- React in patterns
- Deploy .NET Machine Learning Models with ML.NET, ASP.NET Core, Docker and Azure Container Instances
- Exposing RethinkDB changefeed from ASP.NET Core
- The HTTP headers we don't want
- How Netlify migrated to a fully multi-cloud infrastructure
- First Look - Angular Ivy
- Announcing SQL Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) and SQL Vulnerability Assessment general availability
- CacheCow 2.0 is here - now supporting .NET Standard and ASP.NET Core MVC
- Debugging Modern Web Applications
- Akka.NET - More for less, more or less
- GitHub personal and organization dashboard changes
- Blazor - Using CoreRT instead of Mono
- Introduction to code analysis in Rider
- Creating NuGet packages in Docker using the .NET Core CLI
- Microservices - maybe not
- PostgreSQL 10.4, 9.6.9, 9.5.13, 9.4.18, and 9.3.23 released
- Kubernetes Chaos Engineering - Lessons Learned
- Optimistic, scalable ACID transactions
- ThoughtWorks Tech Radar 2018
- Microservices First
- How to store time-series data in MongoDB, and why that’s a bad idea
- High Scalability, High Availability, High Stability, High Performance, and High Intelligence Back-End Design Patterns
- Set of guidelines on the trade-offs for using concrete v. extension methods on generic types
- An O(N) Sorting Algorithm - Machine Learning Sorting
- ReasonML vs TypeScript – First impressions
- Announcing the F# Community Forums
- Familiar forms of composition
- Announcing TypeScript 2.9 RC
- Writing a Portable CPU/GPU Ray Tracer in C#
- Composite as a monoid - a business rules example
- New F# style guide
- Odd side-effect check code generation with fixed keyword
- Task, Async Await, ValueTask, IValueTaskSource and how to keep your sanity in modern .NET world
- .NET Framework May 2018 Preview of Quality Rollup
- Support mixed-mode assemblies
- Custom memory allocation in C# Part 1 — Allocating object on a stack
- How you would add a new, fundamental type to the CoreCLR
- The 10 typical sources of uncertainty in Software projects
- After 5 years and $3M, here's everything we've learned from building Ghost
- The Rust compiler is getting faster
- React, Storytelling and Speaking Tips
- Data security on Linux using cryptsetup
- Performance optimization starts at the business process level
- Achieving scalability in quantum computing