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1556 lines (1449 loc) · 69.6 KB


File metadata and controls

1556 lines (1449 loc) · 69.6 KB

1.13.0 (2 June 2023)

  • Implemented a resample algorithm when generating datacubes
  • Hotfix to docs to ensure pypeit_loaders api doc is generated
  • Allow user control of the local sky subtraction window
  • Deprecate use of python 3.8 with PypeIt, allow python 3.11
  • Make pypeit_show_2dspec (somewhat) backwards compatible.
  • Added the option to disable strict version checking for 1d coadds.
  • Hotfix for KCWI when using alignment (aka ContBars) frames for the astrometric correction.
  • Sensitivity function masking and output updates
  • Fixed a bug in the variance_model calculation for combined images.
  • Added the possibility to use dither offsets saved in the header of the science frames for coadding 2D spectra (dithoff must be part of the spectrograph metadata).
  • Calibration group numbers can now be anything, as long as there are no more than 63 unique integers.
  • Removed use of the term "master", renamed to calibration frames/files. Default output directory for calibration frames is now Calibrations. Calibration frames renamed; e.g., MasterArc is now Arc.
  • Calibration frame naming now done via calibframe.CalibFrame class.
  • Start to deprecate use of os.path in favor of pathlib
  • Deprecated pypeit_parse_calib_id script, but improved the .calib file provided by pypeit_setup. The .calib file is now always written, and provides a direct association between input raw files and output calibration files. Discussed in new docs.
  • The 'calib' column is now always added to the pypeit file, regardless of whether or not you also request the 'comb_id' and 'bkg_id' columns.
  • Names of associated calibration frames now written to spec2d file headers.
  • Major quicklook updates. deprecated.
  • Improve speed in ginga visualization of traces and added pypeit_chk_tilts. Note that this script uses an update of the tilts datamodel, so it will not work on older reductions.
  • Updates to reduction parameters for LDT/DeVeny

1.12.2 (29 Mar 2023)

  • Gemini/GMOS mask design slurping and usage
  • New GMOS wavelength solution
  • Added NIRES tutorial doc
  • reid_arxiv templates for all MMTO Blue Channel gratings and for MMTO Binospec G600 and G1000
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements to mmt_bluechannel and mmt_binospec support
  • Include the S/N of extracted spectra in the SpecObj datamodel
  • Added new specutils interface
  • Fixed bugs when only performing calibrations and (1) calib groups are all set to 'all' or (2) anything other than '0'.
  • Added MASKDEF_OBJMAG and MASKDEF_OBJMAG_BAND in spec1d datamodel.
  • Improved NIRES dither pattern parsing and automatic assignment of comb_id and bkg_id.

1.12.1 (21 Feb 2023)

  • (Hotfix) Specify sphinx versions to correctly work with sphinx_rtd_theme
  • (Hotfix) Fixed bug that caused crash of sensfunc routines using telluric grids in offline processing
  • (Hotfix) Fixed error when showing flats in Ginga when the fine correction is not performed
  • Implemented the upgraded GTC/OSIRIS+
  • (Hotfix) keymap error when displaying GUIs
  • Added support for more NOT/ALFOSC grisms as well as NOT recommended standards
  • Implemented the SOAR/Goodman blue 400 grating (setup M1)
  • Added support for SOAR/Goodman red 600 grating (setup RED)
  • Implemented the SOAR/Goodman (blue) M1 only
  • New docs on OneSpec
  • Modify install notes to allow python 3.10; python3.8 no longer explicitly supported
  • Allow for bad orders during extraction (without crashing)

1.12.0 (31 Jan 2023)

  • (Hotfix) Fixed bug that allowed science frames to be assigned to multiple instrument configurations
  • (Hotfix) Fixed typo related to GitHub download for offline processing
  • Started modifications and support for JWST.
  • Limit LRISr header crashes
  • Added spectral flexure and reference frame corrections for IFU data
  • Allow separate sky frame to be used for sky subtraction with IFU data
  • Limit the images written to the MasterEdges file to only the trace image, mask, and detector.
  • Refactor quicklook scripts
  • OpenMP link fix
  • Enable boxcar_radius for manual extraction
  • Prevent flexure crash
  • Fixed error with deprecated numpy types
  • Improved optimization of bspline c code
  • Parse Keck/NIRES dither patterns, similar to MOSFIRE
  • Introduce BitMaskArray class to ease use of bitmasks
  • Fixed memory hogging by matplotlib when using version >= 3.6.1

1.11.0 (21 Oct 2022)

  • Add ability for users to specify custom arc line lists for wavelength calibration, saved in the user's PypeIt cache
  • Added Keck/NIRES frame-typing development doc.
  • Now more than one setup can be assigned to the same calibration frame, allowing to associate the same calibration frames to different science/standard frames, if desired.
  • Correctly associate calibrations with science data for MOSFIRE longslit and long2pos masks.
  • Automatically assign comb_id and bkg_id to MOSFIRE science data, using the information on the dither pattern.
  • Allow verbosity specification for various post-processing command-line scripts.
  • Allow for the specification of a specific UVIS extinction file for sensitivity function computation and flux calibration.
  • Adding Keck/HIRES functionality.
  • Restructred coadd2d in order to work with images that have different

sizes. - Restructured extraction and find_objects classes to work better with 2d coadds. - Refactor and general update of documentation

1.10.0 (11 July 2022)

  • Modify tweak_standard for Mosfire/J2
  • Apply find_min_max when clipping the image for object finding
  • Mask bad detector regions for global sky flexure calculation
  • Detector structure correction included in flatfield calibration
  • Apply find_min_max when clipping the image for object finding
  • Mask bad detector regions for global sky flexure calculation
  • Fixed a bug associated with 2d interpolation of waveimg in extraction.
  • Refactor PypeIt input files
  • Added wavelength diagnostics to the spec2d output

1.9.1 (13 June 2022)

  • Hotfix for bug related to downloading from the reid_arxiv when using the reidentify wavelength calibration method.

1.9.0 (31 May 2022)

  • When using glob to get files in pypeit_setup, added automatic sorting so that the default comb_id ordering matches the sorted file name.
  • Improve Keck/KCWI automatic frame typing.
  • Implemented Keck/KCWI flux calibration
  • Wavelength templates (OH lines and arc lamps) created for Keck/MOSFIRE
  • Mosaic is now available for Keck/DEIMOS too.
  • Various package data (e.g., reid_arxiv, sensfunc) are no longer distributed via PyPI to reduce package size; introduce mechanisms for downloading/caching needed data either at runtime or on demand.
  • Save output wavelength calibration from pypeit_identify to the cache for direct reuse in data reduction.
  • The pypeit_identify GUI can now toggle between linear and log scaling of the arc spectrum flux.
  • Improved wavelength solution for Gemini-Nort E2V detector
  • Keck/DEIMOS now uses gain/RN values measured periodically by WMKO
  • Add bok_bc 300 grating template
  • Added more flexible quicklook that can handle dithering.
  • Expose exposure time scaling for dark frames as an image processing parameter, and set the default behavior to ignore any difference in exposure time. Also fixes a bug in the variance calculation.
  • Refactored object finding
  • Bug fixes in local sky subtraction and extraction
  • Fixed pypeit setup issues due to bad LRIS headers.
  • Added support for VLT FORS2 600z grism.
  • Added enhancements and fixes for Keck lris red Mark4.
  • Fixed a bug in 2d coadding when objects were not being identified. Refactored 2d extraction.
  • Added code to better parse Gemini/GNIRS dither sequences
  • Add spectrograph child for VLT X-SHOOTER UVB arm
  • Minor enhancements to pypeit_identify GUI
  • Refactoring of pypeit_show_wvcalib GUI

1.8.1 (23 Feb 2022)

  • various hotfixes
  • Include preliminary support for fluxing with archived SensFunc files for DEIMOS.

