2 important things to learning: i. Memory - learning from your experience ii. Simulation - prediction based on your actions and your model of the environment
Always a trade-off b/w learning and simulation(modelling)
Agent - an entity that perceives and acts.
We have the environment (that we can model in our agents mind), we get percepts from it using our sensors and we use the data to control your actuators(they are the tools you have at your disposal to act on the env) to manipulate the env.
The question mark is the agent function
A rational agent selects the actions that maximize it’s utility (expected utility from your model of the world)
the percepts, actions that are available decide which algos to use
Our agent will be Pacman.
fast search/planning constraint satisfaction adversarial and uncertain search
bayes’ nets - which is a framework for reasoning about uncertainty decision theory machine learning
NLP, CV etc
chooses action chooses action based on current percept (and maybe memory) do not consider future consequences of their actions
this can solve the problem if the maze is simple if the link is broken, it stalls
((similar to greedy algorithms?))
it simulates the results of it’s actions must have a model of how the world evolves in response to actions
Planning - expand the entire graph and choose the best plan before making a move this is fine if the graph is not very big
Replanning - expand only as much as needed. If you can get a point, take it. If not, expand nodes till you can get it. May not give optimal solution Now, you can have different algos (strategys) on how to expand when you have to do so
A search problem consists of:
- all the ways a world might be in the future
- how it evolves in response to actions
- for each state, what actions are available
A solution is a plan it is a sequence of actions which transform the start state to a goal state
Search problems are models
State space - cities Successor function - roads cost - distance/time required/cost dependent on quality of road start state - Arad Goal test - is state == Bucharest?
Solution - sequence of roads
What to include in your environment? World state - every last detail Search state - keeps only the details needed for planning (abstraction)
States - (x, y) location Actions - NSEW Successor - update location only Goal test - (x,y)=END
In the pathing problem, we need only this much in our search state We can abstract all other details away This will make the search space smaller
States - (x,y) location of yourself, location of all dots BUT, BETTER States - (x,y) location of yourself, dot booleans Actions - NSEW Successor - update location, possibly a dot Boolean Goal test - dot boolean all 0s
The number of world state gets to large numbers very easily
But, we don’t need all that information. States for pathing - #of agent positions - 120 States for eat all dots - 120x(2^30)
So, you need to search efficiently
Consider: Safe passage problem - keep the ghosts perma scared while you eat all dots
State - your location, location of power pellets and dots, #steps you can travel before ghosts come alive again you don’t need the location of ghosts, think! or you need that if you can eat the ghosts and they come alive etc. you need to model them in that case
State space graph - a mathematical representation of a search problem
each node is an abstracted state of the world, each arc represents successors, the goal test is a set of goal nodes (can be only one)
each state occurs only once in the state graph
Generally, you cannot build the full graph in memory, it’s too big
you can dynamically build the graph on demand from the start state using the transition function(successor function) how to build the graph on demand, in such a way that you don’t have to build too much –> search algorithms!
Search graph
- each state appears once
Search tree
- root is the start state, but we have multiple successors
- a “What if” tree of plans and their outcomes
- this tree is an unrolling of the search graph
- generally bigger than the search graph
consider this 4 state graph:
So, the state tree is infinite if there are cycles in the graph Also, lots of repeated structure in the search tree
Say, we want to solve the Romania problem - Arad to Bucharest We do this:
- expand out potential nodes
- Maintain a fringe of partial plans under consideration
- Try to expand as few tree nodes as possible
How to expand the tree? Several strategys
General pseudo code:
fn Tree-search(problem, strategy) returns a solution or failure { initialize the search tree using the initial state of problem loop do { if there are no candidates for expansion, return failure choose a leaf node for expansion according to strategy if the node contains a goal state, return corresponding solution else expand the node and add the resulting nodes to the search tree } }
Strategy is needed for - which fringe nodes to explore?
That leads us to the search methods
- Depth first search - use stack - LIFO
- Breath first search - use queue - FIFO
Questions we need to answer: Complete - guaranteed to find a solution if one exists? Optimal - guaranteed to find the least cost path? Time complexity Space complexity
b is the branching factor m is the maximum depth solutions at various depths (in red)
Number of nodes: 1 + b + b*b + … + b^m = O(b^m)
It expands everything till the end, then moves right.
It stops at the left most solution. Worst case - the solution is at lower right corner - could process the whole tree
Complete - guaranteed to find a solution if one exists? If there is a cycle, it would be infinite, unless we prevent cycles
Optimal - guaranteed to find the least cost path? Not optimal, it will find the left most solution (in our diagram, a better one exists)
Space complexity - O(bm) time - O(b^m)
Expand the shallowest node first
Now: Complete - guaranteed to find a solution if one exists? Yes, complete
Optimal - guaranteed to find the least cost path? Optimal if all costs are one.
Time complexity O(b^s)
Space complexity O(b^s) – this case is when you are in the last node of the 2nd last layer, then, you have b^(s-1) nodes in your present layer, each has b nodes so: b^s
When will BFS outperform DFS? solutions are shallow
When will DFS outperform BFS? solutions are deep and dense
Note, DFS has a space advantage, with BFS’s shallow-solution advantages with - Iterative deepening – do DFS with a depth limit of 1. If no solution… – do DFS with a depth limit of 2. If no solution… – do DFS with a depth limit of 3. If no solution…
We get DFS memory with BFS guratantee (it is optimal)
BFS will find shortest path in terms of shallow, not in terms of cheapness (it becomes the same thing if the cost of everything is 1)
To find the least-cost path, we need uniform cost search
Strategy - expand the cheapest node first Fringe is a priority queue (priority - cumulative cost) (it is a heap)
Note: it is the overall (cumulative) cost
It goes cheap to expensive, irrespective of depth
Complete - guaranteed to find a solution if one exists? Yes, complete
Optimal - guaranteed to find the least cost path? Yes, Optimal
Time complexity Processes all nodes with cost less than cheapest solution
if that solution costs C* and arcs cost at least alpha, then effective depth - C*/alpha approx
So, O(b^m) where m is the depth, or can be re-written as O(b^(c/aplha))
Space complexity
O(b^(C*/alpha)) –> same as time
UCS has a problem of expanding in all directions whereever it sees a lower cost function, even if that is away from the target, this is because it doesn’t have any notion of direction towards goal
Remember - your search is only as good as your model
If we include some specific information regarding the problem we are solving, we can make the tree not expand in all directions blindly for a solution, but have it more directed in it’s search
a search problem has:
- states
- actions and costs
- successor function (world dynamics)
- start state and goal test
search tree
- nodes - represent plans for reaching states
- plans have costs (sum of action costs)
search algorithm
- systematically builds a search tree
- chooses an ordering of the fringe (unexplored nodes) –> what order to choose in exploring downwards in the tree - the only key difference b/w all the search algos
- optimal - finds least-cost plans
Many problems can be modeled as constraint search problems, and these techniques can be used there we can change our cost function, to optimize for different things
In essence, all the algos differ in how they use the fringe. all fringes are priority queues(heaps)(collections of nodes with attached priorities)
So, in DFS - priority of selecting nodes from fringe - negative depth (lowest negative depth or highest depth first) in BFS - depth (lowest depth) in UCS - cumulative cost
for DFS and BFS, you can use a stack/queue respectively and avoid the log(n) overhead of using PQ/heap
recall the problem with uninformed search was that we explored everything relatively uniformaly in all directions. there was no sense of direction
Note here, the pacman explores the tree like so: starting node is the starting position the starting node has 4 children, each at a cost of 1 similarly, each of the children have 4 children, all cost 1
this way, a lot of nodes will have to be explored to find the optimal solution there is a lot of waste computation going on. (the redder it is, the earier it was discovered in the graph)
We need to have a notion of the location of the goal
Here, you have some indicator of where the goal is. Or, you have a heuristic.
A heuristic is:
- a function that estimates how close a state is to a goal – any mapping of states to numbers, which helps you indentify better states from worse states
- designed for a particular search problem
Say, for example - you can have your manhattan distance from the goal as a heuristic. you can have this because you have the location of the goal and your own as well You can also use euclidean distance, that’s also a heuristic
You choose the lowest heuristic and go with it. this might not give the optimal solution but. It is like guided DFS.
Strategy - expand a node that you think is closest to a goal state
a common case - takes you straight to a suboptimal goal worst case - badly guilded DFS
The darker the red, the earlier the node was explored.
The agent goes left, then at the intersection, it goes left, get stuck, backtracks and comes back and gets the right path when the simulation is done, the agent can follow the right path straight away
This leads us to A* –> put it all together – use heuristics, but also consider the idea of uniform cost search which explores other directions in case they turn out to be optimal
UCS is optimal, methodically searches the cheap alternatives first before getting to the optimal solution Greedy is fast, zips along in the direction of the target, gets to a suboptimal solution
A* best of both worlds
Here, we combine the heuristic with the cost of each path (add them together) The heuristic has information about the location of the target and if we are moving in the right direction The cost of the path makes sure that we are on the cheapest path
Or: Uniform cost - orders by path cost, or backward cost g(n) –> of the UCS fame Greedy - orders by goal proximity, or forward cost h(n) –> heuristic
A* searches by f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
use a heap 🔝
So, to use A* we need an heuristic and cost for each edge (going from one node to another)
We stop A* not when we dequeue the goal, which means that that is the shortest path on the PQ now
Here, the dry run: Start from S,
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S | 0+3 | 3 | // only thing on the queue, so popped out |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a | 2+2 | 4 | |
S-b | 2+1 | 3 | //cheaper so popped off |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a | 2+2 | 4 | // cheaper so popped off, to be replaced by it’s children |
S-b-G | (2+3)+0 | 5 | //this has the goal, but we stop only when we DEQUEUE the goal |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a-G | (2+2)+0 | 4 | // cheaper, so dequeued and we have the answer |
S-b-G | (2+3)+0 | 5 |
____ Complete - guaranteed to find a solution if one exists?
Optimal - guaranteed to find the least cost path? Yes, subject of fineprint
Time complexity
Space complexity ____
However, it fails if the heuristics are shitty. We can always take a weighted average and all…
We need to regulate our heuristics
- What went wrong was - actual bad goal cost < estimated good goal cost (the actual god-sent truth cost was less than what our heuristic says)
- we need estimates(heuristics) to be less than actual costs
Inadmissible (pessimistic) heuristics break optimality by trapping good plans on the fringe Admissible (optimistic) heuristics slow down bad plans but never outweigh true costs
A heuristic h is admissible(optimistic) if:
Also, it has to be positive.
