This document provides information on how to deploy a SNO and add extra masters to it, and then study behaviour when losing the initial node.
Note: appendix contains kcli commands used to speed up the workflow.
- We run all the deployments using libvirt VMs, although the procedure would be the same for baremetal nodes and using Latest Openshift 4.10
We leverage bootstrap in place procedure to generate a valid ignition file that is then embedded using coreos-installer.
We start with the following install config where:
- we specify platform as
- we indicate in the bootstrap in place the disk to use for installation
- we set network type to
The install-config.yaml
file looks like:
apiVersion: v1
- name: worker
replicas: 0
name: master
replicas: 1
name: snoplus
networkType: OVNKubernetes
- cidr:
- cidr:
hostPrefix: 23
none: {}
InstallationDisk: /dev/vda
pullSecret: 'XXX'
sshKey: |
ssh-rsa ZZZ
Optionally, we inject a machineconfig such as this sample to provide keepalived vip and self contained dns through static pods
The machineconfig injects the following files:
- /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99-forcedns
- /etc/kubernetes/Corefile.template
- /etc/kubernetes/manifests/coredns.yml
- /etc/kubernetes/keepalived.conf.template
- /etc/kubernetes/manifests/keepalived.yml
In the real world, an external load balancer could be put in front and the proper DNS records created
mkdir -p ocp
mkdir ocp/manifests
cp mc.yml ocp/manifests
openshift-install --dir=ocp create manifests
Note: a script is provided to generated such a machine config after putting correct value (vip and domain name
With this install config, we then generate an ignition to use for SNO:
cp install-config.yaml ocp
openshift-install --dir=ocp create single-node-ignition-config
This will generate a file named bootstrap-in-place-for-live-iso.ign
that we can embed into any valid rhcos live iso, such as the latest one using the following invocation:
coreos-installer iso ignition embed -fi iso.ign bootstrap-in-place-for-live-iso.ign -o bip.iso rhcos-live.x86_64.iso
Once we boot a given node with this generated bip.iso
, after a while, we should see an output similar to the following one:
oc get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready master,worker 176m v1.22.3+b93fd35
Although ignition for masters is not generated when running openshift-install as in the previous section, this can be retrieved using curl:
curl ${NODE_IP}:22624/config/master > master.ign
To add more masters to the SNO, we craft an openshift iso using coreos-installer and making sure it installs the following target ignition:
"ignition": {
"config": {
"merge": [
"source": ""
"version": "3.1.0"
"storage": {
"files": [
"contents": {
"source": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,MTI3LjAuMC4xICAgbG9jYWxob3N0IGxvY2FsaG9zdC5sb2NhbGRvbWFpbiBsb2NhbGhvc3Q0IGxvY2FsaG9zdDQubG9jYWxkb21haW40Cjo6MSAgICAgICAgIGxvY2FsaG9zdCBsb2NhbGhvc3QubG9jYWxkb21haW4gbG9jYWxob3N0NiBsb2NhbGhvc3Q2LmxvY2FsZG9tYWluNgoxOTIuMTY4LjEyMi4yMzUgYXBpLWludC5teWNsdXN0ZXIua2FybWFsYWJzLmNvbSBhcGkubXljbHVzdGVyLmthcm1hbGFicy5jb20=",
"verification": {}
"filesystem": "root",
"mode": 420,
"overwrite": true,
"path": "/etc/hosts"
This ignition file contains the following elements:
- the source pointing to the final ignition to use
- an overwrite of
so that api.$cluster.$domain and api-int.$cluster.$domain point to the ip of the SNO localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
Provided this content got copied to /root/config.ign
and we booted from rhcos live iso, we write it to disk using the following invocation from the live booted system:
coreos-installer install --ignition=/root/config.ign /dev/vda
Note that this is a two step process, we can't embed this ignition directly in the iso, since we need to persist it.
Once booted, the nodes will issue a CSR that needs to be be signed in order for them to join the cluster
oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs oc adm certificate approve
After a while, we should see an output similar to the following one:
oc get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready master,worker 176m v1.22.3+b93fd35
mycluster-master-0 Ready master 4m41s v1.22.3+b93fd35
mycluster-master-1 Ready master 4m38s v1.22.3+b93fd35
We tested stopping the initial sno node by powering it off (non gracefully) and cluster was still functional, despite having the initial node in NotReady state.
We validated with the following command to list nodes and create a dummy app
oc get node
oc new-app
Once we started the sno again, it properly joined the cluster
Note that quorum is still needed from an etcd perspective, which means we can get rid of 1 master but not two.
OCP: 4.10
Version used: 88e0cb12b2b96d3a0e4021e54c607502813b7b7a
We use kcli create cluster openshift
with the following kcli_parameters.yml
version: stable
tag: 4.10
cluster: snoplus
sno: true
sno_virtual: true
network_type: OVNKubernetes
memory: 32768
numcpus: 16
disk_size: 100
network: default
We generate an iso embedding a target ignition pointing to the sno api (and targetting primary disk):
kcli create openshift-iso -P role=master -P api_ip=
Note that the iso could be used instead directly on a physical node.
We can then create any number of (virtual) masters with the following invocation where we create a libvirt dhcp reservation to force hostnames:
kcli create vm -P iso=snoplus.iso -P disks=[30] -P memory=20480 -P numcpus=16 -P nets=['{"name": "default", "reserveip": "true", "ip": ""}'] -P snoplus-master --count 2