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1738 lines (1239 loc) · 64.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1738 lines (1239 loc) · 64.2 KB


A library that contains some functions and optimizations for gmod.
If you need any function, make an issue for it, and I'll look into it.


So currently to get it working on Windows, I would have to redo most of the hooks, and It would also take a good while.
Because of this, I'm not going to make it currently. I'm gonna slowly start adding all symbols and then someday I'm going to redo most hooks.
But for now there won't be a release.

How to Install (Linux 32x)

  1. Download the ghostinj.dll, holylib.vdf and from the latest release.
  2. Put the ghostinj.dll into the main directory where srcds_linux is located.
  3. Put the holylib.vdf into the garrysmod/addons/ directory.
  4. Put the into the garrysmod/lua/bin/ directory.
  5. Add -usegh to the servers startup params.
    If you use a panel like Pterodactyl or something similar, you can use the gamemode field(in most cases) like this: sandbox -usegh

If you already had a ghostinj.dll, you can rename it to ghostinj2.dll and it will be loaded by holylib's ghostinj.

How to Install (Linux 64x)

  1. Download the holylib.vdf and from the latest release.
  2. Put the holylib.vdf into the garrysmod/addons/ directory.
  3. Put the into the garrysmod/lua/bin/ directory.

Next Update

- [+] vprof module now works on 64x
- - [#] Also fixed vprof itself on 64x / Solved Facepunch/garrysmod-issues#6019
- [+] Added HolyLib.SetSignonState, HolyLib.InvalidateBoneCache function and the HolyLib:PostEntityConstructor hook. - [+] Added steamworks.ForceAuthenticate to steamworks module.
- [+] HolyLib:On[Generic/Model]PrecacheFail hooks now also allow you to change the fallback.
- [#] Model and Generic precache now fallsback to -1 instead of 0 by default.
- - [+] Added holylib_precache_[model/generic]fallback to change the fallback if wanted.
- - [#] Models now will be errors if they fail to precache.
- [#] util.AsyncCompress/Decompress now use two seperate threadpools(You can change their size with the new convars).
- [#] Fixed a small reference leak in util.AsyncCompress/Decompress. The function was leaked so it's not too big.
- [#] Extented vprof to include two more functions that call hooks.
- - gameevent.Listen callbacks and Gamemode startup hooks should now also show up.
- - Gamemode startup hooks that are now included are: GM:CreateTeams, GM:PreGamemodeLoaded, GM:OnGamemodeLoaded, GM:PostGamemodeLoaded and GM:Initialize.
- [#] Fixed a bug in vprof that caused CallWithArgs to show up.
- - shouldn't be a thing since CallFinish should always be called after it.
- [#] VoiceData:GetUncompressedData got the decompressSize argument.
- [#] Fixed VoiceData:GetUncompressedData always erroring (#11)
- [#] Fixed Steam3Server symbol.
- [#] Fixed ghostinj crashing on shutdown on 64x.
- [#] Implemented a fix for Facepunch/garrysmod-issues#6031

You can see all changes here:

QoL updates

  • [#] Cleaned up module code a bit.


- Finish 64x (pvs, sourcetv, surffix)
- Find out why ConVars are so broken. (Serverside path command breaks :<)
- Look into filesystem handle optimization
- Try to fix that one complex NW2 bug. NOTE: It seems to be related to baseline updates (Entity Creation/Deletion)
- Also fix physenv module.
- - Add a hook for physics simulation & possibly stopping it.
- extent vprof module to add a vprof lua object. Should allow one to use vprof in lua.
- Look into StaticPropMgr stuff. May be interresting.
- Add a bind to CAI_NetworkManager::BuildNetworkGraph or StartRebuild
- Possibly allow on to force workshop download on next level change.

The Navigator

- holylib
- gameevent
- threadpoolfix
- precachefix
- stringtable
- - INetworkStringTable
- pvs
- surffix
- filesystem
- util
- concommand
- vprof
- sourcetv
- - HLTVClient
- bitbuf
- - bf_read
- - bf_write
- networking
- steamworks
- systimer
- pas
- voicechat
- - VoiceData

Unfinished Modules
- bass
- serverplugins

Issues implemented / fixed
Some things for later

Possible Issues

Models have prediction errors/don't load properly

This is most likely cause by the filesystem prediction.
You can use holylib_filesystem_showpredictionerrors to see any predictions that failed.
You can solve this by setting holylib_filesystem_predictexistance 0.
The convar was disabled by default now because of this.


Each module has its own convar holylib_enable_[module name] which allows you to enable/disable specific modules.
You can add -holylib_enable_[module name] 0 to the startup to disable modules on startup.

Every module also has his holylib_debug_[module name] version and command line option like above, but not all modules use it.
The modules that use that convar have it listed in their ConVars chapter.
All hooks that get called use hook.Run. Gmod calls gamemode.Call.


This module contains the HolyLib library.


bool HolyLib.Reconnect(Player ply)

Player ply - The Player to reconnect.

Returns true if the player was successfully reconnected.

HolyLib.HideServer(bool hide)

bool hide - true to hide the server from the serverlist.
Will just set the hide_server convar in the future.

HolyLib.FadeClientVolume(Player ply, number fadePercent, number fadeOutSeconds, number holdTime, number fadeInSeconds)

Fades out the clients volume.
Internally just runs soundfade with the given settings on the client.


Forces all queried commands to be executed/processed.

bool HolyLib.IsMapValid(string mapName)

Returns true if the given map is valid.

bf_write HolyLib.EntityMessageBegin(Entity ent, bool reliable)

Allows you to create an entity message.

NOTE: If the bitbuf module is disabled, it will throw a lua error!

bf_write HolyLib.UserMessageBegin(IRecipientFilter filter, string usermsg)

Allows you to create any registered usermessage.

NOTE: If the bitbuf module is disabled, it will throw a lua error!


Finishes the active Entity/Usermessage.
If you don't call this, the message won't be sent! (And the engine might throw a tantrum)

HolyLib.BroadcastCustomMessage(number type, string name, bf_write buffer)

Sends a custom net message to all clients.
This function allows you send any netmessage you want.
You should know what your doing since this function doesn't validate anything.
You can find all valid types in the protocol.h

HolyLib.SendCustomMessage(number type, string name, bf_write buffer, Player ply)

Same as BroadcastCustomMessage but it only sends it to the specific player.

HolyLib.InvalidateBoneCache(Entity ent)

Invalidates the bone cache of the given entity.