- A is an optimal goal mode
- B is an suboptimal goal mode
- h is admissible
Claim A will exit the fringe before B
To mark the nodes that have been explored, highlight the nodes on the fringe
Recall: f(n) = g(n) + h(n) f - the f score g - the cumulative cost of reaching that node h - the heuristic value at that point (which is always lower than the actual value - the god-sent truth)
we have:
- f(n) is less or equal to f(A)
- f(n) = g(n) + h(n) –> which is, cumulative cost of reaching n, heuristic value of reaching A from n (which always has to be an underestimate)
- f(A) < f(B) –> h() will be 0 in both cases, and since A is optimal, g(A)<g(B) by defination
- n expands before B –> f(n) <= f(A) < f(B)
Hence, all ancestors of A and A itself, expands before B A* is optimal
A* focuses more in the direction of the goal, because it has the sense of the goal, due to the heuristic. UCS expands in all directions based on the cost without any sense of goal’s direction
- Video games
- Pathing/routing problems
- Resource planning problems
- robot motion planning
- language analysus
- Machine translation
- speech recognition
- …
Here, the aim is to go from green to red. The light blue costs 1, deep blue costs 3.
White dots means the state is explored
- BFS –> optimal if all costs equal, equal cost support, no heuristic support
Note, it expands a lot of deep blue nodes without slowing down there. This is because BFS does not have any sense of non - 1 costs. It treats all the nodes as same cost, so here, it is not optimal.
But if the costs we the same, it would be the optimal
- UCS - optimal even in unequal costs, unequal cost support, no heuristic support
- Here, the optimal solution is given to us, with consideration of the deep blue water’s extra cost. But we still do a lot of extra worl, note the white dots in the bottom half of the graph, the goal is somewhere else entirely, but UCS explores these nodes because it has no sense of the direction of the goal
- Greedy - like a guided DFS, not optimal, no cost support, heuristic support
Here, note it zooms straight into the wrong direction. It just listens to the heuristic and does not bother about the cost at all.
- A* - optimal solution, unequal cost support, heuristic support
A* does no unnecessary work, it gives us the optimal solution, works prefectly
- DFS - not optimal, no cost support, no heuristic support
Most of the work in solving a search problem is creating a admissible heuristic
Pratically speaking, indamissible heuristics can make your work a lot faster but you lose the optimality guarantee
Consider this problem:
Number of world states - 9! (actually 9!/2 because about half of the combination cannot be achieved without breaking the board) Number of successor actions - 4 (so, branching factor of 4) Cost - 1 (because moving any tile costs the same) Heuristic
- number of tiles misplaced
- this is admissible because it is quite constrained, it is not arbitarily high.
- This is aka relaxed-problem heuristic. This is because it is how far the solution is if you can pick any tile and place it in it’s right position. This would be the god-send heuristic in the relaxed problem.
- total manhattan distannce
- here, we have tightened the bound on the heuristic a little. this would be the god-send in the case where we could slide any tile in any direction ignoring other tiles
This tighter heuristic is better, in the sense that we will be more guided in our search, and won’t have to explore many many nodes
- actual cost(actual distance) as a heuristic?
- it is admissible, because it is the god-send in our present game with the present rules
- this would lead us to expand only solving the nodes that are on our optimal path
- but to get the heuristic, we have to solve the problem first
So, there is a tradeoff b/w getting heuristics that are tighter(and guide you well) and how much work you have to do to get them
In general, heuristics can be nicely designed by relaxing the rules of the game and then computing costs under that simplified case
At the top, we have the god-sent best heuristic. at the bottom, we have the zero heuristic. Then, we have some heuristics that are better than others - ha better than hc
Any heuristic ha is better than another heuristic hb if it gives a higher value always (:thinking:)
The zero heuristic gives you UCS
A small change that will make everything better.
This is not visiting the nodes we already visited. Consider this:
the 2 ‘e’ subtrees have exactly the same nodes. we have already visited e, we shouldn’t visit it again. (thought the cost of both the subtrees is different)
- never expand a state twice
- tree search + set of expanded states (“closed set”)
- expand the search tree node-by-node but,
- before expanding the node, check to make sure its state has never been expanded before
- if not new, skip it, if new, expand and all to closed set
Will this wreck completeness? i.e. be unable to find a goal(solution) if it exists
Can this wreck optimality? Yes, if you get the wrong one first, you won’t visit the 2nd one. So, get the right one first if you want optimality
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S | 0+2 | 2 | // only thing on the queue, so popped out |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a | 1+4 | 5 | |
S-b | 1+1 | 2 | |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a | 1+4 | 5 | |
S-b-c | 3+1 | 4 | |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a | 1+4 | 5 | |
S-b-c-G | 6+0 | 6 | |
path | cost+heuristic | total | |
S-a-C | 2+1 | 3 | // won’t be visited because C is already visited. No other node on the fringe, So, solution returned is: S-b-c-G |
S-b-c-G | 6+0 | 6 |
What we need is consistency in our heuristics
admissiblilty –> estimates need to be less than equal to actual reality consistency –> the heuristic has to be consistent with the reality, it has to represent the reality nicely That is to say, when consider 2 nodes, A and C say, h(A) = 4 and h(C) = 1
Say the cost of the edge A->C is 1. Then, our heuristics are being inconsistent, they say that the difference in cost is 4-1=3 So, the heuristic difference should be <= cost of that edge
This constraint makes sense, because the heuristic is the actual cost, how can it reduce by more than the edge? even if the edge is pointing straight to the goal, the difference would only be equal.
Tree search:
- A* optimal if heuristic admissible
- UCS is special case with h=0 always
Graph search:
- A* optimal if heuristic is consistent
- UCS optimal (h=0 is consistent)
Consistency implies admissibility (not the other way around) generally - you brainstrom admissiblity and verify consistency
In general, most natural admissible heuristic tend to be consistent, especially if from relaxed problems
- A* uses both backward costs and estimates of forward costs
- A* is optimal with consistent (and hence admissible) heuristics, (consistency needed if you want to use closed sets, admissiblity always needed for optimality)
- heuristic design is key - often use relaxed problems
CSPs are specialized class of search problems Also a general class of problems - how to represent them and solve them
Assumptions for search:
- single agent, deterministic actions, fully observed state, discrete state space
- planning - we try to find sequence of actions to get goal
- the path to the goal is the important thing, the goal state is easy and given
- paths have various costs, depths
- heuristics give problem-specific guidance
- identification - we try to discover the goal state that is well formed. assignments to varialbes
- the goal itself is important, not the path.
- all paths at the same depth
- example - map coloring
In general, in search problems, the state is a black box, we just have a goal test which says if we have reached the goal and we have some successor functions which can be anything.
CSPs are a subset of search problems with some special assumptions.
- state is defined by variables Xi, with values from a domain D
- goal test is a set of constraints specifying allowable combinations of values for subsets of variables
Simple example of a formal representation language Allows userful general-purpose algos with more power than standard search algos
- Variables - states that we want to color –> WA, NT, Q, NSW, V, SA, T
- Domains - D = {red, green, blue}
- Constraints - adjacent regions must have different colors
- implicit - WA != NT
- explicit - (WA, NT) part of {(red, green), (red, blue), … }
- Solutions - assignments satisfying all constraints
- eg, {WA=red, NT=green, Q=red, …, T=green}
needless to say, The solution satisfies the constraints
Place N queens on a chess board in such a way that they cannot attack one another
The picture shows a 4 queen problem Specifying the problem:
- Variables - location of the queens (Xq1, Yq1), (Xq2, Yq2), …
- Domains - all the squares on the chess board {(1, 1), (1, 2), … , (8, 8)}
- constraints -
- implicit
- Xq1 != Xq2 != Xq3 != Xq4,
- same for Y
- (X, Y) coordinates for any 2 queens cannot form a line with m= +-1
- explicit
- too many to write!
- implicit
- Solutions
- {Q1=(1, 1), Q2=(4, 7), … }
- variables: Xij (1 if queen there, 0 otherwise) (we have 64 variables)
- Domains: {0, 1}
- constraints:
- implicit
The first one means: in any row, there must not be 2 queens The on the right means, there must be 4 queens (trivial solution would be to assign all Xijs to 0, problem solved!)
