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276 lines (247 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

276 lines (247 loc) · 11.6 KB


Release Notes for Testy 2.14.0-SNAPSHOT

  • update webdriver version 4.1.0
  • improvement select(boolean doScroll, String... nodes) method in Tree
  • improvement doRetryIfNotSame(V expected, Callable call) method in RetryUtils
  • migrate from slf4j-log4j12 to log4j-api
  • make scrollable interface works with locked grid
  • improvement Row(WebLocator grid, AbstractCell... cells) method for locked grid
  • improvement
  • added getRow(boolean size, Cell... byCells) method for locked grid
  • improvement locked grid
  • improvement Row(WebLocator grid, AbstractCell... cells) method for locked grid
  • add setFinalXPath(final String finalXPath)

Release Notes for Testy 2.13.1

  • added setChildNodes(SearchType searchType, final WebLocator... childNodes) method
  • improvement select(boolean doScroll, String... nodes) method in Tree
  • update webdriver version 3.141.59
  • TODO

Release Notes for Testy 2.12.0

  • TODO

Release Notes for Testy 2.11.0

  • added setHeaders(boolean strictPosition, final String... headers) method
  • added selectAll() method in Grid
  • improvement retryIfNotSame(...) accept integer parameter
  • improvement getCellsText()
  • chrome use --use-simple-cache-backend
  • improvement Panel
  • getParent correct in scrollInGrid(Row row) method
  • added expand and collapse methods in ICombo interface
  • added setIconCls () method in Tab
  • improvement Tab
  • added FieldContainer
  • update webdriver version 3.14.0
  • use lombok
  • added getCellsText(String group, int... excludedColumns) method
  • improvement setDate from DateField
  • setSearch{*}Type methods overate with current value
  • added Group class
  • click method is with retry
  • added RetryUtils class
  • added doRemove in TagField
  • added waitToRender(final long millis, boolean showXPathLog) method in IWebLocator
  • improvement Scrollable
  • fix for SearchType.CONTAINS_ALL_CHILD_NODES
  • fix FieldSet
  • setTemplateValue accept array
  • ConditionManager is with Duration
  • fix download with headless on linux
  • update webdriver version 3.9.0

Release Notes for Testy 2.10.0

  • update webdriver version 3.9.0
  • update webdriver version 3.9.1
  • improvement scrollPageDownInTree() method in Scrollable interface
  • improvement getCellsText(int... excludedColumns) in Grid with scroll
  • improvement collapse method on Panel
  • improvement ElementRemovedSuccessCondition, no show log if element wasn't present
  • update webdriver version 3.10.0
  • update webdriver version 3.11.0

Release Notes for Testy 2.9.0

  • update webdriver version 3.8.0
  • update webdriver version 3.8.1

Release Notes for Testy 2.8.0

  • update webdriver version 3.7.0
  • improvement select method from Tree
  • improvement ComboBox

Release Notes for Testy 2.7.0

  • update webdriver version 3.6.0
  • improvement FirefoxConfigReader with geckodriver.exe
  • improvement ChromeConfigReader
  • added isEnabled method
  • improvement ComboBox class
  • create Scrollable interface
  • improvement getCellsText(int... excludedColumns) for Table and Grid

Release Notes for Testy 2.6.2

  • update webdriver version 3.5.1
  • improvement getCellsText method from Grid
  • improvement Tree
  • improvement TagField

Release Notes for Testy 2.5.0

  • update webdriver version 3.4.0
  • added public Tab(String title, SearchType... searchTypes) method in Tab
  • added waitToRender(final long millis, boolean showXPathLog)
  • added ToolTip in extjs6 package
  • added setHeaders(final String... headers) in Grid
  • delete temporary file automatically when driver is close
  • add Cell and Row in extjs6 package

