Little board that connects 4 Cherry Switches and 4 LEDs to a Wemos D1 Mini Board
- ESP-Cerry: KiCad Project of the Board
- gehaeuse: OpenSCAD Project for a 3D printed casing
- U1: Wemos D1 Mini
- Switches SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4: CHERRY MX-Switches, choose to your liking
- Resistors R1, R2: Pull-Up-Resistors for SW3 and SW4, 1kΩ - 100kΩ should be fine
- LEDs D1, D2, D3, D4: LEDs to iluminate the Keykaps, choose to your liking. Use LEDs which fit your switches. The switches I used fit 3mm LED's but some do not
- Resistors R3, R4, R5, R6: protective resistors for LEDs D1, D2, D3, D4: choose whatever fits your LEDs to be powered from 3.3V.
- Add R7 = 4.7kΩ and U2 = DS18B20 for temperature mesurement
- Power the Wemos D1 via USB, it powers the rest of the board (or solder 3.3V or 5V directly to the Wemos)
- Mounting Holes fit M3 screws
- Mounting Holes Positions in mm from the lower left corner of the board:
- 5.08, 20.32
- 5.08, 40.64
- 5.08, 58.42
- 5.08, 78.74
- 52.07, 7.62
- 52.07, 78.74
- Use whatever can control IO pins
- I use Tasmota-Firmware with the following IO-settings:
- Modul type: 18 Generic
- D3 GPIO0: 15 Switch7
- D4 GPIO2: 16 Switch8
- D2 GPIO4: 14 Switch6
- D1 GPIO5: 13 Switch5
- D6 GPIO12: 22 Relay2
- D7 GPIO13: 21 Relay1
- D5 GPIO14: 23 Relay3
- D0 GPIO16: 24 Relay4
- otherwise: 00 None