Note, the explicit formulation of the constraint on the right would be - something like: {X11, X12, X13, …, X88} belongs: {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, …, 0} {1, 0, 1, 1, 1, …, 0} etc That is a lot of writing. So, we generally write constraints in implicit form
in the earlier formulation, we did not use the knowledge of the problem, that is why we had to explicitly write the implicit constriant about summation of Xs being N
- variables - Qk, each row is a variable and the value will be where the queen for that row is
the variable has an implied constraint that there cannot be more than 1 queen for each row it uses the knowledge of the problem 🔝
- domain - {1, 2, 3, …, N}
- constraints
- implicit
- solution is simple - (Q1, Q2, .., Qn) = {1, 3, 0, …, 0}
We can draw constraint graphs to think about how to represent them in your data structure semantics of the graph:
- nodes are varialbes
- edges b/w nodes means there is a constraint b/w them
binary csp - each constraint relates at most to 2 variables. the graph is simple in this case:
They can be more dense as well.
this is a beautiful constraint satisfaction problem
variables - value of each open square domain - {1..9} constraints - no num repeats in a row, col etc. 9-war alldiff for each row, col, region
discrete variables
- finite domains
- size d means O(d^n) complete assignments
- eg: boolean CSPs, including boolean satisfiability(NP-complete)
- infinite domains(integers, strings etc)
- eg: job scheduling, variables are start/end times for each job
- linear constraint solvable, nonlinear undecidable
continuous variables
- eg: start/end times for hubble telescope observations
- linear constraints solvable in polynomial time by LP methods
Linear programming is a kind of CSP with continuous variables and linear constraints
So, CSPs cover a huge huge area of problems, learning to solve them is important
unary constraints
- involve a single variable equivalent to reducing domains,
eg: SA!=green
binary constraints
- involve pairs of variables eg: SA!=WA
Higher order constraints-
- involve 3 or more varialbes
preferences (soft constraints)
- eg: red better than green
- often representable by a cost for each variable assignment
- gives constrained optimization problems
- (we’ll ignore these until Bayes’ nets)
- assignment problems eg - who teaches what class
- hardware configuration
- transportation scheduling
- factory scheduling
- circuit layout
- etc
Framing CSPs aren’t much different from framing search problems
Standard search formulation of CSPs
- initial state - empty assignment {}
- successor function - assign a value to an unassigned variable
- goal test - the current assignment is complete and satisfies all constraints
This framing is awfully like an search problem formulation, so much so that we can try our search algos on them
BFS start at the root node, which is empty assignment(not the goal). Now, it would go to layer 1. Taking WA to be the entry point, we assign it green. Not a goal, we assign it blue, not a goal, we assign it red Not a goal, then we assign WA green and play with NT&SA’s colors
So, BFS is exceptionally inefficient, the solutions lie at the bottom of the triangle and BFS will traverse the entire thing before reaching there
it will assign green to everything, then backtrack. grossly inefficient but still assigns everyone colors before backtracking
The main problem is - you make mistakes early on and you don’t realize that then.
Backtracking search is the basic uninformed algorithm for solving CSPs
idea 1 - one variable at a time
- since {WA=red then NT=green} is the same as {NT=green then WA=red}, we only need to consider assignments to a single variable at each step
idea 2 - check constraints as you go
- i.e. consider only values which do not conflict previous assignments
- might have to do some computation to check the constraints
- “incremental goal test”
DFS with these 2 improvements is called backtracking search can do n-queens with n~25
Note, the fellas which break constraints are not included. Also, we take one variable at a time(the children of root aren’t numofnodes*numofcolors but only numofcolors because the ordering doesn’t matter
Pseudo code:
function BackTrackingSearch(csp) returns solution/failure
return recursive-BackTracking({}, csp)
function recursive-BackTracking(assignment, csp)
if assignemnt is complete -> return assignment
choose a child node --> if breaks constraint, choose another, return recursive-BackTracking(assignemnt, csp)
return failure
Backtracking = DFS + variable-ordering + fail on violation
what are the choice points?
- we can play with the selection of the child node - which node from the graph to work on next (there would be several children nodes, we choose which one?) – ordering
- and also, what color to assign to the next node so that the chances of constraint violation is minimum.
This is a nice improvement, but it doesn’t scale Some general purpose ideas:
- ordering:
- what variable should be assigned next?
- in what order should it’s values be tried?
- filtering
- can we detect inevitable failure early?
- Structure
- can we exploit the problem structure?
The nodes that are still unassigned have all the choices in their domains. what we can do when we assign any node is, check if we can reduce the domain of other nodes (need not be it’s children) by crossing off the values it cannot take.
Here, we assigned WA red and so we removed red from the domains of NT and SA
Note here, forward checking messed us up. In the 3rd stage, we see that NT and SA both can be only blue, but both cannot be blue because they are adjacent. FC does nothing about this. we assign SA next, NT will have an empty domain, and we will need to backtrack.
We need to intelligently select the nodes to work on –> we need to focus on ordering
FC is better than nothing though.
The problem with FC is that it doesn’t check interactions b/w unassigned variables, it checks interactions b/w assigned variables and their neighbours. Consistency of a single arc does exactly that.
Constraint propagation - reason from constraint to constraint - FC and CSA are both ConPro methods
This is also a constraint propagation method. Here, we take any 2 nodes and check if they are arc consistent.
An arc is consistent iff: For every X in the tail, there is an extension to some Y in head that does not violate a constraint
- there must be a choice in the head for every selection of tail’s elements
Here, is NT –> WA consistent? for green in NT, there is a choice in WA for blue in NT, there is a choice in WA for red in NT, there is a NO choice in WA
so, remove red from NT to make it consistent.
Now, checking Q –> WA for green in Q, there is a choice in WA for blue in Q, there is a choice in WA for red in Q, there is a choice in WA
In you think, what forward checking does is, it enforces the consistency of every arc that points to my new assignment.
That is all FC was, but we can do more. We can enforce consistency elsewhere as well. We can make sure that every, each and every arc in a CSP is consistent, (such a CSP is called an arc consistent CSP)
This is a good way of constraint propagation
But consider this:
Checking V –> NSW for green in V, there is a choice in NSW (red, blue) for blue in V, there is a choice in NSW (red) for red in V, there is a choice in NSW (blue)
So, consistent
Now, NSW –> SA for red in NSW, there is a choice in SA for blue in NSW, there is NO choice in SA so, to make the arc consistent, remove blue from NSW
But, now, we our previously consistent arc V–>NSW is no longer consistent
Remember ->
- delete from the tail
- if X loses a value, neighbours of X need to be rechecked
- arc consistency detects failure earlier than FC (because it is more agressive in it’s constraint propagation than FC)
- can be run as a preprocessor or after each assignment
- too much overhead for each basic step of the algo
This algorithm is called AC-3. It takes the CSP, makes it arc consistent and returns it.
- after enforcing arc consistency - can have one or more or no solution after enforcing AC.
in the first case, arcs consistent, 2 solutions exist in the 2nd case, arcs consistent, no solutions exist
if we have 3 way interactions, arc consistency fails to alert us about problems and we will have to backtrack This is because arc consistency needs some higher notion of the state of the CSP and the assignments
Which nodes to start with, and which nodes to expand? That can make a lot of difference, if we dynamically choose the nodes that can help us reduce our backtracking.
One idea is to use the Minimum remaining values as the heuristic for choosing the next node to work on. This is simple, just choose the node that has the least options in it’s domain.
Why min rather than max? Because it’s domain has the potential to get empty soon. we might as well choose the most difficult node(variable) first also called most constrained variable aka fail-fast ordering
Another option: Least constraining value - LCV
- give a choice of variable, choose the least constraining value
- i.e. the ones that rules out the fewest values in the remaining variables
- note that it may take some computation to determine this (eg, rerunning filtering)
Here, when red and green are placed, the square below green one has only blue in it’s domain. Now, if we choose the 2nd lower diagram, we will have to backtrack, so we should choose the 2nd top diagram.
Or: choose value that doesn’t cross a lot of stuff. Or: choose the easy value
This reduces backtracking. Both these problems make the queens problem to solvable to 1000 queens
CSPs are a subset of search problems Solving a CSP is an NP hard problem
- variables
- domains
- constraints
- implicit (provide a code to compute) // here, we have to execute some code to find out if an assignment passes
- explicit (provide a list of legal tuples)
- unary/binary/n-ary // the constraint touches a single node (WA!=red) or can touch 2 or more
Goals - find any solution, find all, find best etc
nodes –> aka variables nodes(variables) are assigned values
We can solve generalize CSPs to not only find a solution(which is what we have been doing till now) but also all solutions, or find the best solutions etc according to preferences etc
We had some ideas about how to improve CSPs Ordering
- which variable should be assigned next? (MRV, minimum remaining values) – choose variable with MRV
- in what order should its values be tried? (LCV, least constraining value) – choose value that would least constraint other variables
- forward checking, or it’s more aggresive brother
- arc consistency
- can we exploit problem structure?
- recall, our arc consistency had this problem of not being able to make guarantees about number of solutions even when the arcs were consistent. This was because it did not have any idea about the structure of the problem.
We need to extend AC (arc consistency)
Earlier, we say AC3 which goes from arc to arc and enforces consistency - it just takes a CSP and makes it arc consistent or returns failure. It is a preprocessing algo. ((thought a arc-consistent CSP does not guarantee a solution))
Increasing degrees of consistency
- 1-consistency
- node consistency (each single node’s domain has a value which meets that node’s unary constraint)
- 2-consistency (Arc consistency)
- for each pair of nodes, any consistent assignment to one can be extended to the other
- you can assign anything to one and the other would still be fine
- K-consistency
- for each k nodes, any consistent assignment to (k-1) can be extended to kth node
- you can assign anything to (k-1) nodes, (all but one) and it won’t break the constraint for the kth node
Here, the arcs are 1-consistent, 2-consistent, but not 3-consistent take the bottom two variables(nodes), a legal assignment for them would be - R+B or B+R in either case, there would be no solution for the top node, so, 3-consistency is not present
How do we enforce this? In AC (2C), we removed the values from the domain of the tail variable. Here, we define a new constraint dynamically which says that the bottom 2 nodes cannot have R-B or B-R (if you think about it, in AC/2C also, we added uniary constraint on the tail node, it was saying that that node cannot have blue say
So, if you are enforcing K-C, to get rid of a violation, you define a K-1-ary constraint on the group of K-1 nodes
K-consistency –> the CSP is K consistent Strong K-consistent –> the CSP is K consistent, K-1 consistent, K-2 consistent, …
Claim: strong n-consistency means we can solve without backtracking. Simple to argue:
But, enforcing n-consistency is same as solving the problem! So, this is one way of solving the problem. you enforce 1-consistency (1C), then 2C, this may break 1C, fix it, then 3C, this may break 2C and 1C etc … all the way to nC
This is when we are unsure about the outcomes of our actions. The action is in our control, the outcome isn’t
The problem is, the robot is in a maze. 80% of the time, the action you take results in you going in the right direction, 10% clockwise, 10% counter clockwise There are rewards here, and you have to gather the rewards. There is a living reward (+ve/-ve) at each time step and a big reward in the end (+ve/-ve).
