This repository contains scripts relating to the Raspberry Pi Pico and Pi Pico W. They are most likely to be written in MicroPython. They assume you have a working Pico and are familiar with uploading and running scripts on it.
Here is a full list of scripts with any relevant details. Each script also contains comments at the top of the file. These scripts were tested using Thonny.
This script blinks the on-board LED. It doesn't require any additional hardware.
This script turns an LED on and off.
This script controls the brightness
This script flashes two neopixels in a police style pattern. It requires two neopixels to be connected to a GPIO pin, The pin number can be defined in the script.
This script uses a potentiometer to feed an ADC channel with 0-3.3V and print the percentage.
This script uses a potentiometer to define the brightness level of an LED using PWM.
This script operates a standard servo between the defined
A script which displays the Pico pinout on the command line. The script can be copied to /bin which allows you to display the pinout whenever you type the command "picopins".