NOTE: Only uses this on Entities that are Animated / Inherit the CBaseAnimating class. Or else it will throw a Lua error.

bool HolyLib.SetSignonState(Player/number ply/userid, number signOnState, number spawnCount)

Sets the SignOnState for the given client.
Returns true on success.


string HolyLib:GetGModTags()

Allows you to override the server tags.
Return nothing / nil to not override them.


hook.Add("HolyLib:GetGModTags", "Example", function()
	local tags = {
		"gm:sandbox", -- Gamemode name. (Not title!)
		"gmc:sandbox", -- Gamemode category
		"ver:"..VERSION, -- Server version
		"loc:de", -- server location
		"hltv:1", -- mark the server as a hltv server.
		"gmws:123456789", -- Gamemode workshop id (Do collectons work? idk)

	return table.concat(tags, " ")

HolyLib:PostEntityConstructor(Entity ent, String className)

Called before CBaseEntity::PostConstructor is called.
This should allow you to set the EFL_SERVER_ONLY flag properly.


This module contains additional functions for the gameevent library.
With the Add/Get/RemoveClient* functions you can control the gameevents that are networked to a client which can be useful.


(int or table) gameevent.GetListeners(string name)

string name(optional) - The event to return the count of listeners for.
If name is not a string, it will return a table containing all events and their listener count:

	["player_spawn"] = 1

NOTE: Can return nil on failure.

bool gameevent.RemoveListener(string name)

string name - The event to remove the Lua gameevent listener from.

Returns true if the listener was successfully removed from the given event.

table gameevent.GetClientListeners(Player ply or nil)

Returns a table containing all gameevents the given client is listening to.
If not given a player, it will return a table containing all players and the gameevent they're listening to.

bool gameevent.RemoveClientListener(Player ply, string eventName or nil)

Removes the player from listening to the given gameevent.
If the given gameevent is nil it will remove the player from all gameevents.

Returns true on success.

bool (Disabled)gameevent.AddClientListener(Player ply, String eventName)

Adds the given player to listen to the given event.

Returns true on success.

IGameEvent gameevent.Create(String eventName, bool force = false)

Creates the given gameevent.
Can return nil on failure.

bool gameevent.FireEvent(IGameEvent event, bool bDontBroadcast = false)

Fires the given gameevent.
If bDontBroadcast is specified, it won't be networked to players.

bool gameevent.FireClientEvent(IGameEvent event, Player ply)

Fires the given event for only the given player.

IGameEvent gameevent.DuplicateEvent(IGameEvent event)

Duplicates the given event.

gameevent.BlockCreation(string name, bool block)

Blocks/Unblocks the creation of the given gameevent.


string IGameEvent:__tostring()

Returns the a formated string.
Format: IGameEvent [%s]
%s -> Gameevent name


Deletes the gameevent internally.

bool IGameEvent:IsValid()

Returns true if the gameevent is valid.

bool IGameEvent:IsEmpty()

Returns true if the gameevent is empty.

bool IGameEvent:IsReliable()

Returns true if the gameevent is reliable.

bool IGameEvent:IsLocal()

Returns true if the gameevent is only local/serverside.
This means it won't be networked to players.

string IGameEvent:GetName()

Returns the gameevent name.

bool IGameEvent:GetBool(string key, bool fallback)

Returns the bool for the given key and if not found it returns the fallback.

number IGameEvent:GetInt(string key, number fallback)

Returns the int for the given key and if not found it returns the fallback.

number IGameEvent:GetFloat(string key, number fallback)

Returns the float for the given key and if not found it returns the fallback.

string IGameEvent:GetString(string key, string fallback)

Returns the string for the given key and if not found it returns the fallback.

IGameEvent:SetBool(string key, bool value)

Sets the bool for the given key.

IGameEvent:SetInt(string key, number value)

Sets the int for the given key.

IGameEvent:SetFloat(string key, number value)

Sets the float for the given key.

IGameEvent:SetString(string key, string value)

Sets the string for the given key.


bool HolyLib:PreProcessGameEvent(Player ply, table gameEvents, number plyIndex)

Called when the client sends the gameevent list it wants to listen to.
Return true to stop the engine from future processing this list.

NOTE: This and the hook below may be called with a NULL player.
it is caused by the player registering the gameevents before he spawned/got an entity.
Because of this, the third argument was added.

HolyLib:PostProcessGameEvent(Player ply, table gameEvents, number plyIndex)

Called after the engine processed the received gameevent list.


holylib_gameevent_callhook (default 1)

If enabled, it will call the gameevent hooks.

holylib_debug_gameevent (default 0)

My debug stuff :> It'll never be important for you.


This module modifies CThreadPool::ExecuteToPriority to not call CThreadPool::SuspendExecution when it doesn't have any jobs.
This is a huge speed improvement for adding searchpaths / mounting legacy addons.

NOTE: This requires the ghostinj.dll to be installed!


This module removes the host error when the model or generic precache stringtable overflows.
Instead it will throw a warning.

If these stringtables overflow, expect the models that failed to precache to be an error.


HolyLib:OnModelPrecache(string model, number idx)

string model - The model that failed to precache.
number idx - The index the model was precache in.

number HolyLib:OnModelPrecacheFail(string model)

string model - The model that failed to precache.
Return a index number to let the engine fallback to that model or return nil to just let it become an error model.

HolyLib:OnGenericPrecache(string file, number idx)

string file - The file that failed to precache.
number idx - The index the file was precache in.

number HolyLib:OnGenericPrecacheFail(string file)

string file - The file that failed to precache.
Return a index number to let the engine fallback to that generic or return nil to just let it be.
Idk if it's a good Idea to play with it's fallback.


holylib_precache_modelfallback(default -1)

The fallback index if a model fails to precache.
-1 = Error Model
0 = Invisible Model

holylib_precache_genericfallback(default -1)

The fallback index if a generic fails to precache.


This module adds a new library called stringtable, which will contain all functions to handle stringtables,
and it will a hook for when the stringtables are created, since they are created while Lua was already loaded.

NOTE: For now, all functions below are just a bind to their C++ versions -> INetworkStringTable


INetworkStringTable stringtable.CreateStringTable(string tablename, number maxentries, number userdatafixedsize = 0, number userdatanetworkbits = 0)

string tablename - The name for the stringtable we want to create.
number maxentries - The maximal amount of entries.
number userdatafixedsize(default 0) - The size of the userdata.
number userdatanetworkbits(default 0) - The networkbits to use for the userdata.

Returns nil or a INetworkStringTable.


Nuke all stringtables. BOOOM

INetworkStringTable stringtable.FindTable(string tablename)

string tablename - The table to search for

Returns nil or the INetworkStringTable

INetworkStringTable stringtable.GetTable(number tableid)

number tableid - The tableid of the table to get

Returns nil or the INetworkStringTable

number stringtable.GetNumTables()

Returns the number of stringtables that exist.