How do you make decisions here? If this was deterministic, it would have been a simple application of A* or some other graph search algorithm.
But here, it is not deterministic:
This kind of problem, is called a Markov Decision Process
It is a lot like a search problem, it’s got a set of states s ∈ S and a successor function but it is not deterministic unlike search problem
An MDP is defined by:
- a set of states s ∈ S
- a set of actions a ∈ A
- a transition function T(s, a, s’)
- this is the probability that “a” from “s” leads to “s’” i.e. P(s’|s,a)
- called dynamics
- a reward function R(s, a, s’)
- (sort of like a cost function)
- a start state
- a terminal state
MDPs are non-deterministic search problems
- we can solve them using expectimax search
- you can follow the path with maximum expected utility
- we’ll have a new tool soon
“Markov” means given the present state, the future and past are independent. For MDPs, it means action outcomes depend only on the current state
P(St+1 = s’ | St = st, At = at, St-1 = st-1, At-1 = at-1, …, S0 = s0, A0 = a0) = P(St+1 = s’ | St = st, At = at)
This is like search, where the successor function depends on current state, not history
In deterministic single agent search problems, we wanted an optimal plan, or sequence of actions, from start to goal Here, we need a policy, which tells us what to do at each state. (once we have the optimal policy, we get the reflex agent, which doesn’t have to think)
Expectimax doesn’t compute the policy explicitly, it calculates what to do at each step An optimal policy is the one that would maximize the agent’s reward function, π*: S → A
The optimal policy depends on the R
- the car wants to travel far, quickly
- 3 states
- cool, warm, overhead
- 2 actions
- slow, fast
The rewards:
- +1 for slow
- +2 for fast
- -10 for overheated
This 🔝 is the state transition diagram, it shows the states, the actions, the transition functions, the rewards
We can use expectimax here:
But the tree is huge, (infinite) and there is a lot of repetition of structure here, so expectimax might not be the optimal way to calculate this
We can write the generic search tree:
When we are in a state (s), and we take an action (a), we end up in a q-state (where we have committed to a particular action but haven’t computed one yet), and we finally we land in some (s’) according to the transition function
So, we have:
- the transition: (s, a, s’)
- T(s, a, s’) = P(s’ | a, s)
- and the reward: R(s, a, s’)
The differences between this and expectimax tree is that the rewards are not at the bottom, but smeared thru out the tree. And also that the probabilities are given to us by the Transition function
Since we get the rewards step by step, we have to decide the utility of all possible sequences we can take and choose the best one
We have to choose between:
- more or less (5 vs 2, choose 5)
- now or later (now is better)
Rewards are discounted, at each time step by γ
How do we discount?
- we do this by changing the reward function at time step +1 by γ
- we do this because it makes sense to have rewards sooner than later
- also, it helps our algorithms converge nicely
The preferences are “Stationary preferences” iff:
- initially, the optimal policy was [a1, a2, …] over [b1, b2, …] and
- after adding a new action r before both, the preference is still the same: [r, a1, a2, …] over [r, b1, b2, …]
Under the SP assumption, we can only have utilities that discount the rewards at each timestep.
Sometimes the preferences won’t be stationary, so this won’t apply there
- what if the game lasts forever? Do we get infinite rewards? How do we choose between policies then?
- solutions:
- finite horizon (similar to depth-limited search)
- terminate after T time steps
- gives nonstationary policies (π depends on time left)
- Discounting: use 0 < γ < 1
- finite horizon (similar to depth-limited search)
- absorbing state:
- guarantee that for every policy, a terminal state will eventually be reached (I.e. The probability of reaching the safe states reduces with T)
So, we have defined MDPs which have:
- set of states s
- start state s0
- set of actions A
- transitions T(s, a, s’) = P(s’ | s, a)
- rewards R(s, a, s’) (and discount γ)
And we compute the policy (mapping from states to actions) using the utility (sum of discounted rewards)
- Value (utility) of state s
- V*(s) is the expected utility of starting in s and acting optimally
- Value of q-state
- Q * (s, a) is the expected utility of starting out having taken action “a” from state “s” and thereafter acting optimally
- The optimal policy
- π*(s) is the optimal action from state s
These look like this:
The living reward is -0.1 and the γ is 0.99 The values in the grids are the values of those states V*(s) The arrows are the optimal policies from that state π *
We also have the q values:
The q values show what is the expected utility of choosing a particular action from each state. The value of the state V* is simply the max of all q-values
How do we compute these things?
- Fundamental operation: compute the expectimax value of a state
Well, the optimal action from a state s is to choose action with the max expected value of the q-state that that action will lead to. This optimal action will give us the expectimax value of the state
What is the value from the q-state?
Let’s look at each one by one:
The value of a state s is the maximum of the values of all the q-states you can choose from. This is deterministic, you can choose what q-state you want to be in, so you choose the best.
The value of a q-state is the weighted average (of the rewards you get on going to that state) over all the possible states you can end in + discounted rewards from that state
We can inline Q* and write the 2 equations in one:
The racing search tree is repetitive:
So, expectimax wastes a lot of time doing the same repetitive calculations. Also, the tree is infinite so expectimax has that going against it as well
To solve it, we can do a depth-limited computation, going on till the change is small (due to discounting by γ) - “they go out of the agent’s horizon, in a soft way”
Key idea: time limited values
Define Vk(s) to be the optimal value of s if the game ends in k more steps This is exactly what depth-k expectimax would give if we start from s. The rewards come when the change nodes resolve, that is, at the marked places:
This 🔝 is V2
What do these values look like?
No steps left, no rewards possible
When does this converge? Depends on the specific probabilities involved, the discounts etc
How to compute them?
Looking at the graph again:
All the bottom layer has is lots and lots of copies of the 3 states. Since no timesteps are available from there, they all have value of 0. Same idea for V1, V2 etc
We can exploit this to compute the values in an efficient way - building this computation from the bottom up, and building it all the way to the top to get the same computation that expectimax would have done
This is called value iteration
Start with V0(s) = 0; no time steps left means expected reward of 0 Now, we go up one layer and to get V for a node in that layer, we do a small expectimax over all possible actions and take the max one. We can do this fast because we already have the Vs for the layer below. We do this for all nodes in our layer and then go up another layer
Repeat until convergence. Complexity of each iteration: O(S2A) - we need to do this update for each state S (each node in the layer), and for each state, we go over all actions A, and for each action, we add the transition reward and discounted future rewards for all the states we can end up in from that action
It is good because it doesn’t grow with the number of iterations, unlike expectimax Bad because it has to touch every state, unlike expectimax So, it’s a tradeoff over how many states you have, how connected they are and how deeply you want to go in the tree
This will converge to unique optimal values, the approximations get better and better with depth, also, the policy may converge long before the values converge
Remember our racing cars top:
V1 is easy as well
For V2, we run expectimax for each state from there
Simple to calculate here as well 🔝
- if the tree has maximum depth M, them VM holds the actual untruncated values (the actual expectimax values)
- if discount is less than 1
Since we saw that the policies converge faster than the values, we’ll see in next lecture if we can exploit search over policy space and not value space.
We had the grid world, where the movement of our bot was noisy. The results were non deterministic, and we had rewards - living reward and terminal reward. The goal of the agent was to maximize the rewards. Also, rewards get discounted at each time step by γ
When ever you see MDP, you think “non-deterministic search problem”
From s, you take action a, and you land in s’ with probability P(s’|s,a) or T(s,a,s’) and you get the reward R(s,a,s’) if you get there
We have policy, utilities, values, q-values 🔝 Value is the average outcome over optimal action (since the actions are non-deterministic)
Q-Value is just what you would get if you ran the expectimax computation.
You get Values from Δ S, you get Q from chance node
We have the optimal value for a state, V*(s) (the star always means optimal)
Optimal policy: π*(s) - optimal action from state s
A lot of what we do with MDPs is, take problem specification and obtain the optimal policy
Example values of V:
The arrows are the optimal policy
The Q-values look like so:
The -0.6 q-value on the square to left of -1 square means that if from that square if you choose left action, and then act optimally, you get -0.6 reward. It is not -1 because there are chances that you might not go left, but slip and go north or south etc.
But, for the square to the bottom of -1, the north action’s Q-valu is -0.65, (less than -0.6), this is because we cannot go slip and go left from there, so that saving chance is not present and so the risk is higher
Rewards are for the time step, the values are cumulative over all timesteps, till the game ends (if it ends)
They specify nicely how to be optimal:
- take correct first action
- keep being optimal
This gives rise to a system of equations.
We need to write some notion of “optimal utility” via expectimax.
The optimal utility from V:
The optimal utility from Q:
We can write Q inline
This is a system of equations 🔝 called “Bellman equations”. How to solve them?
It just takes the bellman equations and turns them into a method of computing them via a recurrence relation
We have the base case of V0, which is the value we start with (we use the optimal values for k timesteps)
This becomes a recurrence relation 🔝
Expectimax was also another way of solving the bellman system of equations. and they have tradeoffs
We need methods to find optimal policy, algorithms that work on policies and not on the values (because they converge faster)
If we have a policy, what the values are?