1.8.0 (12 Feb 2022)

  • Fixed a bug about how maskdef_offset is assigned to each detector
  • Changed default behavior for how PypeIt computes maskdef_offset for DEIMOS. It now uses by default the stars in the alignment boxes.
  • Introduces pypeit_parse_calib_id script
  • Refactor manual extraction
  • Fixed 2Dcoadd spec bugs for central wavelength dithers.
  • GMOS doc updates
  • Add 2D wavelength calibration image to MasterFlat output; include wavelength calibration in pypeit_chk_flat ginga display.
  • Introduce mosaicing
    • det arguments can now be tuples with a list of detectors to combine into a mosaic. Mosaics can now be defined in the pypeit file using detnum; e.g., detnum=(1,2) creates a mosaic of detectors 1 and 2.
    • The tuples must be one among an allowed set defined by each spectrograph class; see
    • DETECTOR extensions in output files can now be either a DetectorContainer object or a Mosaic object. Both are now written using astropy.table.Table instances. Mosaic objects just have more columns.
    • The otype of DataContainer data-model components can now be a tuple of DataContainer subclasses indicating that the component has an optional type.
    • Added the one_row_table class attribute to DataContainer, which will try to force all the elements of a datamodel into a binary table extension with a single row.
    • Started propagation of name changes from, e.g., DET01 to MSC01, where the latter indicates the reduction uses the first mosaic option for the spectrograph. Keys for master calibration frames are now, e.g., A_1_DET01 instead of A_1_01.
    • Currently only implemented for gemini_gmos.
    • During processing, bias and dark images are left as separate detector images, whereas all other images are mosaiced for further processing. This means that RawImage is now always 3D, where PypeItImage can be either 2D or 3D.
    • Added a det_img to PypeItImage datamodel to keep track of the parent detector for each pixel in a mosaic.
    • Added a amp_img to PypeItImage datamodel to keep track of the parent amplifier for each pixel in a mosaic; this is the result of mosaicing the datasec_img objects for each detector.
  • Improve performance of L.A.Cosmic algorithm:
    • Switch to using ndimage.binary_dilation for growing masked regions
    • Switch to astropy convolution for Laplace convolution
    • Added faster block replication algorithm
    • Fix iteration logic
  • Intermediate update to BPM. Preference given to pulling this from the relevant PypeItImage calibration image instead of always building it from scratch. That latter complicated things for mosaics.
  • First steps toward more robust treatment of saturation.
  • Dark counts used for calculating the shot noise now includes measured dark images if provided
  • PypeIt file parameters can now parse sets of tuples; e.g., detnum=(1,2),(3,4) should get parsed as par['detnum'] = [(1,2), (3,4)].
  • PypeIt.select_detectors has been moved to Spectrograph.
  • Update for LDT/DeVeny including support for binned data, use_header for reading arc lamps used from frames, and reid_arxiv templates for three additional gratings.
  • Slurps in and uses slitmask design for Keck/LRIS (limited usage)
  • Hotfix for gemini_gmos mosaic tracing parameters
  • Include sky model in 2nd pass of global sky subtraction (not for IR redux).
  • Skymask is now computed also for the maskdef_extract objects.
  • Added dedicated fwhm and boxcar_radius for maskdef_extract objects.
  • Added pypeit_version to the pypeit file header.
  • Set DEIMOS find_fwhm default to 0.8" in binned pixels.
  • Added row-dependent pattern-noise calculation
  • Improvements in pypeit_coadd_2dspec:
    • maskdef_id assigned to each slit
    • Assigning object's name, ra and dec to detected objects is now available
    • Force extract of undetected objects is now available
    • maskdef_offset can be use as offsets in the coadd
    • Coadding only a specific sets of slits is now possible with the parset --only_slits
    • If the user inputs a list of offsets, the weights can still be computed if a bright object is found, otherwise uniform weigths will be used
    • Fixed manual extraction bug
    • Various improvements in the flow of the code
    • spec1d*.txt is now produced also for coadd2d
  • Scripts to explore the noise residuals in PypeIt
  • Added Coadd2D HOWTO docs
    • Fixes a bug in echelle object finding
    • Attempt to make the threshold computation for object finding more robust.
    • Fixed a bug in extraction for echelle spectrographs for IR reductions.
    • Tuned up preivious refactor of object finding and extraction classes.
    • Fixed a bug that was introduced in skymask definition.
    • Fixed a bug where negative objects were not being found for IR reductions of standard stars.
  • Add template wavelength solution for soar_goodman_red 400_SYZY

1.7.0 (19 Nov 2021)

  • Introduces pypeit_parse_calib_id script
  • Throw a warning if the chosen spectrograph has a header which does not match expectation
  • Pypeit can now read (currently for Keck DEIMOS only) the list of arc lamps from the header and use it for wavelength calibration.
  • Allow one to restrict the wavelength range of the arxiv template
  • Fixed a bug in HolyGrail that did not allow for sigdetect and rms_wavelength to be slit dependent lists.
  • Set DEIMOS FWHM default to 10 pixels
  • Fixed a bug in HolyGrail that did not allow for sigdetect and rms_wavelength to be slit dependent lists.
  • Improvements for MOSFIRE:
    • uses slitmask info in the slit edge tracing
    • associates RA, Dec and Object name to each extracted object
    • extracts undetected objects using the predicted position from slitmask info
    • uses dither offeset recorded in the header as default slitmask_offset, but the user can provide the maskdef_id of a slit with a bright object that can trace the offset.
    • improvements in the frame typing
  • Implements new Mark4 detector for Keck/LRISr (aka keck_lris_red_mark4)
  • QL script for Keck/DEIMOS
  • Implemented flux calibration and grating correction for datacubes.

1.6.0 (1 Oct 2021)

  • Modifications to reduce header crashes
  • Added image_proc.rst doc, which includes a table with the primary parameters that affect the control flow of the image processing.
  • Added exptime and units to the PypeItImage data model.
  • Made bias subtraction available to the dark image processing (i.e., if people request bias subtraction for darks, the bias needs to be passed). Similarly, added dark to the buildimage calls in get_arc and get_tiltimage.
  • Streamlining of the operations in pypeit.core.flat.flatfield.
  • Digitization noise no longer added to readnoise calculation by default.
  • Include "processing error" in error budget. Accounts for, e.g., readnoise in dark image, etc.
  • Include error calculation in overscan subtraction. The error estimate is the standard error in the median, which will be an overestimate for the savgol method.
  • Allow for pinhole and sky frames in buildimage_fromlist.
  • In pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage:
    • Conversion from ADU to counts is now the first step for all processing.
    • Added an empirical_rn parameter that allows the users to use the overscan region to estimate the detector readnoise for each image processed, and this estimation of the readnoise is now in its own method.
    • Subtraction of the dark is now done after the conversion of the image to counts.
    • Dark subtraction is now always performed using the tabulated values for each detector. A warning is thrown if the dark frames are provided and the measured dark-current from a dark image is more than 50% different from the tabulated value.
    • Whether or not you add the shot noise and a noise floor to the variance image are now optional and controlled by parameters in ProcessImagesPar.
    • Changes to default ProcessImagesPar parameters: use_specillum = False for all frame types; shot_noise = False and noise_floor = 0 for biases; and use_overscan=True, use_biasimage=True, noise_floor=0., and mask_cr=True for darks. Adjustments propagated to individual spectrographs.
    • BPM is not recalculated after applying the flat-field correction because it is not longer changed by that function.
    • The code keeps track of the image scaling via the flat-field correction, and propagates this to the noise model.
    • Compute and save a "base-level variance" that includes readnoise, dark current, and processing error as part of the PypeItImage datamodel.
    • Added base_var and img_scale to the datamodel of PypeItImage, as well as the noise_floor and shot_noise booleans. All of these are used by pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model to construct the error model.
    • Added BADSCALE bit to ImageBitMask to track when flat-field corrections are <=0.
  • Added update_mask and select_flag methods to PypeItImage as convenience methods used to update and extract information from the fullmask bitmask attribute.
  • CombineImage now re-calculates the variance model using the stacked estimate of the counts instead of propagating the estimates from the individual exposures.
  • CombineImage performs a masked median when combine_method = 'median', and the error is the standard error in the median.
  • Simplifies stacking of bits in CombineImage.
  • Calculation of the variance in processed images separated into two functions, pypeit.core.procimg.base_variance and pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model. These replace variance_frame.
  • Added a "detectors" doc, and an automatically generated table with relevant detector parameters (including the dark current) used for instrument.
  • Improved fidelity of bspline timing tests using timeit.
  • Added inverse variance images to MasterBias and MasterDark frames so that they are available for re-use.