INetworkStringTable stringtable.CreateStringTableEx(string tablename, number maxentries, number userdatafixedsize = 0, number userdatanetworkbits = 0, bool bIsFilenames = false )

string tablename - The name for the stringtable we want to create.
number maxentries - The maximal amount of entries.
number userdatafixedsize(default 0) - The size of the userdata.
number userdatanetworkbits(default 0) - The networkbits to use for the userdata.
bool bIsFilenames(default false) - If the stringtable will contain filenames.

stringtable.SetAllowClientSideAddString(INetworkStringTable table, bool bAllowClientSideAddString)

INetworkStringTable table - The table to set it on
bool bAllowClientSideAddString - If clients should be able to modify the stringtable.

bool stringtable.IsCreationAllowed()

Returns whether you're allowed to create stringtables.


Returns if the stringtable is locked or not.

stringtable.AllowCreation(bool bAllowCreation)

Sets whether you're allowed to create stringtable.


stringtable.CreateStringTable("example", 8192)

NOTE: Please use the HolyLib:OnStringTableCreation hook to add custom stringtables.

stringtable.RemoveTable(INetworkStringTable table)

Deletes that specific stringtable.


This is a metatable that is pushed by this module. It contains the functions listed below

string INetworkStringTable:GetTableName()

Returns the name of the stringtable

number INetworkStringTable:GetTableId()

Returns the id of the stringtable

number INetworkStringTable:GetNumStrings()

Returns the number of strings this stringtable has

number INetworkStringTable:GetMaxStrings()

Returns the maximum number of string this stringtable has

number INetworkStringTable:GetEntryBits()

ToDo: I have no idea

INetworkStringTable:SetTick(number tick)

number tick - The tick to set the stringtable to

Returns the number of strings this stringtable has

bool INetworkStringTable:ChangedSinceTick(number tick)

number tick - The tick to set the stringtable to

Returns whether or not the stringtable changed since that tick.

number INetworkStringTable:AddString(bool bIsServer, const char* pStr)

bool bIsServer - Weather or not the server is adding this value? (Idk, added it so you have more control.)
string pStr - The string to add

Returns the index of the added string.

string INetworkStringTable:GetString(number index)

number index - The index to get the string from

Returns the string from that index

table INetworkStringTable:GetAllStrings()

Returns a table containing all the strings.

number INetworkStringTable:FindStringIndex(string pStr)

string pStr - The string to find the index of

Returns the index of the given string.

INetworkStringTable:DeleteAllStrings(bool nukePrecache = false)

Deletes all strings from the stringtable.
If nukePrecache is true, it will remove all precache data for the given stringtable.

INetworkStringTable:SetMaxEntries(number maxEntries)

number maxEntries - The new limit for entries.

Sets the new Entry limit for that stringtable.

The new limit will work but for some stringtables, it might cause issues, where the limits are hardcoded clientside.
A list of known stringtables with hardcoded limits:

  • modelprecache -> Limited by CClientState::model_precache
  • genericprecache -> Limited by CClientState::generic_precache
  • soundprecache -> Limited by CClientState::sound_precache
  • decalprecache -> Limited by CClientState::decal_precache
  • networkvars -> Limited by the internal net message used.

NOTE: If there are already more entries than the new limit, they won't be removed.
(This could cause issues, so make sure you know what you're doing.)

bool INetworkStringTable:DeleteString(number index)

Deletes the given string at the given index.

Returns true if the string was deleted.

NOTE: Currently this deletes all strings and readds all except the one at the given index. This is slow and I need to improve it later.
NOTE: This also removes the precache data if you delete something from modelprecache or so.

bool INetworkStringTable:IsValid()

Returns true if the stringtable is still valid.

INetworkStringTable:SetStringUserData(number index, string data, number length = NULL)

Sets the UserData for the given index.
length is optional and should normally not be used. It could cause crashes is not used correctly!

How this could be useful:

local dataTablePaths = {
	"/lua/", -- The order is also important!
	-- Add paths that are frequently used to the top so there the first one to be checked for a file.  
	-- This will improve the performance because it will reduce the number of paths it checks for a file.

	"/addons/exampleaddon/lua/", -- Each legacy addon that has a lua folder has it's path.  

local client_lua_files = stringtable.FindTable("client_lua_files")
client_lua_files:SetStringUserData(0, table.concat(dataTablePaths, ";")) -- Set our new datatable paths.
-- Reducing the amount of paths will improve clientside filesystem performance
-- You can see all datapack paths by running "datapack_paths" clientside or printing it like this:
-- print(client_lua_files:GetStringUserData(0))
-- NOTE: Changes to the datatable path will only affect the lcl search path clientside.

string, number INetworkStringTable:GetStringUserData(number index)

Returns the userdata of the given index.
Second return value is the length/size of the data.

INetworkStringTable:SetNumberUserData(number index, number value)

Sets the number as userdata for the given string.

number INetworkStringTable:GetNumberUserData(number index)

Returns the userdata of the given index. It needs to be a int!

INetworkStringTable:SetPrecacheUserData(number index, number value)

Sets the CPrecacheUserData and sets the flags of it to the given value.

number INetworkStringTable:GetPrecacheUserData(number index)

Returns the flags of CPrecacheUserData.


This module adds these enums

number stringtable.INVALID_STRING_INDEX

This value is returned if the index of a string is invalid, like if INetworkStringTable:AddString fails.


This module calls these hooks from (hook.Run)


You can create stringtables inside this hook.
If you want to create stringtables outside this hook, use stringtable.AllowCreation


This adds a bunch of PVS related functions.



Resets the current PVS.

bool pvs.CheckOriginInPVS(Vector vec)

Checks if the given position is inside the current PVS.

pvs.AddOriginToPVS(Vector vec)

Adds the given Origin to the PVS. Gmod already has this function.

number pvs.GetClusterCount()

Returns the number of clusters that exist.

number pvs.GetClusterForOrigin(Vector vec)

Returns the cluster id of the given origin.

bool pvs.CheckAreasConnected(number area1, number area2)

Returns whether or not the given areas are connected.
We don't validate if you pass valid areas!

number pvs.GetArea(Vector vec)

Returns the area id of the given origin.

pvs.GetPVSForCluster(number clusterID)

Sets the current PVS to that of the given cluster.
We don't validate if the passed cluster id is valid!

bool pvs.CheckBoxInPVS(Vector mins, Vector maxs)

Returns whether or not the given box is inside the PVS.

pvs.AddEntityToPVS(Entity ent or table ents)

Adds the given entity index to the PVS

pvs.OverrideStateFlags(Entity ent or table ents, number flags, bool force)

table ents - A sequential table containing all the entities which states flags should be overridden.
bool force - Allows you to set the flags directly. It won't make sure that the value is correct!
Overrides the StateFlag for this Snapshot.
The value will be reset in the next one.
NOTE: If you use force, you should know what your doing or else it might cause a crash.

pvs.SetStateFlags(Entity ent or table ents, number flags, bool force)

table ents - A sequential table containing all the entities which states should be set.
bool force - Allows you to set the flags directly. It won't make sure that the value is correct!
Sets the State flag for this entity.
Unlike OverrideStateFlag, this won't be reset after the snapshot.
NOTE: If you use force, you should know what your doing or else it might cause a crash.

number pvs.GetStateFlags(Entity ent, bool force)

bool force - Allows you to get all flags instead of only the ones for networking.
Returns the state flags for this entity.

bool pvs.RemoveEntityFromTransmit(Entity ent or table ents)

table ents - A sequential table containing all the entities that should be removed from being transmitted.
Returns true if the entity or all entities were successfully removed from being transmitted.

