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206 lines (195 loc) · 7.56 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (195 loc) · 7.56 KB

2.5.0 (November 19, 2022)

  • Deprecate haxe 3
  • Fix FlxUICursor camera scroll (#233)

2.4.0 (September 12, 2021)

  • Compatibility with flixel 4.10.0

2.3.3 (July 2, 2020)

  • Fixed deprecation warnings with Haxe 4.2

2.3.2 (February 4, 2019)

  • Compatibility with Haxe 4.0.0-rc.1
  • Fixed <sprite> path when src is RAW: (#212)

2.3.1 (August 10, 2018)

  • Compatibility with latest Haxe dev
  • Compatibility with Lime 7's HL target

2.3.0 (May 4, 2018)

  • Compatibility with flixel 4.4.0
  • FlxUIDropDownMenu: fixed menus dropping in the wrong direction sometimes (flixel-demos#256)
  • FlxUI: disabled warnings for using flixel-ui elements outside of a FlxUIState

2.2.0 (October 11, 2016)

  • Compatibility with flixel 4.2.0
  • FlxUICheckBox: fixed alignment on HTML5 (#192)
  • FlxInputText: added focusGained and focusLost (#176)
  • FlxUITooltipManager:
    • fixed tooltips being off-screen sometimes (#181)
    • added support for tooltips on non-clickable elements (#182)
    • added cameras (#187)
  • FlxUIState / FlxUISubState: finished reload_ui_on_resize (#188)
  • FlxUIButton / FlxUI9SliceSprite: added color arguments to new() (#180)
  • FlxInputText: fixed an issue with caret positions in empty textfields (#193)
  • Assets are now included with "embed=true" (#198)

2.1.0 (July 10, 2016)

  • Compatibility with flixel 4.1.0
  • FlxUI:
    • added tolerance_plus / tolerance_minus attributes for <load_if>
    • added fontStr(), fontSize() and font()
    • added support for overriding the internal "screen" asset
    • fixed a spacing issue in alignments
  • FlxUIState: added onShowTooltip()
  • FlxUISubState:
    • added createUI() (#169)
    • added onShowTooltip()
  • FlxUITooltip:
    • added a ShowArrow argument to show()
    • fixed rendering artifacts by using integer rounding
  • FlxUITooltipManager: added fixedPosition, showTooltipArrow, isVisible(), stickyTooltipFor() and showTooltipFor()
  • FlxUILine: [Cpp] fixed thickness
  • FlxUIButton: added support for labelOffsets in addIcon() (#175)
  • FlxMultiGamepadAnalogStick: added null safety checks
  • FlxUICursor:
    • added getCurrentWidget() and clearWidgets()
    • fixed several bugs
  • FlxUIList: fixed a minor positioning issue
  • U: added setButtonLabel()
  • Added support for Firteongue font replacement rule integration

2.0.0 (February 16, 2016)