1.5.0 (11 Aug 2021)

  • Doc updates, including reorganization of the installation doc, fluxing and telluric docs, and automatic construction of the package dependencies.
  • Add new pixelflat_min_wave parameter below which the mspixelflat is set to 1.
  • Add pypeit_install_telluric and pypeit_install_ql_masters scripts. The latter creates a symlink to the directory with the QL masters that will be used if the QL_MASTERS environmental variable does not exist.
  • Improved edgetrace.maskdesign_matching to always return syncronized traces.
  • Pypeit can now deal with dithered observations (only for DEIMOS for now), by finding the offset of the observed slitmask from the expected position in the design file.
  • There are three options the user can use to find the slitmask offset: bright objects, selected slit, or alignment boxes.
  • Pypeit run object finding for the alignment boxes but it does not extract them.
  • is now split in two methods: run_objfind and run_extraction.
  • There are now 2 loops over the detectors in pypeit.reduce_exposure: the first one runs calibrations and object finding for all the detectors and the second one runs the extraction. In between the two loops, the slitmask offset is computed.
  • A script (get_telescope_offset) to determine the telescope pointing offsets is added to pypeit/spectrographs/
  • Improve SOAR Goodman fluxing

1.4.2 (06 Jul 2021)

  • Added a common base class for all scripts
  • Script methods now included in Sphinx documentation
  • Updated pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.SmartFormatter to enable wrapping long lines and specify lines with a fixed format using F|.
  • Made pypeit.core.telluric.Telluric subclass from pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer, and added some basic unit tests. This led to some changes in the existing datamodel.
  • Made pypeit.sensfunc.SensFunc subclass from pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer, and added some basic unit tests. This led to some changes in the existing datamodel.
  • Allowed pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer parsing methods to used pseudonyms for HDU extension names and base classes to read the datamodels of subclasses. Both added new keywords that default to previous behavior.
  • Moved some functions to avoid circular imports
    • pypeit.coadd1d.OneSpec -> pypeit.onespec.OneSpec
    • pypeit.core.coadd.get_wave_grid -> pypeit.core.wavecal.wvutils.get_wave_grid
    • pypeit.core.coadd.sensfunc_weights -> pypeit.sensfunc.sensfunc_weights
  • Add LDT/DeVeny spectrograph
  • Add 6440.25A CdI line (LDT/DeVeny)
  • Modify SOAR to read their (truly) raw files
  • GMOS doc updates

1.4.1 (11 Jun 2021)

  • Adds SOAR/Goodman red camera
  • Update to Gemini-S telescope info
  • Make PypeIt ISO 8160 (more) compliant
  • Address an Identify bug
  • Add blocking filter to DEIMOS config
  • NOT/Alfosc updates
  • A pair of fixes for shane_kast_red
  • Add NTT EFOSC2 spectrograph
  • Add standard stars CD-34241 and CD-329927 to esofil
  • Add wavelength solution for keck_lris_red 600/10000
  • pypeit_show_2dspec shows traces of forced extraction and manual extraction with different colors
  • Updated docs about extraction and DEIMOS
  • Implement multi-detector flexure estimates
  • Fix error in variance for numpy fitting routines
  • Introduce HOWTO for DEIMOS
  • Method for slupring in a standard observed and reduced by WMKO

1.4.0 (23 Apr 2021)

  • Include a fix for when no edges are detected in EdgeTraceSet by adding the bound_detector parameter. Most instruments have a default of bound_detector = False meaning that the code will skip processing any detector where no slit edges are found. Some instuments set the default to be bound_detector = True because the slit edges always or often fall off the edge of the detector (i.e., the detector is fully illuminated). These instruments are currently mmt_mmirs, mmt_bluechannel, not_alfosc, and shane_kast; note that some gemini_gmos data in the DevSuite require bound_detector=True, as well.
  • Improved wavelength template for DEIMOS gratings: 600ZD, 830G.
  • Added new ArI, KrI, NeI, XeI arc lines.
  • PypeIt can now compute arc line FWHM from the lines themselves. This is controlled by a new parset, fwhm_fromlines, which is set to False by default, except for DEIMOS.
  • Added a development document about the DEIMOS wavelength calibration.
  • Limit reduction to detectors 3 and 7 when DEIMOS LVM mask is used (other detectors are empty)
  • Add pypeit_obslog script that simple compiles and prints metadata from a set of fits files needed by pypeit to run.
  • Change PypeItSetup.from_file_root to require the output path to write the vanilla pypeit file. If no path is provided, the object is instatiated without creating any output.
  • Fixed bug in sensitivity function code adressing issue #747. Revamped sensitivity function completely to compute zeropoints and throughput. Enhanced QA.
  • Added MOSFIRE QL script.
  • Added support for VLT/SINFONI K 25mas (0.8x0.8 arcsec FOV) platescale
  • Updated docs for differencing imaging sky subtraction.
  • Added "sky" frametype for difference imaging sky subtraction addressing issue # 1068
  • Improved and sped up sensitivity function telluric codes.
  • Fixed bugs in ArchiveReid automatic wavelength identification.
  • Removed numba dependency.
  • Improved pypeit_view_fits script.
  • Fixed ginga bugs in and added automatic cuts to show_2dspec
  • Added latin hypercube sampler to pypeit.utils which is required for differential evolution optimizations.
  • Improved GMOS R400 wavelength solution
  • Turned off GMOS-S binning restriction
  • Add GTC OSIRIS spectrograph
  • Updates for docs on adding new spectrographs. And a bok test
  • Added a new pypeit_collate_1d tool to automatically group 1D Spectra from multiple files by group and coadd them.
  • PypeIt will now add HISTORY keyword entries to FITS files.
  • use_maskdesign is turned off for DEIMOS LVM masks
  • a new parameter use_user_fwhm is added in ExtractionPar to allow the user to set their preferred fwhm
  • Improved slittrace.assign_maskinfo
  • PypeIt can now force extractions of DEIMOS non detected objects at the location expected from slitmask design.
  • SpecObj and SlitTrace datamodel versions updated

1.3.3 (24 Feb 2021)

  • (Hotfix) Command-line argument bug in pypeit_coadd_1dspec script.
  • (Hotfix) Bug fix in pypeit_obslog script.
  • (Hotfix) X-Shooter bits

1.3.2 (08 Feb 2021)

  • (Hotfix) Bug in content type of README file that prevented upload to PyPI

1.3.1 (01 Feb 2021)

  • pypeit_chk_wavecalib script
  • Option to limit channels shown for pypeit_show_2dspec
  • sigdetect on in full_template
  • Added new ArI, ArII lines
  • Improved 1Dfit QA
  • Final wavelength template for DEIMOS 900ZD
  • Fix a bug in pypeit/core/ and pypeit/core/wavecal/ due to the padding to the arc frames
  • Added a new XeI line
  • Turn off sigma clipping for DEIMOS arc frames.
  • Refactor to use setup.cfg to define package configuration
  • Refactor version handling to use setuptools_scm to grab version info from git tags
  • Add support for testing within isolated environments via tox
  • Refactor CI to use tox to run tests
  • Add cron-scheduled tests to CI
  • Add tests to CI to cover macos, windows, and conda installations
  • Refactor wrapper scripts in bin/ to be entry_points defined in setup.cfg
  • Deprecate check_requirements now that dependencies are handled by the installation

1.3.0 (13 Dec 2020)