Release Notes for Testy 2.4.0

  • update webdriver version 3.3.1
  • add FieldSet for extjs 6 package
  • add check(Cell... cells) and unCheck(Cell... cells) in Grid and Table
  • check(Cell... cells) and unCheck(Cell... cells) doing scrollButton if row is not visible in Grid
  • added method scrollToWebLocator(WebLocator element) in Utils
  • added method getError for TextField in extjs 6 package
  • remove deprecated methods
  • added select(Row row) and unSelect(Row row) in Grid
  • added Cell(String columnText, SearchType... searchTypes) method in Cell

Release Notes for Testy 2.3.0

  • update webdriver version 3.0.1
  • make deprecated methods with***()
  • implement check and unCheck methods in Grid and Table
  • add TagField
  • implement setValue() in TagField
  • add Tree
  • add select(String value, boolean pagination) in ComboBox

Release Notes for Testy 2.2.10

  • change set***() in with***() ex: WebLocator el = new WebLocator().setClasses("x-btn").setText("Save").setType("text"); WebLocator el = new WebLocator().withClasses("x-btn").withText("Save").withType("text");
  • Add possibility to set in upload.exe.path=src\test\resources\upload\upload.exe ex: UploadFile uploadButton = new UploadFile().withText("Browse"); uploadButton.upload(InputData.RESOURCES_DIRECTORY_PATH + "\upload\text.docx");
  • added support for using system clipboard in several WebDriver instances in parallel without mixing copied values
  • implemented all methods with assert
  • added fileDetector to RemoteWebDrivers
  • findElements support cssSelector
  • added getRect()

Release Notes for Testy 2.1.0

  • use attributes when generate toString, in case no other important string is present
  • add support for css selector when setExcludeClasses
  • update webdriver version 2.52.0
  • add log at sendKeys method
  • add possibility to overwritten value from in
  • change getHtmlText() in getText() ex: WebLocator el = new WebLocator().setClasses("x-btn"); el.getHtmlText(); - make deprecated; el.getText(); - use this;
  • update webdriver version 2.53.0

Release Notes for Testy 2.0.0

  • Change config default value for weblocator.log.suggestions=false
  • Generate cssSelector instead of xpath when possible. Use config weblocator.generateCssSelector=false
  • Add locator.setElCssSelector("#selector.element-css")
  • Improve ElementNotVisibleException when use locator.setVisibility(true) - wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated).
  • Classes TableCell and TableRow made deprecated - use Cell & Row instead
  • public String[] gridPanel.getRow have been removed
  • locator.isTextPresent made deprecated
  • locator.getPath made deprecated
  • add addSearchTextType(SearchType... searchTextType)
  • add SearchType.CASE_INSENSITIVE and SearchType.CASE_SENSITIVE
  • add SearchType.NO_TRIM
  • made deprecated doClick, doClickAt, doSendKeys, getHtmlSource, getHtmlSource(el), doMouseOver and doHighlight from WebLocatorExecutor

Release Notes for Testy 1.8.3

  • add weblocator.log.suggestions=true
  • add setAttribute(String attribute, String value)
  • add setPlaceholder(final String value) for all components which extend com.sdl.selenium.web.form.TextField
  • update webdriver version 2.48.2
  • improvement reuse download an upload code
  • make public doClickAt, doClick, doMouseOver
  • add doClear
  • add getTagName, getLocation, getSize

Release Notes for Testy 1.8.2

  • add isDisplayed method in WebLocator
  • fix properties.load from inputStream correctly
  • add template for title
  • add try and catch for WebDriverException at doClick and submit
  • add getCssValue(String propertyName) method in WebLocator
  • add profile.preference.dom.disable_beforeunload = true for Firefox
  • add setTemplateTitle(WebLocator titleEl)
  • setTitle(final String title, SearchType ...searchTypes) accept SearchType
  • update webdriver version 2.47.0

Release Notes for Testy 1.8.1

  • add isDisplayed, isEnabled and submit method in WebLocatorDriverExecutor

Release Notes for Testy 1.8.0

  • remove deprecated classes and methods
  • remove gets deprecated methods from WebLocatorAbstractBuilder

