In order to use Twitch chat in rsctimes, you are required to register an app on Twitch and use it in order to get your OAuth token.
- Go to Twitch's developer console.
- Press "Register Your Application".
- Enter a (unique) name for the application, and set the OAuth redirect URL to
. Also set the Category toChat Bot
. - Press Manage on your application, and copy your Client ID.
- Once registered, go to this page in your browser and authorise, replacing
with your actual client ID:<CLIENTID>&redirect_uri=http://localhost:1337&response_type=token&scope=chat%3Aread+chat%3Aedit
- Once authorised, retrieve your token from the
part of the web address. - In rsctimes Streaming & Privacy settings, enter the channel you want to talk in, your Twitch username (the same one used to authorise the application), and your OAuth token retrieved above.
- When you log in, you should be able to talk in Twitch chat by prepending your message with