  • DATE-OBS, UTC, AMPMODE, and MOSMODE added to metadata for DEIMOS, and the first three are now included in the auto-generated pypeit files.
  • DEIMOS AMPMODE is now included in the list of metadata used to determine the DEIMOS configuration (setup).
  • Frames ignored by pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData.unique_configurations used to establish the unique configurations are now set by pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.config_independent_frames. These default to 'bias' and 'dark' frames.
  • pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.config_independent_frames can also return a single keyword selecting the metadata column used to match these frames to a given configuration. For DEIMOS, this is used to match bias and dark frames to a configuration observed on the same date. Currently these frames can only be set to a single configuration.
  • Added pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData.clean_configurations that ignores frames that cannot be reduced by pypeit, as set by pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.valid_configuration_values. For DEIMOS, this is used to ignore frames that are taken in direct-imaging mode or using anything except the B amplifier to read the data. The ignored frames are removed from the metadata table (fitstbl).
  • update_docs script now builds the html as well as the api rst files. It also prints a pass/fail comment.
  • Added tests to pypeit/tests/ to test that PypeIt correctly and automatically identifies frames from multiple DEIMOS configurations and that pypeit.pypeitsetup.PypeItSetup correctly produces separate pypeit files for each configuration.
  • Added a development document reporting that PypeIt now satisfies the PD-3 requirement Keck outlined for the DEIMOS PypeIt pipeline.
  • Building the docs now dynamically generates an example pypeit and sorted file for inclusion in the PypeIt documentation.
  • The setup block is now a simple listing of the keywords and values used to identify the instrument configuration.
  • Refactor identify GUI and improve its docs
  • Modest refactoring of
  • Construction of wavelength arxiv files for DEIMOS 1200B and blue 1200G
  • Pypeit now adds DEIMOS slits that are expected from the slitmask design but not found in the tracing process.
  • PypeIt now flags as “BOXSLT” DEIMOS slits that are expected to be alignment boxes from slitmask design.
  • Added a table with DEIMOS slitmask design and objects info to the SlitTraceSet datamodel
  • Add support for MMTO Blue Channel Spectrograph
  • Add GitHub Actions CI workflow
  • Incorporates a procedure to enable GMOS Nod and Shuffle observations
  • New GMOS wavelength solutions
  • Remove Travis CI config
  • General housecleaning of spectrographs
    • Documentation improvements
    • Dynamically builds table of available spectrographs; see pypeit.spectrographs.available_spectrographs
    • pypeit.defs is now deprecated
    • Removed usage from pypeit.pypmsgs and moved it to
    • Many Spectrograph instance attributes are now class attributes; in particular, previous instance attribute spectrograph is now name.
    • Added class attributes that set if the spectrograph is supported and any comments for the summary table.
    • default_pypeit_par is now a class method, which allows the name of the spectrograph to be defined in a single place
    • Valid spectrographs are no longer checked by pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ReduxPar. This caused a circular import in the new strucuture. The parameter par['rdx']['spectrograph'] is virtually always checked by load_spectrograph, so I don't think this is a problem.
  • Kastr 300 grating solutions
  • Hotfix to include the solutions!
  • Improved DEIMOS slitmask design matching
  • Assign RA/DEC to DEIMOS extractions
  • DEIMOS object RA, Dec, and name returned when running pypeit_show_1d --list and saved in the .txt file with the list of 1d spectra.
  • DEIMOS object name and maskdef_id visible in ginga when running pypeit_show_2d
  • Fix sigma clipping bug!

1.2.0 (15 Oct 2020)

  • Frame-typing tweaks for DEIMOS
    • Exposure-time ranges removed
    • All frame types now key off OBSTYPE
  • Added more detail on citation policy to main page on readthedocs
  • Added docs for BitMasks
  • Altered scripts interface to allow for dynamically making the help doc files
  • full spatial/spectral flexure and heliocentric corrections implemented for IFU reductions
  • optimal weights in datacube generation
  • Docs for skysub, extraction, flat fielding
  • New skysub options for masking and suppressing local
  • Added pypeit/core/ to convert .sav files into fits files
  • Added "amap" and "bmap" fits files in pypeit/data/static_calibs/keck_deimos/ for DEIMOS optical model
  • Added pypeit/core/ and maskdesign_matching to EdgeTraceSet
  • Added ParSet for switching ON the slit-mask design matching. Default is ON for keck_deimos
  • Pypeit registers maskdef_id in SlitTraceSet if instrument is keck_deimos
  • Fix assignment bug in fitting bspline

1.1.1 (10 Sep 2020)

  • (Hotfix) Fluxing doc edits
  • (Hotfix) Fix sdist pip installation

1.1.0 (8 Sep 2020)

  • Fixed a bug for IR reductions for cases where only negative object traces are identified. These were accidentally being written to the spec1d file.

  • Fixed a bug fixes a bug in full_template wavelength reidentification for situations where extreme wavelength coverage slits results in reidentification with a purely zero-padded array.

  • Fixed a bug fixes a bug in full_template wavelength reidentification for situations where extreme wavelength coverage slits results in reidentification with a purely zero-padded array.

  • Fixed another such bug arising from these zero-padded arrays.

  • (Hotfix) Deal with chk_calibs test

  • Script to generate combined datacubes for IFU data.

  • Changed numpy (> 1.18.0) and scipy (> 1.4.0) version requirements

  • Allow show2d_spec, chk_edges, chk_flats to load older Spec2DObj datamodel versions

  • Implemented a plugin kindly provided by the ginga developers to display images with a secondary wavelength image WCS.

    • Removes dependency on @profxj's ginga fork, and avoids a bug when using WCS image registration in that fork.
    • pypeit/ moved to pypeit/display/ and ginga plugin added to pypeit/diplay directory.
    • ginga plugin registered as an entry point in
    • Added a script to check that the plugins are all available.
    • Installation docs updated. Both ginga and linetools are now installed via pip.
  • Deprecated pypeit/ and pypeit/data/settings

  • Removed h5py as a dependency

  • linetools is now listed in pypeit/requirements.txt until I can check if it still causes readthedocs to fail...

  • Modify Spec2DObj 2D model for float32 images

  • pypeit.tracepca.TracePCA and pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet now subclass from pypeit.datamodel.DataContainer

  • Refactor WaveCalib into a DataContainer

  • Refactor fitting + PypeItFit DataContainer

  • Coadd2D bug fixes

  • Coadd2D without spec1d files

  • Coadd2D offsets

  • Some Coadd2D docs

  • Manual extraction

  • Improve LBT/LUCI


  • QL script for Keck/MOSFIRE (beta version)

  • Correct det bug in keck_lris

  • Modifications to allow for flailing LRISr detector

  • Modifications for parse LRIS LAMPS prior to 2010 upgrade

  • Added support for P200/DBSP and P200/TripleSpec

1.0.6 (22 Jul 2020)

  • (Hotfix) Deal with wavecalib crash
  • Fix class and version check for DataContainer objects.
  • Script to check for calibration files
  • No longer require bias frames as default for DEIMOS
  • Implement grism19 for NOT/ALFOSC
  • Introduced another parameter used to identify box slits, as opposed to erroneous "slits" found by the edge tracing algorithms. Any slit that has minimum_slit_length < length < minimum_slit_length_sci is considered a BOXSLIT, any slit with length < minimum_slit_length is considered a SHORTSLIT; the latter are always ignored.
  • Introduced order matching code into EdgeTraceSet.
    • This helps fix an issue for GNIRS_10L caused by the orders shifting.
    • Introduces two paramters in EdgeTraceSetPar to assist the matching: order_match and order_offset
    • Echelle spectrographs should now always have ech_order defined in the SlitTraceSet object.
    • Removes the need for Spectrograph.slit2order and Spectrograph.order_vec. Changes propagated, primarily in,, and
  • Adds in Keck/LRISr with the original detector
  • Adds in Keck/LRISb with the FITS format

1.0.5 (23 Jun 2020)

  • Add median combining code
  • Make biasframes median combine by default
  • Implemented IFU reduction hooks
  • KCWI reduction complete up to spec2D frames
  • Implemented new flatfield DataContainer to separate pixelflat and illumflat

1.0.4 (27 May 2020)

  • Add a script (pypeit_flux_setup) for creating fluxing, coadd1d and tellfit pypeit files
  • Add telluric fitting script, pypeit_tellfit

1.0.3 (04 May 2020)

  • Add illumflat frametype
  • Enable dark image subtraction
  • Refactor of Calibrations (remove cache, add get_dark)
  • Enable calibration-only run
  • Clean up flat, bias handling
  • Make re-use masters the default mode of run_pypeit
  • Require Python 3.7
  • Fixed a bug in NIRES order finding.
  • Fluxing docs
  • Fix flexure and heliocentric bugs
  • Identify GUI updates

1.0.2 (30 Apr 2020)

  • Various doc hotfixes
  • wavelength algorithm hotfix, such that they must now generate an entry for every slit, bad or good.