NOTE: Only use this function inside the HolyLib:PostCheckTransmit hook!


Removes all Entities from being transmitted.

NOTE: Only use this function inside the HolyLib:PostCheckTransmit hook!

pvs.AddEntityToTransmit(Entity ent or table ents, bool always)

table ents - A sequential table containing all the entities that should be transmitted.
bool always - If the entity should always be transmitted? (Verify)

Adds the given Entity to be transmitted.

NOTE: Only use this function inside the HolyLib:PostCheckTransmit hook!

(REMOVED AGAIN) pvs.IsEmptyBaseline()

Returns true if the baseline is empty.
This should always be the case after a full update.

NOTE: Only use this function inside the HolyLib:PostCheckTransmit hook!
REMOVED: This function was removed since I can't get it to work / It would be a bit more complicated than first anticipated.

pvs.SetPreventTransmitBulk(Entity ent or table ents, Player ply or table plys or RecipientFilter filter, bool notransmit)

table ents - A sequential table containing all the entities that should be affected.
table plys - A sequential table containing all the players that it should set it for.
bool notransmit - If the entity should stop being transmitted.

Adds the given Entity to be transmitted.



The Entity won't be networked.


The Entity will always be networked.


The Entity will only be networked if it's inside the PVS.


The Entity's ShouldTransmit function will be called, and its return value will be used.


HolyLib:PostCheckTransmit(Entity ply, table entities)

entity ply - The player that everything is transmitted to.
table enitites - The Entities that get transmitted. Only available if holylib_pvs_postchecktransmit is set to 2 or higher.

NOTE: This hook is only called when holylib_pvs_postchecktransmit is enabled!


holylib_pvs_postchecktransmit (default 0)

If enabled, it will add/call the HolyLib:PostCheckTransmit hook.
If set to 2 it will also pass a table containing all entitites to the hook (The second argument)


This module ports over Momentum Mod's surf fixes.


sv_ramp_fix (default 1)

If enabled, it will enable additional checks to make sure that the player is not stuck in a ramp.

sv_ramp_initial_retrace_length (default 0.2, max 5)

sv_ramp_bumpcount (default 8, max 32)


This module contains multiple optimizations for the filesystem.


holylib_filesystem_easydircheck (default 0)

If enabled, it will check if the file contains a . after the last /.
If so it will cause CBaseFileSystem::IsDirectory to return false since we assume it's a file.
This will cause file.IsDir to fail on folders with names like these test/test1.23.

holylib_filesystem_searchcache (default 1)

If enabled, it will cause the filesystem to use a cache for the searchpaths.
When you try to open a file with a path like GAME which has multiple searchpaths, it will check each one until its found.
Now, the first time it searches for it, if it finds it, we add the file and the searchpath to a cache and the next time the same file is searched for, we try to use our cache search path.

This will improve file.Open, file.Time and file.Exists.
The more searchpaths exist, the bigger the improvement for that path will be. Example (I got 101 legacy addons):

lua_run local a = SysTime() for k=1, 1000 do file.Exists("garrysmod.ver", "GAME") end print(SysTime()-a)

Disabled: 1.907318733
Enabled: 0.035948700999995

You also can test it using the MOD path. The performance of file.Exists for any search path and MOD should be somewhat near each other since, it checks the same amount of searchpaths while this is enabled.

lua_run local a = SysTime() for k=1, 1000 do file.Exists("garrysmod.ver", "GAME") end print(SysTime()-a)

lua_run local a = SysTime() for k=1, 1000 do file.Exists("garrysmod.ver", "MOD") end print(SysTime()-a)
  • If the file doesn't exist, it will still go thru all search paths to search for it again!
  • I don't know if this has any bugs, but while using this for ~1 Month on a server, I didn't find any issues.
  • It will also improve the MOD search path since it also has multiple search paths.

holylib_filesystem_optimizedfixpath (default 1)

If enabled, it will optimize the CBaseFileSystem::FixPath function by caching the BASE_PATH.

holylib_filesystem_earlysearchcache (default 1)

If enabled, it will check the searchcache inside CBaseFileSystem::OpenForRead.

holylib_filesystem_forcepath (default 1)

If enabled, it will force the pathID for specific files.

holylib_filesystem_splitgamepath (default 1)

If enabled, it will split each GAME path into multiple search paths, depending on it's contents.
Then when you try to find a file with the GAME search path, it will change the pathID to the content path.

File: cfg/game.cfg
Path: GAME
File: cfg/game.cfg

This will reduce the amount of searchpaths it has to go through which improves performance.

Content paths:

  • materials/ -> CONTENT_MATERIALS
  • models/ -> CONTENT_MODELS
  • sound/ -> CONTENT_SOUNDS
  • maps/ -> CONTENT_MAPS
  • resource/ -> CONTENT_RESOURCE
  • scripts/ -> CONTENT_SCRIPTS
  • gamemodes/ -> LUA_GAMEMODES
  • lua/includes/ -> LUA_INCLUDES

holylib_filesystem_splitluapath (default 0)

Does the same for lsv to save performance.

BUG: This currently breaks workshop addons.

Lua paths:

  • sandbox/ -> LUA_GAMEMODE_SANDBOX
  • effects/ -> LUA_EFFECTS
  • entities/ -> LUA_ENTITIES
  • weapons/ -> LUA_WEAPONS
  • lua/derma/ -> LUA_DERMA
  • lua/drive/ -> LUA_DRIVE
  • lua/entities/ -> LUA_LUA_ENTITIES
  • vgui/ -> LUA_VGUI
  • postprocess/ -> LUA_POSTPROCESS
  • matproxy/ -> LUA_MATPROXY
  • autorun/ -> LUA_AUTORUN

holylib_filesystem_splitfallback (default 1)

If enabled, it will fallback to the original searchpath if it failed to find something in the split path.
This is quite slow, so disabling this will improve performance to find files that doesn't exist.

holylib_filesystem_predictpath (default 1)

If enabled, it will try to predict the path for a file.

