On-demand scanning of websites for accessibility and security vulnerabilities/compliance / Analyse à la demande des sites Web pour les vulnérabilités/conformité en matière d'accessibilité et de sécurité
- Create new alembic database migration to insert new scan_type
- Add new scan_type to AvailableScans class in
- Associate validator_list to new scan_type in
- Add new SNS topic for the new scan (api terraform)
- Add new S3 report bucket via terraform + IAM permissions to store results for processing by the api (api terraform)
- Add new lambda function via terraform + IAM permissions to be invoked by SNS
- Update api terraform
to include newly created items - Create a new lambda nodejs project in
- If using ECS
- Create a runner under
. This will be invoked by your nodejs lambda. - Create ECS task definition TF and associated container definition
- Create a runner under
- If using ECS
- Create new entries for your scanner under the various actions in
- TF plan (CI only)
- TF apply (Make changes to Production)
- Build container to test dockerbuild (CI only)
- Build and push container to ECR (Push to Production)
- Profit 🎉
- https://scan-websites.alpha.canada.ca/en/template > New
- Create the new scan with the selected scanner
- Grab the token for the template scan created
- Create a scheduled workflow in the project you would like to scan:
name: Scan for security vulnerabilities (Weekly on Sunday)
- cron: "0 12 * * 0"
name: Run scan websites (security)
uses: cds-snc/scan-websites/.github/workflows/start_scan.yml@main
dynamic: true
scan_websites_key: ${{ secrets.SCAN_WEBSITES_KEY }}
scan_websites_template: ${{ secrets.SCAN_WEBSITES_TEMPLATE }}
- You can also trigger a scan directly in a workflow with:
curl -X GET -H 'X-API-KEY: ${{ secrets.SCAN_WEBSITES_KEY }}' -H 'X-TEMPLATE-TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SCAN_WEBSITES_TEMPLATE }}' https://scan-websites.alpha.canada.ca/scans/start
Run this in a dev container.
To interact with aws localstack use
make install && make install-dev
cd api && make seed
laws s3api list-buckets
laws s3api list-objects --bucket oswasp-zap-report-data --prefix Reports
laws s3api put-object --bucket owasp-zap-report-data --key Reports/
laws s3 cp zap_report.json s3://owasp-zap-report-data/Reports/
laws s3 rm s3://owasp-zap-report-data/Reports/zap_report.json
docker ps
docker logs --follow [localstack CONTAINER_ID]