1.0.1 (13 Apr 2020)

  • Various hot fixes

1.0.0 (07 Apr 2020)

  • Replaces usage of the tslits_dict dictionary with pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet everywhere. This SlitTraceSet object is now the main master file used for passing around the slit edges once the edges are determined by EdgeTraceSet.
  • Removes usage of pypeit.pixels.tslits2mask and replaces it with pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet.slit_img.
  • Significant changes to flat-fielding control flow.
    • Added rej_sticky, slit_trim, slit_pad, illum_iter, illum_rej, twod_fit_npoly parameters to FlatFieldPar.
    • Illumination flat no longer removed if the user doesn't want to apply it to the data. The flat was always created, but all that work was lost if the illumination correction wasn't requested.
    • Replaced tweak edges method with a more direct algorithm.
    • pypeit.core.flat.fit_flat moved to
  • Reoriented trace images in the EdgeTraceSet QA plots. Added the sobel image to the ginga display.
  • Added bspline_profile_qa for generic QA of a bspline fit.
  • Eliminate MasterFrame class
  • Masks handled by a DataContainer
  • Move DetectorPar into a DataContainer (named DetectorContainer) which enables frame-level construction
  • Advances to DataContainer (array type checking; nested DataContainers; to_master_file)
  • Dynamic docs for calibration images
  • Every calibration output to disk is help within a DataContainer, separate from previous classes. Exception is WaveCalib (this needsd a fit DataContainer first)
  • Substantial refactoring of Calibrations
  • Add MDM OSMOS spectrograph
  • Moved pypeit.core.pydl.bspline into its own module, pypeit.bspline
  • Introduced C backend functions to speed up bspline fitting
    • now require extension_helpers package to build pypeit and necessary files/code in to build the C code
    • C functions will be used by default, but code will revert to pure python, if there's some problem importing the C module
    • Added tests and pre-cooked data to ensure identical behavior between the pure python and C functions.
  • Moved some basis function builders to pypeit.core.basis
  • Release 1.0 doc
  • Lots of new docs
  • pypeit_chk_2dslits script
  • DataContainer's for specobj, bspline
  • Introduction of Spec2DObj, AllSpec2DObj, and OneSpec (for Coadd1D)
  • Added bitmask to SlitTraceSet
  • Introduced SlitTraceSet.spat_id and its usage throughout the code
  • Spatial flexure corrections
    • Significant refactor of
    • Spatial flexure measuring code
    • PypeItPar control
    • Modifications to SlitTraceSet methods
    • Illumflat generated dynamically with different PypeIt control
    • waveimage generated dynamicall and WaveImage deprecated
  • Moved RawImage into ProcessRawImage and renamed the latter to the former
  • Continued refactoring of Calibrations
  • Initial code for syncing SpecObjs across exposures
  • Option to ignore profile masking during extraction
  • Additional code in DataContainer related to MasterFrames
  • Eliminated WaveImage
  • Updates to QL scripts
  • Lots of new tests

0.13.2 (17 Mar 2020)

  • Added PypeIt identify GUI script for manual wavelength calibration
  • Add bitmask tests and print bitmask names that are invalid when exception raised.
  • Parameter set keywords now sorted when exported to an rst table.
  • Enable user to scale flux of coadded 1D spectrum to a filter magnitude
  • Hold RA/DEC as float (decimal degrees) in PypeIt and knock-on effects
  • Add more cards to spec1d header output
  • Fixes a few sensfunc bugs
  • Added template for LRIS 600/7500
  • Deal with non-extracted Standard
  • docs docs and more docs
  • A QA fix too

0.13.1 (07 Mar 2020)

  • Missed a required merge with master before tagging 0.13.0.

0.13.0 (07 Mar 2020)

  • Refactored sensitivity function, fluxing, and coadding scripts and algorithms.
  • Added support for additional near-IR spectrographs.
  • Restrict extrapolation in tilt fitting
  • Implemented interactive sky region selection

0.12.3 (13 Feb 2020)

  • Implemented DataContainer
  • Added fits I/O methods
  • Implemented SlitTraceSet
  • Setup of pypeit.par.pypeitpar parameter sets should now fault if the key is not valid for the given parameter set. NOTE: The check may fail if there are identical keys for different parameter sets.
  • Modification to add_sobj() for numpy 18

0.12.2 (14 Jan 2020)

  • Introduces quick look scripts for MOS and NIRES
  • Bumps dependencies including Python 3.7
  • Modest refactoring of reduce/extraction/skysub codes
  • Refactor of ScienceImage Par into pieces
  • Finally dealt with 'random' windowing of Shane_kast_red
  • Dynamic namp setting for LRISr when instantiating Spectrograph

0.12.1 (07 Jan 2020)

  • Hotfixes: np.histogram error in core/, np.linspace using float number of steps in core/, and sets numpy version to 1.16

0.12.0 (23 Dec 2019)

  • Implemented MOSFIRE and further implemented NIRSPEC for Y-band spectroscopy.
  • Fixed bug in coadd2d.
  • Add VLT/FORS filters to our database
  • Improved DEIMOS frame typing
  • Brings Gemini/GMOS into the suite (R400)
  • Also an important change for autoid.full_template()
  • Fixed trace extrapolation, to fix bugs in object finding. Tweaks to object finding algorithm.
  • Major improvements to echelle object finding.
  • Improved outlier rejection and coefficient fitting in pca_trace
  • Major improvements to coadd routines in coadd1d
  • Introduced telluric module and telluric correction routines
  • Implemented tilt image type which is now a required frame type
  • Streamlined and abstracted echelle properties and echelle routine in spectrograph classes.
  • Revamped 2-d coadding routines and introduced 2-d coadding of MultiSlit data
  • Improved ginga plotting routines.
  • Fixed bug associated with astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats when astropy.stats.mad_std is used.
  • Refactor BPM generation
  • Merge raw_image loading with datasec_img and oscansec_img generation
  • Sync datasec_img to image in ProcessRawImage
  • Started (barely) on a path to having calibration images in counts and not ADU
  • Refactors GMOS for get_rawimage method
  • Enables GMOS overscan subtraction
  • Adds R400 wavelength solution for old E2V chip
  • Revises simple_calib() method for quick and dirty wavelength calibration
  • Adds a related show_wvcalib script
  • Changes to ech_combspec to better treat filenames
  • Fixed bug when bias was set to 'force' which was not bias subtracting
  • Implemented changes to vlt_xshooter_nir to now require darks taken between flats
  • Made flat fielding code a bit more robust against hot pixels at edge of orders
  • Added pypeit_chk_flat script to view flat images
  • Refactored image objects into RawImage, ProcessRawImage, PypeItImage, BuildImage
  • Moved load() and save() methods from MasterFrame to the individual calibration objects
  • Converted ArcImage and FlatImages into counts
  • Added code to allow for IVAR and RN2 image generation for calibs
  • Added several from_master_file() instantiation methods
  • Use coadd2d.weighted_combine() to stack calibration images
  • Major refactor of slit edge tracing
  • Added 'Identify' tool to allow manual identification and calibration of an arc spectrum
  • Added support for WHT/ISIS
  • Added 'Object Tracing' tool to allow interactive object tracing
  • Added code of conduct
  • Deprecated previous tracing code: pypeit.traceslits and pypeit.core.trace_slits, as well as some functions in pypeit.core.extract that were replaced by pypeit.core.moment.moment1d and functions in pypeit.core.trace.
  • PCA now saved to MasterEdges file; added I/O methods
  • Improved CuAr linelists and archives for Gemini wavelength solutions
  • New data model for specobj and specobsj objects (spec1d)
  • Started some improvements to Coadd2D, TBC
  • Allow for the continuum of the arc image to be modeled and subtracted when tracing the line-centroid tilts
  • Include a mask in the line detection in extracted central arc spectrum of each slit/order. For VLT XShooter NIR, this was needed to ensure the sigma calculation didn't include the off-order spectral positions.
  • Added a staticmethed to :class:`pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet` that constructs a tslits_dict object directly from the Master file.