Your loading a model.
First you load the example.mdl file.
Then you load the example.phy file.
Here we can check if the example.mdl file is in the searchcache.
If so, we try to use the searchpath of that file for the .phy file and since all model files should be in the same folder, this will work for most cases.
If we fail to predict a path, it will end up using one additional search path.

holylib_filesystem_predictexistance (default 0)

If enabled, it will try to predict the path of a file, but if the file doesn't exist in the predicted path, we'll just say it doesn't exist.
Doesn't rely on holylib_filesystem_predictpath but it also works with it together.

The logic for prediction is exactly the same as holylib_filesystem_predictpath but it will just stop checking if it doesn't find a file in the predicted path instead of checking then all other searchpaths.

holylib_filesystem_fixgmodpath (default 1)

If enabled, it will fix up weird gamemode paths like sandbox/gamemode/sandbox/gamemode which gmod likes to use.
Currently it fixes these paths:

  • [Active gamemode]/gamemode/[anything]/[active gamemode]/gamemode/ -> (Example: sandbox/gamemode/spawnmenu/sandbox/gamemode/spawnmenu/)
  • include/include/

(EXPERIMENTAL) holylib_filesystem_cachefilehandle (default 0)

If enabled, it will cache the file handle and return it if needed.

NOTE: This will probably cause issues if you open the same file multiple times.
WARNING: This is a noticeable improvement, but it seems to break .bsp files :/

holylib_debug_filesystem (default 0)

If enabled, it will print all filesyste suff.



Dumps the searchcache into the console.
ToDo: Allow one to dump it into a file.


Dumps the path for the given searchpath id.
The id is the one listed with each file in the dumped searchcache.


Nukes the searchcache.


Shows all files that were predicted to not exist.


This module also adds a filesystem library which should generally be faster than gmod's functions, because gmod has some weird / slow things in them.
It also gives you full access to the filesystem and doesn't restrict you to specific directories.

(FSASYNC Enum) filesystem.AsyncRead(string fileName, string gamePath, function callBack(string fileName, string gamePath, FSASYNC status, string content), bool sync)

Reads a file async and calls the callback with the contents.

filesystem.CreateDir(string dirName, string gamePath = "DATA")

Creates a directory in the given path.

filesystem.Delete(string fileName, string gamePath = "DATA")

Deletes the given file.

bool filesystem.Exists(string fileName, string gamePath)

Returns true if the given file exists.

table(Files), table(Folders) filesystem.Find(string filePath, string gamePath, string sorting = "nameasc")

Finds and returns a table containing all files and folders in the given path.

bool filesystem.IsDir(string fileName, string gamePath)

Returns true if the given file is a directory.

File filesystem.Open(string fileName, string fileMode, string gamePath = "GAME")

Opens the given file or returns nil on failure.

bool filesystem.Rename(string origFileName, string newFileName, string gamePath = "DATA")

Renames the given file and returns true on success.

number filesystem.Size(string fileName, string gamePath = "GAME")

Returns the size of the given file.

number filesystem.Time(string fileName, string gamePath = "GAME")

Returns the unix time of the last modification of the given file / folder.

filesystem.AddSearchPath(string folderPath, string gamePath, bool addToTail = false)

Adds the given folderPath to the gamePath searchpaths.

bool filesystem.RemoveSearchPath(string folderPath, string gamePath)

Removes the given searchpath and returns true on success.

filesystem.RemoveSearchPaths(string gamePath)

Removes all searchpaths with that gamePath

filesystem.RemoveSearchPaths("GAME") -- Removes all GAME searchpaths.


Removes all searchpaths.

string filesystem.RelativePathToFullPath(string filePath, string gamePath)

Returns the full path for the given file or nil on failure.

string filesystem.FullPathToRelativePath(string fullPath, string gamePath = nil)

Returns the relative path for the given file.

number filesystem.TimeCreated(string fileName, string gamePath = "GAME")

Returns the time the given file was created.
Will return nil if the file wasn't found.

number filesystem.TimeAccessed(string fileName, string gamePath = "GAME")

Returns the time the given file was last accessed.
Will return nil if the file wasn't found.


This module adds two new functions to the util library.


util.AsyncCompress(string data, number level = 5, number dictSize = 65536, function callback)

Works like util.Compress but it's async and allows you to set the level and dictSize.
The defaults for level and dictSize are the same as gmod's util.Compress.

Instead of making a copy of the data, we keep a reference to it and use it raw!
So please don't modify it while were compressing / decompressing it or else something might break.

util.AsyncCompress(string data, function callback)

Same as above, but uses the default values for level and dictSize.

util.AsyncDecompress(string data, function callback)

Works like util.Decompress but it's async.

string util.FancyTableToJSON(table tbl, bool pretty, bool ignorecycle)

ignorecycle - If true it won't throw a lua error when you have a table that is recursive/cycle.

Convers the given table to json.
Unlike Gmod's version, this function will turn the numbers to an integer if they are one/fit one.


holylib_util_compressthreads(default 1)

The number of threads to use for util.AsyncCompress.
When changing it, it will wait for all queried jobs to first finish before changing the size.

holylib_util_decompressthreads(default 1)

The number of threads to use for util.AsyncDecompress.

NOTE: Decompressing seems to be far faster than compressing so it doesn't need as many threads.


This module unblocks quit and exit for RunConsoleCommand.


holylib_concommand_disableblacklist (default 0)

If enabled, it completely disables the concommand/convar blacklist.


This module adds VProf to gamemode calls and adds two convars.


holylib_vprof_exportreport (default 1)

If enabled, vprof results will be dumped into a file in the vprof/ folder

holylib_sv_stressbots (default 0)

Sets the value of sv_stressbots.
sv_stressbots is a hidden convar which is very useful for performance tests with bots.


This module adds one function to the cvars library.

NOTE: The lua library is named cvar because the cvars library is fully declared in Lua and were running before it even exists.


table cvar.GetAll()

Returns a sequential table with all ConVar's that exist.

bool cvar.SetValue(string name, string value)

Set the convat to the given value. Returns true on success.


This module plans to add a new sourcetv library and a new class HLTVPlayer will allow a SourceTV client to send net messages to the server.


bool sourcetv.IsActive()

Returns true if sourcetv is active.

bool sourcetv.IsRecording()

Returns true if sourcetv is recording.

bool sourcetv.IsMasterProxy()

Returns true if sourcetv server is the master proxy.

bool sourcetv.IsRelay()

Returns true if the sourcetv server is a relay.

number sourcetv.GetClientCount()

Returns the number of sourctv clients connected.

number sourcetv.GetHLTVSlot()

Returns the slot of the sourcetv client/bot.

number sourcetv.StartRecord(string fileName)

string fileName - The name for the recording.