Earlier, we have all the actions we had to consider:
Now we once we have the policy, we don’t have to consider all the actions, that is decided for us (we still have to consider all states from q-state because we don’t know where we’ll land). So, the branching at the max node is removed
Of course, the value at the root (s) may not be optimal (if policy is not optimal)
We can compute the optimal value of a state under the given policy π, defined as Vπ(s)
Vπ(s) = expected total discounted rewards starting in s and following π
We just remove the max we have from earlier since the action is fixed:
We need policy evaluation because we’ll have algorithms that look at a policy, see if it is bad and find ways to improve it
Consider these 2 policies:
They’ll have the values:
How do we get these values?
- Idea 1
Use Bellman equations and make them updates, (just like Value iteration)
We start with a base case and build our way up towards k timesteps, in a dynamic programming like fashion. This methods makes sense only if the number of states is small - O(S2)
(In value iteration was S2A, since we had to iterate thru all actions, here we don’t since the actions are fixed for us)
- Idea 2
Without the maxes, Bellman Equations are just a linear system of equations - we can solve using any linear system solver.
Earlier, we had the policy and we tried to figure out how good it was by computing the values Now we do the opposite, we get the optimal values, how do we extract the policy?
Eg: we get this:
How do we get the arrows?
We just choose the q-state with max value. But we don’t have q-states, so we need to do mini-expectimax of one step:
Here, 🔝 arg max means select the action a that yields the maximum (achieves the maximum) We have to do a unroll one step look-ahead of expectimax 🔝
If we have the q-values, it is simple:
We just select the action that has the max q-value.
Here, we don’t have to do the unroll, it is already done for us
Important lesson: much easy to select actions from q-values that values
It combines the idea of evaluation of policy with the idea of improving the policy on the basis of those values
There are problems with Value iteration:
- VI just mimics the bellman equations
- it is slow, in each iteration,
- it looks at each state (V), and in each state
- it looks at each action (q-state), and in each action,
- it looks at each outcome (immediate reward + discounted rewards)
- it looks at each action (q-state), and in each action,
- it looks at each state (V), and in each state
- running complexity: O(S2A)
Also, the max at each state rarely changes - so if you have 100 actions, if 99 were bad in last iteration, they’ll be bad this iteration too, but we check them anyway.
The policy converges much before the values.
We use policy iteration!
It has 2 steps:
- Policy evaluation
- calculate utilities for some fixed policy (not optimal ((yet)) ) until convergence
- policy improvement
- update policy using one-step look-ahead with resulting converged (but not optimal) utilities as future values
- repeat until policy converges
It is a optimal algorithm and it can converge much faster under some conditions (when the max action doesn’t change much)
- Evaluation:
- for fixed current policy π, find values with policy evaluation
This is fast since we don’t have the max
- Improvement:
- for fixed values, get a better policy using policy extraction
- one step look ahead
The improvement step is still slow, it needs to look at all actions But that is okay, since we do a evaluation steps much more than the improvement state
- Both value iteration and policy iteration do the same thing (both compute optimal values)
- In value iteration
- every iteration updates both the values (and implicitly) the policy
- we don’t track the policy but taking the max over actions implicitly recomputes it
- in policy iteration:
- we do several passes that update utilities with fixed policy
- after policy is evaluated, a new policy is chosen
- the new policy is better (or we are done)
They both take MDP and give optimal values and policies as output
We have a lot of algorithm now:
They are all variations of Bellman updates, all turned into one-step lookahead. They differ only in whether we plug in fixed policy or max over actions
How does the MDPs connect to reinforcement learning?
Imagine we have 2 slot machines: This is an MDP ⬇️
If we play the blue one, we always get $1 The red bandit wins $2 75% of the time, 0 25% of the times
Imagine there are only 100 time steps. We can compute the expected values offline:
Blue: 100 Red: 150
We got this using our knowledge of the game, we did not play
Now, let’s play. We can play 10 rounds, we win 12$ say. Here, we actually played.
Now, let’s assume we don’t have the probabilities that we had last time:
Optimal policy? We don’t know Here, we need to play to learn
Let’s play. Red: 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 Blue: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
Here the setting is different. There is still an MDP but you don’t know it’s parameters. You have to do some discovery. You have to learn!
- what we did was reinforcement learning
- there was an MDP but we couldn’t solve it with just computation
- we needed to figure it out
We have to balance exploration and exploitation. Regret is the difference in the rewards that you would have got if you had perfect information vs what you got (due to discovery/exploitation of suboptimal action etc)
The agent has actions available to it, it chooses an action The environment gives back a reward, and it gets back a “percept”, the agent sees what happens (it give back a state)
- receive feedback in form of rewards
- agent’s utility is defined by the reward function
- must learn to act so as to maximize expected rewards
- all learning is based on observed samples of outcomes (not everything that might have happened)
Training is trying new variations, seeing what works
We still assume MDPs, but we do not know the transition function T(s, a, s’) or R(s, a, s’). We still want to learn the best policy to act optimally π*(s)
So, we need to try things out - not all of which work optimally. Imagine something like our previous car example, just that we don’t know what fast and slow do, or what rewards you get.
Critical difference now vs last unit (where we just learned to solve fully known MDPs, offline, by using vanilla math (double bandit), or using value iteration or policy iteration) is that now we have to perform the (maybe suboptimal) things to know that it is bad
So, how do we learn how to act when we don’t know the T or R?
We can still use VI or expectimax. That is what model based learning does, it reduces the reinforcement learning problem to a known MDP by assuming some values for T and R and taking them to be correct
How do we decide to take some action s? Whenever we are on state s and have decided on some action a (somehow), we discover some states s’ outcomes We count them, normalize them, we get probabilities - this is the estimate of the T for that s and a pair (state and action pair) In addition, we also discover the reward associated by s and a when we experience that transition
Example: Model based learning
Let’s say we have some policy π
We follow this for some turns and we get this:
We can get probabilities for each transition from these simulations:
Now we have a MDP (it may be wrong) but we can solve it.
Goal: compute expected age of a group of people If you know the probability distribution, it is easy
This is exactly what is happening in the MDP, at the chance node. We know the probability distribution (the transition function T) and we just some over. But here, we since don’t know the distribution, we collect the samples. The more samples I have, the more accurate my prediction of the actual probability - the Hoeffding’s inequality!
This is one way 🔝, we can also do this:
This 🔝 works because the samples appear with the right frequencies.
This is the difference b/w model based and model free In model based, we learn the probability distribution and reduce it to the case of MDP In model free, we take the samples as they come and average them together.
Algos for model free are much simpler.
Here, we don’t construct the model of the transition function. We just take actions and everytime we take an action, we compare what we thought was happening to what did happen. Whenever something is better or worse that we expected, we update our hypothesis. So, in model free learning, we track the values of interest themselves, not the transition functions or rewards
The agent doesn’t perform the activities, but someone does and the agent gets to observe that someone and learn from it
The agent is monitoring, not controlling In Passive RL, we won’t try to find out how to act optimally. But essentially learn the state values (just like policy evaluation)
The learner is along for the ride, no choice about what actions to take, just execute the policy and learn from experience. This is not offline planning we are actually taking the actions in the world (just passively, without active control over them)
Goal: Compute values for each state under π (not the transition function or the rewards)
Example: Direct evaluation (note here we take the cumulative reward from each state, just like when we would compute the V from a particular state with fixed policy π using policy evaluation)
We were in B twice, each time we received 8, so → 8 We were in D many times, we received 10, 10, 10, so → 10 We were in A once, -10, so → -10 We were in E twice, 8, -12, so → -2
Here, when we execute over and over and over, the variance will die out and we’ll understand that some of the states are good and some of them are bad and so this approach will work out in the end.
From E, you get to C. From E you get -2, from C you get +4. How can E be bad, but the state it leads to everytime, is good? Similarly, look at B, B is always good, but it leads to C which is mediocre
So, we have thrown out a lot of information about the interconnected-ness of the states
What’s good about direct evaluation?
- it’s easy to understand
- doesn’t require any knowledge of T, R
- it eventually computes the correct average values, using just sample transitions
What’s bad about it?
- it wastes information about state connections (we are learning each state independently)
- each state must be learned separately
- so, it takes long to learn (and a lot of samples as well)
To fix the problems 🔝, why not use policy evaluation? We weren’t doing that till now, we were just dumb computing the probabilities
We had this in policy evaluation:
“If you have values for a state, replace them with one step look ahead (which here is just the weighted average of immediate reward plus future values)”
We cannot do this but 🔝, because we don’t have T and R (not even estimates, because we are using model free approach)
But we have a proxy for them in model free as well - our estimates from experience
Idea: Take samples of outcomes s’ (by doing the action)
We have this 🔝, but when we actually take the action, it becomes:
And the equation is:
We have an estimate of what the score is going to be from s. The reward we know, because we just got it and discounted future value is somewhere in the table that I am maintaining (and it’s wrong probably, but that’s okay)
We do this multiple times and we get this:
When we have a lot of samples from this same state s and action a - we saw various actions s’ - each had a reward We can say this now about the state s:
We can say that on average we get this value 🔝 How do you get back to s and take the second sample? You cannot keep executing the same action from the same state
We need to be somehow be satisfied with that one sample we get.
Big idea: learn from every experience
- update V(s) each time we experience a transition (s, a, s’, r) (use the one data point, one sample we get from 🔝 and go with it)
- this is called “Temporal Difference Learning” because we compare our current estimate of a value with what we actually see - we have a running average
- the hope is that likely outcomes s’ will contribute updates more often
We have some estimate Vπ(s)
We take some action according to what π tells us and we land in s’ and get some reward:
We add that to our estimate running estimate Vπ(s)
Take your value of the original estimate and add to it what you thought would happen vs what actually happened (that’s the error, so we adjust our estimate to incorporate this new information)
Larger α learns faster, smaller α does a better job of balancing across experiences
Example of TDL: we start with all V estimates as 0, as we have no idea what will happen
If you go north, no updates - since you expected to get 0, you get 0 (since living reward is 0)
Till here nothing happens:
But when you exit, you get +1, so you adjust your V(s) to 0.5 (we learn that the α is 0.5)
You play again, when you are in the square to the left of 0.5:
You think you’ll get 0, but you get 0.5 (if you get there successfully) and so the V for it updates 0.25)
As you exit the last square, it increases to 0.75 etc
This is TDL - we are adjusting our hypothesis to what is actually happening.