  • Add DOI

0.11.0 (22 Jun 2019)

  • Add magellan_mage, including a new ThAr linelist and an archived solution
  • Polish several key echelle methods
  • Modify create_linelist to default to vacuum
  • Update Xshooter, NIRES, and GNIRS
  • Refactor ProcessImages into ProcessRawImage, PypeItImage, CalibrationImage, ScienceImage, and ImageMask
  • Refactor ScienceImage into SciImgStack
  • Fix arc tilts bug
  • Started an X-Shooter doc and introduced a [process][bias] parameter
  • Modified processing steps for bias + overscan subtraction
  • Started notes on how to generate a new spectrograph in PypeIt
  • Refactoring of reduce to take a ScienceImage object for the images and the mask
  • Updates to many spectrograph files to put datasec, oscansec in the raw frame
  • Add find_trim_edge and std_prof_nsigma parameters
  • A bit of tuning for MagE
  • Fixes for Echelle in fluxspec
  • Writes a chosen set of header cards to the spec1D and coadd files
  • Updates for FORS2
  • Introduced new coadd1d module and some new coadd functinality.
  • modified interface to robust_polyfit_djs, robust_optimize, and djs_reject.
  • Added utility routine cap_ivar for capping the noise level.
  • Fixed a bug in optimal extraction which was causing hot pixels when a large fraction of the pixels on the object profile were masked.
  • Major bug fixes and improvements to echelle object finding. Orders which did not cover the entire detector were not being treated properly.

0.10.1 (22 May 2019)

  • Minor bug fix to allow for None exposure times when typing frames.

0.10.0 (21 May 2019)

  • Enable PyPI

  • Streamline some of the instantiation at the beginning of PypeIt.__init__.

    • Moves the call to default_pypeit_par into config_specific_par.
    • Adds a finalize_usr_build() function to PypeItMetaData to consolidate the few opaque steps when finishing the meta data build.
  • Hack for Kastr

  • Turn on Shane Kastb grism wavelength solutions (not tested)

  • Started splitting Arc Line Templates Notebook into pieces

  • Allows for slice like syntax when defining calibration groups.

  • Introduce 'tilt' frame type. Not used yet. Everything that's typed as an 'arc' is now also typed as a 'tilt'.

  • Use matplotlib 'agg' backend to the top-level to allow for running the code under a screen; may need a better approach.

  • Numerous doc and style fixes

  • Add master_type to MasterFrame (and derived classes), which is used to set the name of the master frame output file.

  • Significant edits to MasterFrame to streamline IO for derived classes. Lead to significant changes to Calibrations.

  • Main paths now set in PypeIt.

  • Allow connect_to_ginga to start up the ginga viewer.

  • Add a pytest skipif that checks if the Cooked directory exists in the dev-suite. Use this to run the tests that only need the raw image data or don't need the dev-suite at all.

  • Move wavelength calibration save/load out of pypeit.wavecalib into

  • Rename default directory for calibration masters to Masters and removed inclusion of spectrograph name.

  • Fix oscan sec in read_lris()

  • Fix bad return in tracewave.tilts_find_lines()

  • Several doc edits

  • Fix handling of maskslits

  • Fix flexure crashing

  • Change pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.get_image_section to always return the sections ordered spectral then spatial to match the PypeIt convention to match how binning is returned. Propagated to get_datasec_img.

  • Changed all functions related to binning to ensure that binning is always ordered spectral vs. spatial with the PypeIt convention that images have shape (nspec,nspat). Includes associated documentation.

  • Allow pypeit.bitmask.BitMask and pypeit.par.parset.ParSet to save and load from fits file headers.

  • Force BitMask definitions in and to use and OrderedDict. They need to be an OrderedDicts for now to ensure that the bits assigned to each key is always the same. As of python 3.7, normal dict types are guaranteed to preserve insertion order as part of its data model. When/if we require python 3.7, we can remove this (and other) OrderedDict usage in favor of just a normal dict.

  • Changed default for add and rm slits parameters.

  • Doc improvements and removal of old, commented methods.

  • Edited function that replaces bad columns in images and added tests.

  • Added with routines to:
    • manipulate numpy.recarray objects and converting them into astropy.fits.BinTableHDU objects.
    • gzip compress a file
    • general parser to pull lists of items from fits headers
  • Added metadata to MasterFrame objects written to fits files.

  • Added 'observed' option for wavelength reference frame that skips any relative motion corrections.

0.9.3 (28 Feb 2019)

  • Fixed a bug that was introduced when the binning was switched to the PypeIt convention.
  • Fixed a bug whereby 2d images were not being saved if no objects were detected.
  • Revamped the naming convention of output files to have the original filename in it.

0.9.2 (25 Feb 2019)

  • Many doc string updates in top level routines (not core)
  • Updates to install and cookbook docs
  • Continued the process of requiring spectrograph and par in each base class
  • More doc + cleaning at top level, e.g. base classes
  • Eliminates BPM base class
  • Hot fix for flatfield; illumflat was getting divided into the pixelflatnrm image
  • Implementation of 2d coadds including a script to perform them.
  • Fixed bug in extract.fit_profile that was introduced when implementing 2d coadds
  • Polynomial order for object finding is now part of parset.
  • Improved X-shooter object tracing by increasing order.
  • Improved determination of threshold determination regions for object finding.
  • Added S/N floor to ivar determination for image procing.
  • Reworked master output for traceslits
  • Fixed a bug associated with binned images being proc'd incorrectly.
  • Fixed master_key outputs in headers to deal with different detectors.
  • Modify -c in pypeit_setup to require a setup (or all) be specified when writing, e.g. 'all' or 'A,C'
  • Generated a new spectrograph child for LRISr in long-slit read-out mode (only 2 amps, 1 per detector)
  • Require astropy >=3.1 [required for coadding at the least]
  • Fixed a circular import which required move qa from wavecal into autoid.
  • Fixed a bug in LRIS-R that spectrograph which was not using binning for wavelength fwhm.
  • Updated docs on add/rm slits.
  • Fixed and tuned up fluxing script and fluxing routines.
  • Introduce sky_sigrej parameter
  • Better handling of ManualExtraction
  • Add template for LRISr 600/5000 wavelengths
  • PYDL LICENSE and licenses folder
  • Updates for new Cooked (v1.0)

0.9.1 (4 Feb 2019)