Returns one of the RECORD_ enums.

string sourcetv.GetRecordingFile()

Returns the filename of the current recording. or nil.

number sourcetv.StopRecord()

Stops the active record.

Returns one of the RECORD_ enums.
If successfully stopped, it will return sourcetv.RECORD_OK.

table sourcetv.GetAll()

Returns a table that contains all HLTV clients. It will return nil on failure.

HLTVClient sourcetv.GetClient(number slot)

Returns the HLTVClient at that slot or nil on failure.

sourcetv.FireEvent(IGameEvent event)

Fires the gameevent for all hltv clients / broadcasts it.


This is a metatable that is pushed by this module. It contains the functions listed below

string HLTVClient:__tostring()

Returns the a formated string.
Format: HLTVClient [%i][%s]
%i -> UserID
%s -> ClientName

string HLTVClient:GetName()

Returns the name of the client.

string HLTVClient:GetSteamID()

Returns the steamid of the client.

NOTE: Currently broken / will return STEAM_ID_PENDING

number HLTVClient:GetUserID()

Returns the userid of the client.

number HLTVClient:GetSlot()

Returns the slot of the client. Use this for sourcetv.GetClient.

void HLTVClient:Reconnect()

Reconnects the HLTV client.

void HLTVClient:ClientPrint(string message)

Prints the given message into the client's console.

NOTE: It won't add \n at the end of the message, so you will need to add it yourself.

bool HLTVClient:IsValid()

Returns true if the client is still valid.

bool (Experimental) HLTVClient:SendLua(string code)

Sends the given code to the client to be executed.
Returns true on success.

NOTE: This function was readded back experimentally. It wasn't tested yet. It's still broken but doesn't crash

HLTVClient:FireEvent(IGameEvent event)

Fires/sends the gameevent to this specific client.

NOTE: This function is currently broken and will be readded when it's fixed.


sourcetv.RECORD_OK = 0

The recording was started.


SourceTV is not active!

sourcetv.RECORD_NOTMASTER = -2

the sourcetv server is not the master!

sourcetv.RECORD_ACTIVE = -3

there already is an active record!

NOTE: Should we allow multiple active record? I think I could implement it. If wanted, make a request for it.

sourcetv.RECORD_NOTACTIVE = -4

there is no active recording to stop!


The filepath for the recording is invalid!


A file with that name already exists!


HolyLib:OnSourceTVNetMessage(HLTVClient client, bf_read buffer)

Called when a HLTVClient sends a net message to the server.


hook.Add("HolyLib:OnSourceTVNetMessage", "Example", function(client, bf)
	local name = util.NetworkIDToString(bf:ReadShort())) -- Reads the header
	print(name, bf:ReadString())

---- Client

	net.WriteString("Hello World from HLTVClient");

HolyLib:OnSourceTVCommand(HLTVClient client, string cmd, table args, string argumentString)

Called when a HLTVClient sends a command.
return true to tell it that the command was handled in Lua.


hook.Add("HolyLib:OnSourceTVCommand", "Example", function(client, name, args, argString)
	if name == "Example" then
		client:ClientPrint("Hello World from HLTVServer\n")
		return true


holylib_sourcetv_allownetworking (default 0)

If enabled, HLTV Clients can send net messages to the server and HolyLib:OnSourceTVNetMessage will be called.

holylib_sourcetv_allowcommands (default 0)

If enabled, HLTV Clients can send commands to the server and HolyLib:OnSourceTVCommand will be called.


This module adds a bf_read and bf_write class.


bf_read bitbuf.CopyReadBuffer(bf_read buffer)

Copies the given buffer into a new one.
Useful if you want to save the data received by a client.

bf_read bibuf.CreateReadBuffer(string data)

Creates a read buffer from the given data.
Useful if you want to read the userdata of the instancebaseline stringtable.

bf_write bitbuf.CreateWriteBuffer(number size or string data)

Create a write buffer with the given size or with the given data.


This class will later be used to read net messages from HLTV clients.

ToDo: Finish the documentation below and make it more detailed.

string bf_read:__tostring()

Returns the a formated string.
Format: bf_read [%i]
%i -> size of data in bits.


Deletes the buffer internally.

number bf_read:GetNumBitsLeft()

Returns the number of bits left.

number bf_read:GetNumBitsRead()

Returns the number of bits read.

number bf_read:GetNumBits()

Returns the size of the data in bits.

number bf_read:GetNumBytesLeft()

Returns the number of bytes left.

number bf_read:GetNumBytesRead()

Returns the number of bytes read.

number bf_read:GetNumBytes()

Returns the size of the data in bytes.

number bf_read:GetCurrentBit()

Returns the current position/bit.

NOTE: This is only available for the 32x!

bool bf_read:IsOverflowed()

Returns true if the buffer is overflowed.

number bf_read:PeekUBitLong(number numBits)

number bf_read:ReadBitAngle(number numBits)

angle bf_read:ReadBitAngles()

Reads and Angle.

number bf_read:ReadBitCoord()

NOTE: This is only available for the 32x!

number bf_read:ReadBitCoordBits()

NOTE: This is only available for the 32x!

number bf_read:ReadBitCoordMP(bool bIntegral, bool bLowPrecision)

NOTE: This is only available for the 32x!

number bf_read:ReadBitCoordMPBits(bool bIntegral, bool bLowPrecision)

NOTE: This is only available for the 32x!

number bf_read:ReadBitFloat()

number bf_read:ReadBitLong(number numBits, bool bSigned)

Reads a number with the given number of bits.

NOTE: This is only available for the 32x!

number bf_read:ReadBitNormal()

string bf_read:ReadBits(number numBits)

Reads the given number of bits.

vector bf_read:ReadBitVec3Coord()

Reads a Vector.

vector bf_read:ReadBitVec3Normal()

Reads a normalizted Vector.

number bf_read:ReadByte()

Reads a byte.

string bf_read:ReadBytes(number numBytes)

Reads the given number of bytes.

number bf_read:ReadChar()

Reads a char.

number bf_read:ReadFloat()

Reads a float.

number bf_read:ReadLong()

Reads a long.

number bf_read:ReadLongLong()

Reads a long long.

bool bf_read:ReadOneBit()

Reads one bit.

number bf_read:ReadSBitLong(number numBits)

Reads a number with the given amout of bits.

number bf_read:ReadShort()

Reads a short.

number bf_read:ReadSignedVarInt32()

number bf_read:ReadSignedVarInt64()

string bf_read:ReadString()

Reads a string.

number bf_read:ReadUBitLong(number numBits)

Read a number with the given amount of bits.

number bf_read:ReadUBitVar()

number bf_read:ReadVarInt32()

number bf_read:ReadVarInt64()

number bf_read:ReadWord()


Resets the current position and resets the overflow flag.

bool bf_read:Seek(number iPos)

Sets the current position to the given position.
Returns true on success.

bool bf_read:SeekRelative(number iPos)

Sets the current position to the given position relative to the current position. Basicly newPosition = currentPosition + iPos
Returns true on success.


string bf_write:__tostring()

Returns the a formated string.
Format: bf_write [%i]
%i -> size of data in bits.