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.17

  • create XPathBuilder
  • make gets deprecated methods from WebLocatorAbstractBuilder
  • change when use in code deprecated methods
  • add new property weblocator.min.chars.toType=0 in
  • add resultIdx

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.16

  • remove deprecated classes and methods (before update to this version make sure you update to Testy 1.7.15 first to see what classes/methods need to migrate)
  • rename getTableCell(int columnIndex, TableCell... byCells) in getCell(int columnIndex, TableCell... byCells) for table and GridPanel

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.15

  • Organize classes packages (mark package com.sdl.bootstrap.* deprecated, and other classes and methods)

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.8-SNAPSHOT

  • improvement WebDriverConfig.getWebDriver(...);

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.7-SNAPSHOT

  • webdriver version 2.44.0 supported ff 33

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.6-SNAPSHOT

  • webdriver version 2.43.0 supported ff 31, 32

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT

  • webdriver version 2.42.2
  • fix TableCell accept visibility
  • add Tooltip class
  • fix slow bug
  • improvement upload.exe

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.3-SNAPSHOT

  • revert void fireEventWithJS
  • remove unused Utils.fixPathSelector
  • improvement Row with tableCell.setTag("th")
  • improvement TableCell accept array of SearchTypes

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT

  • webdriver version 2.41
  • move getDriver in WebDriverConfig
  • remove deprecated class and methods
  • assertDownload works with
  • fix MultipleSelect path
  • sendKeys return null if element doesn't ready;
  • move assertDownload(String filePath) in download(String filePath)
  • add Utils.waitFileIfIsEmpty(File file), Wait 5 seconds.
  • move Utils from com.extjs.selenium.Utils to com.sdl.selenium.web.utils.Utils;
  • create FileUtils
  • convert to boolean fireEventWithJS
  • add weblocator.log.logXPath=false and weblocator.defaults.searchType=contains
  • has make protected
  • add MultiSelect class

Release Notes for Testy 1.7.1

  • improvement waitToRender() with WebDriverWait
  • fixed when Button text or Label of TextField contains quotes.
  • add constructor with container for all elements
  • change setName("name") from contains(@name,'name') in @name='name'
  • improvement Utils.getEscapeQuotesText()
  • improvement getBasePathSelector()
  • implemented type attribute for
  • rename Span in UneditableInput
  • add WebLink class
  • improvement
  • rename attribute excludeCls in excludeClasses list
  • rename attribute deepness in elPathSuffix
  • move specification Browser in WebDriverConfig
  • remove methods type(String text) and typeKeys(String text) from WebLocator
  • add interface ITextField
  • move copyToClipboard in Utils
  • mark setCls(final String cls) and getCls() Deprecate
  • improvement maximize method from Panel
  • add try in executeScript. findElement should not log "Element not found after" when element is not found.
  • add tests to WebLocator for toString method : shouldShowClassInToStringWhenHasOneClass and shouldShowClassesInToStringWhenHasManyClass
  • improvement getItemPathText with normalize-space
  • add InputButton class
  • change Boolean in boolean into WebLocatorAbstractBuilder
  • rename setSearchTextType in setSearchTextTypes witch accept list
  • improvement getItemPathText() for cases where the item has multiple enters
  • add SearchType enum TRIM, CHILD_NODE, DEEP_CHILD_NODE
  • update setText(final String text, final SearchType ...searchTypes) with SearchType options

Release Notes for Testy 1.6

  • Improvement setValue for TextField
  • Add method isSamePath()
  • Add logger.debug("currentElement already found one time: " + el); in method findElement()
  • Add setter and getter for currentElementPath
  • Verifica daca elemenetul exista cand a aparut exceptia StaleElementReferenceException si apoi face din nou click
  • Add more info about elements into intemToString
  • remove upload(String[] filePath, String uploadWindowName)
  • Add doSendKeys method
  • Improvement update.exe
  • use setter com.sdl.bootstrap.button.UploadFile