobile
+ /// Pco: PC / Other
+ /// Fill in the loader class label, "*prefab name*", and "*Display Name*" with the relevant information
+ /// For help, feel free to reach out to us on our discord, in the #development channel.
+ public static class PcoVenusLoader
+ {
+ public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller)
+ {
+ return new Minigame("nipInTheBud", "Nip In the Bud", "ffffff", false, false, new List()
+ {
+ new GameAction("bop", "Bop")
+ {
+ function = delegate {NipInTheBud.instance.BopToggle(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, eventCaller.currentEntity.length, eventCaller.currentEntity["auto"], eventCaller.currentEntity["toggle"]);},
+ defaultLength = 1f,
+ resizable = true,
+ parameters = new List()
+ {
+ new Param("toggle", true, "Bop", "Toggle if Leilani should bop for the duration of this event."),
+ new Param("auto", false, "Autobop", "Toggle if Leilani should bop automatically until another Bop event is reached."),
+ }
+ },
+ new GameAction("prepare", "Prepare")
+ {
+ function = delegate {
+ if (eventCaller.gameManager.minigameObj.TryGetComponent(out NipInTheBud instance)) {
+ instance.DoPrepare();
+ }
+ },
+ defaultLength = 0.5f,
+ },
+ new GameAction("spawnMosquito", "Mosquito")
+ {
+ function = delegate {NipInTheBud.instance.QueueMosquito(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat);},
+ defaultLength = 3f,
+ resizable = false,
+ },
+ new GameAction("spawnMayfly", "Mayfly")
+ {
+ function = delegate {NipInTheBud.instance.QueueMayfly(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat);},
+ defaultLength = 5f,
+ resizable = false,
+ }
+ },
+ new List() {"pco", "normal"}
+ //"pcovenus", "en",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+namespace HeavenStudio.Games
+ using Scripts_NipInTheBud;
+ using Jukebox;
+ /// This class handles the minigame logic.
+ /// Minigame inherits directly from MonoBehaviour, and adds Heaven Studio specific methods to override.
+ public class NipInTheBud : Minigame
+ {
+ public static NipInTheBud instance;
+ bool goBop;
+ public bool noBop = false;
+ public bool queuePrepare;
+ public bool preparing;
+ [Header("Animators")]
+ public Animator Leilani;
+ public Animator Bubble;
+ [Header("Objects")]
+ [SerializeField] Mosquito Mosquito;
+ [SerializeField] Mayfly Mayfly;
+ [SerializeField] GameObject mosquitoStart;
+ [SerializeField] GameObject mayflyStart;
+ private void Awake()
+ {
+ instance = this;
+ SetupBopRegion("nipInTheBud", "bop", "auto");
+ }
+ public override void OnBeatPulse(double beat)
+ {
+ if (BeatIsInBopRegion(beat))
+ {
+ Bop();
+ }
+ }
+ public void Update()
+ {
+ if (queuePrepare && !preparing && (Leilani.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || Leilani.IsPlayingAnimationNames("Bop")))
+ {
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
+ preparing = true;
+ queuePrepare = false;
+ }
+ if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_BasicPress) && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch)
+ {
+ // queuePrepare = true;
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
+ preparing = true;
+ }
+ if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_BasicRelease) && (!IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_BasicRelease)) && (!GameManager.instance.autoplay) && PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch)
+ {
+ StopPrepare();
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Unprepare", 0.5f);
+ }
+ if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_FlickPress) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_FlickPress))
+ {
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Snap", 0.5f);
+ SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nipInTheBud/whiff");
+ }
+ }
+ public void DoPrepare()
+ {
+ if (PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch && PlayerInput.PlayerHasControl()) return;
+ Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
+ preparing = true;
+ }
+ public void StopPrepare()
+ {
+ preparing = false;
+ queuePrepare = false;
+ }
+ public void BopToggle(double beat, float length, bool toggle, bool autoBop)
+ {
+ if (toggle)
+ {
+ List bops = new List();
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ bops.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate { Bop(); }));
+ }
+ BeatAction.New(instance, bops);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Bop()
+ {
+ if (!noBop && !preparing && !queuePrepare && (Leilani.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || Leilani.IsPlayingAnimationNames("Idle"))) Leilani.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f, 0);
+ }
+ public void QueueMosquito (double beat)
+ {
+ SummonMosquito(beat);
+ BeatAction.New(this, new() {
+ new(beat+1, () => queuePrepare = PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle != InputController.ControlStyles.Touch || GameManager.instance.autoplay)
+ });
+ }
+ public void SummonMosquito(double beat)
+ {
+ MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[]
+ {
+ new MultiSound.Sound("nipInTheBud/mosquito1", beat),
+ new MultiSound.Sound("nipInTheBud/mosquito2", beat+1f)
+ });
+ Mosquito newMosquito = Instantiate(Mosquito, mosquitoStart.transform);
+ newMosquito.startBeat = beat;
+ newMosquito.gameObject.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ public void QueueMayfly (double beat)
+ {
+ SummonMayfly(beat+2);
+ MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[]
+ {
+ new MultiSound.Sound("nipInTheBud/blink1", beat),
+ new MultiSound.Sound("nipInTheBud/blink2", beat+1f)
+ });
+ BeatAction.New(this, new() {
+ new(beat+3, () => queuePrepare = PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle != InputController.ControlStyles.Touch || GameManager.instance.autoplay)
+ });
+ BeatAction.New(instance, new List(){
+ new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate {Bubble.DoScaledAnimationAsync("alert1", 0.5f);}),
+ new BeatAction.Action(beat+1, delegate {Bubble.DoScaledAnimationAsync("alert2", 0.5f);}),
+ new BeatAction.Action(beat+2, delegate {Bubble.DoScaledAnimationAsync ("disable", 0.5f);})
+ });
+ }
+ public void SummonMayfly(double beat)
+ {
+ MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[]
+ {
+ new MultiSound.Sound("nipInTheBud/mayfly1", beat),
+ new MultiSound.Sound("nipInTheBud/mayfly2", beat+1f)
+ });
+ Mayfly newMayfly = Instantiate(Mayfly, mayflyStart.transform);
+ newMayfly.startBeat = beat;
+ newMayfly.gameObject.SetActive(true);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/NipInTheBud.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/NipInTheBud.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4779f5761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Games/NipInTheBud/NipInTheBud.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 8ddcd54c439365d449008325fba183f8
+ externalObjects: {}
+ serializedVersion: 2
+ defaultReferences: []
+ executionOrder: 0
+ icon: {instanceID: 0}
+ userData:
+ assetBundleName:
+ assetBundleVariant:
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/USG.g/LoadMinigames.Minigames.MinigameLoaderGenerator.g.cs b/Assets/Scripts/USG.g/LoadMinigames.Minigames.MinigameLoaderGenerator.g.cs
index d3d4a5850..f6dabdde2 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/USG.g/LoadMinigames.Minigames.MinigameLoaderGenerator.g.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/USG.g/LoadMinigames.Minigames.MinigameLoaderGenerator.g.cs
@@ -503,6 +503,16 @@ public static void LoadMinigames(EventCaller eventCaller)
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbNightWalkLoader failed!");
+ game = PcoVenusLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
+ if (game != null)
+ {
+ eventCaller.minigames.Add(game.name, game);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.LogWarning("Game loader PcoVenusLoader failed!");
+ }
game = NtrOctopusMachineLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)