Deletes the buffer internally.

bool bf_write:IsValid()

returns true if the buffer is still valid.

string bf_write:GetData()

Returns the written data.

number bf_write:GetNumBytesWritten()

Returns the number of bytes written.

number bf_write:GetNumBytesLeft()

Returns the number of bytes that are unwritten.

number bf_write:GetNumBitsWritten()

Returns the number of bits written.

number bf_write:GetNumBitsLeft()

Returns the number of bits left.

number bf_write:GetMaxNumBits()

Returns the maximum number of bits that can be written.

bool bf_write:IsOverflowed()

Returns true if the buffer is overflowed.


Resets the buffer.

string bf_write:GetDebugName()

Returns the debug name.

bf_write:SetDebugName(string debugName)

Sets the debug name.
You should keep a reference to the string.

bf_write:SeekToBit(number bit)

Seeks to the given bit.

bf_write:WriteFloat(number value)

Writes a float.

bf_write:WriteChar(number value)

Writes a char.

bf_write:WriteByte(number value)

Writes a byte.

bf_write:WriteLong(number value)

Writes a long.

bf_write:WriteLongLong(number value)

Writes a long long.

bf_write:WriteBytes(string data)

Writes the given bytes to the buffer.

bf_write:WriteOneBit(bool value)

Writes one bit.

bf_write:WriteOneBitAt(number bit, bool value)

Sets the given bit to the given value.

bf_write:WriteShort(number value)

Writes a short.

bf_write:WriteWord(number value)

Writes a word.

bf_write:WriteSignedVarInt32(number value)

bf_write:WriteSignedVarInt64(number value)

bf_write:WriteVarInt32(number value)

bf_write:WriteVarInt64(number value)

bf_write:WriteUBitVar(number value)

bf_write:WriteUBitLong(number value, number bits, bool signed)

bf_write:WriteBitAngle(number value, number bits)

bf_write:WriteBitAngles(Angle ang)

Writes an Angle. (QAngle internally).

bf_write:WriteBitVec3Coord(Vector vec)

Writes a Vector.

bf_write:WriteBitVec3Normal(Vector vec)

bool bf_write:WriteBits(string data, number bits)

Writes the given number of bits from the data into this buffer.
Returns true on success.

bool bf_write:WriteBitsFromBuffer(bf_read buffer, number bits)

Writes the given number of bits from the given buffer into this buffer.
Returns true on success.

NOTE: The current position for the given buffer will change as we internally read from it!

bf_write:WriteBitNormal(number value)

bf_write:WriteBitLong(number value)

bf_write:WriteBitFloat(number value)

bf_write:WriteBitCoord(number value)

bf_write:WriteBitCoordMP(number value, bool bIntegral, bool bLowPrecision)


This module tries to optimize anything related to networking.
Currently, this only has one optimization which was ported from sigsegv-mvm into here.


This module adds a few functions related to steam.



Shutdowns the Steam Server.


Starts/Activates the Steam Server.


Returns true if the Steam Server is connected.


Calls the SV_InitGameServerSteam function to activate the steam server exactly like the engine does it.

bool steamworks.ForceAuthenticate(number userID)

Marks the given client as Authenticated even if they aren't.


HolyLib:OnSteamDisconnect(number result)

Called when our Steam server loses connection to steams servers.


Called when our Steam server successfully connected to steams servers.


This module is just the timer library, but it doesn't use CurTime.

NOTE: Timer repetitions are limited to an unsigned int.


bool systimer.Adjust(string name, number delay, number reps = nil, function callback = nil)

Adjusts the timer with the given name with the new values.
Returns true if the timer was successfully adjusted.


Does nothing / deprecated.

systimer.Create(string name, number delay, number reps, function callback)

Creates a timer with the given name.

bool systimer.Exists(string name)

Returns true if the given timer exists.

systimer.Remove(string name)

Removes the given timer.

number systimer.RepsLeft(string name)

Returns the number of reps left for the given timer.
Returns 0 if the timer wasn't found or the reps are below 0.

systimer.Simple(number delay, function callback)

Creates a simple timer.

bool systimer.Start(string name)

Returns true if the given timer was successfully started again.

bool systimer.Stop(string name)

Returns true if the given timer was successfully stopped.

number systimer.TimeLeft(string name)

Returns the time left until the given timer is executed again.
Returns 0 if the timer wasn't found.

bool systimer.Toggle(string name)

Toggles the given timer.
Returns true if the timer was activated/started again.

bool systimer.Pause(string name)

Returns true if the given timer was successfully paused.

bool systimer.UnPause(string name)

Unpauses the given timer.
Unlike systimer.Start this won't reset the time left until it executes again.


This module plans to add a few PAS related functions like table pas.FindInPAS(Vector pos or Entity ent).
If you got an Idea for a function to add, feel free to comment it into its issue.


table pas.FindInPAS(Entity/Vector vec)

Returns a sequential table containing all entities in that PAS.

bool pas.TestPAS(Entity/Vector pas, Entity/Vector hearPos)

Tests if the give hear position is inside the given pas.
Returns true if it is.

bool pas.CheckBoxInPAS(Vector mins, Vector maxs, Vector pas)

Checks if the given pox is inside the PAS.
Returns true if it is.


This module contains a few things to control the voicechat.
You could probably completly rework the voicechat with this since you could completly handle it in lua.


voicechat.SendEmptyData(Player ply, number playerSlot = ply:EntIndex()-1)

Sends an empty voice packet.
If playerSlot isn't specified it will use the player slot of the given player.

voicechat.SendVoiceData(Player ply, VoiceData data)

Sends the given VoiceData to the given player.
It won't do any processing, it will just send it as it is.

voicechat.BroadcastVoiceData(VoiceData data, table plys = nil)

Same as voicechat.SendVoiceData but broadcasts it to all players.
If given a table it will only send it to thoes players.

voicechat.ProcessVoiceData(Player ply, VoiceData data)

Let's the server process the VoiceData like it was received from the client.
This can be a bit performance intense.
NOTE: This will ignore the set player slot!

bool voicechat.IsHearingClient(Player ply, Player targetPly)

Returns true if ply can hear the targetPly.

bool voicechat.IsProximityHearingClient(Player ply, Player targetPly)

Returns true if ply can hear the targetPly in it's proximity.