And this is how knowledge propagates. Now, consider this case where we are at the blue dot:
We are here for the first time. But as soon as we go north, the value of that square will get very high, even when we hadn’t been there ever before - this is the difference that temporal difference learning makes
(In the earlier scheme of things, direct evaluation, we would have had to count the experiences from that square independently without any regard to the experiences of the 0.98 square or 1.00 square)
Now if you do this many times, you learn everything there is to learn about the MDP
How do we choose actions? - we’ll learn that later
The running interpolation update is:
This makes recent samples more important. The form of this 🔝 is:
So, we can see that recent examples have more weight. If α is 1, the new examples have all the weight
We don’t average evenly because the estimate of the future state is better in the recent states so we want to listen to them more. (the rewards stay the same)
If we decrease the learning rate (α), we can converge
- this is a model free way of doing things
- we mimic Bellman updates with running sample averages (bellman equations are smeared across space and time here)
- But we cannot use this thing to choose actions
This is because to do action selection, we either need to do one step expectimax - which we cannot do because we don’t have T and R Or we need Q values (and then action selection is simple - pick the action with largest q-value)
This makes action selection model free as well.
- Full reinforcement learning (we don’t want to just learn values, we want optimal policy (like value iteration did)
- we still don’t know T or R
- But we want to select actions
Here, learner makes choices. We are faced with the fundamental tradeoff: exploration vs exploitation This is NOT offline planning, you take actions and find out what happens (this leads to regret)
We eventually want to learn optimal thing (policy)
What were the algorithms we already have for computing optimal values:
- Value Iteration
- start with V0(s)=0
- given Vk, use it to compute k+1 (the layer above it) values for all states
We stuck a layer of expectimax (one layer of optimality) on top of our old (incorrect approximations) - so this is correct
This cannot be done with samples, because of the max - we can use samples to only compute estimates of averages, not max-es
So, it makes sense to learn q-values. Write down a version of value iteration that works with Q-values
- start with Q0(s, a) = 0
- given Qk, calculate depth k+1 (that is, the layer above) q-values for all q-states
Read the equation carefully, 🔝, we just moved the recurrence half a level down We got rid of the max now and we replaced the value of the next layer with max over Qk (since we don’t have the values now). But we have a new max over Qk (Q of the layer below us, that is okay since we already know all the q-values for that layer)
Everytime we are in a state s, take some action a, when we do this, we learn about how good (s, a) is
So, the sample we get is: (s, a, s’, r)
We maintain a table that looks like this:
We update our estimate of Q values like we did with V in TDL 🔝 🔝
We incorporate this new estimate into a running average:
“We learned Values using bellman + TDL (we used bellman equations to get the value of that sample and we used TDL to incorporate that sample into our running average), that worked, but we could not choose actions using that - because to choose actions, we needed to compute max over all the Q-values (or we needed to know T and R). So we decided to apply learn q-values themselves (using TDL) and now our action is just max q-value”
Nothing happens in the first iteration, we just receive the exit award on exiting
(We received 10, the learning rate was 0.5)
Now, consider this:
Here, we’ll learn that when we take action RIGHT, we get 5, so the q-value for that particular action will get updated to 2.5
If we go east several times:
If we jump off a cliff, we learn about that particular action:
This doesn’t take away (or diminish) what we learned about the q-value of the RIGHT action from that square Also, this presence of low score doesn’t reduce the q-values of “right” action on the previous squares since they take the max over the q-values in the next square for their estimates (they believe that the agent will act optimally)
Amazing result: Q-learning converges to optimal policy - even when you don’t follow it (like in the previous example, we jumped off the cliff, we did not act optimally, but the assumption in the formula was that we will and we learned)
This is called “off-policy learning”
Also, you have to explore enough, and make the learning rate small enough eventually
Next time we’ll see how to select actions and what to do when the state space is so large you cannot keep a large table around
We imagine that the real world is a Markov decision process.
We don’t know T or R, so must try things out Big idea: compute all averages over T using sample outcomes (since we do not have T, this is our best bet at being able to figure out the MDP in spite of that)
We know this so far: Bellman equations are the equations that relate value of one state, with the value after one action
Everything is just Bellman equations (which is actually just expectimax) written in various ways
Value learning with TDL helped us evaluate fixed policy π - but we could not choose actions, so we shifted to q-learning
Experience the world thru episodes: (s, a, r, s’, a’, r’, s”, a”, r”, s”’, …)
Update estimates each transition (s, a, r, s’) Over time, updates will mimic Bellman updates
But we can’t compute this update without knowing T, R.
- we get a sample: (s, a, r, s’)
On the basis of this sample, we can conclude about the state (s, a):
We incorporate this knowledge into our running average
- Q-learning converges to optimal policy - even if you’re acting sub-optimally
- this is called “off policy learning”
- you have to explore enough and decrease learning rate wisely
How to explore?
- simplest: random actions (ε-greedy)
- every time step, flip a coin
- with small probability ε, act randomly
- with large probability, 1-ε, act optimally
- problem with random actions:
- eventually we explore the space, but we keep thrashing around once the learning is done
- one solution: lower ε over time
- another solution: exploration functions
- exploration functions
- explore areas whose badness is not (yet) established, eventually stop exploring (random doesn’t stop this)
- “in the face of uncertainty, have optimism”
One way:
- takes a value estimate u and a visit count n, and returns an optimistic utility, eg: ƒ(u, n) = u + k/n
We added the bonus to utility which decreases with visits
This propagates the “bonus” back to states that lead to unknown states as well
Even if you learn the optimal policy, you still make mistakes along the way - Regret is a measure of your total mistakes cost
- the difference between you expected rewards including when you were suboptimal and optimal expected rewards
Minimizing regret goes beyond learning to be optimal - it requires optimally learning to be optimal - making only the minimum mandatory mistakes that were required to become optimal
Example: random exploration has higher regret compare to exploration functions
Finding the shortest path to gobble up all dots:
3rd place: William Mok
- started out optimizing A* with caching
- tried all possible ways to finishing the maze going for the closest dot first rather than all possible paths - this restriction makes things simple
- skipped paths if algorithm knew it would not be a solution
2nd place:
- described optimal solutions to subproblems
- linked subproblem to subproblem
- solves optimally when less that 20 dots left (this is what chess does, when the game is complex, do reasonably (optimally in the sub graph, cut section of the graph - which is suboptimal in the large picture) and near the end game, act optimally)
1st place:
- based off of cut points, split the graph into N smaller graphs, solve each independently
- in order to solve subgraph, apply many optimizations, (remove food at cutpoint, remove food in tunnels, run fixpoint iteration of A* etc)
- finally, adjoin paths from each of the subgraphs in order to get full graph solution. Essentially TSP problem
Too many states to keep all in memory When we learn that ghost is scary thru one experience, we should transfer that to similar states We want to be able to generalize across states because there are so many of them
- Basic Q-learning keeps a table of all q-values
- in realistic situations, we cannot possibly learn about every single state
- too many states to visit them all in training
- too many states to hold the q-tables in memory
- in realistic situations, we cannot possibly learn about every single state
We want to generalize:
- learn about small number of training states from experience
- generalize that experience to new, similar situations
- this is a fundamental idea in Machine learning and we’ll see it here as well
If we know that the first state is bad, we know nothing that the 2nd is bad. Heck, we don’t know that the 3rd is bad as well, because it’s missing a dot and so the state is different
Solution: describe a state using a vector of features (properties)
- features are functions from states to real numbers (often 0/1) that capture important properties of the state
- example features:
- distance to closest ghost
- distance to closest dot
- number of ghosts
- is pacman in a tunnel
- etc
We can also describe a q-state (s, a) with features (eg: actions moves agent closer to food)
Using a feature representation, we can write q function (or value function) for any state using a few weights
Advantage: our experience is summed up in a few powerful numbers Disadvantage: states may share features but actually be very different in value - so we have to come up with great features
The Q value is a linear function of the features now weighted by their weights
Q-learning with linear Q-functions:
- transition: (s, a, r, s’)
The difference, (the error term) is the difference between what you thought you would get from that state (Q(s,a)) and what you actually get (the first term on RHS)
How do we incorporate this? In the old scheme of things:
So, we had our Q value around, we nudged it in the direction of the difference
But now we don’t have the Q-values around (since they are so large etc), so we have to update the weights The reason is, our q-value wasn’t high/low enough for what we actually got, so we want to change the weights so that it becomes closer to the actual q-value now
We increase all the weights weighted by the features
This is the parametric option 🔝 We are encapsulating our knowledge by a set of parameters, the weight vector
Another option is that your knowledge is encapsulated in your experiences, you stay closer to the data - this is the non-parametric method. As you get more data, non-parametric is better, but takes longer to learn - general tradeoff b/w parametric and non-parametric methods
Let’s start with this simple hypothesis
Imagine our start state was s (left hand side board) the weights are arbitrary, (or learned with a few iterations)
Our estimate of the Q-value from that place forward is +1 But when we went there, we got eaten by the ghost and we get -500 reward, and the Q value for future steps is 0 since the game ended
So, we update the weights and get a new hypothesis. (α is the learning rate)
We get this hypothesis 🔝 after the update. Note how earlier we really liked the dots and disliked the ghosts a little bit. Now, we like the dots lesser and dislike the ghosts much more (compare to previous hypothesis)
We learn really quickly. This works nicely for similar states.