  • Compatibility with flixel 4.0.0
  • FlxUI:
    • added getAllAssets()
    • added getAssetKeys()
    • added support for auto-scaled images in xml
    • added <position>
    • added liveFilePath and support for live reloading
    • added support for different rounding modes in xml
    • added basic support for setting and comparing variables in xml
    • added <load_if>
    • the spacing attribute in <align> can now use formulas
    • added to_height attribute to <scale>
    • 9-slice sprites can now be scaled before 9-slice-scaling in xml
    • added setVariable()
    • added sendToFront() and sendToBack()
    • added getAssetGroup()
    • added <inject>
    • added support for an alpha attribute to all widget tags
  • IFlxUIWidget:
    • renamed id to name
  • FlxUITypedButton:
    • can now have a separate toggle label
    • added copyStyle()
    • added getCenterLabelOffset()
    • added clone()
    • active can now be set in xml
    • added autoResizeLabel
    • up / over / down colors are now nullable
    • loadGraphicSlice9() and loadGraphicsMultiple() now take an array of FlxGraphicAssets instead of String
  • FlxUIText:
    • now implements IHasParams
    • border="none" / border="false" is now supported in xml
    • added clone()
    • added support for resizing
  • FlxUISprite:
    • added support for resizing
    • now automatically scales if width, height or resize_ratio are specified in xml
  • FlxUIRadioGroup:
    • added getLabel()
    • added getId()
    • added support for active / inactive states
  • FlxUIRadioButton:
    • the box and dot can now be loaded as sprites (<dot> and <box>)
  • FlxUIInputText:
    • password_mode can now be set in xml
  • FlxUIState:
    • added loadUIFromData()
    • added createUI()
    • no longer sets FlxG.mouse.visible to true automatically
    • added setUIVariable()
    • added tooltips
  • FlxUISubState:
    • added BGColor argument to new()
    • added tooltips
  • FlxUINumericStepper:
    • addeds support for decimals
  • FlxUICursor:
    • added gamepad support
  • FlxUIDropDownMenu:
    • now drops upwards if height exceeds FlxG.height
    • added dropDirection and FlxUIDropDownMenuDropDirection
  • FlxUIColorSwatchSelecter:
    • added support for custom swatch graphics
  • FlxUIGroup:
    • added setScrollFactor()
  • U:
    • added endline()
    • added loadImageScaleToHeight()
    • added unparentXML()
  • Added FontDef
  • Added BorderDef
  • Added ButtonLabelStyle
  • Added FlxUIBar
  • Added FlxMultiGamepad
  • Added FlxMultiGamepadAnalogStick
  • Renamed MultiKey to FlxMultiKey
  • Added FlxUITooltip and FlxUITooltipManager
  • Added FlxUILine

1.0.2 (April 24, 2014)

  • Compatibility with flixel 3.3.0
  • Added FlxUIList
    • A configurable, scrollable list that is an arbitrary collection of IFlxUIWidgets
  • Added FlxUICursor
    • A configurable keyboard-controlled cursor that can click anything clickable
  • Added FlxUISlider
    • As seen in FlxBunnyMark
    • Rudimentary for now, will be improved later
  • Added FontDef, BorderDef, and ButtonLabelStyle style structure
  • FlxUITypedButton:
    • Added "CLICK_EVENT" to forceStateHandler()
    • Exposed setCenterLabelOffset()
    • Added "round_labels" parameter for better bitmap font rendering, true by default
    • Fixed bug where non-toggling buttons still had toggling behavior
    • Fixed "first frame flutter" where label correctly positions only after first update()
    • Newly constructed unstyled instances use default flixel-ui assets immediately
  • FlxUIButton
    • Resizing now updates label's width AND fieldWidth
  • FlxInputText/FlxUIInputText:
    • Fixed bugs with caret positions
    • Minor cleanup / bugfixes
  • FlxUIPopup
    • Fixed bug where events were sent to itself rather than parent state
  • FlxUIColorSwatch / FlxUIColorSwatchSelecter
    • Cleanup
    • Fixed null errors on neko
  • FlxUITabMenu
    • Make "back" parameter optional, creates default asset if null
  • FlxUI
    • Fixes to _loadButton that solve weird neko crashes
    • XML Layout: Assigning a sprite AND a text label to a button will now add them both (uses a group)
    • XML Layout: You can now change "params" values via modes
  • Lots of cleanup in various classes
  • Improved internal pooling and safe destruction
  • Added pretty-printed XML output to U.hx
  • Updated documentation a little. Still need to catch up.

1.0.1 (February 21, 2014)

  • Compatibility with flixel 3.2.0
  • Refactored the event system
  • FlxUIInputText:
    • fixed issue with RegExp error
    • fixed background not showing up on native targets
    • fixed the destruction logic
    • added workaround for missing getCharIndexAtPoint() / getCharBoundary() on non-flash targets
  • FlxUIDropDownMenu:
    • content can now be changed after creation
    • fixed list destruction logic
  • Added FlxUIColorSwatch / FlxUIColorSwatchSelector

1.0.0 (February 6, 2014)

  • Initial haxelib release