  • Move write method for sensitivity function
  • Modify I/O for detnum parameter
  • Modify idx code in SpecObj
  • Fixed a bug on datatype formatting
  • Reworked masteframe and all base classes to be more homogenous so that one only ever overloads the save_master and load_master methods.
  • Many changes fixes wavecal/ to make the lines being used explicitly clear. This fixed many bugs in the the wavelength fitting that were recently introduced.
  • Introduced reidentification algorithm for wavelengths and many associated algorithms. Reidentification is now the default for x-shooter and NIRES. Other changes to the wavelength interface and routines to make them more compatible with echelle.
  • Tweaked LA cosmics defaults. Add instrument specific parameters in spectrograh classes along with routines that check binning and decide on best params for LRIS-RED
  • Now updating cosmic ray masking after each global sky subtraction
  • Major developments for echelle functionality, including object wavelengths, and reduction control flow.
  • Introduced to simulate/extract/ID sky and ThAr spectral emission lines.
  • Significant refactor of tracing slit/edge orders and new docs+tests
  • Changed back BPM image to be aligned with datasec not the raw image shape (without trimming)
  • Renabled ability to add user supplied slits
  • Miscellaneious echelle-related advances
  • PNGs of X-Shooter fits
  • Sped up trace plotting in ginga
  • Fussed again with how time is handled in PypeIt. Hopefully the last time..
  • dispaxis renamed specaxis and dispflip to specflip
  • Lots of VLT/X-Shooter development
  • Removed a number of files that had been mistakingly added into the repo
  • Now running on cooked v=0.92
  • Allow for multiple paths to be defined in the pypeit file
  • Changed the procedure used to identify instrument configurations and identify which frames to use when calibrating science exposures.
  • Added configurations, calibration groups, and background index to
  • Total revamp of Tilts. Arc line tracing significantly improved.
  • Fixes to trace_crude_init, trace_fweight, and trace_gweight.
  • Many other small bug fixes and modifications particularly in the fitting routines.
  • Lots of development related to echelle functionality.
  • Major enhancements to fitting routines (in utils)
  • Make GMOS south works and update OH line lists, and also add LBT/MODS.
  • Introduce calib groups
  • Removes setup designation. Largely replaced with master_key
  • Refactor Calibrations class to handle new calib groups
  • Refactor QA to handle new calib groups
  • Refactor tests to handle new calib groups
  • Pushed pieces of run_pypeit into the PypeIt class
  • Removed future as a dependency
  • Change point step size to 50 pixels in show_slits and show_trace for major speed up
  • Implemented difference imaging for near-IR reductions for both Multislit and Echelle
  • Fixed a bug in echelle object finding algorithm.
  • Fixed bug in object finding associated with defining the background level for bright telluric standards and short slits.
  • Implemented using standard stars as crutches for object tracing.
  • Reworked the implementation of reuse_masters in the PypeIt class and in the Calibrations class.
  • New behavior associated with the -o overwrite feature in run_pypeit. User prompting feature has been disabled. Existing science files will not be re-created unless the -o option is set.
  • Fixed a bug where local sky subtraction was crashing when all the pixels get masked.
  • Nearly resurrected simple_calib
  • New method to build the fitstbl of meta data
  • Refactor handling of meta data including a data model defining core and additional meta data
  • Replaces metadata_keys with pypeit_file_keys for output to PypeIt file
  • Updates new metadata approach for VLT, Keck, Lick, Gemini instruments
  • Remove PypeItSetup call from within PypeIt
  • Remove lacosmic specific method in Spectrograph; replaced with config_specific_par
  • setup block now required when running on a PypeIt file
  • Introduced a new method of determining breakpoint locations for local sky subtraction which takes the sampling set by the wavelength tilts into account.
  • Fixed a major bug in the near-IR difference imaging for the case of A-B, i.e. just two images.
  • Introduced routines into core.procimg that will be used in 2-d co-adding.
  • Tweaks to VLT X-SHOOTER spectrograph class to improve reductions.
  • Moved methods for imaging processing from scienceimage class to processimages class.
  • Introduce full_template() method for multi-slit wavelength calibrations; includes nsnippet parameter
  • Generate full template files for LRIS, DEIMOS, Kastb
  • Added a few new Arc lines for DEIMOS in the blue
  • Introduce mask_frac_thresh and smash_range parameters for slit tracing; modified LRISb 300 defaults
  • Updated slit tracing docs
  • Introduced --show command in pypeit_chk_edges
  • Added echelle specific local_skysub_extract driver.
  • Refactored PypeIt and ScienceImage classes and introduced Reduce class. ScienceImage now only does proc-ing whereas reduction operations are done by Reduce. Reduce is now subclassed in an instrument specific way using instantiate_me instead of PypeIt. This was necessary to enable using the same reduction functionality for 2d coadds.
  • Added and improved routines for upcoming coadd2d functionality.
  • Fixed bug in weight determination for 1d spectral coadds.
  • Major fixes and improvements to Telluric corrections and fluxing routines.
  • Fluxing now implemented via a script.
  • Turned flexure back on for several instruments
  • Introduced VLT/FORS2 spectrograph
  • Swapped binspec and binspat in parse binning methods
  • Extended LRISr 1200_900 arc template
  • Modified add/rm slit methods to be spec,spat
  • Add an option in coadding to scale the coadded spectrum to a given magnitude in a given filter
  • Extended DEIMOS 1200G template


  • Major refactor to rename most modules and incorporate the PYPIT -> PypeIt switch
  • Add SlitMask, OpticalModel, and DetectorMap classes. Implemented DEIMOSOpticalModel based on DEEP2 IDL code.
  • Improved treatment of large offsets in pypeit.core.trace_slits.trace_gweight to be symmetric with trace_fweight. Large outlying pixels were breaking object tracing.
  • Added thresholding in pypeit.core.tracewave to ensure that tilts are never crazy values due to extrapolation of fits which can break sky subtraction.
  • Turn off 2.7 Travis testing
  • Integrated arclines into PypeIt
  • Added KDTree algorithm to the wavelength calibration routines
  • Modified debug/developer modes
  • Update SpecObjs class; ndarray instead of list; set() method
  • Completely revamped object finding, global sky subtraction and local sky subtraction with new algorithms.
  • Added -s option to run_pypeit for interactive outputs.
  • Improved pypeit_show_spec2d script.
  • Fixed bug whereby -m --use_master was not being used by run_pypeit script.
  • Overhaul of general algorithm for wavelength calibration
  • Hot fix for bspline + requirements update
  • Fixed issue with biases being written to disk as untrimmed.
  • Completely reworked flat fielding algorithm.
  • Fixed some parsing issues with the .pypeit file for cases where there is a whitepsace in the path.
  • Implemented interactive plots with the -s option which allow the reduction to continue running.
  • Modified global sky subtraction significantly to now do a polynomial fit. This greatly improves results for large slits.
  • Updated loading of spectra and pypeit_show_1dspec script to work with new output data model.
  • Implemeneted a new peak finding algorithm for arc lines which significantly improved wavelength fits.
  • Added filtering of saturated arc lines which fixed issues with wavelength fits.
  • Added algorithms and data files for telluric correction of near-IR spectra.
  • Revamped flat field roiutine to tweak slit boundaries based on slit illumination profile. Reworked calibrations class to accomodate the updated slit boundaries and tilts images as well as update the master files.
  • Include BitMask class from MaNGA DAP.
  • Change the way frame types are include in PypeItSetup.fitstbl
  • Edited KeckLRISSpectrograph header keywords
  • Edited how headers are read from the provided files
  • Created metadata.PypeItMetaData class to handle what was previously fitstbl
  • Fussed with date/time driven by GMOS; date is no longer required in fitstbl
  • Initial work on GMOS; this is still work-in-progress
  • Pushed several arcparam items into the Wavelengths parset
  • Series of hacks for when binning is missing from the fitstbl
  • CuAr line lists for GMOS
  • New option to reduce only 1 det at a time
  • Data provided in pypeit file overwrites anything read from the fits file headers.
  • Filled in fits table reading data for GNIRS
  • Demand frametype column in fits table is U8 format
  • Further improvements to detect_lines arcline detection algorithm.
  • Got rid of arcparam and added info and docs to wavelengths parset.
  • Improved and commented arclines code.
  • Added utilities to wavecalib to compute shift,stretch of two spectra.
  • Completely revamped cross-correlation algorithm in wavecalib to give roburt results.