We saw this in linear regression
To figure out the weights, we minimized the mean squared error
Our updates in q-learning look like so:
- problem with q-learning (even approximate q-learning)
- we are trying to optimize the q-value of the states, by adjusting the weights. It tries to get the magnitudes right, but not the ordering of the q-values. If our q-values were perfect, we’d get the ordering as well, but we aren’t perfect and so we don’t have the actual ordering.
- often feature based policies that work well (win games, maximize utilities) aren’t the ones that approximate V/Q best
- this distinction between modeling and prediction again later in the course
Solution: learn policies that maximize rewards, not the values that predict them
Policy search: start with an ok solution (eg: q-learning) then fine-tune by hill climbing on feature weights
Simplest policy search:
- start with an initial linear value function or q-function
- nudge each feature weight up and down and see if your policy is better than before
- how do we tell the policy got better?
- need to run many sample episodes
- if they are a lot of features, this can be impractical
Better methods exploit lookahead structure, sample wisely, change multiple parameters
We completed the first part, search and planning
This section we’ll study Probabilistic reasoning
Probability is really important:
- diagnosis - from observations, obtain a posterior distribution over disease causing it
- speech recognition
- tracking objects
- robot mapping
- genetics
- error correcting codes
Later, in Part 3, we’ll study Machine Learning
- random variables
- joint and marginal distributions
- conditional distribution
- product rule, chain rule, Bayes’ rule
- inference
- independence
We have a grid, with a ghost somewhere. We have sensors we can use to check various grid. If the ghost is near, we get red, else orange, yellow, red etc
If we bust at the grid with the arrow, we’ll get a HIT and win the game
The sensors gives us:
- on the ghost: red
- 1 or 2 away: orange
- 3 or 4 away: yellow
- 5+ away: green
Example of the conditional distribution for when distance = 3:
Similarly, we’ll have such conditional distributions over all distances
General situation that we have:
- observed variables (evidence) - the sensors in last example
- the agent knows certain things about the state of the world (eg: sensor readings)
- unobserved variables
- these are the variables the agent needs to reason about (with the aid of the evidence variables) - eg: where is the ghost
- model
- agent knows something about how the known variables relate to the unknown variables
Probabilistic reasoning gives us a framework for managing our beliefs and knowledge
They are a bit like variables we had in CSPs
RV here (like in CSPs) have domains
- R is {true, false} aka {+r, -r}
- T in {hot, cold}
- D in [0, ∞]
- D is driving time. This 🔝 is a continuous random variable, we won’t study that here, but similar ideas
- the math is similar, the ideas is same. Eg: we deal with integrals and not summations
- L (possible locations) in {(0,0), (1, 2), …}
Associate a probability with each value
Bad idea to give anything 0 probability 🔝
Unobserved random variables have distributions 🔝 like we saw
Shorthand notation:
P(hot) is okay because only the random variable T has hot in it’s domain
- We care about JDs because we want to infer things about RVs we haven’t observed based on the RVs we have observed
Consider T and W
All the individual entries have to be positive and the sum of the entries in the distribution (in the table, or if continuous, the entire continuous distribution) has to be 1
If we have n variables of domain size d, we need to have dn entries in the table. This gets intractable very fast if we have large sets of RVs.
A probabilistic model is just a joint distribution over a set of random variables. Going forward, we’ll build models where there won’t be so much interactivity in the RVs - there are only indirect interactions b/w most RVs
Just like in CSPs, we were able to work with a small set of constraints b/w variables
In CSPs, we had True/False values that dictated weather the variable was allowed to have that instantiation or not whereas here, we have probabilities specifying how likely is a particular outcome
Usually, we are interest in Events which are a set of outcomes
- P(hot AND sunny) = 0.4
- P(hot) = 0.4 + 0.1 = 0.5
- P(hot OR sunny) = 0.4 + 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.7
Usually, the events we care about are partial assignments, like P(hot)
MDs sub-tables of the original joint distribution that contains a subset of the RVs.
We can build 2 MDs here, one over T and one over W
Building one over T
From the JD, we sum out all other variables, so we sum out W here and get a marginal distribution over T
MDs mean we marginalize the original distribution to be consider only a subset of the original variables and we build the table for that subset of RVs
If we had 3 RVs, we can build a MD over X1 and X2 etc
Another example:
Probability over something given something else A simple relation between joint and conditional probabilities
Given the JD:
We can find P(W=s|T=c) using the formula here directly 0.2/0.5 = 0.4
We did not need to use it here, but in general we use the Bayes’ rule here:
P(s|c) = P(s, c) / P(c) P(s|c) = P(c|s)P(s) / P(c)
Probability of getting sunny given cold is probability of getting sunny and cold upon probability of getting cold
Note in the second question, since we already know P(x|y) and the domain of X is +x, -x only, we can write P(-x|y) = 1-P(x|y)
We can go from a joint distribution to conditional distributions.
Conditional distributions are conditional probabilities over all the instantiations of the marginzalized variable
Each distributions (each table) sum to 1
A way to go from joint distribution to conditional distribution in a very structured mechanical way
Till now, we did:
We note that the denominator is all the entries with T = c in both cases. The numerator is consistent with the row (from the table) we are computing
So, alternative way: Select the entries in the table consistent with the evidence, which here was T=c to get:
And now, we need to have the consistent ones at the top and their sum at the bottom to get the CD
If we can somehow recover the JD, we have the full model for that set of RVs, you can infer anything you want
The phrase “to normalize” means that we bring the sum to 1 Normalization is multiplying all entries by a constant factor Z so that the sum of all the entries is 1 Z = 1/(sum of all entries)
Compute a desired probability from other known probabilities (eg: conditional from joint)
We can split our random variables from the full joint distribution into 3 disjoint groups
General Case:
- Evidence variables
- E1, …, Ek = e1, …, ek
- we have observed, we know their values
- Query variables
- Q
- these are the guys we want to know something about
- Hidden variables
- H1, …, Hr
- appear in the JD, but don’t appear on query
We want P(Q | e1, …, ek)
Generic procedure to get the answer to the query:
- Select the entries consistent with the evidence
- Sum out hidden variables
This will be something like: P(a, c) = Σ P(a, c, b) over b where b is the hidden variable
- Normalize
We get joint distribution from step 2. Now, all we have to do get the conditional distribution (select the consistent entries (again) and normalize)
- P(W)
We need the marginal distribution over W W can be sun or rain W=sun is: 0.3+0.1+0.1+0.15 = 0.65 W=rain is 0.05+0.05+0.05+0.2 = 0.35
Query variable is W, hidden variables are T and S
- P(W|winter)
We get: W=sun|winter = 0.1+0.15 = 0.25 W=rain|winter = 0.05+0.20 = 0.25 So after normalization, 0.5, 0.5
Query variable is W, hidden variable is T, evidence variable is S
- P(W|winter, hot)
W=sun|winter, hot = 0.10 W=cold|winter, hot = 0.20 So after normalization, 1/3 and 2/3
Query variable is W, query variables are T and S
Couple more things about probability before we dive into Markov Models
This rule allows us to go from a marginal and a conditional and get the full joint distribution
We can recover the JD from Marginal and conditional - if we get the JD, we know everything there is to know about those RVs
We can extend this to more than 2 RVs We can always write any joint distribution as an incremental product of conditional distribution
We will often be given the distribution, not as the full JD, but the CD or something else etc and we want to be able to somehow slice and dice that representation to get the representation we want
It is helpful if we have the thing on the right and we are interested in the thing on the left
This can happen due to:
- often one conditional is tricky but the other is simple
- this formulation lets us build one conditional from its reverse
- this comes up in machine translation, speech recognition etc
Example of diagnostic probability from casual probability:
We want to find out: P(+m|+s) This is equal to P(+s|+m)P(+m)/ P(+s)
Here, P(+s|+m) is called the prior
Typically, the thing at the bottom is not given explicitly, but there is all information present to compute it.
Eg: to compute marginal over s (P(s)), we can take the marginal over m and the conditional for s given m, so you can construct the joint distribution and from that get the marginal for just s
Eg: P(+m, +s) = P(+s|+m)P(+m) which is one entry in the JD, which is 0.8*0.0001 = 0.00008 similarly other entries in the table
Applying the bayes rule:
P(+m|+s) = probability of getting +m and +s divided by probability of getting +s
Plugging the values, we get 0.007944
So, how do we make decisions based on this? 🔝 We write down the utility of living with undiagnosed meningitis vs the utility of visiting the doctor etc and you look at expected utility and take a decision that maximizes your utility
Another Example:
P(W|dry) is a conditional distribution, so a table with 2 entries, one for W=sun and another for W=rain
P(sun|dry), hmm, we can use our learning from earlier: taking out the 2 relevant entries for dry, we have sun, dry = 0.9
NO! We cannot do that because the table given to us is a conditional distribution, not a joint distribution
We can either make it a joint distribution and then compute the probabilities or use Bayes’ rule
We’ll invoke Bayes’ rule twice to get it P(sun|dry) = P(dry|sun)P(sun)/P(dry) = 0.9*0.8/(0.9*0.8+0.3*0.2) P(rain|dry) = P(dry|rain)P(rain)/P(dry) = 0.3*0.2/(0.9*0.8+0.3*0.2)
(We get P(dry) = Σ P(dry, W) over W)
We could also have gotten the 2nd one with 1-res of 1st one Since sun, rain are the only entries in the domain of W
This is primitive way of slicing and dicing distributions, we’ll see much more complicated ways later
Here, like earlier we have to find the ghost. We’ll sense using our noisy sensor to get a color measurement.