VoiceData voicedata.CreateVoiceData(number playerSlot = 0, string data = NULL, number dataLength = NULL)

Creates a new VoiceData object.

NOTE: All Arguments are optional!


VoiceData is a userdata value that is used to manage the voicedata.

string VoiceData:__tostring()

Returns VoiceData [%i(Player Slot)][%i(Length/Size)].


Garbage collection. Deletes the voice data internally.

var VoiceData:__index()


bool VoiceData:IsValid()

Returns true if the VoiceData is still valid.

string VoiceData:GetData()

Returns the raw compressed voice data.

number VoiceData:GetLength()

Returns the length of the data.

number VoiceData:GetPlayerSlot()

Returns the slot of the player this voicedata is originally from.

string VoiceData:GetUncompressedData(number decompressSize = 20000)

number decompressSize - The number of bytes to allocate for decompression.

Returns the uncompressed voice data.

bool VoiceData:GetProximity()

Returns if the VoiceData is in proximity.

VoiceData:SetData(string data, number length = nil)

Sets the new voice data.

VoiceData:SetLength(number length)

Sets the new length of the data.

VoiceData:SetPlayerSlot(number slot)

Sets the new player slot.

VoiceData:SetProximity(bool bProximity)

Sets if the VoiceData is in proximity.


HolyLib:PreProcessVoiceChat(Player ply, VoiceData data)

Called before the voicedata is processed.
Return true to stop the engine from processing it.

Example to record and play back voices.

concommand.Add("record_me", function()
	hook.Remove("Think", "VoiceChat_Example") -- Doesn't like to play back while recording :^
	voiceTbl = {}
	hook.Add("HolyLib:PreProcessVoiceChat", "VoiceChat_Example", function(ply, voiceData)
		if !voiceTbl[ply] then
			voiceTbl[ply] = {}

		voiceTbl[ply][engine.TickCount() - voiceStartTick] = voiceData 
		-- We save the tick delays since the voice data isn't sent every frame and has random delays.

concommand.Add("stop_record", function()
	hook.Remove("HolyLib:PreProcessVoiceChat", "VoiceChat_Example")

concommand.Add("play_me", function(ply)
	if !voiceTbl[ply] then
		ply:ChatPrint("You first need to record.")

	if !player.GetBots()[1] then

	hook.Remove("HolyLib:PreProcessVoiceChat", "VoiceChat_Example")

	voiceIdx = 0
	hook.Add("Think", "VoiceChat_Example", function()
		if !IsValid(ply) then
			hook.Remove("Think", "VoiceChat_Example")

		voiceIdx = voiceIdx + 1 
		local voiceData = voiceTbl[ply][voiceIdx]
		-- We play it back in the exact same tick delays we received it in to not speed it up affect it in any way.
		if voiceData then 
			voicechat.ProcessVoiceData(player.GetBots()[1], voiceData)

The Engine's voicechat but in Lua:

hook.Add("HolyLib:PreProcessVoiceChat", "VoiceCHat_Engine", function(pClient, voiceData)
	if GetConVar("voice_debugfeedbackfrom"):GetBool() then
		print(string.format("Sending voice from: %s - playerslot: %d", pClient:Name(), pClient:EntIndex()))

	local iLength = voiceData:GetLength()
	for _, pDestClient in player.Iterator() do
		local bSelf = pDestClient == pClient
		local bHearsPlayer = voicechat.IsHearingClient(pDestClient, pClient)

		voiceData:SetProximity(voicechat.IsProximityHearingClient(pDestClient, pClient))

		if !bHearsPlayer && !bSelf then continue end


		if !bHearsPlayer then
			-- Still send something, just zero length (this is so the client
			-- can display something that shows knows the server knows it's talking).

		voicechat.SendVoiceData(pDestClient, voiceData)

	return true -- Stop Engine handling since we fully handled it


holylib_voicechat_hooks(default 1)

If enabled, the VoiceChat hooks will be called.

Unfinished Modules


This module will add functions related to the bass dll.
Does someone have the bass libs for 2.4.15? I can't find them :<


bass.PlayFile(string filePath, string flags, function callback)

callback - function(IGMODAudioChannel channel, int errorCode, string error)
Creates a IGMODAudioChannel for the given file.

bass.PlayURL(string URL, string flags, function callback)

callback - function(IGMODAudioChannel channel, int errorCode, string error)
Creates a IGMODAudioChannel for the given url.


This module adds two new IServerPluginCallbacks functions:
virtual void OnLuaInit( GarrysMod::Lua::ILuaInterface* LUA )
virtual void OnLuaShutdown( GarrysMod::Lua::ILuaInterface* LUA )

For a plugin to be loaded by HolyLib, you need to expose HolyLib's Interface.
You can expose both HolyLib's and the normal interface since the order of the virtual functions are the same.
This should already work but I never tested it completly yet (Or I forgot that I did test it).

Issues implemented / fixed

gameevent.GetListeners -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2377
stringtable.FindTable("modelprecache"):GetNumStrings() -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#82
threadpoolfix -> Facepunch/garrysmod-issues#5932
HolyLib.Reconnect(ply) -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2089
pvs.AddEntityToPVS(ent) -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#245
util.AsyncCompress(data, nil, nil, callback) -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2165
It now throws a warning instead of crashing -> Facepunch/garrysmod-issues#56
HolyLib.Reconnect(ply) -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2089
concommand module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#1534
vprof module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2374
cvar.GetAll -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#341
sourcetv module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2298
bitbuf module(unfinished) -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#594
HLTV class / sourcetv module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2237
surffix module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2306
filesystem.TimeCreated & filesystem.TimeAccessed -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#1633
systimer module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#1671
pas module -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#140
HolyLib.InvalidateBoneCache -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#1920
HolyLib:PostEntityConstructor -> Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2440

Things planned to add:

(Should be possible?)Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#756
(Gonna make a seperate ConVar for it)Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2120

Some things for later

NW Networking

NW uses a usermessage NetworkedVar
Write order:

  • WriteLong -> Entity handle
  • Char -> Type ID
  • String -> Var name (Planned to change to 12bits key index in next net compact)
  • (Value) -> Var value. (Depends on what type it is)

NW2 Networking

NW2 writes it to the baseline.
Write order:

  • 12 bits - Number of net messages networked.
  • 1 bit - Magic bool. Idk if true, it wil call GM:EntityNetworkedVarChanged (Verify)


  • 12 bits - var key index
  • 3 bits - var type
  • x bits -var value