This application shows how to run tiny yolov2 (20 classes) with MIVisionX RunTime:
- A c/c++ implementation for region layer of yolov2
- A sample for running yolov2 with MIVisionX
- Windows
, version1809
or later - Windows SDK, build
or later - Visual Studio 2019, version
or later
- Visual Studio extension for C++/WinRT
- Install OpenCL SDK
- OpenCV 3.1 or higher
- Set
environment variable toOpenCV/build
folder - Add
to yourPATH
Train your YoloV2 ONNX model or get it from onnx github. ONNX version 1.3 is recommended.
Open up the command line prompt or Windows Powershell and use the following commands to run the tests.
- Image
.\MIVisionX_winml_YoloV2.exe --image [image - required] --modelLoc [modelLocation - required] --confidence [1-100 - optional, default: 20]
- Camera Capture
.\MIVisionX_winml_YoloV2.exe --capture [0 - required] --modelLoc [modelLocation - required] --confidence [1-100 - optional, default: 20]
- Video
.\MIVisionX_winml_YoloV2.exe --video [video - required] --modelLoc [modelLocation - required] --confidence [1-100 - optional, default: 20]
The confidence parameter is an optional parameter that sets the confidence level of detection. Lower the confidence level if the detection is not good enough.
.\MIVisionX_winml_YoloV2.exe --image image\cat.jpg --modelLoc model.onnx
Please update parameters (biases, object names, etc) in /source/Region.cpp, and parameters (dim, blockwd, targetBlockwd, classes, etc) in /source/AnnieYoloDetect.cpp