  • Figuring out how to tag releases


  • First major steps on ARMED echelle data reduction pipeline
  • APF/Levy and Keck/HIRES implemented
  • Updates to blaze function and slit profile fitting
  • Initial support for multislit reduction
  • Coadding; including docs; and tests
  • Now requiring astropy >= v1.3
  • raw_input handling for Python 3
  • coadd handling of bad input
  • coadd bug fix on obj name
  • Init local (i.e. object dependent) parameters in coadding
  • fix local background logic error in slit masking
  • Refactor QA PDF to PNG+HTML
  • Add nminima object finding
  • Add new parameters for object finding, reduce specific detectors
  • Add slit profile QA
  • Begin writing header (e.g. RA/DEC) info to spec1d files
  • Fix bug in applying BPM for finding slit edges
  • Update Ginga hooks
  • Enable archiving/loading sensitivity function
  • Add new cosmic ray algorithms for coadding (especially pairs of spectra)
  • Added support for TNG+Dolores long slit spectrograph
  • Started removing cython code
  • Update line detection algorithm
  • Updated flexure and tilt tracing documentation
  • Updated docs:added standards.rst, and make a small correction in using script pypit_setup in setup.rst
  • Fixed travis
  • Updated slit trace algorithm
  • Improved arc line detection algorithm
  • Added functionality for fully automated wavelength calibration with arclines
  • Switched settings files to allow IRAF style data sections to be defined
  • Allowed data sections to be extracted from header information
  • Significant refactor of routines related to pypit_setup
  • Various small improvements, primarly to handle Gemini/GMOS data [not yet fully supported in PYPIT]
  • Removed majority of cython functionality
  • Moved logging to be a package object using the main file
  • Begin to adhere to PEP8 (mostly)
  • rewritten. Modeled after . Added requirements.txt with the package versions required.
  • Updates archeck
  • Loads NIST arclines from arclines instead of PYPIT
  • DEIMOS reduction!
  • Bug fix for bspline with bkspace
  • Enable loading a sensitivity function with YAML
  • Allow for multiple detectors when using reduce detnum
  • Moved all imports to the start of every file to catch and avoid circular imports, removed most import ... as ... constructs
  • dummy_* removed from arutils as necessary and propagated changes to tests
  • remove dependency of ararclines functions on slf
  • change requirements for astropy to >=1.3.0 so that overwrite is valid
  • include numba in requirements, but actually a requirement of arclines
  • Improve cookbook and setup docs
  • Faster algorithm for defining object and background regions
  • Restore armsgs -d functionality
  • Finished cython to python conversions, but more testing needed
  • Introduce maskslits array
  • Enable multi-slit reduction
  • Bug fixes in trace_slits
  • Fixes what appears to be a gross error in slit bg_subtraction (masking)
  • Turns off PCA tilt QA for now [very slow for each slit]
  • Several improvements for coadding
  • Modify lacosmic to identify tiny CR's
  • Enabled writing Arc_fit QA for each slit/order
  • Refactored comb_frames
  • Refactored load_frames
  • Refactored save_master
  • Refactored get_datasec_trimmed, get_datasec, pix_to_amp
  • Refactored slit_pixels
  • Refactored sub_overscan
  • Refactored trace_slits (currently named driver_trace_slits) and many of its dependencies
  • Added parameter trace_slits_medrep for optional smoothing of the trace slits image
  • Updated a few settings for DEIMOS and LRIS related to tracing slits
  • Added a replace_columns() method to
  • Fixed a bug in new_match_edges()
  • Moved tracing docs -> slit_tracing and edited extensively
  • Updated docs on DEIMOS, LRIS
  • Added the pypit_chk_edges script
  • Added BPM for DEIMOS
  • Added the code for users to add slits [edgearr_from_users()] but have not documented nor made it accessible from the PYPIT file
  • Generated tcrude_edgearr() method for using trace crude on the slit edges
  • Added trace_crude() method that I ported previously for DESI
  • Added multi_sync() method for ARMLSD slit synchronization
  • Have somewhat deprecated the maxgap method
  • Refactored the gen_pixloc() method
  • Generate module for holding pixel level algorithms
  • Move all methods related to TraceSlits to
  • Introduce the TraceSlits class
  • Update armlsd accordingly
  • Remove driver_trace_slits and refctor_trace_slits methods
  • Making Ginga a true dependency of PYPIT
  • Have TraceSlits write/load MasterFrames
  • Introduce SetupClass object
  • Replace armbase.setup_science() with
  • Move setup acitivites to inside
  • doc updates in setup.rst
  • Refactor fitsdict -> fitstbl (variable name not updated everywhere)
  • Removed slurped headers from fitsdict (and therefore fitstbl)
  • Include SetupClass Notebook
  • Move ftype_list from to
  • Bug fix related to fluxing
  • Substantial refactor of
  • Substantial refactor of
  • Introduced base-level ProcessImages class
  • Introduced abstract MasterFrame class
  • Introduced BiasFrame, BPMImage, ArcImage, and TraceImage classes
  • Started NormPixelFlat class but have not yet implemented it
  • Substantial refactoring of armasters
  • Moved arlris, ardeimos to core/
  • Moved image processing methods to arprocimg in core/
  • Introduced calib_dict to hold calibration frames in armlsd (instead of slf)
  • Modified ardeimos to load only a single image (if desired)
  • Turned off fluxing in this branch; is 'fixed' in the one that follows
  • Moved get_slitid() to artraceslits
  • Deprecates ['trace']['combine']['match'] > 0.0 option
  • Deprecates ['arc']['combine']['match'] > 0.0 option
  • Refactoring of settings and slf out of core methods continues
  • Removed _msbias, _msarc, _datasec, _bpix from slf
  • New tests and Notebooks
  • Introduced FluxSpec class
  • Introduce pypit_flux_spec script (and docs)
  • Added FluxSpec Notebook
  • armlsd has reappeared (momentarily) but is not being used; it goes away again in a future branch
  • Added a dict (std_dict) in to hold standard star extractions
  • Reducing standard stars in the main arms loop
  • Modified save_1d_spectra to handle loaded SpecObj in addition to internally generated ones
  • Moved arflux to core and stripped out slf, settings
  • Really restricting to nobj when user requests it
  • New tests
  • Introduces WaveCalib class
  • Push to core/ after removing slf and settings dependencies
  • Further refactor masters including MasterFrame; includes addressing previous comment from RC
  • Removed again
  • Strips wv_calib from ScienceExposure
  • Push get_censpec() to
  • New tests; limited docs
  • TraceSlits load method pushed outside the class
  • Introduces WaveTilts class
  • Significant modification to tilt recipe including deprecation of PCA
  • Moved tilt tracing algorithms from to in core/
  • Added 2D Legendre fitting to polyfit2d_general
  • New trace slits tilts settings (for 2D fitting)
  • New QA plot
  • New pypit_chk_tilts script
  • New docs
  • New tests
  • Introduces FlatField class
  • Adds FlatField Notebook, tests
  • Pushes flat field algorithms into core/
  • Main flatfield method broken into a few pieces
  • Further refactoring of armasters
  • Further refactoring related to settings and ScienceExposure
  • WaveImage class
  • Strip mswave from ScienceExposure
  • New tests
  • Push get_calib methods into the individual classes
  • Significant refactoring in followed
  • Rename slits_dict -> tslits_dict
  • Use tslits_dict in
  • Introduce ScienceImage class
  • Substantial refactoring in followed
  • Notebook too
  • Reversed exposure/det loops for the (last?) time
  • Generated in core/
  • Significant portions of are now superfluous
  • Moved flexure_qa to
  • Significant refactoring of (also moved to core/)
  • Removed settings and slf from
  • Refactored trace_objects_in_slit()
  • Refactoring of flexure algorithms
  • Adds build_crmask() and flat_field() methods to ProcessImages
  • Completed the deprecation of arsciexp (RIP)
  • Many test updates
  • Doc strings improved but no new main docs
  • Completed armasters refactor and moved to core/
  • Adds bspline_profile() method; Used here for skysub but will also show up in extraction
  • Introduces new skysub method; still a bspline but now the new one
  • Adds several methods from the PYDL repository into a module including bspline Class
  • Adds method to generate ximg and edgemask frames
  • Adds new trace_slits_trim settings
  • Small install edits
  • Fixes Travis failure that crept into the previous PR
  • Fix bug in bspline
  • Adds a demo Notebook for LRISr redux
  • Other odds and ends including code flow doc
  • Introduce pypit/par and pypit/config directories
  • Introduce PypitPar as an initial step toward refactoring the front end
  • Final nail in the coffin for cython
  • Add API docs
  • Add bumpversion
  • Adds a demo Notebook for LRISr redux
  • Other odds and ends including code flow doc
  • Introduce pypit/par and pypit/config directories
  • Introduce PypitPar as an initial step toward refactoring the front end
  • Move spectrograph specific code into spectographs/ folder
  • Introduces the Spectrographs class
  • Introduces the Calibrations class with Notebook
  • Bug fix in view_fits script
  • Handle no-slits-found condition
  • Added NIRES to spectrographs folder
  • Fixed logic in ArcImage class related to settings and user settings
  • Added user settings to some of the other classes.
  • Enabled load_raw_frame to take a negative dispersion axis indicating flips.
  • Major bug fixed in bspline_profile where it was producing gargabe results when breakpoints were being rejected.
  • Edits to Spectrograph class
  • Removed all use of settings in ARMS and its subsequent calls. ARMS now uses PypitPar and its sub parameter sets
  • propagated ParSet changes into run_pypit and pypit_setup
  • settings/parameters for pypit now set in the pypit file using a configuration parameter set
  • rewrote pypit file parser
  • Included automatically generated documentation of PypitPar when running make html in doc/ directory
  • Checked orientation of array correct for DATASEC and OSCANSEC in DetectorPar for each Spectrograph
  • Add SpecObjs class
  • Add from_dict and to_dict methods to pydl bspline and update docs
  • Updated from_dict method in pydl bspline

0.7 (2017-02-07)

This file enters the scene.