The numbers represent out prior distributions about the location of the ghost
On the first sense:
So our prior gets updated according to the Bayes’ rule
After some more observations:
We have really narrowed it down now and we can burst What we haven’t looked at yet is, what is the right place to sense, to take the next measurement in - so that we get the maximum information
How did we implement this? 🔝 Let’s say we have 2 distributions
- Prior distribution over ghost location P(G)
- let’s say this is uniform initially
- Sensor reading model: P(C|G)
- given: we know what our sensors do
- C = color measured, G = location of ghost
We can calculate the posterior distribution P(G|c) over ghost locations given an observed color c using Bayes’ rule
The proportionality means that there is a difference of only a normalizing factor
The g means that you should sum over random variable G - which represents all the locations the ghost can be in (all the possible values of RV G - You get this by integrating the posterior and dividing the prob by it)
This is a property of distributions.
2 variables are independent in a joint distribution if: P(X, Y) = P(X)P(Y) ∀ x, y P(x, y) = P(x)P(y)
Short hand to say that X and Y are independent: X ⊥\perp Y
This means that the JD can be represented in a simple way - we just need 2 marginal distributions to encode all the information in the JD
We can use independence as a modeling assumption
- this helps split up the JD (keeping it’s size under control)
- Independence is like the disconnected subproblems in CSPs (when tasmania was independent from Australia and things broke down)
We need to build the marginals first: P(T) = 0.5 for hot, 0.5 for cold P(W) = 0.6 for sun, 0.4 for rain
Now, P(hot, sun) = 0.4 Also, P(hot)*P(sun) = 0.5*0.6 = 0.3 So, not independence
Every entry in the new table should be identical to every entry in the first table
If you have N RVs, the JDs will have ND entries where D is the domain of the RVs If all of them are independent, you will only have D*N entries in your JD
Your JD will be fully specified by using the N tables Example for N independent coins: ⬇️
Since independence is a very strong assumption to make in most situations, we will use conditional independence.
Consider 3 RVs - toothache, cavity, catch
If I have a cavity, the probability that the probe catches in it doesn’t depend on weather I have a toothache or not - the probe doesn’t have that information in it So, we can write the conditional independence as:
P(+catch | +cavity, +toothache) = P(+catch | +cavity)
→ we have: catch ⊥\perp toothache | cavity
Similarly, we have:
P(+catch | -cavity, +toothache) = P(+catch | -cavity)
Similarly, we will have the same equations for each value of each RV - 8 combinations
So, we can write it as: P(Catch | Toothache, Cavity) = P(Catch | Cavity)
Using capital letter means that we are representing the RVs here, not a particular instantiation of the RV. So 🔝 encodes 8 equations
One more thing: When we have 2 independent RVs P(X, Y) = P(X)P(Y) We can also write: P(X, Y|A) = P(X|A)P(Y|A) → carry the conditional A on each term of both sides
We have 3 things in the domain:
- traffic
- umbrella
- raining
Reasonable conditional independence assumption in this scenario: 🔝 traffic ⊥\perp umbrella | raining
So, this is like, if we have rain, T and U are independent
We have 3 things in the domain:
- fire
- smoke
- alarm
Reasonable conditional independence assumption in this scenario: 🔝 Since the chain of reasoning is this:
Fire causes Smoke causes Alarm So, if Smoke is given, Fire and Alarm become independent alarm ⊥\perp fire | smoke
If you have a sensor and you consider it independent of some event, you cannot use that sensor to take readings for that event. So, conditional independence is a better (and softer) assumption in such cases
We now have covered probability basics, and can move on now
They allow us to specify a JD over a very large number of RVs, in a very compact form (and not having to specify the whole distribution) - and still do computations on it
- Allows us reason over time and space
- speech recognition
- robot localization
- user attention
- medical monitoring
They allow us to introduce time and space into our models - a lot like in MDPs
Let’s say we a markov model - what that means is that we have a sequence of random variables
Connected like so:
Here, P(X1) ⊥\perp P(X3)| X2 etc
We start with, P(X1) and : P(Xt|Xt-1)
This is called the transition probabilities (we had them in MDPs as well) aka dynamics They describe how states evolve over time
Stationary assumption: transition assumption probabilities same at all times This is exactly just like a MDP transition model, but no choice of action
Note how simplified the JD has become due to the conditional independence restriction
Questions to be resolved:
- does this indeed define a joint distribution?
- that is to say, do all the entries sum to 1
Let’s look at the chain rule again
There are n! Ways to expand the chain rule, we picked this ordering explicitly because that will help us exploit the conditional independence assumption
Assuming that:
So, we get:
So, we have the full JD using lesser entries.
More generally:
So, for all RVs, it is independent wrt everyone except the one that came just before it
So, we have: 2 entries of P(X1), and 2 entries for each of P(Xt|Xt-1), T-1 of those, so, a total of: 2T entries entries to define the full JD of T RVs
If we make the stationary assumption that distribution of Xt is independent of t, we will have just 2 values in the JD. At that point, we’ll be in the business of describing how the distribution changes with time
Also, consider an arbitrary assumptions:
Is it true that X1 ⊥\perp X3 , X4| X2?
This will be true iff: P(X1 | X3 , X4, X2) = P(X1 | X2) or P(X1 ,X3 , X4 | X2) = P(X1 | X2)P(X3 , X4 | X2)
Which turns out to be True So, we can make all sorts of arbitrary assumptions now
So, we have a lot of conditional assumptions due to restriction ourselves us markov models.
We have one additional explicit assumptions: P(Xt|Xt-1) is the same for all t What this means is that the transition model is the same at all times
We have states, X = {rain, sun} Initial distribution: 1.0 sun Conditional Probability Table P(Xt|Xt-1)
We can represent it as:
We can answer questions like, what is the distribution after one step etc
The general method: ⬇️
P(X2=sun) = Σ (X2, X) over X where X is X1 here
0.9*1.0 + 0.3*0.0 = 0.9
Question: What’s P(X) on some date t?
In the formula 🔝, P(xt|xt-1) is given in the CPT and P(xt-1) we get from previous iteration of the recursion
Consider the same problem as earlier 🔝
So, regardless of the initial distribution, if we run mini-forward algorithm long enough, it will converge to a stationary distribution. Almost each Markov models will have a stationary distribution
This distribution is called P∞ It satisfies:
We can solve this equation in 2 ways - either by simulating via the forward passes or by considering a linear update equations and solve for the stationary point
This is used in Page rank algorithm
The RV is which page the user is on. The state(domain) is all the web pages The initial distribution is uniform over pages, the transitions are:
- with probability c, uniform jump to a random page
- with probability 1-c, follow random outlink
Stationary distribution:
- Google 1.0 returned the set of pages containing all the keyword in decreasing ranks from the stationary distribution
- this is robust to link spamming etc
Lecture 14 - Hidden Markov Models and Particle Filtering
We model what happens when the world changes and you observe only a part of it
Consider the pacman can eat ghosts, but they are invisible. But you get noisy readings about the location of the ghosts
You can try to move closer to it and try to eat it.
Is it possible to take these readings and combine this with your model of the world, I.e. How the ghosts move, where the maze walls are etc and figure out where they are
We’ll get to this by end of class
Markov Models are just a type of Bayers’ net
Each node is identically distributed, (stationarity) - there is just one Probability distribution that we are manipulating. How we go from one to the next is dependent on the Transition probability, present in the CPT - that transition probability is constant. Transition probability aka dynamics.
This is exactly similar to the Transition model in MDP, the difference being in MDP, there was an “a” in the transition model as well, which represented the action that you take - here you don’t take actions, you are just watching
Past and future states independent of the present Each time step only depends on the previous - this is called the 1st order markov property This is just a simplified Bayes’ net. We can use everything that we learned in a bayers’ net here
And then we talked about the weather markov chain
We did the question P(X2=sun) = Σ P(X2=sun, X1) = (X2=sun, X1=sun) + (X2=sun, X1=rain)
To move the timesteps, we have the mini-forward algorithm which was a recursive algorithm that takes the previous value and the probability of being there (entries from the CPT for that variable value/state)
We also saw that whatever be the initial distribution, we always converge to a static distribution after applying the forward algorithm many timesteps
(0.75 and 0.25 are due to the transition probabilities (the transition matrix) that we started with)
So, we can say that <0.75, 0.25> is the principle eigenvector of the transition matrix (because on applying the matrix transformation, this vector remains where it was) - eigenvalue 1
We saw that we start with a uniform distribution over the location of the ghost and we take measurements to update it. So we end up with something like this:
(How do we update those values by incorporating the new noisy evidence? 🔝)
Now when we let time pass, the ghost moves. The ghost is following a markov chain - it moves according to a transition matrix Currently, the transition matrix dictates Brownian motion, so after some time steps we have:
(The probability distributions are obtained from another markov model that’s hidden??)
“If we have a model that the ghost goes towards the center usually, we don’t get a stationary distribution” - why? :/
Hidden Markov Models
Markov models - it says I know how the world changes, but sooner or later, I am not very confident because the uncertainties add up
Hidden Markov Models - it says I know 2 things. How world changes in a time step, and at every time step I also get a reading of some kind of evidence that helps me sharpen my belief of what’s happening
The reason we have Hidden Markov Models is that in Markov Models, we aren’t very sure about our beliefs after some time. In HMMs, we get some evidence variable to update our beliefs at each time step
The hidden variable is like earlier, where are we exactly? The evidence depends only on the state at that time
An HMM is defined by:
- Initial Distribution (X1)
- Transitions P(X|X-1)
- Emissions P(E|X)
- how noisy are the sensors
Here, we have just 1 random variable - rain or not We have the transition matrix (aka dynamics) of the RV - rain today if rain was there yesterday = 0.7 no rain today if rain yesterday = 0.3
Note here the emission model is:
This says, given rain=true, probability of seeing umbrella is 0.9 and given rain=false, probability of seeing umbrella is 0.2